HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-03-04; City Council; 3310; Buena Vista and Agua Heionda Pumping StationsTHE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CAL>LORNIA ** " ! Agenda Bill No. \%f/£ W Date March k, 1975 Referred To: Subject: Submitted By: Vista-Carlsbad sewage transmission system- improvement and enlargement of the Buena City Engineer Vista and Agua Hedionda pumping stations Statement of the Hatter In June of 1973, the City and Vista Sanitation District (VSD) entered into an agreement to share in the costs of studies for improvements and enlargement of the Buena Vista and Agua Hedionda pumping stations. (Exhibit C) A summary of this study is contained in Exhibit "A". The study (Exhibit B) has been forwarded under separate cover. The Planning Director has determined that VSD is the lead agency and the Project and Environmental Impact Report has been approved by the VSD Board, as lead agency, as per the recommendation of the Vista Environmental Review Committee on January 8, 1975 (Exhibit C). The Environmental Review process has been in compliance with the City of Carlsbad's Environmental Ordinance of 1972. (Exhibit D) The Planning Commission has made a finding that the proposed project to enlarge the Buena Vista Pump Station and force main is consistant with the Carlsbad General Plan. (Exhibit E) Part of Exhibit "A" discussing sewage capacity concerns upstream of the Buena Vista Pump Station. The proposed construction project does not include increasing capacity in this gravity trunk, line (Unit B). Exhibit A. Memorandum from City Engineer dated February 18, 1975 B. Brown and.Caldwell "Project and Environmental Impact Report", distributed previously, dated October, 197^. C. Excerp from VSD minutes of January 8, 1975, and EIR Report. D. City of Carlsbad Endorsement of Compliance dated February 25, 1975. E. Planning Commission Resolution No. 1136, dated February 11, 1975. F. Carlsbad-VSD agreement dated June 7, 1973 (authorized by Resolu- tion No. 31^0). . Staff Recommendations Adopt a motion(s) to: 1. Certify that the information contained in the Project and Environmental Report and the EIR of VSD as lead agency has been reviewed and considered and that it conforms to the requirements of the City's environmental pro- tection ordinance TITLE 19. 2. Accept the subject report. » 3. Authorize VSD to direct the consultant to prepare plans and specifica- tions for the modifications and enlargement of the Buena Vista Pump Station and the construction of .a parallel force main as recommended in the. W - ' AB No' • t ' • Date.- March 4, 1975 project report and referred to as Phase I improvements to the Buena Vista Pumping Station. 4. Direct, staff to meet with VSD staff to negotiate add i t iona 1 • sewage capacity for the City in Unit B, either by purchase, lease or additional construction. • . ' City Manager's Recommendation .Concur Council Action 3-4-75 The City Council accepted staff recommendations, MEMORANDUM / * ' !V>February 18/ 1975 X TO: City Manager VIA: Public Works Administrator FROM: City Engineer SUBJECT: Vista-Carlsbad sewage transmission system Attached are copies of "A Project and Environmental Impact Report for Improvement and Enlargement of the Buena Vista and Agua Hedion- da Pumping Stations" for distribution to the City Council. This report was authorized by Vista Sanitation District and the City in June 1973 (Resolution §3140). The purpose of the report is to define the scope of a project(s) to increase the sewage transmission capacity of the jointly-owned Buena Vista Pumping Station (Unit C), the Buena Vista Force Main (Unit D), and the Agua Hedionda Pumping Station (Unit G) of the Encina Joint Sewerage System. It is anticipated that this report will be formally presented to City Council on March 4, 1975. PROJECT REPORT REVIEW The Project and Environmental Report dated October 1974 by Brown and Caldwell has been reviewed by Vista's Environmental Review Committee. The Vista Sanitation District (Vista City Council) approved the Project and Environmental Report and authorized the Engineer to proceed with plans and specifications for the con- struction of 3,000 feet of 24" diameter force main along Jefferson Street, and improvements to the Buena Vista Pump Station. This report examines short range and long range requirements for necessary improvements and enlargements to the Buena Vista and Agua Hedionda Pumping Stations. Based on October, 1975 construction costs and growth rate projections, the report recommends expenditures of $1.9 million to provide the required capacities to the year 2000* Table 10-1 and Table 10-3 indicate the types of improvements, the costs and the anticipated timing. Improvements to both the Buena Vista Pumping Station and force main and the Agua Hedionda Pumping Station are recommended for completion by the end of 1977. Table 11-1 shows the proposed allocation of ownership and cost sharing for these short range projects. With respect to the Buena Vista Pumping Station ;and force main, the report recommends that the City increase its ownership rights in Units C and D from 5.5% (0.3MGD) to 15.5% (2.0MGD) in order to provide sewage transmission capacity for the subject area up until about 1983. City Manager Feb. 18, 1975 Page Two This increase in capacity would result by a combination of construction costs to increase the capacity of the units (Carlsbad's estimated cost * $133,000) and by buy-in costs to purchase additional ownership rights in the existing system (Carlsbad's estimated buy-in cost to Vista Sanitation District is $35,000). In round numbers, the 2.0 MGD peak wet weather flow capacity will provide sewage transmission capacity for a total of 2500 residential units plus 120 acres of commercial/professional development at 2500 GAD (gallons per acre per day). By 1983, the total capacity of the Buena Vista Pumping Station and force main (Units C & D) will need to be increased to 16.6 MGD (peak wet weather flow). The upstream 24" gravity sewer trunk line (Units A & B) has a peak wet weather flow capacity of 9.4 MGD and this capacity will need to be increased. Thence, a new parallel sewer trunk line will have to be constructed from Vista to the Buena Vista Pumping Station. Both Vista and Carlsbad will require capacity in this parallel sewer trunk line. Carlsbad's existing ownership rights in Unit B are 7% of the 9.4 MGD or 653,000 gallons per day (peak wet weather flow). Average daily flow capacity is about 364,000 GPD. Assuming that the existing Plaza Camino Real shopping center (40 acres X 2500 GAD) uses 100,000 GPD capacity, Carlsbad has ownership capacity in Unit B for only about 1000 residential units (existing and proposed). Increasing the downstream capacity of the pumping station and force main is of questionable value to Carlsbad unless there is a corres- ponding increase in transmission capacity in the gravity system up- stream of the pump station (Unit B). There are several "potential" options to the City in obtaining in- creased capacity rights easterly and upstream of the Buena Vista Pumping Station: 1. Construct 14,360 linear feet of 21" - 27" gravity sewer as a joint project with VSD - Total cost about $550,000? Carlsbad's share » $85,000*. 2. Construct 14,360 linear feet of 21" - 27" swwer at City cost now, with an agreement to lease capacity to VSD in the future. 3. Construct 14,000 linear feet of minimum size sewer to handle only the City's increased needs - Total cost *» $250,000 to $300,000 (rough estimate) 4. Purchase capacity in existing Unit B from VSD (if available) - Total cost unknown. 5. Lease an intermediate capacity from VSD until such time Unit B is paralleled by a 21" - 27" trunk line (trunk line to be constructed as a VSD-Carlsbad joint project.) City Manager Feb. 18, 1975 Page Three Of the above alternates: Alternate II would appear the most economical, but it is unlikely that VSD would be able to finance its share of such a project in the near future. Alternate 12 would be prohibitive due to "front end" cost to the City. Alternate #3 might be possible if additional connections (and thus increased funds) occurred or other means of financing were avail- able. The cost would be high in relationship to the benefit derived in this alternative. Alternate 14 would be the simplest for the City, but VSD may not be in a position to sell capacity rights. Alternate $5 would seem to be the most reasonable alternative if |4 is not possible. RECOMMENDATIONS It will be the staff recommendation that, at the meeting of March 4, 1975, the City Council take the following actions: 1) Accept the report (minute motion). 2) Authorize Vista Sanitation District, as lead agency, to proceed to have the design of Plan BV2 (Phase I) completed (construct a 24" force main and Buena Vista Pump Station additions) (to include 2 additional pumps and a turbine generator). 3) Direct staff to work with VSD staff in preparing a draft amendment to the Basic Agreement for the construction of the project as out- lined in the report, and including provisions for ownership, cost sharing, buy-in costs and purchase or lease of additional capacities in the outfall sewer from the Carlsbad City limits to the Buena Vista pumping station (Unit B). "ORIGINAL SIGNED BY TIMOTHY C. FLANAGAN" Tim Flanagan TCF/de attach. CITY OF CARLSBAD ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ORDINANCE OF 1972 ENDORSEMENT OF COMPLIANCE - APPLICANT TYPE OF PERMIT ADDRESS AND LOCATION OF POPOSED ACTIVITY I declare that I have examined the file relating to the above captioned activity and have determined that all proceedings required for compliance with the City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972 are complete. DONALD A. AGATEP, Planning Director Dated: , ff Rev. 10/11/73 Q DATE: January 3, 1975 . TO: FROM: Environmental Review Committee SUBJECT: Report of the Environmental Review Committee - Environmental Impact Report for Improvement and Enlargement of the Buena Vista and Agua Hedionda Pumping Stations - E 74-144 PURPOSE: . This report contains an analysis and summary of the final EIR submitted for the above referenced case, as well as a recommendation from the Environmental Review Committee to the Vista Sanitation District as to certification of the report. PROCEDURAL NOTE: The EIR presented here is an integral part of the project report with two addendums. While having the EIR as part of the project report is relatively uncommon, it is permitted and even encouraged by CEQA. The portion of the project report concerned with the environment is indexed in Appendix B of the report. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A brief description of the project is as follows: The expansion, including sequential removal of existing pumps, and replacement and installation of new pumps in the Agua Hedionda and Buena Vista pump station, and installation and completion of a force main in Jefferson Street located in Carlsbad. (See Figure 10-1A) IMPACTS OF THE PROJECT: After analyzing the report, the Environmental Review Committee feels the project will have the following significant adverse impacts: 1. There will be a permanent increase in electrical power consumption required at both pumping stations, 225 KW under peak load conditions. 2. Gaseous exhaust emissions to the atmosphere from the standby power units at the pumping station site will be permanently increased over existing levels. The increase is due to the larger capacity gas-turbine replacing the reciprocating diesel engine as a standby power source. 3. The added wastewater handling capacity will accommodate future planned population growth. Care should be taken in other areas of planning such as land use and transportation that unsound development of any area does not occur. 4. Temporary increases in emissions of noise and dust and movements of personnel, material, and vehicles in and to the pumping station areas will occur during construction. - 1 - 5. Construction and installation of equipment, sewers, and other structures will involve temporary transformations in soils and landforms. 6. This project will have a minor growth inducing impact. DISCUSSION: . The report discusses impacts 1-5 fairly well. The sixth impact, however, requires discussion. It is clear from the report that the project can be divided into two portions. That which is necessary to correct existing deficiencies in the present system, which if not corrected could result in system failure at times of stress, which in turn would cause discharge into a lagoon. This portion of the expansion is certainly not growth inducing. The remaining expansion is to accommodate expected future growth. If this expansion were to take place at one time, it could be argued that it was a factor in inducing growth. However, it is a phased development which is intended to keep up with any population increase; and it is possible to reduce or cancel any portion of the expansion if a revised population estimate shows a slowing in the growth rate. For these reasons, it is safe to conclude that this project is not of itself growth inducing. This does not mean that sewer expansion generally may not be growth inducing•«•&• GENERAL CONCLUSIONS: The Committee feels that any impacts which would occur as a result of this project can be successfully mitigated; and, consequently, the project will not have a sig- nificant effect on the environment. RECOMMENDATION: - That prior to acting on the project, the Board of Directors certify the Environmental Impact Report, including Figure 10-lA and Exhibit C, as complete and meeting all local and State requirements with the conclusion that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment. ADOPTED BY THE. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE Jack Larimer/ ENVIRONMENTAL" COORDINATOR TTT r—— : : —— • .. r, t "C t UNFINISHED BUSINGS; ': 51- Review of prior services for the Vista Sanitation District ySD-002, Charles Salter. • The Manager stated that this matter had been returned to the agenda at the request of Director Mihalek with the request that a survey be made of former records as to the amount of money paid and the percentage of work completed. He recommended that the matter be held to the end of the agenda to review the report in Executive Session. By common consent of the Board the matter was placed at the end of the agenda for discussion in Executive Session. 33- Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 23 amending rate schedule 63- for sewer connection fees. ORDINANCE NO. 38. " AN ORDINANCE OF THE VISTA SANITATION DISTRICT AMENDING SECTION 6.1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 23 PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF EQUIVALENT DWELLING UNITS " was intro- duced and read by title. The manager requested that this ordinance be referred back to staff for an adjustment in the sewer service charge for public schools. Director McClellan moved that the ordinance be referred back to staff for an adjustment in the sewer service charge for public schools. Motion was seconded by Director Foo and carried unanimously. 42- Brown and Caldwell Report - Buena Vista Pumping Station - Buena Vista Main Force and Agua Hedionda Pumping Station Director Mihalek moved that the Board approve the Project and Environmental Impact Report as per recommendation of the Environ- mental Review Committee and authorize the Engineer to proceed with the preparation of plans and specifications as per the agreement with Brown and Caldwell dated June 25, 1973. The motion was seconded by Director McClellan and carried unanimously. 81- Oral report by Sanitary Engineer re current flow. The Sanitary Engineer reported the flow for the Month of December, 1974, at 2.49 MGD. NEW BUSINESS: 42- South Santa Fe - Trunk Sewer Extension - Preliminary Design Report by Neste, Brudin and Stone The Sanitary Engineer stated that .this is a preliminary report and gives the design criteria to establish the sizing of the pipe. Director McClellan moved that the Board approve the Preliminary Design report. Motion was seconded by Chairman Meyer and carried unanimously. 56- Bonding for Capital Improvements. .-2- 1-8-75 D SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT BET/ESN THE VISTA SANITATION DISTRICT AND TIE CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR THE EMLARGEKEKT OF AND ADDITION TO THOS5 JOINT FACILITIES KNOWN AS THE BUENA VISTA PUMPING STATION, THE BOEMA VISTA FORCE MAIN AND THE AGUA fEEDIO^IDA ?UM?I]vG STATION WHEREAS, on July 13, 1961, the VISTA SANITATION DISTRICT, a County Sanitation District, (hereinafter referred to as "Vista") and the City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation, (hereinafter referred to as "Carlsbad") • entered into an agreement pursuant to Chapter 5 of Division 1 of Title 1 of the Government Code for the joint exercise of powers and the acquisition, con- struction and operation of facilities for the transmission, treatment and disposal of sewage, which facilities shall comprise a single system of sani- tation works, hereinafter referred to as the "joint system;" and WHEREAS, it is desired to enlarge and add to certain existing trans- mission facilities constructed as part of said joint system, including the Buena Vista Pumping Station, the Buena Vista Force Main and the Agua Hedionda Pumping Station, which facilities are hereinafter referred to as "the project;" and WHEREAS, it is desired to employ an engineer to furnish engineering services for the investigation, planning and design of the project; and WHEREAS, Brown & Caldwell, Consulting Engineers, have submitted a pro- posal dated April 25, 1973, to perform the aforesaid engineering services for Vista; and WHEREAS, it is desired to submit an application for federal grant under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (Public Law 660, 84th Congress), and for a state grant under the Clean Water Bond Law of 1970, to assist in the financing and construction of the project, which applications will require the preparation and submittal of the necessary documents; and WHEREAS, under the regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Interior and the California Administrative Code, the proposed project constitutes a -1- BEST PY CO multi-municipal project designated a joint project which requires that one of the agencies be designated to apply for a grant for the joint project. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto covenant and agree as follows: 1. Vista is hereby designated as the central agency and is authorized to make application for, receive and disburse federal and state grant funds on behalf of Vista and Carlsbad, based upon each party's share of ownership and costs in the project, as hereinafter defined. 2. As provided in the Basic Agreement, Carlsbad and Vista will own portions of the proposed enlargements and additions to the joint sewer system, as tenants in common, and each will be entitled to sewage transmission services therein for the life of the project. 3. The total of all monies received under any grants will be credited to each agency in the same proportion as additional capacity rights and ownership are provided in the project, as defined in the project report to be prepared by the engineer employed as herein authorized. 4. Vista is hereby authorized to employ the County of San Diego, Depart- ment of Sanitation and Flood Control, as necessary for consultation during construction, supervision of construction, and consulting services in connection with the application for and administration of grant funds, and in administering and coordinating other activities, as herein provided, to expedite completion of the project. 5. Vista is hereby authorized to retain Brown & Caldwell, Consulting Engineers, to perform engineering services in substantial conformance with the terms of their aforesaid proposal. Any substantial changes or variations in the scope of work from that set forth in said pro- posal shall be first approved in writing by Vista and Carlsbad. -2- C O 6. Engineering costs incurred in the preparation of the project report, the environmental impact statement and the revenue program and financial plan, all as defined in the aforesaid Brown & Caldwell proposal, shall be shared 15% by Carlsbad and 85% by Vista.? Carlsbad shall pay its said share within thirty (30) days after written de- mand by Vista.] The costs of all other design services/ iraintenance manual preparation, and miscellaneous services, as defined in the aforesaid proposal, shall be shared by Vista and Carlsbad in pro- portion to their added capacity rights in the project, as determined *" /and set forth in the project report. 7. The Basic Agreement and all the Supplements thereto shall continue in full force and effect as modified and supplemented by the first supplement, the second supplement and third supplement, and all other supplemental agreements, except as herein amended. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each party hereto, pursuant to the resolution passed and adopted by the respective governing body has caused this agreement to be executed on the 7th day of June f 1973. VISTA SANITATION DISTRICT KENNETH G. ANNIN, CHairman Board of Directors VISTA SANITATION DISTRICT 1 2 3 4 /r* PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. \\ 3 £» RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, CONCERNING THE GENERAL PLAN CONFORMITY OF A PROPOSAL TO ENLARGE THE CAPACITY OF THE BUENA VISTA SEWAGE PUMP STATION AND FORCE MAIN SYSTEM 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 WHEREAS, Section 65^02 of the California Government Code requires that prior to constructing any public structure or build- ing, the Planning Commission must report on the conformity of said construction with the City's adopted General Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has submitted a project report to the Planning Commission for the improvement and enlargement of the Buena Vista and Aqua Hedionda sewage pumping stations and sys- tems for a report on General" Plan Conformity; and WHEREAS, the project has complied with" the requirements of the Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972; and WHEREAS, the adopted General Plan states that the City (shall develop a system of public facilities adequate for the pro- jected population; and WHEREAS, a project report has demonstrated the need for increasing the capacity of public sewerage faci1ities in the Buena V i sta bas i n; and WHEREAS, the proposed project to enlarge the capacity of the Buena Vista sewage pump station and force main system will pro- vide for public'sewerage facilities adequate for the projected population of the Buena V i s.ta basin until 1983; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad as follows: x • ' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 16 17 18 19 20 A) That the above recitations are true and correct. B) That the proposed project, to enlarge the capacity of the Buena Vista sewage pump station and force main system is con- sistent with the Carlsbad General Plan. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City of Carlsbad Planning Commission held on February 11, 1975, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Ga'ry Wrench, Chairman 14 ATTEST: 15 Donald A. Agatep, Secretary X X x • X X 21 X 22 X X X 23 x 24 25 26 X X 27 X 28 J&L-.