HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-02-04; City Council; 3285; Carlsbad Housing Authority InsuranceT H S C I T 1 Ayenda Bill No. &OW7 Referred To: O F C A R L S 3 A , C A L I F O R N I A Date: February 4, 1975 Subject: Submitted By: CARLSBAD HOUSING AUTHORITY INSURANCE William C. Baldwin Assistant City Mgr. yr statem� -t of the !Satter For the past year or more staff has had ongoing communication and discussion with the regional HUD office regarding various types of insurance required by HUD. Staff took the position that the City's insurance policies adequately covered Carlsbad Housing Authority requirements. The HUD representative did not share this view. Staff provided HUD with Certificates of. Insurance but these were riot acceptable. HUD requires the City to provide them with copies of our City insurance bids. After discussions with HUD, staff decided to bid the Carlsbad Housing Authority insurance separate from the City's regular insurance. This is acceptable to HUD. The insurance bid was prepared, sent to HUD and agreement was reached. Staff is now requesting permission of the Carlsbad Housing Authority to bid the insurance outlined in the exhibit. Notice inviting bids for insurance for Carlsbad Housing Authority General Providisons Staff Recommendations to the City Manager That the Carlsbad Housing Authority insurance be submitted to local insurance businesses for bid. if the Council concurs, your ,action is to, by motion, approve the attached specifications and authorize the solicitation of bids for insurance for the Housing Authority. i �Y • AB No. .City Manager's Recommendation Concur with staff recommendations Date: February 4, 1975 • fk • 1� • �l �a • F .j • i • 1 Council_ Action 2-4-75 The specifications for the Housing Authority insurance were approved and authorization was given for solicitation of bids. CFC NOTICE TViVITING BIDS FOR CERTAIN INSURANCE FOR THE CARLSBAD HOUSING AUTHORITY Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of The Carlsbad Housing Authority of Carlsbad, California, invites and will receive sealed bids up to, but not later than, 2:00 o'clock P.M. on the 3rd day of Feb- ruary, 1975, for the purchase of certain insurance as described in the enclosed specifications. Bids =st be presented at the office of the City Manager, City of Carlsbad, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California. Bids will be opened at that time and publicly read aloud. Bids must conform to and apply to the specifications as strictly as possible and variations or alternatives provided by the bidder may dis- qualify his bid. Each bid shall be presented with a breakdown by each policy coverage showing its premium amount, in addition to the total amount for the entire package. The insuring company must be acceptable to the City Manager, City of ` Carlsbad and must be rated A+AAAAA according to the most recent Best's Insurance Guide and key rating. The company must have a claim service office in San Diego County. Specifications of these insurance requirements will be available at the office of the City Manager, City of Carlsbad, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California. The Carlsbad Housing Authority reserves the right to reject any and all bids or to waive any irregularities, exceptions and informalities in any bids or in the bidding. Dated: January , 1975 CARLSBAD HOUSIM AUMORITY SPECIFICATIONS INSURANCE SPECIFICATIONS AND BID F0RM All bids (proposals) are to be submitted by agents ou the attached form so that the information may be correlated. All terms and conditions of the Notice Inviting Bids (a copy attached) are incorporated by reference. It is anticipated that the effective date of the coverage Will be Marcb%l, 1975 and terminate March 1, 1978. Bids will be for a three-year ' period with premium payable annually, where possible. Otherwise, the bid should indicate the nature or terms of the bid. Section I Comprehensive General Liability Comprehensive General Liabil-ty Insurance including personal injury, pro- perty damage, owned automobile liability and physical damage insurance, nor -owned automobile, Owner's Landlord's and Tenant's, Owner's Protective Liability and Contractual Liability. Proposals are reque3ted with a combined single limit of liability of $300,000 per occurrence and an al- ternative bid for a combines: single limit of liability of $1,000,000. The Authority maintains an office st 2M Jefferson Street with an approximate area of 1200 square feet. The Housing Authority leases from various owners `dwelling units for rental to individuals and families. The number and stye of rental units vary from time to time. The present units under lease are as described in Enclosure A. Contingent ).ability is desired for there units and subsequent units leased by the Authority. The lease betweei the Authority and the owner requires the owner to provide OUT coverage w:tth limits of at least $100/3002000 bodily injury and $25,000 property damage or combined single limit of $300,000. The insurance desired under this proposal may be excess over other insurance provided by the owner on the rental units. The leases require that the owner provide primary insurance for kae Authority with a certificate of insurance filed with the Authority. There are at present, three employees: an executive director, a social ser-rice coordinator and a secretary bookkeeper. The Authority from time to time arranges for minor repairs, painting and cleaning service with various individuals. Authority owns a 1971 Chevy Vega Hatchback . Liability insurance includin, uninsured motorists coverage of $15/30,000, $5,000 medical pay.aents, Comprehensive and $100 deductible Collision are desired. Non -owned auto liability insurance is desired. The Authority leases from an individual the office premises and the lease required that the owner-' lessor be held free and harmless. Section II hcoperty Insurance All risk coverage on office contents and improvements and betterments at 2M Jefferson Street, Carlsbad is desired in the amount of $5,000 with a $100 ae�K..V,-lie clause and a 90 percent co-insurance clause, and a waiver of sub- rogation clause (to owner of the office building). -2- Section III Fidelity and Monies and SeeLrities A position fidelity bond for Public Housing and or Urban Renewal Projects is desired with penalty of $50,000 for the executive director and $10,000 each for the social service coordinator and bookkeeper. $5,000 money and securities coverage inside and outside are desired. An alternative bid is desired for $1,000 money and securities inside and outside. j i" Section IV Fire legal liability insurance in the amount of $25,000 is desired for the leased office building at 2777 Jefferson Street, Carlsbad, California. 1 -3- f Insurance Bid and Proposal For Carlsbad Housing Authority t Section I Comprehensive General Liability j $300,000 Combined Single Limit $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit Section II VProgerty Insurance $5,000 Office Contents i Section III Fidelity Bond Money and Securities $5,000/5,000 i Money and Securities $1,000/1,000 _ Section IV Fire Legal Liability !' y25,000 on 2M Jefferson Street, Carlsbad t s Name of Company or Companies (if more than one Company, indicate coverage for each company) 1. 1 i 2. 3. _ Best's Insurance Guide and key rating: Name of Agent Address of Agent Telephone number of Agent Submitted By: t Agent '. CITY OF CARLSB,.., GENERAL PROVISIONS READ CAREFULLY These Provisions Are A Part of Your Bid Pursuant to Notice to Bidders advertised in City official newspaper, spec- ifications, bidding instructions and requirements on file with the City Clerk, conditions on the reverse side hereof, and subject to all provisions of the Ordinances of the City of Carlsbad, the undersigned hereby pro- poses to furnish to the City of Carlsbad complete at the prices stated herein, the items or services hereinafter mentioned; and the undersigned further warrants that this bid is genuine and not sham or collusive, or made in the interest or on behalf of any person, firm or corporation not therein named; that the bidder has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other bidder to put in a sham bid, or any.other person, firm or corporation to refrain from bidding, and that the bidder has not in any manner sought by collusion to secure to himself any advantage over other bidders. In submitting this proposal, the bidder agrees that: (a) He has, or they have, carefully examined the specifications, and all provisions relating to the items to be furnished or the work to be done at- tached herewith and made a part of this proposal, and understand the meaning, intent and requirements of and agree to the same: (b) He, or they, will enter into a written contract and furnish the item(s) or complete the work in the time specified, and in strict conformity with the City of Carlsbad specifications therefor, for the prices quoted. SUBMISSION OF BIDS: 1. Forms: The -Purchasing Agent will furnish blanks and specifications for all pro- posals and no bids will receive consideration unless made upon blanks so furnished. BIDS MUST BE SUBMITTED COMPLETE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS AS FURNISHED AND DELIVEREF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD PURCHTSING DEPARTMETrrPRIOR 2. Prices: All prices and notations must be in ink or typewritten. Mistakes'may be crossed out and corrections typed or written with ink adjacent thereto, and must be initialed in ink by person signing quotation. 3. Alternate Bids: When the specifications do not include alternate proposals, the City reserves the right to reject statements or communications accompanying bids which serve to qualify such bids. 4., Verify Quotations_: Verify your quotations before submission, as they cannot be withdrawn or corrected after being opened. 5. Delivery. a Bidder shall state delivery on the Proposal Form unless already specified, in which case delivery shall be made within the time set forth. Delivery is part of the consideration and must be adhered to as specified. (b) Contrac _ r will not be held liable for failure cause of strikes, conscription of property, governmentalof God or any other causes beyond his control; provided Of time is obtained from the City Manager. .V ' 2. to make delivery be. regulations, acts a written extension 6. Firm Prices: The City of Carlsbad desires that all prices quoted by the bidder shall be firm prices. The bidder shall state whether or not the quoted prices are firm. If firm prices are not bid, the Price Adjustment Clause set forth be- low must be completed, and the maximum price possible under the Price Ad- justment Clause must be stated. The maximum price possible may be used in determining the lowest responsible bidder. Are the foregoing prices firm? Yes No answer is " the bidder must complete the following statement: �iflthehmanufacturersNo", make general increases to the trade in the prices of the product, any such increases in price made effective by the manufacturer prior to the date of shipment may be added to the price quoted by the bidder to the City, after first giving notice of such increase to the City and furnishing the City with copies of notices of price advance to the trade, showing dates of such price advances, and allowing cancellation to be effected by the City if it elects to do so; provided, however, that any increases to the City allowed under the above conditions shall not exceed price quoted to the City, and provided further thatdany decrease inrder fill inpr1Ceat t, made effective prior to delivery to the City, shall be allowed to the City of Carlsbad. 7. SignatureAll : quotations be signed with the firm name oed. A bid bycorporationmustbe signedbydulyauthorizedoffcer, emplyee or agent. 8. Evaluation of Bids - The right is reserved tb reject any or all bids, or art, or reject any item or items therein, and to waive technicalities, andrtofawardto one or more contracts on the bids submitted, either by award of all items to one bidder or by award of separate items or group of items to various bidders as the interests of the City may require. BIDDERS PERFORMANCE ON PREVIOUS CONTRACTS MAY BE CONSIDERED IN EVALUATION! OF BIDS. 9. Addenda: T-Re effect of all addenda to the contract documents shall be considered in the bid, and said addenda shall bt made a part of the contract documents and shall be returned with them. Before submitting his bid, each bidder shall inform himself as to whether or not any addenda have been issued, and failure to cover in this bid any such addenda issued, may render and result in its rejection. his bid informal 10. Specifications to Prevail: The detailed requirements of the specifications shall supersede any requirement 0 f these General Provisions which are in conflict therewith.