HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-02-04; City Council; 3140-1; SECOND SUPPLEMENT TO INTERIM PARKS AGREEMENT FOR LA COSTA/--LA-; *T H E CIT~ OF CARLSBA 9 C A L.I F'O R N Date: February 4, 19 Agenda Bill No. 3/%4&& ++ / Ref erred To : Subject: - Submitted By Second Supplement to Interim Parks City Attornel Agreement for La Costa LbQd - Statement of the Matter The Interim Parks Agreement between the City of Carlsbad and La Cos as amended will expire on February 15, 1975. La Costa has requestec that the Interim Agreement be extended for six months. The City Mal concurs with such an extension. At his request I have prepared the necessary documents. ' , ' Exhibit 1. Letter dated January 23, 1975, from La Costa Land Company to thc 2. Resolution No .$d& 3. Second Supplement to Interim Parks Agreement. City Manager. Staff Recommendations If the City Council concurs in the six-months extension of the Intel Parks Agreement between the City and La Costa, your action is to adc Resolution No .J$T& approving the agreement and authorizing its ex€ c $r L4L$,) 1 .,--@;;6/" h)z,LpbbL L 22- fl-z 21 9'72- ",4z.,;-. A/ LJ i . J1 ..- a e- AB No. Date: February 4, 1975 City Manager's Recommendation Concur with staff,recommendation. Co unci 1 Action 2-4-75 Resolution #3592 was adopted, approving agreement for six-mo extension of interim Parks Agreement and authorizing executi -2- e 4 3,- ,+.i-L*r-.y Ye. 23, 1995 -- L* t.1- Le pzvi D. Bussey city Z?:i3nager city or" ZWrrs'Sad 12043 Elm >Venue Carjsbad, CaPifomia 52808 Ee:/ La Costa Lmd Ca~.pa~y hterim Parks fi greement 1 B Suopi~mented Dear %re Bussey: F s pa ~iit recai!* the Bateri~ Pzrki 4greeilzent &ted >Cktober 15, 19'72, 8s stgp~enaerrted by the E irst Lq~!emefi% to hkrh Parks ' gz-eese& dated JuSy 18, 1974, by and between *e City =?xi La Costa Land Com,pmy-, eqires by its owi2 terms cm Febs3ln1-3 95, 157.5, Parsuan'r to this agreemen+ 35 sq?lemented. ta Cost? h?s ~~n-eyeci "those wKI mngirrg down to a ~~,i$t)oint at the battam of the caayrrn, hrd "&e scrwge theseisz ceMied and has dedicated the saxe Po *&e City. ZZZ cddition, La Castn fiss surveyed tbe boundaries of all pxtijcns of the canyon PS shown on *&e Msster Pfaxr adopted by Ordimrice 5-322 nat pre- -viously riedic-,ted, 2nd has submit%& this sumey to yoam s*via t~~e dedics+tiorr of &e 14.83 aerrs ziijacent to ''~a costa Vale EO, 2 m~! KO, 3'IB La Castn has dedicated 2?proxim~teiy ijS 2tres cxf the canyon to the? city. P.srsnn& to %he agreeme&, Ea Costa has deeded bo park sites ia l-3 dzctst~ Yqie KO, 2 to *e City, which roztain approxhatdy 11. acress and has 3aid p.;rk fees in lieu of dedkaiixtg other property 85 ;a CoaditioC sf recorti,atior, --, mx-ti~cs 03 S3G PLa,-cos csc€yon ;Idjacent to ' L.2 CQStP V2Le ito. 2 22,d S.'.;o, 3l IT*-- of dher fbd sUbdi*aba maps, Furae-ore, J-Ja CaStq has, purs%%nf f-0 3x2 agreeimcnt, pkced ia eEi(3r3w 3 deed tQ a 7 ?cme prk site adjzcent fa 1-2 Costa Vale KO, 3, La C.i)&a, after co,nsuIMion with ylarxrsel a~d o&er akff ~:ezG~ers a2 tik CiQ, is mifr in 3 ?oosition to submit to you q drsft of a ddinitivc 331-k~ rgreemer2C 88 confmplsted by Lhe agmemelaf, COSTA DEL MAR ROAD e CARLSEAD. CALIFORNIA 92008 0 AREA CODE 714 0 TELEPHONE 729 91 t t 0 0 3 ail. -- Ta-ai D. mssq -2- dalirraq 23, 1975 I: i?ow sppears that the defltiive parks q~eement &mld *be part a2 an acmxhezt: -4 the existkg 3hster Plan zdcgte-d by Odmnce 9322, S-a COS~I has dertaken a complete review of &e exisking Master Plan md if is mticipaOed kt a && corrtaioiog proposals for axemhet~t ta I ;-EZ~~ZE -b% =vi- by your st&€, as =efi as 'w ffie PLazmbg Conrzissio and &e Coxmcii, 4 such amendments will take cudderable time, In adSi-kion, f recognize adcptic3-rz of Lie z.zaemhenta mub'lly anticipated -3iL pr9bnbiy neeessibk? %P amendment tu -&e @as!sbad Gene=-!: Plan and :.OSSYM~ %e submissicm and review .of an envis-enta't imgact repoft, Such C~W~~FTZI~~OXLS mill IZLOS~ pmhbl~ ifielay f'33 &0pfi0~1 Cjl ay amend- Dents $0 the %ks*r Plan some six Lzon&s* the 2:bster Plan Ylilf be 5-&mitt& to &At? city rvit23i.a fjsg t?3 90 days. I/,;?> ,/ i: 3 I a/ i,b DnW * merilrz, La costa Wilt mo& p*bly syfrmit teeam or fin.? s&division rnqs to %e City for approval, Gaweque&t.y, it is most h- pxtan% -that &e f;t,a&* quo be maintained in order tha% efie eaiocs contem- phted hs the X&,el* Parks Agreemeat cm&sxe to Be exercisable, To do m, La Gosb w~nld grapase &at &e term of &e existing 1rrt;erh Agreema be e&ed& for a perid of at :ea& six moa, To LEq?Iem& &E Extcmim, I llzvo: had ow c;sarrse9 d-dt; 2nd I azi endo z? proposed agreemen4 extending &e tern Q€ *&e agree*men$. -st %xi;; time, 1 reqxst +Aa$3032 cmzsider $;%is letter an apptieaifon kit extend the term of ae agmernerxt and Wt you ?lace this weer OB %!e zgerzda of at3.e Cie Comxil for cr3nsider&iora 2-t its earliest possil~2e tmporhniiy. f -tb.dr you in advz11ce far your ~nsiEte~-ti~n and cqer&ion and zmit ymxr m*onse at yom earliest converiieace. very tmty ymrs* / ,q, ,! :: I /I I, 8, I/ !I I&) /A 1 1 ' 1 I? '! I 1 13 $4 .., p,, y ', ?' ti I( Fred3, Xorey, fur I! d La CGSTA L..".ND CO334313.&T FJ;trf.Tb Escioav IC: 4r3ksiZv. swq, Esq, 'ir'iaceilt F, E3i-0, SI-, , Es+@ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8' 9 10 11 12 a 4 g 13 E$ Q) dLwQ 14 0o=z 5-g:: g~e -I 15 u I$$ $kg6 16 gp$ 17 ze y -I8/ 19 20 21 22 ' 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 -K .a >+ a a r$ t V e e RESOLUTION NO. 3592 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING AN AGFSEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND LA COSTA LAND COMPANY FOR A SIX-MONTHS' EXTENSION OF THE INTERIM PARKS AGREEMENT, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT. r The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, hereby resolve as follows: 1. That that certain Second Supplement to Interim Pa Agreement between the City of Carlsbad and La Costa Land Comp, for a six-months' extension of the agreement, a copy of which attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by referc is hereby approved. 2. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of 1 City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 4th day of February , 1975, by the following vote,'to wit AYES:. Councilmen Frazee, Chase, Lewis and Skotnicki NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: zg*i .d4/ E.<DL / (SEAL) * 0 SECOXD SUPPLE31EIST TO IS TERJ.31 T-4RKS AGRESlLlZsT 2-KZIl UCT033ER 13, i9?3 3STT,K33 TT? T ,. 7 i ::L CZTY OF CARLSBAD AXE LA COSTA LA-YD COl!fPA..N~- c r-- Lfis Second Supplement to Interim Parks Lqgreemerrt m-ade this 4tk day of February , 1975, by and between TFIZ CITY OF CARLSBAC, municipal corporation under the laws of the %ate of California (hereinster called ''Ci-ty") and LA COSTA LRSD COXPANY, an Illinois corporation {hereirafter called "La Costa"); %-I TN E s SE TH : WXEREAS, La Costa and City entered into an interim parks agree- rr.er,t dated October 15, 1973, to provide for the scheduling of the dedicatior of the Master Plan Parks in connection with Lhe La Costa Master Plan de- velopment and to clarify the procedure €or accomplishing the dedication of San Marcos Canyon in accord with Ordinance No, 9322; and WHEREAS, La Costa and City entered into that certain First Supplement To interim Parks Agreement Dated October 15, 1973 3etween The City of Carlsbad and La Costa Land Cornpiny, dated July 18, 1974, wherein La Costa and City -modified the schedule for the accomplishment of tile dedication of portions of San Marcos Canyon; md WHEREAS, La Costa is in the process of preparing and submitting to City, mendments to the Master Plan adopted by Ordinance No. 9322, tvhi will contain a definitive parks agreement as contemplated by the interim par zgreement; and WIEIEREA-S, it is conte-mplated that time €or review and adoption of any amendment to the Master Plan may exceed six months; and TAHEEE%S, City is agreeable to accommodate La Costa and at the same tim-e retain all rights to the parks reflected on the Master Plan in the agreemefit aforementioned; I?y'OW, TKEKEFORE, in consideration of the rnutcual promises and cbligations contained in said agreement and herein, it is agreed as follows: I, Section 3 of the Agreement dated October 15, 1973, to the contrary notwithstanding, any dedication deeds heretofore or hereaffer de- posited i-nto escrow pursuant to the provisions of said Section 3, shall not -1- -- * e 3, r.eco-rdeu before sL;i --nomhs af~er exemtion af Lqis S~ipple~m.er_t to Agreement. A. n Except as e--ressiy Lnodifi‘iod and aqiended herein, Lie par::es >ereby affirlm each and every promise and obilgation cor,-iained in said L.-gresm.e;?-t dsec? Cctober 15, 1373. 13 Tk;,TTKES5 iVTXEREOL“, tne parties hereto have czused this Secor: Supple-ment to interim Parks Agreement to be execured The day ami ~72-1- fir k e r e iaab ov e written * CITY OF’ CARLSBAD 4 \,g / By fL.+L2C .,qe ,,< R&ert C. Frazee, 2dayor ATTEST: ? I, 3 J., I ’Margaret E, Adarns, City Clerk LA COSTA LAND CO?LIPPINY BY APPROVED AS TO FORN: .+ k4 A r.7 r I” .’/?-/ [ /+d3,M&//Jfl I Vincent I?- &ondo, Jr.$/- City Attorney -2- __ _-