HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-01-07; City Council; 3272; Tentative 9-1-1 Emergency Telephone System Plan7' N F C I T t C A r. L S D 'A' c A z Y F 0 A a S A ?+g,'ndt Bill ao. &2- Date: January 7, 197t Poeorrod To: subaittod By: TENTATIVE 9-1-1 EMERGENCY TELEPIIONE SYSTEM PLAN William C. Baldwin, Assistant City Mgr. Statemont of the !fatter The State oZ California.has mandated ari emergency telephone system kn �7n as -the 9-1-1 Emergency .System. Xt...is necessary that our tentative plan be,submitted by Jariiaary 31, 1975. Funding for this system is to be provided by the State of California. Presently it is felt that the legislature will fund this plan during the 1975 session. Exhi bl i.' Tentative Plan 9-1-1,, Staff Recomme:.datluns to the City I -Tanager Approval be given by the City Council for submission of Tentative Plan 9-1-1 Emergency Plan by January 31, 1975. AD No. Date: aanuary 7, 1975 ° City Manaq,er's Recommendation Concur with staff recommendation. CouncLl'Action 1-7-75 Approval was given by the City Council for submission of Tentative Plan 9-1-1 Emergency Telephone System Plan by January 31, 1975. -2- I TENVATIVE 9-1-1 MIMUCY TZLEP BONE SYSTEM PLAN FOR THE CITY OF CARLSBAD PSAP Location: 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California a2008 PARTICTPATING AGENCIES City of: Carlsbad California highway Patrol 'tCity.of, Oceanside County of San Diego CON`CIMOUS PSAPS City of :hula Vista -city of Coronado ` G� ty of E1 Ca jon City of Escondido City of Imperial Beach City of La Mesa City of National City City of Oceanside City of San Diego U. S. MlitFry Reservations CONTACT PERSONS Project Go -Directors: Robert It. flively, Director of Communications County of San Diego Building 2 5555 overland Avenue San Diego, California 92123 Inspector Joseph Stables San Diego County Sheriff's Department 222 "[Q" Street San Diego, California 92101 Telephone Company Grover StaK4rt Representative; 525 "D" St%*i.e Room 803 San Diego, CxWorniu 92112 ■ TENTATIVE 9-1-1 EMER.-XNCY TELEPHONE SYSTEM. PLAN FOR THE COUNTY OF -$AN DIEGO 1. AUTHORITY This tentative plan for a 9-1-1 emergency telephone system has been prepared in compliance with and as mandated by Article 6 to Chapter 1 of Part 1 of Division 2 of_'Ti:tle 5 of the Government Code,of the State of California (Sections 53100 through 53120). 2 � DESCRIPTION -OF. 9-1-1 SYSTEM., A. PARTICIPANTS - The participants are listed on the cover sheet of this plan, and they include the County Govern- ment,. The Carlsbad Police Department will be responsible for policy and operation of the system. B. EXACT GEOGRAPHIC AREA TO BE COVERED - The area covered is shown in Figure 1. It includes the incorporated area of Carlsbad. C. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY RESPONSIBILITIES FOR 9-1-1 OPERATIONS - Primary responsibility for 9-1-1 operations are assigned to the Carlsbad Police Department. Secondary responsibility for 9-1-1 operations are assigned to the Carlsbad Fire Department. ` 3. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION A. TYPE OF SYSTEM - The type•of 9-1-1 system that will best suit the operational needs of the citizens in Carlsbad from both a cost and benefit viewpoint is selective routing. F B. METHODS OF RESPONSE - The City of Carlsbad 9-1-1 system will r utilize all four methods of response as defined in the Government Code. All calls will be handled by the Carlsbad Police Communicators. Direct�Dlspatch - When a dispatchable,call is received for law enforcement- aid, the dispatch will be made directly from the 9-1-1 center. Reella� - When a dispatchable call is received for ambulance or similar service, the complaint call be handled by the Carlsbad Police Department and therr relayed to the proper public safety agency for action. -1- n 4- OCEANSIDI) O.C.S.D, "�01 AND I I,6ERVINd AREA Eden* Vista Lagoog VISTA EXCHANGE CRLS-11 SERVING AREA AgUO 04iond .40 -0 e P/ -7 kl/ � i _ri Polomort Irport Road CRLS -12 ?I: I SERVING AREA cl)i L u-LJ ESCONDibo, BoflqUR03, Log Son Marcos EXCHANGE, b, DOM La &SIGcc J Olivenholn Road ENC.INITAS EXCHANGE TELEPHONE BOUNDARY CITY LINjITS Transfer -When a dispatchable call is received for fire or similar service, the call will be transferred to the proper public safety agency for their action. Carlsbad Police Department Communicators will stay on the line until -satisfied that the complaint is being handled by the proper agency: Referral - When a non-emergencv call or a call that cannot be handled by one of the above methods is received, the Carlsbad Police Department'Coin mmvdicators will refer the caller to the telephone number of the agency he is seeking. The- caller ,grill then have to iel,nitiate his call to •the •proper agency. C. EQUIPMENT UTILIZED -• The Carlsbad Police Department is presently handling emergency calls. No additional equipment will be utilized. D. CONFORMANCE'WITH TECHNICAL STANDARDS - The Uity of Carlsbad will comply with the -State technical standards for the overall operation of',che 9-1-1 system. A. OPERATIONAL ASPECTS OF 9-1-1 A. COMPLIANCE WITH MINIMUM OPERATION STANDARDS - The City of Carlsbad will comply with the minimum operational standards established by the State of California. The present plans are,tentative and details have not been documented, but will be complete and wi''ll be submitted with the -final plan in 1977. B. PROCEDURES FOR HANDLING CALLS - All 9-1-1 calls for the City of Carlsbad will be automatically rouged to the Carlsbad Police Department 9-1-1 center by selective routing. A -Carlsbad Police Department Communicator will answer the call,and determine the following: -- Nature of emergency -- Exact location of incident - Responsible public safety agency As soon as the Carlsbad'Police Department Communicator determines that a given call requires urgent dispatcher attention, the operator will alert the apl-ropriate dis- patcher to monitor the call in order to act on the information as it .;.•,'being received. The local dispatcher will determine the priority of the request for assistance and dispatch the appropriate fiold'unit. If the call does not require the dispatch of a Carlsbad Police Department unit, it will be handled by relay, transfer or referral. -3- 9-1-1 IMPLE14ENTATION TASKS AND SCHEDULE - 1974 1975 1976 1977 i978 1979 1980 1981 1 1. Prepare and submit tentative 9-1-1 plan 2., Establish Agreements 3. Develop operational procedurr.s^_ 4. Prepare E submit final 9-1-1 plan f _ 5• Evaluate telephone technology r Evaluate call plstribution systems Establish budgets ' 8. Prepare 9-1-1 order 9. Order 9-1=1 system 10. Order cell distribution equipment _. 11. Establish training program 12. Prepare cutover plan -- 13• Train staff M. Install 9-1-1 system 15. Advertise 9-1-1 system _ 16. 9-1-1 system operational il� ., -= C. TRAINING FOR OPERATORS -'The Carlsbad Police Department Communicators are presently trained for handling -emergency calls. D. RECORD KEEPING'PROCEDURE - The types of records that will be documented and maintained in the 9-1-1 system are reports on high incidence areas, response time performance and type of incidents. Records will be maintained on_"total.number of calls; -number of calls by position, overall talk time and talk -time by position.-- This information will be used to measure staffing requirements,, line,requirements, position performance, and to_evaluate-overall response to the _E citizens. - 5•. TIME FRAME A schedule of tasks reouired'to implement the City of Carlsbad 9-1-1 system in shown in figure 2. 6. LEGAL FACTORS Certain agreements for joint powers, telephone/agency, contracts and mutual aid will.be negotiated and copies will be furnished to the State of California as mandated in•the Government Code. 7. PUBLICITY The City of Carlsbad Oill conduct an extensive publicity campaign to inform the public on the proper operation and benefits of the 9-1-1 system. 8. COST INFORMATION The following is a gross-stimate of the system costs for the City of Carlsbad 9-1-1 system. The cost assumes A 9-1-1- system with selective routing. ,Capital Monthly TELEPHONE Cost, Cost Selective Routing $9,350•.00 $ 275.00 Four (4) 911 Lines 140.00 63.60 Two (2) Line Equipments 6A 0 24.00 Two (2) Eicisting Police -31.80 Emergency Lines Removed Total Additional Telephone Costa $9,496.00 $ 362.60 -5-