HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-04-01; City Council; 3336; Bicentennial projects... C'I T Y OF CARLSBAD, C A L I F' 0 R rV I A *. ,.. 8' THE ,. . I. "Agenda Bill No.'33.3 . ' Date: April 1, 1975 - - ' Referred To: .. Submitted By:. Subject: .. BICENTENNIAL PROJECTS City Manager * Statement of the Matter Bicentennial Chairman, David M. Dunne, by memo dated March 10, 1975, has listed several projects planned for the Bicentennial celebration which will involve funding by the City of Carlsbad, or will involve other major City participation. Chairman Dunne is asking for Council guidance in determining which of the listed projects can be achieved during the Bicentennial Celebration. Exhibit Memo dated March 10, 1975 to the Mayor and City Council .. Memo dated March 26, 1975 from City Manager to City Council Staff Recommendations to the City Manager. See City Manager. recommendations V. .. .. .. I '. * ,) - .. . April 1, 1975 . .. . I' * Date: *. .. AB Nov/ . ' . .. . .. .. .. ,. 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Magee Residentce Restoration - the restoration is required by the terms of the will under which the City received title to the property. The Park and Recreation Director has been instructed to prepare a report with his recommendations of the work necessary on the property, After review and approval by the Park and Recreation Commission, that report will be forwarded to the Council for their consideration. It is anticipated that significant work can take place this calendar year. priated in the 1974-75 fiscal year budget. Fifteen thousand dollars has been appro- Community Center and Swimming Pool - the staff is continuing its efforts to come to some resolution with the property owner concerning the land currently under consideration for a swimming pool at the corner of Chestnut and Monroe. No estimate concerning the timing of this project can be given. Funding for pre- liminary work has been appropriated in the 1974-75 fiscal year budget. Although the Bicentennial Committee has indicated that there seems to be a relationship between the swimming pool and the community center, no such relation- ship has been discussed at City staff level and there are no existing plans for a community center. .. March 26, 1975 Page 2 ' c. D. E. Hosp Grove Park - it is anticipated that during the coming 1975-76 fiscal year, the City may proceed with design studies on Hosp Grove. Band Stand - it is my understanding that the band stand is a project of the Realty Board. In order to move forward with this project, I think it will be necessary to have City cooperation. It is also anticipated that it will require some City funding. Maxton Brown Park Extension - this is now under 'development. should be completed within the next 90 days. A major portion of the landscaping Further comitments to any of these projects should be made only as a part of the 1975-76 fiscal year budget. Until the City Council has an opportunity to view these projects in the context of a11 other requirements on the Council, you should maintain maximum flexibility concerning their funding. If the Council has any further questions we will.try to respond to them. PAUL D. BUSSEY City Manager CARLSBAD BICENTENNIAL COMMITTEE CITY HALL 1200 Elm Avenue . Carlsbad, California 92008 March 70, 1975 TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL FROM : CHAIRMAN DAVID M. DUNNE SUBJECT: CURRENT STATUS OF CARLSBAD BICENTENNIAL ACTIVPTIES 1. By order of Congress the Bicentennial celebration of our nationa'l birthday began on March lst, this .year. Attached are some news clippings announcing the start of the Bicenten- nial Era. 2. You have been kept informed on the status of the or- ganization and programs of the Carlsbad Bicentennial Committee. In our opinio'n we are well-organized and have a good program established. The more difficult part lies ahead,.i. e., im- plementation of the various projects and programs. received approval of the Council at the time our application was submitted for recognition as a Bicentennial Community, were a number of projects which involved the City as a lead agency. These were chosen because: 3. Included in the Carlsbad Bicentennial program, which A. they fitted well into one or more of the Bicen- tennial themes B, they had wide citizen interest and support, and C. they were projects which had been before the Council on previous occasions and had been parti- ally planned and staffed. 'These programs are: A. Magee Residence Restoration - restore this his- toric residence for use of the Parks and Recre- ' ation Department and the Carlsbad Historical Society , B; Community Center and Swimming Pool - construction MEMORANDUM TO M!--'7R AND CITY COUNCIL March 10, 1975 Page Two of a swimming pool and Community Center for the City of Carlsbad at a site to be determined, t €. Hosp Grove Park - conduct studies and engineering. . for potential development of a park in the Hosp %rove. 4. In addition to the above listing two other worthwhile projects of less magnitude have been added to the Carlsbad Bi- centennial program and are presented for your consideration, to wit: A. Band Stand construct a Band Stand in Holiday Park for use by groups and organizations at ap- proved functions, . B. Maxton Brown Park Extension - development of the site of the old sewer plant as a park. These two projects have been discussed with staff and several Council members on various occasions. They are projects which can be accomplished during the Bicentennial period and would be attractive 'additions to the City Park system. . 5. In order for the Bicentennial Committee to assist in these projects and coordinate'the work of the clubs, groups, and organizations who have volunteered their services certain information is requested: A. what is their present status, B. what is planned for FY 75-76 for each project, such as funding, planning, initiation, and com- pletion, C. should any of these projects be removed from the Bicentennial program for Carlsbad due to lack of funds or for other reasons? D. The Bicentennial Committee and volunteer organi- zations have plans to work with the City on cer- tain facets of each project. Your suggestions as to how we could best contribute to the joint ef- fort would be appreciated. 6. No attempt has been made to recommend priorities on these projects. However, it is suggested that emphasis be -placed on the Magee Residence restoration, construction of the Band Stand, and completion of the Maxton Brown Park Extension. Positive action on these are within City and Bicentennial ca- pabilities and their completion during the Bicentennial period would gi-ve visible evidence of our dedication to the Bicenten- ,- MEMORANDUM TO MP-"3R March 10, 1975 Page Three AND CITY COUNCIL nial effort. be happy to discuss these matters with you, or designated mem- bers of the'City Staff, in more detail at any time at your con- venience. 7. The Bicentennial Committee, or members thereof, would , p/&- AVID M. DUNNE Chairman DMD:rc Attachment .