HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-12-17; City Council; 3240-1; Proposed Fire Station No. 3T H E C I T_ O F C A R L S B A D, C. A L I F' O R V I A Agenda Bill No. 3240 Supplement No. 1 Date: December 17, 1974 Referred To. Subject: ,Submitted By: PROPOSED FIRE STATION NO. 3 City Manager Statement of the !tatter During this year's budget disctfssions, a number of questions arose con- cerning the appropriateness of the location of proposed Fire Station. No. 3. It was agreed that we would request Gage -Babcock & Associates to study this matter in more detail than was outlined in their original report titled, "Report on Cost/Effectiveness Study and Growth Plan for Fire Defenses, City of Carlsbad, California," and dated December, 1973. By letter dated October 1, 1974, Glenn D. Peterson of that firm responded recommending that the City still give positive consideration to locating Fire Station No. 3 at the corner of El Camino Real and Chestnut. That letter also sets forth several reasons for that recommendation. The Council at its November 19, 1974 meeting instructed the staff to review the matter further. Exhibit 1-21-75 Memo 4rom City Manager dated January 15, 1975. Staff Recommendations to the City Manager See City Manager recommendations. I 0'. As No. 3240 Supplement No. 1 Late: December 17, 1974 City Manager's Recommendation The staff has again reviewed the proposal for a temporary location of a third fire station at the corner of E1 Camino Real and Chestnut. In reviewing the matter special attention was paid to the cost of increasing the personnel at the existing fire station headquarters and the extension of Elm Street versus the temporary location. The costs in personnel and equipment are identical. The headquarters fire station could be modified to house additional equipment and personnel for a cost of approximately $20,000.00 although it would seem wise that any expansion include other necessary facilities. In addition to the fire station expansion, the cost of extending Elm Avenue to E1 Camino Real would be approximately $500,000.00. This includes only the travel ways and not full improvements including curbs and sidewalks. Discussions were also held with the City Managers and Fire Chiefs of both Vista and Oceanside. While they have not conEulted with their City Councils on the matter, they indicated they would find it difficult to recommend to their Councils an Immediate Response Agreement for fire services with the City of Carlsbad if Carlsbad were unable to provide fire facilities in the eastern portion of the City. The only cost of locating a temporary fire station at Chestnut and E1 Camino Real which would.be above the expansion of our capabilities atthe-headquarter's fire station would be the construction of the station itself. It is estimated at this time that the cost would be between $70,000.00 and $90,000.00. It is assumed with careful planning in the construction of the station, a portion of that amount can be recovered by the sale of the facility as a housing unit upon the construction of a permanent station. it is therefore the staff's recommendation that we proceed with those steps necessary to locate a station at Chestnut and El Camino Real by referring the matter to the staff for processing a Conditional Use Permit through the Planning Commission and City Council. 1-21-75 SEE CITY MANAGER MEMO TO COUNCIL DATED 1-15-75 (ATTACHED) Council Action. 12-17-74 It was agreed that this matter be continued to the Council meeting to be held January 7, 1975. -2- AB No. 3240 supplement No. 1 Hate: December 17, I974 City 1?anager's Recommendation SEE ATTACHED MEMO FROM CITY MANAGER COUnCi T Action 12-17-74 It was agreed that this matter be continued to the Council meeting to be held January 7, 1975. 1-21-75 The staff was instructed to obtain proposals for the appraisal of the property located on the southwest corner of Chestnut and E1 Camino Real, and report back to the Council at the next regular meeting. -2- loop-, DATE: JANUARY 15, 1975 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: PROPOSED FIRE STATION NO. 3 In response to the City Council's instructions at its November 19, 1974 meeting, some of the costs relating to the construction of the proposed Fire Station No. 3 have again been reviewed. This review basically addressed the options outlined in Mr. Peterson's letter dated October 1, 1974 in which he proposes either the develop- ment of the fire station on a temporary basis at the southwest corner of Chestnut and Catalina Drive, or increased manning at Fire Station No. 1, under conditions that Elm Street be continued to E1 Camino Real and an automatic response agreement be executed with neighboring cities. In reviewing the matter, special attention was paid to the cost of increasing the personnel at the existing fire station headquarters and the extension of Elm Street versus the temporary location. The cost in personnel and equip- ment are identical. The headquarters fire station could be modified to house additional equipment and personnel for a cost of approximately $20,000.00 to $30,000.00. This is a minimum cost and it would be wise that any expansion include consideration of other necessary facilities at that location. in addition to the fire station expansion, the cost of extending Elm Avenue to El Camino Real would be approximately $500,000.00. This includes only the travel way and does not include parking lanes, curbs, gutters, and sidewalks. Discussions were also held with the City Managers and Fire Chiefs of both Vista and Oceanside. While they have not con- sulted with their City Councils on the matter, they indicated they would find it difficult to recommend to their councils, an immediate response agreement for fire services with the City of Carlsbad if Carlsbad were unable to provide fire facilities in the eastern portion of the City. The only cost of locating a temporary fire station at Chestnut and El Camino Real which would be above the cost of expansion of our capabilities at the headquarter's fire station, would be the construction of the station, itself. It is estimated at this time that the cost would be between $70,000.00 and $90,000.00. It is assumed with careful planning in the con- struction of the station, a portion of that amount can be recovered by the sale of the facility as a housing unit upon construction of a permanent station. January 15, 1975 Page 2 Subject: Proposed Fire Station No. 3 In addition to evaluating the two alternatives presented above, the staff has also looked at the southwest corner of E1 Camino Real and Chestnut. This corner is presently undeveloped and has a large stand of eucalyptus trees on it. It has been suggested that it might be desirable to the City to maintain this area as semi -open space. This corner might be a more logical place for a temporary fire station building which could be converted later to a building for park and recreation purposes. Preliminary discussions have been held with the property owner to determine if the land would be available for City Purchase. Indications were given that it would be avail- able to the City, however, the asking price appears to be considerably in excess of our preliminary estimate of fair market value. Further negotiations do not appear to be fruitful at this time. If the City Council is interested in the parcel, appraisal of the land should be authorized to determine how far apart the landowner and the City are in price. It should be pointed out that in addition to the land price, the station development at this site would be more expensive. Though actual costs have not yet been estimated, additional site preparations would be required as well as the prep- aration of new building plans so they would be compatible with the building's eventual use as a recreation facility. Funds for the purchase of the land could come in part from Park District No. 4, but a significant portion of next year's Revenue Sharing Fund would be required to supplement this. To proceed along these lines it is anticipated that the station could not be operable for approximately 1 to 1 1/2 years. If the Council wishes to continue with its consideration of a temporary fire station in one of the two locations discussed the following action can be taken: To proceed with plans at the corner of E1 Camino Real and Catalina and the staff begin processing a Conditional Use Permit. This will include a Public Hearing before the Planning Commission, at which time any interested citizens can express their views. If the Council would rather explore further the possibilities a ' an prao Real and Chefsecu-I)C stnut, staff should be authorized to isal of the parcels involved. PAUL B "SEY City Manager PDB:ldg