HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-12-17; City Council; 2189-1; Tentative Map Time ExtensionTHE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA .» ? • # „/? >/**s . ' __x_ /*"* - * / 0 U "" Agenda Bill No. ^f ^ /du&&+M2& ;*y ^ Date December 17. 1974 Referred To: Subject: Standard Pacific of San Diego Submitted By: Tentative map time extension CT 73-39 (Spinnaker Hill) subdivision located City Engineer, easterly of and adjacent to Lagoon Lane, 350 feet southerly of Poinsettia Lane and Lagoon Lane. Statement of the Hatter On November 7, 1973, the City Council, by Resolution No. 3255, approved the tentative map of Carlsbad Tract 73-39. The owner has requested that the subject tentative map be extended for a period of one year to November 7, 1975. The City Engineer advises the Planning, Engineering, Fire and Building Departments have been contacted to determine if they have any objections to the extension of the tentative map, and therefore, having no objections, it is recom- mended that the City Council approve the extension of the tentative map. Furthermore, the developer has proposed a seven-phase development plan not considered in the tentative map processing. It is intended that this phasing be incorporated in the tentative map extension. The first unit and its subsequent additions can, as numbered, function independently of the undeveloped remainder of units, allowing the seventeen (17) conditions of Resolution No. 3255 to apply to each unit as it is processed. Exhibit A. letter requesting extension B. -letter £r,om Carlsbad Unified School District C. Resolution No. "3255 D. Sevised tentative map, showing phasing (wall exhibit). Staff Recommendations Adopt a motion approving the applicant's request that the tentative map of Carlsbad Tract 73-39 (Spinnaker Hills) be extended for a period of one year firera^date-of expiration^adding condition that development proceed according to the phasing shown on the revised tentative map, each phase subject to the seventeen (17) conditions of Resolution No. 3255. 1W A D Ho.Date: December 17. 1974 City Manager's Recommendation Cojicur Council Action . • • 12-17-74 -It was agreed that this matter be continued to the next ragular meeting."(January 7, 1975). ' 1--7-75 A time extens-ion was granted to Standard Pacific'of • San Diego • • for tentative map-," Carlsbad Tract 73-39 (Spinnaker Hi 11) to November 7, 1975. . . I ANDARD PACIFIC P F SAN DIEGO October 18, 1974 Mayor Robert C. Frazee and Members of the City Council CITY OF CARLSBAD 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Attn: Mrs. Margaret Adams, City Clerk Ref: Carlsbad Tract 73-39 Spinnaker Hill Gentlemen: On November 7, 1973, the City Council approved Resolution No. 3255 approving the conditions for the above referenced project. The project would be well under construction now if it were not for the nearly one year delay caused by the Coastal Commission. Consequently, we request a one year extension of the approval of the map. Very truly yours, STANDARD PACIFIC OF SAN DIEGO . Robert M. Allan President RMArcin cc: Donald A. Agatep, City Planning Director Jerry Hofmaister, Rick Engineers Donald B. Ayres, Sr. ,374 7570 clairsmant m»sa blv<t. / san diego, California 921ft / (714) 279-2042 w CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 801 PINE AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 November 5, 1973 1 J Reference: Standard-Pacific Corporation Proposed Spinnaker Hills Residential Development Msyoz Bavid M. Dunne and Ueiabers of the City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Ela Avenue Carlsbad, California 92003 Attention: Krs. Hargaret Adaas, City Clerk Gentlemen: D In accordance with school board Resolution Ko. 4-7374, we are pleased to advise you that an agreement has been signed with the owners and developers of the above-referenced residential project to assist: ia.providing school-facilities•. This. Letter.represents tiie school district's formal notice that you nay be assured that school facilities and services will be available concurrent with the need of the future residents of this development as it is presently proposed. Sincerely yours, HOWARD C. EARMON District Superintendent FiiL:iiCH:aw CC: Standard-Pacific Corporation . Paul D. Bussey, City Manager Vincent F. Biondo, Jr., City Attorney Donald A. Agatep, City Planning Director MOV r 19/3 CITY OF CARLSBAD Planning Department 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 008 15 16 0- < O)5"«* 2 ° i § °£>£= 5*5 17"••,J3i z I § isss-8 >t 5 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. 3255 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY OP CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS TENTATIVE MAP (CT 73-39) TO ALLOW THE DEVELOPMENT OF 333 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS ON PROPERTY GENERALLY LOCATED EASTERLY OF AND ADJACENT TO LAGOON LANE, 350 FEET SOUTHERLY OF INTERSECTION OF POINSETTIA LANE AND LAGOON.-LANE. (Rancho -La.-Costa-Partnership., Lt'd. '-' Donald B. Ayres) ' WHEREAS, on the 9th day of October, 1973, the Carlsbad City Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 977, recommending to the City Council that Tentative Map (CT 73-39) be condi- tionally approved; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, on the 7th day of November 1973, considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said Tentative Map has complied with the require- ments of the "City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972" and has been declared to be an ongoing project covered by EIS 114: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, as follows: A. That the above recitations are true and correct. B. That Tentative Map (CT 73-39) is hereby approved^ subject to the execution and/or fulfillment of the following conditions: 1. The recorded restrictions for the subdivision shall include the minimum lot size and width requirements, evidence of which shall be submitted to the City Planning Director prior to approval of the Final Map. The minimum for this subdivision shall be 7500 sauare foot lot with a minimum of 60 feet of lot width. 2. The development of the property described herein shall be subject to the restrictions and limitations set forth herein which are in addition to all the requirements, limitations and restrictions of all municipal ordinances and State and Federal statutes now in force, or which, hereafter, may be in force for the purpose of preserving the residential characteristics of adjacent properties. * T.V f i