HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-06-03; City Council; 3329-1; Request for 30 day Continuance of Decisionfc>/li'^*-^" / f\/^ i/^'" /. CITY. OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. DATE: DEPARTMENT: Subject: 3329 - Supplement #i . ' . /• r June 3, 1975 • \*° • ft ^ •Planning *-' \y / '\ V '/ • f - initial: Dept.Hd. C. Atty. C. Mgr. }? w> / /) •* tI , REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL 30 DAY CONTINUANCE a Applicant: John E. Me Coy, for S. L. & B. Service Coj rett: Statement of the Matter t" ^ City Council approved Tentative Map for CT 74-5 by City Council Resolution No. 3440 adopted June-18, 1974. The applicant is requesting an extension of the adopted tentative map. If the City Council should consider a tentative map extension, the conditions of the approving resolution should be reviewed and amended as necessary so as to insure all necessary public improvements and dedications will be made; especially for Elm Avenue. • '. ' Exhibits: • ' • Letter from S. L. & B. Service Corporation dated May 16, 1975 City Council Resolution No. 3440 Recommendation; - ' At this time it would be .^improper to extend the above . .referenced subdivision since it is in conflict with the existing alignment of Elm Avenue. Continued efforts by the several property owners adjacent to Elm Avenue have not yet resolved the issue. It is quite possible that when the City Council considers the Specific Plan on the Elm Avenue . alignment, the facts will not warrant a .relocation. This request for extension should be continued to toe brought back to the City Council not later than July 15, 1975. __ST COPY RESOLUTION NO. 3440 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, CREATING AND ESTABLISHING THE COMMITTEE ON SENIOR CITIZENS AFFAIRS. WHEREAS, residents of the City of Carlsbad over the age of sixty years of age constitute a significant segment of the population identified as having special needs peculiar to their age group; and WHEREAS, Council desires to receive recommendations for matters pertinent to senior citizens; and WHEREAS, having recognized and identified this community requirement related to senior citizens, the Council does deem it necessary and in the public interest to establish such a body; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California: Section 1. A standing City committee known as the Committee on Senior Citizens Affairs shall be authorized and appointed by the authority of the City Council. Section 2. This committee shall be an advisory and service committee composed of members from the community at large. Section 3. The Committee on Senior Citizens Affairs shall be charged with the responsibility for making recommendations to the Council on all matters pertinent to senior citizens and shall, under the direction of the City Manager, be charged with the establishment, maintenance and operation of a Senior Citizens Information Center. Section 4. The committee shall be composed of seven members appointed by the Mayor with the consent and approval of the City Counci 1. Section 5. Members originally appointed s.hal1 be appointed to staggered terms as follows: three members for one year, two members for two years and two members for three years. The length of each assigned member staggered term shall be determined 1 21 3 by drawing lots. Thereafter, each member will be appointed to a term of three years. Vacancies will be filled by the City Council by appointing new members to complete the balance of unserved terms. The committee shall select annually, a chairman from its membership by simple majority vote at the first scheduled meeting after July 1st. Any member, once appointed, who fails to attend three successive meetings without justification considered reasonable to a simple majority of the committee, shall be removed from the committee. Any member once appointed who fails to participate, in the judgment of a simple majority of the committee, or who requests removal or who I I 1211 resigns, shall be replaced by a City Council appointment. 41 5 6 7 8 9 10 l1 I Section 6. Meetings shall be governed by Robert's Rules l3 /I 14 (1 of Order. 15// Section 7. The committee shall meet at least once during 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 each calendar month and may meet at the call of the chairman. Minutes of each meeting shall be kept and a copy of the minutes of each meeting forwarded to the Mayor and City Manager within two weeks after the meeting date. A Summary of Activities Report shall be submitted annually to the Mayor and City Manager within thirty days after the end of the fiscal year. Section 8. Appointment of a staff liaison person shall be at the discretion of the City Manager. Section 9. The City Manager, as he deems necessary, or as directed by the City Council, shall include funding to support the functions of the Committee on Senior Citizens Affairs in each 271/fiscal year's budget. 28// Section 10. The Committee is as established by the City 29 30 31 32 Council and shall continue at the pleasure and discretion of the Council. Section 11. Members shall serve without compensation but will be reimbursed for personal expenses incurred in the -2- *- 1 2 3 4 NOES : None. ABSENT : None. performance of duties determined to be official in nature by the City Manager. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the ATTEST: ( SEAL) . I' .I ', i' 1254 6 Lots 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, in Block "A" of Hayes Land Company Addition to Carlsbad, Map No. 2, in the City of Carlsbad, County of San Diego, State of California, according to Map thereof No. 1221, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, November 4, 1909, Exhibit "A" 1. Grading and paving of adjacent public right of way to its centerline except that portion improved to City standards. 2. Construction of P.C.C. curb, gutter and sidewalk abutting all street frontages of property, 3, Planting of street trees or deposit of monies with the City to plant said trees. 4, Installation of street lights and payment of 18-month energy charges as required by City Engineer, 5, Owner shall participate in a future sewer assessment district serving the local area (the area limits and timing of project to be determined by the City Engineer on the existing capacity of the sewers and future develop- ment requirements). All construction shall conform to City standards at time the work is done. Exhibit rBa 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1' 2( 2: 2; 2; 24 25 2E 27 31 32 28 29 30 -I i f 1 1 1 forthwith, at OWNER'S sole cost and expense, prepare pia:^^ and specifications, approved by CITY, for the construction * f I i I ! I RECORD I NC REQUESTED 3Y AND \':!EN RECCXDED MA I L TO CiTY OF CARLSBAD 1290 Elm Avenue Csrlsbsd, Cal ifornia 92(108 MAIL TAX BILL TO Documntary fraiisfer Tax $ --.. NIL - - - Computed on F:ilI Valcla of Property Conveyed - - Or Computed on Full Value Less Liens and Encumbrances Reflain- ing at T.ime of Sale. City of Carksbad Oxner Names on Line 9 at Address b!a:;led on Li ns 10 Signature of Declarant Firm Naine of Aqent Determininq Tax -- FUTURE IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT of OWNER: ADDRESS: DATED : e J p7-g PARTIES: "The parties to this agreement are the City of Caf-Tsbad, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as CITY; and the person or persons mentioned on Ling 9 of PaSe 1 hereof, hereinafter referred to as OWNER, without regard COVENANTS: It- is mutually agreed by the parties hereto as POFTC~MS: 1. CITY hereby approves the development. on Pots 23 thru 29 inclu- sive, Blk A, Hayes Land Co., Map No. 2 of Map No. 1221 on that certain real property, warranted by OWNER to be wholly owned by him, described on Exhibit A, attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. Also shown for convenience sake on Attachment A, attached hereto and made a part hereof ~ CITY does hereby temporarily waive the requirement that OWNER instal 1 those certain pub1 ic improvements 1 isted on Exhibit By attached hereto and by this reference incorporated Carlsbad Beach Club, c/o Robert J. Klitgaard 1635 First National Bank Building, San Diego, CA 92101 c_ % to number or gender. ." - assessor's parcel no. 203-140-18 & 4 2. hzrein. 3. Upon written dellrsqd therefor by CITY, addressed to OVtdER at: the address mentioned on Line 1G of ?age 1 hereof, OWNER sha 1 2! of said public improvements in the street frontage' of said property, and shall then.2orthwith construct said public ' 4! 8/ improvements according to said plans and specifications, to the approval of CITY. The demand by CITY mentioned in . 5 6 i 8 lo 9 10 Ij 14 . 15 11 12 5, In the event OWNER fails to act as required in paragraph 3 i above, after written demand therefor by CITY, CITY may perfarm 13 18 113 this paragraph may,'at CITY'S sole discretion, demand said work as to all said improvements on all said property, or as to any portion thereof, and the failure by CITY to demand said work as to any of said improvements shall not constitute 6. This agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the bemefit of the heirs, successors, assigns, and successors in interest a waiver by CITY of its 'continuing right to demand such work in the- future, a waiver by CITY of its 'continuing right to demand such work in the- future, 4. In the event title to said property or a part thereof is sold+ the herein stated obligation shall automatically also become the obligation of the new owner. 3.6 17 .. GWER's said obligations and OTWEiR shall upon wri"kten demand , therefor, reimburse to CITY its costs therefor. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 - 27 28 29 30 31 ~ in said real property, shall run with said real praperty, an6 shall create an equitable servitude upon said real. property, CITY OF CARLSBAD, A Munic5ppaZ Corporation of the State of California STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 1 On this LTL day of o,L /yI I7 -- in the year !!??g , before me, \/jet YL d3.\h ,s mrrkf- - , a Notary Public in and for the State , to be Mayor of the City of Carlsbad, California, and known to me to be the person who executed the within instrument on behalf of , known to me personally appeared $&=rp~ p, Ffl~ >>E 0 -2- 10 33. 12 13 14 15 16 3 17 18 - . 19 b said public corporation, agency or political subdivision, acknowledged to me that such City of Carlsbad, California execute the same. and- WZTNESS S ignatur my hand and official seal. ) ARLSBAD BEACH CLUB a- OWNER OWNER - .. . STATE OF CALIFOR." ) ss, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 1 on May 14, 1974 Public iv and for said State; personally appeased , before me, the undersigned, a ~otary R. J. Klitgaard I_. §TATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN-'DIEGO 3 On May 14, 1974 N 2 7 - and State personall ap eare 5 do J. kLfTGdAARD 5. before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said Count; - known to me of the partners of the partnership that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that such partnership executed the same. tobe one 2 i 3 -, - I e. 5 ' Signature 0 .I a CmRLENE A. ROBINSON 5. Name (Typed or Printed) Notary Public in and for said County and State . 2: 3( 31 32 1252 FOR NOTARY SEAL OR STAMP -3-