HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-07-01; City Council; 3406; Property Owner Improvement AgreementsCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. *3ty-0 k> ' ' ' DATE: July 1, 1975. DEPARTMENT: Public Works Subject: PROPERTY OWNER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENTS Statement of the Matter It is proposed that the City establish, a record system which can be easily updated and referred to for such purposes as establishing small' projects for installation of improvements utilizing future agreements and/or informal assessment district proceedings. Such a system could also be easily referred to for determination of current status of improvements and answering, questions as to where potential- informal improvement districts exist. Mr. Judson Naiman has submitted a proposal to perform the professional services necessary to conduct a review of existing improvements, future agreements and pending plans and establish a record system for an • amount not to exceed $4000. Funds are available in the Engineering Department professional-services'account (1-121-8.2). Exhibits . 1. consultant's proposal letter 2. Resolution No. ^l&j?/ . • 3. proposed agreement Recommendation •. • That City Council approve Resolution No .jf^$j approving the proposed agreement and authorizing the Mayor to sign on behalf of the City. Council action 7-1-75 Resolution #3681 was adopted, approving the proposed agreement and authorizing Mayor to execute the agreement.. 2 r- MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS Reports * Assessments e Bonds e Righf of Way 2173 TOKAION STREET, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92110 276-2004 March 20, Mr» Paul /?. JBuss&y City Manager . Citif o/ Carls&ad J200 Elm Street Carlsbad, California 92008 Re: Property Chungr Improvsment Agreements Dear Mr. Bussey: MAR 2 1.1975 CITY Of CARLSBAD Engineering Department Per our discussion and meetings with the Director of Public Works and City Engineer, attached is a schedule of the work nec&ssary to mah& a camprhensivs study of the abovs mentioned agreements. It is my understanding thai this study is to be prepared in a /<<,-t which will allow for updating as new agreements arc executed and prior agreement conditions are completed. The information compiled will gius the City an rfAt-£*-Glancen picture of specific areas that require furthsr consideration of implementing construction of certain improvements as established by nAgreemen*f::tf and/or petitioned irnpraugments» J am available at your convenience for further discussion of this project* . . .. .• .,'•..- •!. . •'•..-•..'._. - truly yours, JTffsJn cc: Ft, Becktaan T» Flanagan . idson T. Na tman f /Consultant /,'— March 20f \ PROPERTY QWIER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENTS • WORK SCHEDULE ITEM I PROPERTY OWNER AGREEMENTS each agreement (29-68 to present) 2* 0 stern in e existing status. 5» Indicate reach and typs of improvements on assessor's naps furnish&d by the City ITEM II EXISTING IKPR07ENEHTS . . 1* Visually reuieio all street bstwsen OCEAtt STREET on the west to VALLEY STREET on the sasi ; between LOS FLORES DRIVE on thg north to TAMMARACK AVENUE' on the south; and those specific strsot sections which are cousred by "Property Owner- Agreements"* 2* D@tern.ine which blocks could bz one hundred perc&t'A '• • improved IP minor areas to i thin- the block would . . ' -install .thai? portion of i ft pro wsw^Js.. The clzgr<:.'Q '.' • of improvement "reg-air-eci- wvuld'toe deiemfined by ih ' ••' .- ' ' type of improvemen.t'&"'3XT5it:ins-.cMizr 'ths? Majority o/ 3. Indicate reach and type of ifnprouQKtants recitirsd" -on csa^a:s.3>rf3 maps _fjurntshed by th& City, ITEM III RECORD SYSTEM 1. Consult with the Director of Public For/is and Ci.tr/ Engineer an a perpetual systevt for keeping accurate records and cross-ind&x file for the above and II and set up ths initial program.* 2» The City would furnish all materials ITEK IV FEES Item. I II III 'Estimated Tims 12 days 13 " 5 " Hourly Rate $25.00 $15*00 $25*00 "Estimated Cost 02,440.00 2, 560.00 1, 000. 00 TOTALS 30 days 54,000*00 * The estimated tine and costs are MAXIMUM amounts. If time raquir&d to complete the work is less than estimated^ thG fees would ba adjusted accordingly* Should more tins be required than estimated, ffO additional fee would be charged* foes would be payable upon completion of each Item and a statement is presented, Should tho City determine to dtscontinuy this project prior to complet ion -then fees for t ima spent to th& date of said 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 . 21 22 23 / 24 / , /25} • *>: ' \ \26 4 'l \ 27 28 c RESOLUTION NO. 3681 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF-CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND JUDSON T. NAIMAN FOR PROPERTY OWNER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT STUDY AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby resolve as follows: 1. That that certain agreement between the City of Carlsbad and Judson T. Naiman for a Property Owner Improvement Agreement Study, a copy of which is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and. incorporated herein by reference, is hereby approved. 2. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorize and directed to execute said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held cm the Is t day of July , 1975, by the following vote, to-wit: AYES: Councilman Frazee, Chase, Lewis, Skotnicki and Councilwoman Casler NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: ROBERT C. FRAZEE, Mayor MARGARET E. ADAMS/ City Clerk AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES TO' ESTABLISH A RECORD SYSTEM FOR PROPERTY OWNER 'IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENTS AND EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS ON CITY OF CARLSBAD STREET SYSTEM This agreement made and entered into as of the . day of 1975 by and between Judson T. Nairaan, an individual, hereinafter referrt to as Consultant, and the City of Carlsbad, hereinafter referred to as City. ' . WITWESSETH WHEREAS, the City has many unimproved streets in its street system; and ' • • . WHEREAS, a portion of these streets are partially improved or have property owner agreements recorded to improve portions of-the streets; and - . WHEREAS, the City does not have a system for recording these agree- ments or knowledge of which streets may be ready for installation of improvements; and . ' ' . [ • • • • WHEREAS, it is desireable for the City to have a program for recorc ing, monitoring and enforcing property owner improvement agreements. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereunto agree as follows: Article 1 Scope of Services . The Consultant will provide the services necessary to establish a program for the installation of street improvements on unimproved street as follows: ;..'.•• ."•.-.'- ' . Item I Property Owner Agreements . . 1. Review each agreement (1968 to present). * ' •.'..- • 2. Determine existing status. 3. Indicate reach and type of improvements on assessor's maps furnished by the City. " • Item II Existing Improvements • 1. Visually review all streets between Ocean Street on the west to Valley Street on the east; between Los Flores Drive on the iiorth to Tamarack Avenue on the south; and those specific street sections which are covered by "Property Owner Agreements". 2. Determine which blocks could be one hundred percent improved if minor areas within the block would install their portion of improvements. 'The degree of improvement required would be • • '. f- • ;- determine^ by the type of improvements existing over the majority of the block and right of way available. .3. Indicate reach -and type of improvements required or, assessor's • maps .furnished' by the City. Item III Record System ' 1. Consult with the Director of Public Works and City Er.rrineer on a perpetual system for keeping accurate records and cross-Index file for the above Items I and II and set up the initial program Article II Scope of City Sta'ff assistance ' The City will make its records available to determine existing property owner agreements and improvements. City map and copying facilities will be available for use as required. . City staff participation will not be available fear assistance except for information purposes only. Article III Progress and. Completion . • Services described.herein shall begin promptly following v-rlttcrx authorization by the City. Completion of the work as described in Article I shall be completed within sixty (60) calendar days.. ArtieIe IV Compensation . . Fees for services described in Article I of this agreement: v;<ill be based on direct salary costs based on rates in proposal dated March 20, 1975 except that the total fee for engineering services will not exceed the guaranteed maximum fee given in Article V. Article V Guaranteed Maximum Fee . The guaranteed maximum fee for services described in Article I shall be as follows: . •••... . • . *'; Item Ho. Maximum Fee '*'.. I $1440 " ' .II 1560 III 1000 Total $4000 Article VI Payment of Fees Charges determined on the basis set forth in Article IV shall be paid on the completion of each item described in Article I except that payments for each item' shall not exceed the maximums set forth in <r -. ' Article V. Article VII Re^sponsibility of Consultant The Consultant is, employed herein to render a professional service only and any payments to him are compensation solely for such services as he may render and recommendations he may make in the course of this project. Article VIII Changes•in the Scope of the Project If conditions beyond the control of the Consultant necessitate a change in scope of the project after work under Article I has commencedf the Consultant shall submit his estimate of increased costs to the City Manager for approval prior to undertaking any additional work. Articl_e IX Suspension or Termination of Services • . The City shall have the right to terminate this agreement and the work done under it at any time without cause by giving the Consultant a notice in writing. In the event of termination, the Consultant shall be paid fcr the work accomplished to the date of termination in accordance with Article iv. _ ' ••';'• ; - . . - -' -.'••'_ Upon request of the City, the Consultant shall assemble the work product and put the same in proper order for proper filing and closing and deliver said product to the City. :- Article X Status of Consultant The Consultant will perform the services provided for herein in his own way as an independent contractor in pursuit of his independent calling and not as an employee of the City; he shall be under the contra" of the City only as to the result accomplished and personnel assigned to project. Article XI Ownership of Documents • All maps, studies, sketches, work sheets and documents as herein required are the property of the City whether the work for which they are made be executed or not. In the event this contract is terminated, all documents, plans, worksheets, etc. shall be delivered forthwith to the City. ' ,-•••- ' • • ' . Article XII Assignment of Contract The Consultant" shall not assign this contract or any part thereof or' ' any monies due or to become due or to become due thereunder without the prior written consent of City. Article _XII Subcpntractor The Consultant shall not subcontract any of the work to be per- formed under this agreement. . Article XIV Prohibited. Interest official of the City who is authorized in. such capacity and on behalf of the City to negotiate, make, accept or approve this contract shall become directly or indirectly interested personally in this contrac or any part thereof. " Article XV Verbal Agreement or Conversation No verbal agreement or conversation with any officer, agent or employee of the City, either before, during or after the execution of this contract shall affect or modify any of the terras or obligations herein contained, nor such verbal agreement or conversation entitle the Consultant to any additional payment whatsoever under the terras of this contract. , . _ Article XVI Effective Date . - .This contract shall be effective on .and from the day and year first above written. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands and seals. . ' .. ' - CITY OF CARLSBAD •'•'. ' *by ATTEST? • Robert C. Frazee, Mayor Margaret E. Adams, City Clerk • . -" Judson T. Naiman, an individual Approved as to form: Vincent F. Biondo, Jr. City Attorney