HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-02-04; City Council; 3233-1; Carrillo Ranch House Appraiser SelectionTHE CTT. '0, or" CARLSSA e, c A L I F'O A? 2 i %I' F Agenda ai11 NO, 3mc A&&?// Date: Februarv 4, Referred To: Sub jsct I " Submitted BL CARRILLO RANCH HOUSE Selection of Appraiser William C. B Assistant Ci vr-j3 The City Council instructed staff to arrange for an appraisal Statezent of the kfatter of the Carrillo ranch house and buildings. Three appraisers were contacted and two have submitted bids after viewing the property with the Parks and Recreation Director. The bids are as follows: Robert M. Dodd ti Associates,Inc. $2,500.00 60 day complet Gerald S. Kibbey and Associates $3,000.00 45 day complet Mr. Byron White has previously agreed to accept the appraisal of an M.A.I. appraiser and pay the fees. Exhi bi t Letter from Mr. Byron White First two pages of Ordinance 9365. Staff RecDmmendatlons to the City Manager Council select either of the two appraisers as staff feels they are competent, qualified M.A.I.. appraisers. e e A-B No. cate I February 4, 1975 - City Manager's Recoa3Iendation The completion dates given by the appraisers of 60 and 45 days, respectively, are maximum periods for the completion. It is possible that either of them could complete them at an earlier time and the 15 day differential given is not significant for this project. .. It is therefore recommended that the Council take the lowest proposal of $2,500.00 submitted by Robert M. Dodd & Associates. council 'Action 2-4-75 The Council accepted the staff's recommendation and the bid of Robert M. Dodd &.Associates, Inc. was accepted. t -2- L e e :<, .s;, i V,iillE '21 f: F?a>JI>;SC>?!, J:?. C,~ ,.,. b I':~ERC,~~FJ L D '.. 2, II D :I b.1 z I 5 c, :,, ?< N \v.i.iii*l c -tCk1\- "iTF,r P GAhlC;i L h r'/ i? iI ?il C E 5 . A .? i: N T 5 N 5 Lj dr i q 3 Cy M U K 5 JAMC5 8. MEH&LIC:K WT5?.EY 3. HILLS M,PICiiARL?S3N LYNN.JR ~~/~~I~~~, ??\ICE, P~,--~~~p~.j~~\~ 6 RczIsjo;.: P, r'.?.G~~SSIOJK.\l- CC;Ic1'3?..K;i io*: xmmE'r'.y AT I.:?$ 2203 El?.ST K.:iTIC?NA:. 3ANK Zti!LDINC 530 3 STLELT SAN DiEZO. CA!.iTORYI.4 92i01 (7!4) 234-03Fl January 7, 1975 S3L PC c F c: 0 :: :. FIL~. ?.!# 10,003 Mr. Vincent F. Biond.0, Jr. Ci-ty Attorney City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 /./e'( .-.;; i j -:". k:., i,..;? i La "pJ5 /\- + . ;; +sa, '> 0 8, &l 3 fi-2 -.y - .. '4ip - ;,, {i' i:;??., 6.J 6i.$ !- t. 62 /I "s " ::; ' p! i.,> i, ..e- ,< \\t+{?. bi \" I, .Y\! . , ~ ',]? 1. h ..' ;; [.I .- % ~ *-?'(. ..:: ki:;L>:> - ._I t-(, , .~ : :... 'i, . '\";.' -2 . r ,-: . , t.,,. QYJ T,$?i.* yq ..,.x $ L,,I:>!--,,:.t.,.. ... Re: Carrillo Ranch - Park Site Dear Vince: Pursuant to our recent discussion, this let-ter is your authorization to request the City Council to appoint an appraiser to determine the value of the improvements on the park site property. It is our understanding that when the Council approves the appointment of the appraiser, you will notify us together with an estimate .of .the cost involve Wc will, by sending you a check in the amount of the estimat cost, signify our agreement for -the appraisal to proceed at our expense. Yours very truly, CARRILLO RkYCI-IO PARTITERSHIP BY :< ./"--, -* - y- i , .-E-!< eL JC +45q i," '%.< LI/ (>-lL,[,>".-J "_- -.., Bkron F. tJhike I 9 .\ ', 3FW :mt -.. t v .. + I 1 2 3 4 5 I .* ( ORDIXAEC5 !TO, 0. 9365 i AN O3DIMAF:CZ OF THE CITY CCTjNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBP.9, CIZLIPGRfiJiA A?E.XDING ORDINANCE NO. 9332 IdHICH ADOPTED A !-?ASTER PLAN FOi! 853 ACiiES 07 L@.ND LYING SOliTHEFi'LY AND NO3iTHE:RLY OF PALOMAR AIRPORT ROAD AHD APPROXISIATELY Ti;TO MLLE;S EAST OF RAiiCH, BY THE A;SEXDMEIL'T OF SAID MASTER PLfiM AND BY THE ADDITION CF CERTAIN CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. EL CAMIN0 REP.L, .$?:D KNOWN AS THE CARRILLO ' . .6 ordain as follows: 7 The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, d 8 SECTION 1: Ordinance No. 9332 is amended by the additi 9 of the following: 10 11 "Section 3: The Master Plan adopted hereby for the above described property shall consist 12 13 n 14 LY 5 8 15 a5 8 ;:us oo3z 16 z> E= s?k $g 0 -L 17 i * 34 gzq 5s 2 19 wo gZ86 18 LO v) >O k 20 of Exhibit A Revised, Exhibit B, and Exhibit 8-1, all on file in the Planning Department and incorporated by reference herein. Said plan is subject to the following conditions of approval : (1) The location of all buildings, fences, signs, roadways, parking areas, landscaping and other facilities or features shall be located substantially as shown on the plot 21 except or unless indicated otherwise herein. 22 plan labeled Exhibit A Revised, B. and E-1, 23 in fee with a policy of title insurance to the 26 the first phase of development, shall be granted 25 Revised, prior to approval of the Final Map for 24 (2) That Parcel K, as indicated on Exhibit A, 27 ments in satisfaction of the park-in-lieu fee 2a City of Carlsbed. The land dedication require- 29 ordinance for the flrst tentative map, shall 30 be satisfied from Pzrcel X. The balance of . 31 Parcel K may be reserved by the City to be '..i. p 32 drawn upon in satisfaction of park requirements /// It . $1. * i\ . 0 ( 1 1 2 3 4 5 7 6/ 8 9 10 11 12 13 0 14 s 2 8 15 6% w 5 $5 .-n q:g 16 wu. 17 lis 2: gzllls 18 $&SO 5: ; 19 mz 20 rn V z u 20 for future tentative maps for the ?h.ster Plan development. The existing iaprove- ments on Parcel K shall be appraise'd at the developer's expense by an appraiser selected by the.City, and the established value as approved by the City Council shall be available as a prepaynent of' park-in-.lieu fees to be drawn upon in satisfaction of the total parks requirement of the property to be devel- oped within the Plaster Plan area. Any 4 . development may be credited in terms of meeting the proportional share of its parks requirement, from the balance of Parcel K, and the park-in-lieu fees prepayment resulting from the appraisal of the improvements as the City shall elect,. At such time that the.balance of Parcel K and the park-in-lieu prepayment from the improvements has been reduced to the point . where the park's requirement of a subsequent development could not be met, the developer \ 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ' 32 /// shall grant Parcel X-1 as shown on Exhibit A ' Revised to the City of Carlsbad on the same basis as Parcel K, to be available for meeting the park I s requirement for subsequent developments . (3) All land and/or easenents required by this Ordinance shall be granted to the City of Carlsbad without cost to the City, and shall be free of all liens and encumbrances. .. (4) Unless the construction of the structure or facility is comnenced not later than one year after the date the approval is granted and is diligently pursued thereafter, this approval wlll a.utomatical1y become null and void. /// ' IJ 9 "." ,- ______" !1 - i j oh r sLRY 1T INTER-DEPARTMeNT MEMORANDUM Ii 1 "" -~ ,- "...""I_"- ____ !I II TO I/ City 5cginleer May 26 l9 77 DATE P. M. A.M. 1 I! // 11 li m.: Carrillo Rancho Park Site j/ I i !' '! !' I/ I! :/ ;I , ~~ // i! 1, I1 I I/ I/ Thanks for the copy of the Policy ob Title Insurance on the above-referenced property. It is my under- standing that the copy of the policy you have wi1.1 be given to the City Clerk's office for her filer: after you have cbeekerq. it and verifice that the L:.ZFS am corrt?ck. Also, you should plot the easements on a coyy c?f the xap and qive a copy to Parks and Rec:re>.?-tim: and Planninq so they have that infontation when pl.an.ning thr3 cc: City Clerk Assistant Ci-ky Mgr. Parks and Recreation Planning 1; REPLY ON THIS SHEET FROM w , "M : 7 SrPvize X"E STik3iiU \-ti. 3EPT hIEY3, i09w 11- ,I."" - ~ "" ~ ""_ ~~~~ ___" n++ ntw __I_ "" """"""" _~____ -L" 2 - L. 1 I