HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-06-03; City Council; 3381; Request for approval of an amendment to Title 21CITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. ££f/ Initial: DATE: June 3,. 1975 Dept.Hd._ _ C. DEPARTMENT: _ Planning _ | _ C M r ___^ _ Subject: REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO TITLE 21 _ OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE (ZCA-68) _ ' Statement of the Matter The Planning Commission is recommending approval of a zone code amendment (ZCA-68) to allow residential uses in the C-l and C-2 zones by Conditional Use Permits in certain limited circumstances. Exhibit Planning Commission Resolution No. 1154 Memorandum to Planning Commission dated 5-13-75 Ordinance No. Recommendation; That ZCA-68 be approved for the reasons outlined in Planning Commission Resolution No. 1154. ~ If City Council concurs, introduce Ordinance No. tf*J-*L>b Council Action 6-3-75 Following the Public Hearing, Ordinance No. 9426 was intro- duced for a first reading. 6-17-75 Ordinance #9426 was given a second reading and adopted. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1154 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, SETTING FORTH ITS FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS RELATIVE TO AN AMENDMENT TO TITLE 21 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE, CHAPTERS 21.26 AND 21.28: RESIDENTIAL USES IN THE C-1 AND C-2 ZONES BY CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT IN CERTAIN LIMITED CIRCUMSTANCES. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission declared its intention to recommend to the City Council an Amendment to Chapters 21.25 and 21.28 of the Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider the subject amendment; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission received all testimony from those persons interested in and opposed to the proposed Zone Code Amendment; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did find the following facts and reasons to be present which in their opinion are necessary to carry out the general purpose of Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code: 1) Requiring review of residential development in commercial zones through a Conditional Use Permit will insure compatible development and protect the necessary residential environment and amenities. 2) The amendment will promote the implementation of the General Plan by better defining use districts and providing protection to residential uses. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad that it does recommend approval to the City Council the changes made in Chapters 21.26 and 21.28 of the Municipal Code to allow residential uses in the C-1 and C-2 Zones by Conditional Use Permit in certain limited circum- stances, those particular changes being shown in Exhibit A attached. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City of Carlsbad Planning Commission held on May'13, 1975, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Fikes, Jose, L'Heureux, Packard, Watson, Wrench ABSENT: Commissioner Dominguez Gary Wrench, Chairman ATTEST: MEMORANDUM May 13, 1975 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: ZCA-68 RESIDENTIAL USES IN THE C-l AND C-2 ZONES The City Council directed staff to prepare an ordinance amendment revising the provisions of the C-l and C-2 zones in regard to residential uses. The City Attorney did the draft, and this is forwarded for your consideration, (attached Exhibit A) The existing code permits residential uses above the ground floor. The revised ordinance strikes reference to residential uses from the permitted uses in the C-l and C-2 zones. It then permits residential uses by Conditional Use Permits, provided the residence is above the ground floor of a permitted commercial use. This amendment should resolve the City Council concern that there could be developed indiscriminately residential uses in commercial zones that could interfere with commercial cohesiveness and provide a poor environ- ment for residences. Development criteria would be approved by the Planning Commission at time of Conditional Use Permit hearing. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Planning Commission approve ZCA-68 as submitted in Exhibit A, dated 3/19/75, for the following reasons: 1) Requiring review of residential development in commercial zones through a Conditional Use Permit will insure compatible develop- ment and protect the necessary residential environment and amenities. 2) The amendment will promote the implementation of the General Plan by better defining use districts and providing protection to residential uses. /U Bud Plender BP/br - 4/28/75 Attachment: Exhibit A 1 2 3 4- 5 6 7 8 9 10 • 11 12 13 o . 14 CQ*tn CO J i l5 tc <( o> ~* ° <0 "- D 5 16Q o i g -1-0 H v 01 50 £ 5 £5 C < ii -17o 2 — J -*- ' ^ ' UJ O z "; 8 o l«uj z CN <r -Lo u cc •" CDZ O to 5< 5 19 > °L.5 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Oft The does ordain ORDINANCE NO. 9426 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, AMENDING CHAPTERS 21.26 AND 21.28 OF THE CARLSBAD MUNICIPAL CODE BY THE AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS 21.26.010 AND 21.28.010 AND THE ADDITION OF SECTIONS 21.26.015 'AND 21.28.015 TO ALLOW RESIDENTIAL USES- IN THE C-l AND C-2 ZONES BY CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT IN CERTAIN LIMITED CIRCUMSTANCES . City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: SECTION 1: Chapter 21.26 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code • is amended by the amendment of Section 21.26.010 to read as follows "21. lowing uses and allowed, 26.010 Permitted uses. In a C-l zone only the fol- are permitted as are hereinafter specifically provided subject to the provisions of Chapter 21.44 governing off-street parking requirements: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Accountants; Attorneys; Bakeries; Barbershops or beauty parlors; Book or stationery stores; Doctors, dentists, optometrists, chiropractors and others practicing the healing arts for human beings, and related uses such as laboratories (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) oculists, pharmacies (prescription only), biochemical and X-ray laboratories; Dressmaking or millinery shops; Drugstores; Dry goods or notion stores ; - Engineers, architects and planners; . - Florist shops; Grocery or fruit stores; Hardware stores ; Hotels, motels; Jewelry stores; Laundries or clothes cleaning agencies; Laundromats ; Liquor stores (off-sale); Meat markets, delicatessen stores, paint stores and pet supply shops; (20)Private clubs, fraternities, sororities and lodges, excepting those the chief activity of. which is a service customarily carried on as a business; ' 0 7,6^ VINCENT F. BIONDO, JR.CITY ATTORNEY - CITY OF CARLSBAD1200 ELM AVENUE •CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 ' •1 2 5 - 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 £0 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 i (21) Institutions of a philanthropic or eleemosynary nature, except correctional or mental; (22) Realtors; (23) Restaurants, tea rooms or cafes (excluding dancing or entertainment and on-sale liquor) ; (24) Service stations; (25) Signs; (26) Shoe stores or repair shops; (27) Tailors, clothing or wearing apparel shops; (28) Similar establishments catering directly to consum- ers." SECTION 2: Chapter 21.26 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Section 21.26.015 to read as follows: "21.26.015 Conditional uses. When one or more of the uses permitted by Section 21.26.010 is located on the ground floor of a multistoried building, that portion of the building above the ground floor may be used for residential purposes if such use is permitted pursuant to a conditional use permit." SECTION 3: Chapter 21.28 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the amendment of Section 21.28.010 to read as follows "21.28.010 Permitted uses. In a C-2 zone only the follow- ing uses are permitted as are hereinafter specifically provided and allowed, subject to the provisions of Chapter 21.44 governing off-street parking requirements: (1) Any use permitted in the C-l zone; (2) Auto repairing; (3) Bars and cocktail lounges (on-sale liquor) ; (4) Pet shops; (5) Photo engraving; (6) Upholstering shops; (7) Retail, wholesale or service businesses catering directly to the consumer." SECTION 4: Chapter 21.28 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code is amended by the addition of Section 21.28.015 to read as follows: "21.28.015 Conditional uses. When one or more of the uses permitted by Section 21.28.010 is located 'on the ground floor of a multi-storied building, that portion of the building above the ground floor may be used for residential purposes if such use is permitted pursuant to a conditional use permit." EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall be effective thirty 2. . D< ° § oc < £ °" "• D 1O O 2z >- m o2 i- § u- 00 0 5 li **" J UJ O UJ Z CM <<o oc •- 22 O 00> r cc . I- • o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28. days after its adoption, and the City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it. to be published at least once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after its adop- tion; INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the ; Carlsbad City Council held on the 3rd day of June , 1975, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 17th day of June , 1975, by the following vote, to wit : AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Chase, Lewis, Skotnicki and Counci 1 woman Casler NOES: None ABSENT: None c.^7 ^ JYS^"^ ^P*^ "&" /^^ ~^ y I /} 7\-&-(.-r {. L^--"^^l^ sy a/ L U- u *" 'j*-'£. ROBERT C. FRAZEE, Mayor ATTEST : r ^~~~yY^l j c/? //f / /// /44J&&&' £, /,'//sL.t£.*-rts£>-' MARGAREf E. ADAMSV City Clerk • V - . ' • (SEAL) . ' 3.