HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-06-17; City Council; 3382-1; Street Resurfacing Policy('// CITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. 3382 Suppl. No. 1 Initial: DATE: June 17, 1975 . Dept.Hd. C. DEPARTMENT: Public Works '• c.. Mgr. Subject:' STREET RESURFACING POLICY Statement of the Matter As per Council direction at the June 3, 1975 Council meeting, the attached Council policy statement has been redrafted and is being resubmitted for Council action. Exhibit 1. Council policy statement Recommendation That the City Council adopt the proposed Council policy for a street resurfacing policy. Council action: 6-17-75 Council Policy Statement No. 21 was adopted, regarding the Street Overlay Program. '. " • CITY OF ^' SBAD . , -COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT Genera! Subject: STREETS Specific Subject: Street Overlay Program Pol icy No. 21 Date Issued: 6-17-75 Effective Date: 6-17-7! CanceI I at ion Date: Supersedes No. Cop i es to : PURPOSE: To establish a policy of the City Council regarding an annual street overlay program. BACKGROUND: The maintenance of City streets has been a continuing public service of the City. To date/ each annual program has been treated as a new and unique situation. This problem approach has not provided consistency, continuity nor efficiency in program administration. Accordingly, the following standing procedures for the Public Works Department regarding annual street overlay program are authorized and directed by the City Council. . It is understood that the overlay program is by nature a main- tenance program and shall be administered as such. The solution to problems of drainage impoundment, siltation, rapid deterioration and such other problems which are a result of the absence of adequately designed public improvements shall be sought in other programs such as assessment districts or voluntary construction. PROCEDURE: 1. Annually during each fiscal year each public street will be evaluated. 2. Evaluation of public streets will be based upon overall observable condition and structural serviceability. 3. Each public street in the City which by observation is judged to be in poor condition will be assigned an identifying number. 4. Judgements as to condition and structural serviceability will be quantified by use of criteria shown on Exhibit A, Street Evaluation Report. 5. Upon completion of evaluations, all public streets will be ranked from highest numerical score upon the Street Evaluation Report to lowest numerical score. 6. Public street ranking will be used in conjunction with scheduling and cost criteria to prepare a priority listing of public streets .proposed for resurfacing. . 7. The priority listing, after preparation by the Utilities/Maintenance Department, shall be reviewed by the Engineering Department for veri- fication of priority and to avoid conflict with other known projects. 8. City Council approval will constitute authority for the City Manager to follow established City procedure to cause solicitation and approval of bids, initiation, completion and inspection of overlays. Pvh-i Ki +- STREET EVALUATION FORMAT (SAMPLE) ASSIGNED COMMENTS 1 2 2 ,— — ...y. 2 1 3 1 1-3 1-3 1 1-3 1-3 1-3 Explanation of terms and values: The greater the number, the greater, the deterioration. 'A. Assign a number to the street in place of a name. B. 2 points for curb and gutter (a permanent flow line, ease of street cleaning and there must be 50% of street with curb and gutter). C. 2 points for asphalt cement paving (this is permanent and will afford a stronger base for the overlay, giving a longer life expectancy). D. 1 point for SC-800 (cold mix) which is usually found in unimproved areas with light traffic. E. 3 points for major streets which carry the bulk of the citizenry, the. tourist traffic and heavier vehicles, getting harder wear. F. 1 point for a residential street which have lighter vehicles and less damage. G. 1 to 3 points for cracks, depending on the severity and amount. H. 1 to 3 points for pot holes, depending on size and numbers, both present and those that have been patched. I. 1 point for oxididation (dehydration of paving resulting in' brittleness), The street either is or is not oxidized. J. 1 to 3 points for riding quality, that is, degree of roughness of ride. K. 1 to 3 points for general condition, covering loss of the fines, rutting, ravelling, heaving, etc. L. Traffic load - 0 to 1 points - 750 ADT (average daily traffic) 2 points - 751 to 5000 ADT 3 points - 5001 and up ADT. » The heavier volume deteriorates pavement at a faster rate. • * Total of numbers in rating boxes (excluding street number) gives the street a priority rating. Exhibit A