HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-01-07; City Council; 3255-1; Tentative Subdivision Map CT 74-21 Donald Loker Lomas Santa Fe Development Corp?> *1: H -; CITY, or" CARLSBA! a c A--L .I Y' o A Agenda Bill No. 3255-Supplement 1 Ref erred To : Date t January 7, 1 Subject': - Submitted Tentative Subdivision Map (CT 74-21) Applicant: Donald Loker (Lomas Santa Fe City Attor Development Corp.) !< L"' )'. .~ Statement of the Matter The' City Council at your meeting of December 17, 1974, directed t Attorney to prepare the necessary documents approving Tentative M (CT 74-21). The resolution approving the Tentative Map is attach > , ' Exhibit " Resolution No. approving Tentative Map (CT 74-21). I Staff Recommendations If the Council desires to a rove Tentative Map (CT 74-21), your is to adopt Resolution No. i- e a nu No. 3255-Supplement 1 Daee: January 7, 19’ City Manager’s Recommendation ”. Concur with staff Council Action 1-7-75 Resolution #3566 was adopted approving the tentative ma] Carlsbad Tract 74-21 - Lomas Santa Fe Cev-elopment Corp. -2- .. . r "r- I/ I, I/ 0 e /T 44 /I I! 'I 1 IJi I' 11 /i 2 Ij 1' z1 /j 4k I1 7 /I 5 [I 6 11 RZSOi2UT13?: NO. 3566 A RESOLUTIOX OF THS CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFOWiIA, A1PROVING WITR COKDITIONS TENTATIVE ?/lA,D (CT 74-21) FORTHE C3IEATION OF 38 LOTS ON 187 ACRES OF PRC)PE?T'Y LOCATED ON THE 502TH SIDE OF ELqLP MILE EAST OF EL CALYINO NAL. APPLICANT: DONALD R. LOKER PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD APPROXI-NATXLY ONE- WiiEXEAS, on November 26, 1974, the Carlsbad City E *I Commission adopted Resolution 1119 recommending to the Cii Council that Tentative Map (CT 74-21) be conditionally apy 9l loli and 11 I WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, 121 Planning Commission; and 131 17th day of December, 1974, considered the recommendation I 0 14 L f:o <U m r. 2 OLL LLI 5 oozg Z>?O ol-<* i; I54 aG -I +>wv zW8d zgzs zz y aa tv 0 >+ cc 15 16 17 18 19 + G 20 WHEREAS, an Environmental Impact Report was certif as complete for a previously issued entitlercent for this E and the Planning Director has fmmnd the Tentative Map (CT to be in prior compliance with the City of Carlsbad Envirc Protection Ordinance of 1972; a:nd NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council the City of Carlsbad as follows: 21 3. That TentatSve Map (CT 74-21) is hereby appro\ 22 A. That the above recitations are true and correc 23 subject to all applicable requirements of the Carlsbad Mun 24 25 26 21 28 29 30 31 32 11 I I 1 I i I I1 Code and to the satisfaction of the following condiL' Lions : 1. The final maps (shall be submitted for appr within one year from the final action by the City on the Tentative Subdivision Map. The final map s be in substantial conform-ance on the Tentative Suk sion Map known as Exhib.it B, dated November 12, 19 2. The development of the property described sha7.l be subject to the restrictions and limitatio forth herein which are .in addition to all the requ limitations and restrictions of all municipal ordi and State and federal s-katutes now in force, or wh hereafter may be in force for the purpose of prese the residential characteristics of adjacent proper 3, All public improvements as shown on Exhibi . .I ... . a- 7- 1: j j 0 @ Q sa3 IIg as g ;: LllQ oo=z 2z:g u * 3< g&gn g:2< 20 2 5c 2 bo z aG -I wu Q< F- - 0 !I I 11 2/ 31 I! 51 6 I/ 8l lo I 'I 4 // 7 11 I:! 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I i I dated November 12, 1974, shall be made in conforni the City of Carlsbad Zngineering Design Criteria a Standard Plan, the Subdivision Ordinance and other without cost to the City of Carlsbad and free of a liens and encumbrances. Improvement plans for wat sewer systems shall meet the requirements of the r tive service ilistricts, standards, to the satisfaction of the City Enginee 4. All land and/or easements required by this nance shall be granted -to the City of Carlsbad wit cost to the City and free of all liens and encumbr No easements shall be recorded prior to approval o final map unless approved by the City Engineer. 5. All utilities shall be placed underground shall be completely concealed from view, 6. Ornamental street lighting shall be provid as required by Municipal Code. The developer shal a bond and/or cash in the amount necessary to ener said street lights for an 18-month period after cc tion to permit the incorporation of the subdivisic a maintenance district. This shall be done prior approval of the final map. 7. The improvement plans shall include a repc a geological investigation and a complete grading entire site when requircd by the City Engineer. 'I report and plan shall be prepared by Civil Enginee licensed by the State of California and experience erosion control. Said engineers shall certify tha have investigated the site and prepared data with consideration of the consequences to the included neighboring properties. 8. All slopes created as a result of this del ment shall not exceed a 2:l slope. 9. Ingress and egress along the property line dering public street right-of-way for all lots sha dedicated, except at locations as specified by the Engineer. Dedication shall be made prior to apprc of final map. 10. Street trees, when required by the City, be installed by the applicant at his expense. Trc shall be of a type appmved by the Parks Departmer shall be installed to their specifications. If rc of any existing trees is required by the City, sai removal shall bs at the applicant's expense. It 5 the responsibility of the applicant to make all ar ments with the Parks Department concerning the rec ments of this condition. These arrangements are t made prior to approval or' the final map. 11. Street names shall be subject to approval shall be designated in accordance with the standar policies adopted by the Planning Commission on fil the Planning Department. Said names shall be appr by the Planning Director prior to approval of the map. 2. .. . .. *-x " I; I' I Ii /I J, I/ 1 I j I! 21 3 I ! t u 4l 51 i 6 1; j 7 8 9 10 11 :: i 0 14 < mcc 2 8 15 E$ a -a cI1 a-u. LLI I Q no3z 16 z 5" !?z 2: m~ -I 17 i I3< Sk8d 18 ::E2 ze y '2 cc 19 >3 ill0 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I li 1 1 ~ 0 * 12. The CC&R's for this development shall be to the Plaming Director for review and approval p to the approval of final map. 13. The developer :;hail work with the CarlsSa Xunicipal Water District and the City Fire Depar-q preparing a water mastelr plan for the project. Mi flox for fire and dornesj;ic purposes shall be 6,000 per minute. 14. The applicant shall grant to the City a 1 wide Open Space easemeni:: for pedestrian and bicycl the project boundaries. The applicant shall impro easement with asphaltic concrete to the satisfacti the City Engineer. purposes adjacent to the future C .Street, which is 15. The applicant shall submit a revised tent map to the City Engineer which shall show the foll a. Interior lot slopes. b. Correct slopes and/or daylight lines c. Footage of offsite sewer. d. Grading of future C Street from Palorn Airport Road and future C Street, except at ut easement access points. e. AC pavement and base on typical stree tions. 16. Access rights shall be dedicated where lo border Palomar Airport Road and future C Street, e at utility easement access points. of Lots 1, 2, 26, 2'7, 28 and 29. 17. A future C Street grade from Palomar Airp Road to a reasonable distance beyond the property ary shall be shown on the improvement plans for Un 18, Storm drains shall be installed down prop slopes to outlet at toe of slope- Alignment shall roughly perpendicular to proposed slope contour li and adequate erosion control shall be provided at 19. The a2plicant shall provide complete half improvements on Palomar Airport Road, reflecting -t ultimate centerline alignment and grade. Such imp nents shall include a permanent PCC curb and raise 20. Palomar Airport Road shall have three med openings: one at the westerly intersection of A S one at future C Street and one at the easterly int tion of E3 Street. The developer shall install tra signals at the A and B !Streets intersections as de mined by any future City Council policy and shall turn pockets and channelization for eastbound traf Palomar Airport Road. This is shown on Exhibit B Nove~Ser 12, 1974. 21. The Engineerin(? Department has sent plans profiles of the sewer to the Utilities Maintenance ment for review and comnent as to depth and alignm Redesign.of site grading or sewer alignmer,t may be sary to avoid future maintenance difficulties. 3. .. <-LC. '" !: i/ /I // 5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3-9 ji I/ I j j il I/ I! /I I' 11 I/ I I I 1 i j I I i I I 11 '1 13 l2 I /I e e C. That said Ten-tative Map, together with the prc for its design aad ixprcvement and subject to the above cc is consistent with all a-pplicable general and specific pla the City of Carlsbad, PASSED, APPRQVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting Carlsbad City Council held on the 7th day of JanuarY by the followir,g vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Chase, Lewis and McComas NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Skotnicki D 14 mm Q y 8 15 E$ o) dll Lu Q: DOXZ .lS ', Z,Zn: :, . SI- <% u I 3Q +>U" g z 8 2 '18 q ; 1' l9 -= N >o r. , "0 -I 1q >.o t- I u 20 1 i 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 27 28 I I 1 - ATTEST : \\ , ..*/-? ,> '/' i , (-I [.~-~.L-/ , ,/./ (2-,< < ;j ,I /,; ...'/&"/:, y(C2 -" "</ ROBERT C. FRAZEE, Xay \ / <@ /7 /~~7!.J3:&&,r L , Li ,LL:57z/y,? MARG'ART9 E. ADAPVS, City Clerk '> Y' (SEAL) I 23 30 I I i tI 31 32 /i .. . .. 4.