HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-12-17; City Council; 3243-1; Master Plan MP 153 Lomas Santa Fe Development Corp.- ‘? y/ 1’ c 4”H E CITY @OF CARLSBAD, 9 C A L-I F‘O R //f7 .\ ___._. - Agenda Bill No- 3243-supplernent 1 Dake f , December 17, kef erred To : Subject: - Submitted E Master Plan (MP-153) City Attorn1 Applicant: Lomas Santa Fe Development Corp. w ;\ - /-J # ’Statement of the Matter The City Council at your meeting of December 3, 1974, directed the Attorney to prepare the necessary documents approving !laster Plan The resolution approving the Master: Plan is attached. U .. . 5 *. Exhibit , 1. Resolution No. sx? approving Master Plan (MP-153). 1 Staff Recommendations to City Manager If the Council desires to approve Master Plan (MP-153)’,. your actio adopt Resolution No. *a . 1. ., I< L e AB No. 3243-Supplement -1 0 Date: December 17, 1974 .. t City Manager's Recommendation Concur with staff'recommendation. Council Action' 12-17-74 Resolution No. 3557 was ado.pted. c -2- .. , n %a -1x &% 8 :o w4 g+z z i5K sc ;E u: I3< mG -I !$iglj gg22 zg 13 >i- n aa >.u Q wu 0 k .. .. . . ! 1. 2 3 4' 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 e 1) d RESOLUTION NO. 3557 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COU3CIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORXIA, APPROVING A MASTER PLAN (MP-153) TO ALLOW A PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ON APPROXIMATELY 187 ACRES AND PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVEL- OPMENT ON 410 ACRES, LOCATED 1/2 MIIT EAST OF EL CAMINO REAL ON THE NORTH SIDE OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD. APPLICANT: L0"AS SAiu'TA FE DEVELOPMENT CORP. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of C~I did on the 12th day of November,. 1974, hold a duly adverti: public hearing as prescribed by law to consider a request 2 Lomas Santa Fe Development Corp. for approval of a Master E (MP-153) to allow a Planned Industrial development on apprc ly 187 acres and a Planned Residential development on 410 E of property located 1/2 mile east of El Canino Real on the side of Palomar Airport Road, and more particularly descri3: I That portion of Lot I3 or Rho Aqua Xedionda in the I California, described as follows: City of Carlsbad according to Eap No. 823 filed in the office of the County Recorder, San Diego, ~ I Commencing at Point 15 of said Lot B as designated on said Map No. 823, thence along the Easterly boundary of said Lot B, South 3'05'08" East a , distance of 4108.96 feet to point A, thence contint ing along said Easterly boundary, South 3*05'08" E;. a distance of 1511.59 feet to a point in the arc of a nontangent 1230.00-foot radius curve, concave Southerly, a radial to said point bears North 2"OO' West; thence leaving said Easterly boundary of Lot through a central angle of 12*5i:O7'' a distance of feet; thence South 79°09'09" West a distance of 80: feet to the beginning of a tangent 2970.00-foot rac curve concave Northerly; thence Westerly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 26'56' a distance of 1377.03 feet; thence North 73'54'02'' a distance of 453.00 feet to the beginning of a tar 3030.00-foot radius curve concave Southerly; khence Westerly along the arc of said curve through a cent angle of 21O31'20" a distance of 1138.17 feet; ther South 84'34'38" West a distance of 578.90 feet; the North 3°05'08" West a distance of 5563.11 feet; thc South 89°54'00" East a distance of 4590.59 feet to POINT OF COMMENCEMENT; continuing Westerly along the arc of said curve and WHEREAS, at the conclusion of said hearing the Plar " ..- " "". 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"." ~. . .\ , .* /I 1, II 1; 2 3 4 j j a d 'm Yg E2 a (ju. w 5 g>,sg 6zz.x Lu 8 a- 4 8 .a N no?g 2 mGGi u:, 56 I_>wv zo VI >o OK m -I I_ 0 - .. jlj 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1 14 15 I 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 0 0 I I I I 1 Commission adopted Resolution No. 1110 recornrending approv ~ said Master Plan (141-153) which is incorporated by referen I herein; and WHEREAS, an Environmental Impact Report was certif as complete for a previously issued entitlement €or this 1: and the Planning Director has found the Master Plan (MP-15 be in prior compliance with the City of Carlsbad Environrne Protection Ordinance of 1972; and WHEREAS, on the 3rd day of December, 1974, a duly tised public hearing was held before the City Council to c the proposed Master Plan (MP-153), and after hearing and c ering the testimony and arguments, if any, of all persons ing to be heard, said Council did find the following facts reasons present which in their opinion are necessary to-ca out the general purpose of Title 21 of the Carlsbad Munici Code : 1. The Master Plan (MP-153) meets the requirement of the adopted General Plan. 2. The Master Plan meets the requirements and int the Planned Community and Planned Industrial Zone Ordinanc 3, The Master Plan meets all applicable City poli including the Public Facilities Policy. 4. The Master Plan meets all requirements of CEQA the Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance- The miti proposed in the Certified EIR and as a part of this Master are adequate in minimizing any adverse impacts. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council the City of Carlsbad as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correc 2. That the Master Plan (MP-153) is hereSy approv subject to the following conditions: 1. Master Plan approval is granted for land 2. .. ....... .".. . .......... " ............... .. ..... . -. . s. )) 0 e a a Em JZ kz : &5 aosg 2E;g !?tuv $$ZZ zz y >t- OI a4 >o z u:, Sa mi3 -1 zW8d 5 .. . I 1 2 3 * 7 'I 8/ 9 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I described in the application and any attachqents th and as shown on the Plot Plan (Exhibit D, dated 10- descriptive text (labeled Exhibit F) and slope anal (labeled Exhibit E, dated 10-22-74). The location all proposed developmental units, roadways, open SF and other features shall be substantially the same the Plot Plan and Text labelled Exhibits D and F, 2. In ordez to reduce fire hazard, the applicz shall agree to selectively clear underbrush and del from open space areas prior to issuance' of any buil or grading permits. This brush and debris clearanc shall be an ongoing activity and shall be done undc the guidance of the Parks and Recreation Department Fire Department. This activity should not be const to be total brush removal normally associated with ing activities. 3. The applicant shall erect a six-foot chain fence topped with -three strands of barbed wire whic separate the subject residential development and tl University of California and Dawson properties (a) the property line in Parcel A-2 and (b) below and r of the rear of the development pad within Parcel A- The barbed wire shall be angled toward the Valle VE property. A 15-foot-wide fire break shall border t . length of the fence. This shall be done prior to j ance of any residential building permits or prior t any residential area grading. . 4. The applicant shall design all development the northern property boundary to drain to the soul 5. The project shall be generally phased as fc AREA 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 TO1 A1 50 100- 66 - - - - 2: A2 - 34 50 - - - I - B1 30 100 38 - I - - It B2 B3 - B4 - - 74 100 100 100 - 3' B5 39 150 - - 11 B6 64 ( - - - - .- - 71 54 - - - - - I - - - - - - - - - B7 30 100 100 50 - - - 21 TOTAL 110 300 312 239 250 154 135 151 6. All denuded-natural or constructed slope a: shall be planted with natural plant materials in 0: reduce erosion. This shall be done in a manner satisfactory to the Parks Director and City Engine6 prior to the issuance of any permits by the City a1 also after any grading activities. 7. All areas indicated on the Master Plar! as ( belt, existing trees and pond shall be rezoned to ( Space (0-S) zone prior to or concurrent with consic tion of any Specific Plan or Tentative Subdivision within the project boundaries. 8. The applicant shall offer to the City a 15. wide open space easement for pedestrian, equestrial bicycle purposes. The easement shall transverse tl 3. .. . . . .~ - " .. "__" . " _I_" -... .- - ._".."-.a; -."- ""- . ". . - - .. I . " . -* , * 0 a mco .a N Yo 0 5s GY ou- w 4 oozg sE:g u I3< G8o- $$"S .> l- II: zp y a< >o 2 mG -I wo t- u - . 1; ! I I 1 4 3 4i 51 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I ~ I) a j I ~ east-west valley (shown on the Master as "green bo, existing trees, and existing pond" between units B and B-2 and also B-4 and B-5) and shall be located sized according to the specifications outlined by Parks and Recreation Director at the time of Speci Plan/Tentative Map application. The applicant wil responsible for improving the easement to City sta and the City will be responsible for normal mainte City concurrent with the first final map adjacezt any portion of the east-west valley described abov 9.- The applicant, prior to consideration of a Specific Plan applications, shall prepare a water plan which is acceptable to the Carlsbad Municipal District and also to the City Fire Chief, and liability. The easement shall be offered to t 10. Approval of this Master Plan indicates an ance of the City Council of a general scheme of de ment for the property. It is part or' an ongoing p process and is subject to amendment in the future. guarantee that individual Specific Plans will be s sequently approved nor that the availability of pu facilities and services will necessarily coincide the developer's time table for construction. Avai ability of public services will' be evaluated in th text of Specific Plan approvals. Specific Plans will be evaluated in accor with Municipal Ordinances in force at the time whe Specific Plans are before the City Council for app Approval and construction of a Specific Plan shall vest any rights in the balance of the Master Plar, create any vested rights to the approval of any su quent Specific Plans. Approval of the plan does not constitute 11. The developer shall comply with the City Carisbad Master Drainage Plan and relateddrainage ments. 12. The development is presently within the s service area of the City of Carlsbad. Sewer.facil (i.e-, City Master Plan sized gravity mains and/or sewage pump stations) will be required as approved the City Engineer- 13. The applicant shall enter into a secured ment for the construction of full half-street inpr ments on Palomar Airport.Road between the westerly the easterly limits of the development along the e easterly limits of the development along the entir cise alignment as adopted prior to completion of t phase of developnent (63-foot half-section right-o 14. Archaeological sites 2, 8 and 9 shall be excavated and/or have surface collections made acc to specifications contained in the Certified EIR p to any Specific Plan consideration. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting City Council on the 17th day of December , 1974, by th 4. ~ .."_ . - ~~ ... ..~~. ... . ". . . . .." . . ..~. . . . _. .- .".".. . .. .- d + i'' I , LJ c i e 0 lowing vote : AYES : Councilmen Frazee, Chase, McComas and Lewis. NOES: Councilman Skotnicki. ABSENT: None. ,'Ti ',/ , ." ; '..\ , ,., . , -. 5i 9 ,..by e&,: - ,/& y/) . , 1; ,,,",&.9?A,, .'! .,," x;; I .: .- ,/: I, .I ,, ,;, .,d q;.,.--,-:: -.., /., ,:' :I ,,' i Lt 1 ;. ._ 8 i" __*- ?,,! " 7<<'> c .- /i 6 7 8 i . I. j ~ ROBERT C. FKAZEE, May; ATTEST : , , ,?.2ARGM?ET E. AD&%, City Clerk . , 1'0; ,, J : ' :, (SEAL) '11 12 13 Q 14 $a -1 g 15 cis g ;: WQ no$$ 16 z> YO GI-<% m~ -1 17 <I Sa +&;X- 5$N< m 18 >$ = 19 zo y 4 c 0 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 -. 5. . . . . . . . . . . .I ~. - .~" . . ~~." """ .."" . ." "". .. ... " - " _. - ""_ .."." ."""" ..=. y""L"-~;.".+~ - - . . - .. . . - .... . ....."._,._..."__