HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-12-17; City Council; 3258; Request for Funds-OEDP (Overall Economic Development Program for the San Diego Region) to Construct Marron Road Extension & Municipal Parking Lot and Improvements in theTHE CITY OF l,ARLSBAD, CALIFORN IA Agenda BM I Mo. 'data Dec. 17', i974 Referred To: Subject:' Submt:rt<ed By: Request for Funds - OEDP (Overall Economic Devel- Citk Engineer, opment Program for the San Diego Region) to construct Marron Road extension and municipal parking lot, � and improvements in the downtown area. �F•� Statement of the Matter Exhibit (1) indicatee that 30% funding may be available in the San Diego Region from the U.S. Economic Development .Adriinistration (FDA) for certain public works projects which will result in the creation of new jobs. While guidelines are not firmed up, staff is of. the opinion that two_-grojects.6ay ,be eligible for funding; One is the, construction of Maxron'Road extension and. a-2,300 spac4`municipal parking facility, which will provide the impetus to the proposed expansion to Plaza Camino Real shopping center. It is•estimated that such an expansion wouid create 900 additional job opportunities for North County residents. The second project will be several improvements in the downtown area. While the number of jobs'to.be created from renovation of the downtown area is difficult to estimate at this time, it is anticipated that a significant number of permanent jobs would be�produced. The first step in determining eligibility for funds is for the City to submit a project summary for the project to OEDP General Committee for the San Diego region for their consideration, prior#zation, and inclusion in the revised OEDP. Exhibit 1. letter ,(undated) from OEDP General Committee, County of San Diego re: Expanding Funding Eligibility for OEDP.projects. 2. OEDP Project Summary - Marron Road extension/municipal parking facility 3. OEDP Project Summary - Downtown renovation Staff Recommendations Council adopt a motion authorizing the City staff to submit the OEDP Project Summary (Exhibit20 to the OEDP General Committee for the San Diego Region for consideration in the Overall Economic Develeprient Program. Att ;110 • Da to: Dec. 17,, 1974 City Hanagerls Recommendation _ fC4nculr with `itiaff report • - Council Action 12-17-74 •A motion Was made authorizing the City staff to_submi't'the• OEDP Project tummary to the OEDP General Committee for the San* Diego Rbg_ion for consideration,in the Overall Economic Develop- ment Program.., Copy tcam,Flanagan, City Engine 11/26f74- ' - ---^ ap COUNTY OF SAN 01'=,GO 'i5 �jj��''��7;J;.'.'RAI g'UOPMENT AGENCY • 1600 PACIFIC HIGHWAY ad[EGO. CALIFORNIA 02101 . TELEPHONE (714) 236-2001 E:I.MER H. KESHKA win, 0 19WERALL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM RW P.l O4A At A OLV CLOPIL4. ADVRINISTRATO, v CITY Ur CARLSBADGENERAL COMMITTEE ��� ��0 Engineering Department rn opce� TO: All Interested Organizations and Individuals -840 FROM: Michael Shontz, Jr., OEDP General Committee" EXPANDED FUNnING ELIGIBILITY FOR OEDP PROJECTS ADMINISTRATOR In August 1973 the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) approved the Overall Economic Development Program (OEDP) for the San Diego Region and designated this region as eligible for public works grants under Title I of the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965, as amended. Two recent developments have made the San Diego OEDP Region eligible for higher levels of funding for a broadec range of activities: 1. Because of its,high unemployment rate, this region has been re— designated as a Title IV.area and thus is eligible to receive 80% funding (instead of SOY) ,for public works projects, as well as funding for business leans to privata enterprise and planning grants. 2. Title IX has been added to the Act which allows funding for a greater variety of projects: public services business development planning unemployment compensation (states only) rent supplements mortgage payment assistance research technical assistance - training relocation of individuals other appropriate areas Basic criteria for such Title -IX grants include actual threatened severe unemployment arising from actions of the Federal government and from compliance with environmental requirements which remove economic activities from -the locality and economic adjustment problems resulting from severe changes in economic condition. The purpose of notifying you of these changes is to enable you to submit project proposals to the OEDP General Committee in time for their consideration, prioritizing and inclusion in the revised OEDP. This process will begin in early December. While each jurisdiction in the region is responsible for making its own grant application, EDA•£unding of projects is primarily based -2- on this region's assessment of problems and prioritization of projects contained in the.OEDP. Not much detail is known —at this time concerning EDA's funding levels. However, if you have a project which you believe meets the above criteria and would like it considered for HDA funding, you should.fiil out the enclosed OEDP'Project Summary form and send it to the OEDp•General Committee, Program Development Agency (Attn: Michael Shontz, Jr.). If you already have a project(O in -the current OEDP., use the enclosed form to provide a project update. If you have more than one project, put these on separate summary sheets in -the same format: If'complete information is not available Ea.t this Time of -not applicable-ta your proje;et, please note this but provide as much- informatioa as possiole. The 6E6P Project'Summaries should be received by this office no later than December 2', 1974. If you have any -'questions please contact me ,at 236-2001. Michael Shontz, Jr. Administrative Assistant MS:JE:svo Enclosure `- OF -OP -PROJECT SUMMARY* Project Name: Barron Road extension munici al. arkin facility Address/F.ccation: Marroerson St. and El .Camino Rea Applicant Name: City. of Carlsbad Address: 1200 Elm Ave, Carlsbad, CA-92008, Project Description and Purpos6: Extend Marron Road W lanes) from its existing termirus.vtesterly to Jefferson St. a distance o ee - an n- strucmunacxpai"par ing aci ity Ln orner to TacilitaUe the constrruction or Phase 11 or a Regional Sopping Center P aza Camino'Real).. This construction will enable construction_ of a 450,000 an e u Requested MA Grant Funding: $1,656,000 (80%) Other Fund SoureeS- local participation - $414 000 (developer participation and City funding) Total Estimated Project Cost: $2,070,000 Relocation Costs (of existing occupants): NA Estimated Dates for Canpletion,of: Preliminary Drawings: 3 months from grant,date Engineering Report: 3 months from grant date .Final Plans & Specificationsa 5 months from grant, date Tame Span for Implementation: 10 months plus 6 months to expand shopping center Name Principal Vmancial Instit<itions in Area. (City) : _ Banc_ of Pmerica, United California Bank, Securitj Pacific Savings and Loan„ Central Federal • Savings and Loan Identify the Cutstanding'Debts of tj:e Applicar:t (inclWhig Revenue Bonds): sewer bonds $1,610.009; 1,1brary bonds a$250,000; water bonds $2,222,000; Did Zpplicant ever Default on Debt A payment? No_ ' � • W r 'CEDE Project Suunnary # page �. HM-1is Local Share to be Financed? Parking authority bonds, developer contributions, general fulfia—',Revenue Sharing funds Is Interim Fti-x?ing Available? No . Describe ewacmic iM-Mct, of prt ject in teams of ber--fits to, ccrmu:i ty employmant, investment, capital i=OVanents, social -gains,. industrial ca mitmpnts, location of pockets of unemploya it, -etc.' _ Describe general nature of eoxmic development in the area. 7ihat efforts are being made by applicant, Chambers of'Camerce, Econanic DevelonTent Association, etc, to encourage developrnnt.' Meat is community attitude tomards greswth7 r The City and the Chamber of Commerce have been active in encouraging 0 Has applicant had any previdus involvement with EDA? If so, briefly. describe: No Are there any significant problems forseen.in aocanplishing this project once funding is arranged? No A Califgr '.d. Coa at�i9 permit has hen i ss 1 d for the Marron Road extension- nrojPct- Caipleted by:, Paul Bussev Title: City Manager, City of Carlsbad Date: December 5, 1974 inner -My Re-Vitali to Jefferson St. r;f-v nF rnrIqhad (See attached} L------ - ------------------------------------- RLrxjirq: City, 'Funding, Private Capital., .00-000, Local pa�n, ticipatio utility Company, e C. Project COstt -4500,000 ts-(of eylsting 500,000 on Cos Ca=letiml Of: ,%tcd Dates for nni ng.-. One car from Grant date .t,jjj,C,xzz:y; Drawings./ rG t- date om' rant planning/ Eighteen months' fron, Grant date speCI-Hizatio-'s- oritittgency after final plans -nionths 0 ntat 24, _icn, '91mmoritfi' �gLa• joila Federil Savings, Fingicial Institut2=s anan Security OceansideFederal Savings, ojus � -er, ic —a Bank, Croc,'r a Iona an .o of the APPI_ TL-v_­=e BCC� ),),7 nnn. parkins Authority Sewer Bonds 1,610*,OOO; Li Bonds 1,5 B I T --� c 0,06 , 0_ildtyK RealRo6a_W`aY_W_,ffi0___ Defatat on Mbh 1tepaymmnt? . ........ .cznt QV �I,::s ;a F,-�,�? Private iiev_elops+ant, General fund; San Diego. Gas & Electric Undergrounding Program, Qesarye" afiric;g, u tc i t a SS ' oll­ w.i zatu-� a z :3rs:g t1V'c i� aab e? No ea: -relic iar_zct of p ojaet in teu,s of lxrp_ei,ts ' o cc tr:�ai ty eITai.o;Meat, c:4oit l i—�� z'�,.:�ial, gains; iz us'i•ei c:czaut^rnts, 7�c:t�t or r of ur�IcFent, This City has historically comnitted•staff time and funds to construct downt'own imp- rrveme par -a ion, s om, rains to. assist inner-city- commerciall resid67) T dAvetooment. The S4 500,000 will be used,to promote econom c ooportunj ies to to- fruc�t i�5 00 sq. ft. of commercial pea ession3 tourist flour spaca and increase-, hoU.ln oq DDorturiiV .The propose] projects will produce 550-Gf�O jobs during canstruclian and add 650-700 lobs to the permanent_ labor force. gene •al. nature of,davelopnent in tip area. Tvt'r t: effor-ts ate Bing, it da 1ri a❑-oli ca.-xt, Ch: cs,Oexs of Ga,- -_rce, Econanic 1Mvelourent s=i.a`yon,, etc. to e;x :ra^ge cevelo�rynt? ivhat.i.s caarunity attitude ta•�ards gnat. Canmuuity attitude on vowth is directed toward economic balance, to insure viable r,raranement of commercia in ustr a , resj entia and natura ,resources. Me City� r'1'as promoted and encouraged clean industry and productive recai commercia activities. j Gitv in five years has located] Beckman Instrusnents,_Nu hesrraft, urraughs, 5LIllman Seal RSargent ndustri-- , P a�a a orte utn Mo i e• en er, plaza Camino Rea xpan�ion, Cabot, Cabot. & Forbes Business Park, •ianeri Community 5 OPPinq Center as aopli=nt h_l. any psevicus i.rniolverrent vi th r"'i X? if so, briefly des=i'=: No .,. ,r_ these aiy sign, Ficint problems forsee-1 in a=acplisning t2hi.s pmjwt orw •: -ring is ar=s:q,-�3? No. A permit must,be secured fromtalifoPnia Coastal Zone Commission --�1et a by: Paul Qussey r R •;e: City 4tanger, City of Carlsbad :a: December 13, /1974 Project Description and Purpose: Recent co,=,ercial development, Plaza Camino Real, Plaza Del Norte and industrial/ business groodh; Cabot, Cabot & Forbes; Stillman Industries, Burroughs, Hughes Aircraft, have had ar adverse impact on Carlsbad's traditioral retail and residential center, "The Inner -City". The City is developing programs to; eliminate structuraly deficient commercial and residential structures through code enforcement; project public health and safety by constructing storm drains; lowering railroad tracks; developing circulation (pedestrian, auto, bicycle) systems and providing comprehensive public Inner- Ciey Parking/Transit program. The pftojects will lead to the revitalization of�a 3leteriorating, commercial/ residential core by enforcing structural deficiencies, increasing auto/pedestrian dccPssability, assisting inter-depencient conniercial-residential and professional development. The project is intended to regenerate appro:;imately ten square blocks of the Inner -City through: a 11000,000 Planning and Code Enforcement b 2,500,000 Public Works c) 1,000,000 Land Acquisition -.M