HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-02-04; City Council; 3284; REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF A TENTATIVE MAP FOR A 5 LOT SUBDIVISION TO ALLOW PHASING IN CONSTRUCTION, LARRY D HUNTS, PAPAGAYO7-t -. . L>a::c?: February 4, -.- 197: *. b$ a ' 1, 4 c: :? ,i ;r :y I 2. .I !':9 . .. ,. ~t?L-'<:?-rc,=! ;'C/; _____ -_.- ______^_ Subject: Request for approval of a Applicant: Larry 13. Hunts (Papagayo) t h .? J..'<; t t 0 L' subdivision to .ai?c": phasf -__ _______ -- 'S t <? -I: ct I.? (2 .> t 0 f * The .P!anning Caymission is reco ending approval of Tentative Map KT 94-22) on ProF - located south of Chinquapin Aven~e and north of the Aqua Hediocda Lagoon between the ATSF Rzilroad and 1-5, and subject to conditio'ns stated in Planning Commission Resol No. 12?4. The project would create 6 lots with legal street frontage on Chinquapin.Avenue. TI proposed tentative map does not change the project, except to tie the.Specific Plan phasing with individual subdivision lcts. Street frontage and legal access has beet provided for each of the subdivision lots. The tentative.map conforms to the Generi Plan, an EIR \<as certified by City Council on January 2, 1973, ?ark-In-Lieu Fees ha! been paid and public facilities policy has-. been satisfied. -.-____ _~ .. -___ ' Exh j. bF t Staff report dated Deceixber 18, 1974 Planning Commission Resolution 1.124 Plot Plan, Exhibit A I-._________ StC?f-f Reco CII:I~:~I~O:?S to City Manager: Staff recommends that Tentative flap (c be approved for the reasons outlined in Pqanning Commission Resolution 1124. Council conairs with the Planning. Commission recommendation, the Council ,. City Attorney to prepare the necessary documents. If th should diu .. .. .. - .. e 4 - A3 No. sate: February 4, 1975 R3CC)V??r3,?dl! ticn -LL..L C'tv - Mznayer's - Concur with staff recommendation. Council Action 2-4-75 At the request of the developers the matter was continued to 2-18-75 The City Attorney was instructed to prepare the documents nf documents for 13pproval of the tentative map as recommended t P1 annli ng Commission. February 18, 1975. -2- CITY OF CARLSBAD -0 PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT December 18, 1974 0 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLAN N I N G D E PA R T M E NT REPORT ON: CONSIDERATION OF TENTATIVE MAP CT 74-22 ( PAPAGAY 0) APPLICANT: LARRY D. HUNTS 3024 5TH AVENUE SAN DIEGO, CA 92103 I. REQUEST: The applicant is proposing a 6 lot subdivision for a project which already has an approved Final Map and Specif Plan. Tfie five lots correspond to the approved Specific Pla phasing for the project and are necessary for financial reas The subject property is located south of Chinquapin Avenue, and north of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, between the ATSF Rail road and 1-5. 11. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of CT 74-22 based on the followinlg justification: 1) The proposed Tentative Map is in conformance with the 2) The Tentative Map meets all P-C Zone requirements. 3) The Tentative Map is consistent with General Plan requi Recommended Condition of Approval : 1) All conditions of approval for the previous tentative approved Specific Plan. men ts . map (CT 72-13) approved by City Council Resolution #30: (January 2, 1972) shall remain in effect. (See Exhibit attached ) The portion of Lot 4 adjoining Chinquapin Avenue shall be 24' wide at minimum. 2) 111. BACKGROUND: A) Location: South of Chinquapin Avenue and north of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, between the ATSF Railroad and 1-5 B) Legal Description: Tract 233 of Thum Lands, City Of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, according to Map No. 161 filed in the office of the San Diego County Recorder on December 9, 1915. 0 0 C) Site Description: The subject property is a 23 acre parcel which has already been graded and cleared of vegetation. D) Project Description: The project would create 6 lots, all with 1E:gal street frontage on Chinquapin Avenue. Each lot is intended to he able to stand on its own in terms of circulation, services, etc. E) Zoning: Subject Property: P-C North: R-'1-7500 East: 1-C (Freeway) West: RD-M and R-1-7500 west sides of the project are developed with single family dwellings. The Agua Hedionda Lagoon bounds the property on the south side and 1-5 bounds it to the eas G) General Plan Recommendation: The adopted General Plan Land Use Element shows the subject property as Resident Medium High Density at 10-16 DU/acre. The subject prop conforms to this designation. H) Environmental Impact Requirements: An EIR was submitte for the Papagayo project and Certified by the City Coun on January 2, 1973 (Resolution 2038). No further actio by the Commission is required. I) Parks Ordinance Requirements: Parks in lieu fees have paid for the project prior to approval of the final map J) Public Facilities Policy: Please refer to the attached letter from the Carlsbad Unified School District statin that School Facilities and Services will be available concurrent with need to serve the development. IV. MAJOR PLANNING ZONSIDERATION: The proposed tentative map do not change the project, except to tie the Specific Plan phas with individual subdivision lots. Thus, if the project were stop midstream, each unit would need to be able to stand on own. Sufficiency of street systems and services for each un has been guaranteed through the Specific Plan approval. Str frontage and le'gal access has been provided for each of the subdivision lots. South: P-U F) Surrounding Land Use: The property on the north and DH/vb Attachments: Plot Plan - Exhibit A. 8 12-1 6-74 Letter from Carlsbad Unified School District 3-25-7 City Council Resolution No. 3038 0 0 CARLSBAD UNIFIED SCHOOL DHSTRX 801 PINE AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFOKXIA 92C March 25, 1974 Reference: PaFagayo Hunts Partnership 380 Dwelling Units Mrs. Mary Cas:Ler , Chairman and Members of the Planning Commission City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CalLfornia 92008 Attention: Mr. Donald A. Agatep, City Planning Director Gentlemen : Our district has reviewed the proposed 380 dwelling unit developner generally located aorth of Agua Bedionda Lagoon between Interstate and Santa Fe Railroad as refereaced above and have evaluated the impact of that developaent on the facilities of our district. Please be informed that our district is able to assure you that school facilities and gervices will be available concurrent with need for this developnenz as it is presently proposed. Very truly yours, k2-d 2--- Rex Tyner District Superintendent FHL : RT : aw CC: Mrs. Margaret Adam, City Clerk Hunts Partnership ADiLliN f ST RAT ION 729-929 1 6 7 WHEREAS, a verified application for a certain property, to wit: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 171 of the County Recorder of San Diego County, Decerclber 9, 1915. Also known as San Diego County Assessor's Parcels 11, 12 and 13 of Book 205, Page 22; has been filed with the City of Carlsbad and referred to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, said verified application constitutes a request as provide Title 21 of the "Carlsbad Municipal Code"; and WHEREAS, the (applicant bas complied with the Public Facility Policj the City of Carlsbad and has provided the necessary information which in 18 19 Public Facilities will be availabfe and current with need; and WHEREAS, the subject auD7ication has complied with the requirements * 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 the City of Carlsbad " Enviyonmental Protection Ordinance of 7972"'; and WHEREAS, said Commission considered ai? factors relating to the Tentative Map and found the following facts and reawns to exist: 1) The proposed Tentative Map is in conformance wjth the approve( Speci f i c Plan. 2) The Tentative Map meets all P-C Zone requirements. 3) The Tentative Map is consistent with Genes-a1 Plan requirementi NOW, THEREFORE, BE ZTRE.SQLYD by tk Plannjnp Cmmissian of the C Carlsbad as follows: A) B) That the above recitations are true and correct. That a tentative map is approved to allr~w a &lot subdivision property located south of Chinquapfn Avenue and north of the Hedionda Lagoon between the ATSF Railroad and 1-5, and sznbj'ec the fol 'I owi ng condi ti om : I 1 2 I) All requirements as set forth in City Council Ordinance Nc 9311 , covering Specific Plan _. ., 431 -/ , adopted July 5, 1972, si be riet. I-1 13 I.2 14 15 16 17 shall be provided withi R this easement. Permanent concre steps and handrails shall be provided in areas where slop exceed 20%. Typical details of proposed street construction of Chinqu Avenue and Harbor Drive shall be subject to the City Engi approval. Developer shall install traffic signal at Tamarack Avenue Jefferson Street. A copy of agreement between San Diego Gas and Electric Cc shall be made a part of City documents. This condition will apply to Phase I only. I 7) I 8) 9) l9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 PASSED, APPROVED AFiD ADOPTED at an adjourned meeting of the City 01 Carlsbad Planning Commission held on December 18, 1974 by the following to wit: I AYES : NOES : Cowmissioner L'Heureux, Dominguez ABSENT: None Cas1 er, Fi kes , Jose, Watson, Wrench Mary Cas7 er , Chairman ATTEST: gl- \&(rqk Donald A. Agatep, Secreta - 2- 6 February 4, 1975 Paul Bussey, City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Bussey: I wish to request that the consideration for the subdivision of Lot 1 of Tract No. 72-13 into 3 lots be continued until the next regularly scheduled Council meeting o Very truly yours, Managing Partner LDH:pm P 0 E3ox 787 Carlsbad California 92008 (714) 291-3813 .... . . ..~. . . _. . ~. . 2-3 S61*~21~~(i0”W.. 10.00.’ . 3-4 s~.rma’na% 9n3W