HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-07-01; City Council; 3409; Animal Control Ordinance - Dog License Fees: .,..zs’ CITY OF CARLSBAD ti:; i j.__ - . AGENDA BILL Nb. DATE: July 1, 1975 Xnitial: Dept.Hd. C. Atty.-v- DEPARTMENT: City.Manager . C. Mgr. +' J- . Subject: ANIMAL CONTROL ORDINANCE - DOG LICENSE FEES Statement of the Matter The City of Carlsbad is presently operating under an ordinance which was adopted by reference as the San Diego County Control Ordinance. They have recently revised their animal license fees. Under our agreement with the County we are obliged to collect those fees in our City. Consequently, we are asking the City Council to adopt a resolution enabling us to'comply with the.latest licensing fees. These fees will be effective July 1, 1975. It should be noted that fees for animal regulation services have also been raised. Exhibit Fee schedule for dog licensing Resolution .No.. ,& f?+ . Recommendation If Council concurs, adopt Resolution No Council action 7-l-75 Resolution #3684 was adopted, establishing fee schedule for dog licensing. . 2 No :' 6 7 TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 19:- EXHIBIT "A' TO RESOLUTION NO."'. "' " . RESOLUTION SETTING DOG LICENSE FEES .AND ANIMAL REGULATION SERVICES FEES On motion of Supervisor Walsh . , seconded by Supervisor Taylor ¶ the following resolution is adopted: WHEREAS, on October 30, 1973 (1) the Board of Supervisors adopted a . revised animal regulation ordinance (Ordinance No.4188 (New Series)) to be added to the San Diego County Code; and . WHEREAS, Section 4 of said ordinance added Section 62.666 to the San Diego County Code, which section provides for dog license fees and animal : regulation services fees to be set by resolution of the Board of Supervisors; . 'and WHEREAS, by resolution of November 13, 1973 (49),- a fee schedule for such dog licensing and animal regulation services was adopted by this Board; and WHEREAS, the Special Public Services Agency has recommended a new list of fees for dog licensing and*'animal regulation services as appropriate to achieve the'Board of Supervisors' directive of having revenues sufficient to meet the major cost of animal regulation services; NOW THEREFORE .- BE IT RESOLVED as follows: . Dog license fees and animal regulation services fees shall be changed and in effect as of July 1, 1975 as follows: . ‘ I i - . FEES FOR DGG LICENSING 1. Dog License Fees 1 year 1 l/2 years eumm- Males sfl $ 6.00 $ 8.00 Spayed Females* &60 $ 6.00 $ 8.00 Unspayed Females /do@$12.00 $ 16.00 Dog license fees shall be non-refundable. 2. The (a) (4 (d) 3. 3 -2 years 2 l/2 years ~$10.00 $12.00 - $10.00 $12.00 $20.00 $24.00 *Includes females with non-surgical means of sterilization approved by the County Veterinarian; including but not limited to intravaginal devices, subcutaneous implants;injection. Dog Licenses Without Fee following classes of dogs shall be licensed without fee: Seeing-eye dogs and dogs which have served with the armed forces of the United States of America during any period of actual hostilities must be licensed and vaccinated under the provisions of the County,Code, but their owners shall be exempt from the license fee, Dogs used on farms for the primary purpose of herding livestock must be licensed and vaccinated under the provisions of the County Code, but their owners shall be exempt from the license fee. To qualify for the exemption in this subsection, the owner must furnish an affidavit or declaration under penalty of perjury on blanks furnished by the Tax Collector or the County Veterinarian that his dog is necessary for herding livestock and is used primarily for that purpose. Dogs'used by any governmental agency for the purpose of law'enforcement must be licensed and vaccinated under the provisions of the County Code, but their owners shall be exempt from the license fee. Dogs kept on federal Indian trust or restricted land within the boundaries of the County must be licensed and vaccinated under the provisions of the County Code, but their owners shall be exempt from the license fee. To qualify for the exemption in this subsection, the owner must furnish an affidavit or declaration under penalty of perjury on blanks furnished by the Tax Collector or the County Veterinarian that he resides and keeps his dog upon federal Indian trust or restricted land. One-time License Fee Exemption for Spayed Female Dogs : (a) Female dogs- that have been spayed must be licensed and vaccinated.under ' the provisions of the County Code; provided, however, the owner of any 4’ - (b) (cl such dog may receive a one-time only exemption from the license fee. Such one-time exemption shall not exceed a two-year licensing period; however, the owner may elect to claim the exemption for a shorter licensing period. In no case will a refund be made of a license fee already paid. The owner-of any female dog not licensed at the time of spaying may secure such exemption upon application for a license and payment of any'applicable late licensing fee. Such owner may elect to claim the fee exemption for the remainder of the then current licensing period or to defer his claim for exemption until the next subsequent licensing period in order to have the opportunity to benefit from a full fee exemption. To qualify for the exemption in this section, the following conditions must be met: (1) The dog must have been spayed on or after January 18, 1972. (2) A separate application for exemption shall be made for'each dog on the form provided by the County Tax Collector or the County Veterinarian, and an'exemption granted for one dog may not be carried over or transferred to another dog. . (3) The owner applying for an exemption shall furnish proof of spaying in a form and manner acceptable to the County Veterinarian. (4) The rabies vaccination for an eligible dog must be valid for the entire licensing period for'which the exemption is claimed. 4. Late Fee. $2.00 If application &not made within specified time. (No charge when the Tax Collector or County Veterinarian has determined the lateness was the result of delay in the administrative process). 5. Transfer Fee. $1.00 6. Replacement Fee. $1.00 FEES FOR ANIMAL REGULATION SERVICES 1. Board Fee. pmtvr /@ # - $2.00 per day for dog, cat, and up to 5 fowl $3.00 per-day for sheep, goat, pig, calf,'equine,' bovine, and exotic animals -3- - /a. ’ . 2. 'Redemption of Impounded Animals. : $ 5.00 - cats, and fowl 31wr 5;w $20.00 -msheep, goats, $25.00 - horses (all equine) pigs, and exotic animals and bovines $10.00 - additional charge during hours Shelter Office is closed, applicable only when officer is available 3. 4. 5. 6. Disposal Fee for Euthanized Animals. 7. 8. Redemption fee for a mother covers a;1 nursing offspring. Veterinary Fees. $5.00 minimum charge for treatment of impounded animals Rabies Vaccination Fee. $2.00 per dog Relinquishment Fees (Disposal Fee Included). $10.00 each for pickup of small animals in the field at owner's request if unlicensed; ' . $.5.00 each if licensed $ 5.00 each for acceptance of small animals from non-contract cities relinquished by their owner at the shelter $ ..50 each for euthanized animal bodies made available for scientific, medical or teaching purposes, subject to the prior approval of the County Veterinarian, and when in the opinion of the County Veterinarian such purposes serve the public interest. Whether or not an animal regulation services fee is applicable shall' be determined by the County Veterinarian. . ,&imal regulation services fees for redemption of impounded animals, relinquishment, adoption, disposal, and veterinary.treatment not specified above shall be determined by the County Veterinarian, in his best judgment to approximate actual costs. . \ -4- L _ “1 ^_. ,>-* . . PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Diego, tnis 8th day of April 9 1975 by the following vote: AYES: Supervisors Walsh, Brown, Conde, and Taylor NOES: SupervisorS Bates ABSENT: .Supervisors None - - - STATE OF CALIFORNIA-) ss County of San Diego ) l : I, PORTER D. CREMANS, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Diego, State of California, hereby certify that I have compared the foregoing 'copy with the original resolution passed and adopted by said Board, at a regular meeting thereof', at the time and by the vote therein stated ,.which original resolution is'now on -file in my office; that the same contains a full, true and correct transcript therefrom and of the whole thereof. Witness my hand and the seal of said Board of Supervisors; this 8th day of April, 1975 . PORTER D. CREMANS Clerk of the.Board of Supervisors ' . WWJ . Deputy . . . . . , .’ . II i 42‘ II 1 II RESOLUTION NO'. .3684 . . -2 3 4 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA SETTING DOG LICENSE FEES AND ANIMAL REGULATION SERVICE FEES. 5 WHEREAS, the County Board of Supervisors on April 8, 1975, 6 adopted County Resolution No. 67 establishing new fees for dog 7 licenses and animal regulation services, said resolution is 8 attached as Exhibit A a.-d incorporated by reference herein: and 9 WHEREAS, the County of- San Diego provides animal regulation 10 services for' the City of Carlsbad under agreement which requires 11 the City to collect County fees; 12 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT.RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad as follows: _' 14 15 16 17 1. The fees established by the County in Resolution No. 67 are hereby adopted for the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the 18 City of. Carlsbad, California, I/ at a regular meeting held on the 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 1st day of July r 1975, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Chase, Lewis, Skotni.cki and' Councilwompn' Casler NOES: None . ABSENT: None . ATTEST: ROBERT C. FRAZEE, Mayor ET E. fl (Seal) .a *. . ..C .) .’ . . , ” ii* 67 . . ~SOLUTION~SETTING DOG LICENSE FEES ' . . .AND ANIHAL~KEG~LATION SERVICES FEES -On motion of Supervisor Walsh ’ ,’ seconded by . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . - $UESDAY, ‘APRIL 8, 1925 ,, , .’ JiXHIBIT "A' Td ! .I RESOLUTION NO.';3d# * . . . . . _ Supervisor Taylor S the following resolution is adopted: . . . . WHEREAS, on October 30, 1973 (1) the Board of Supervisors adopted a . . revised animal regulation ordinance (Ordinance No.4188 (New Series)) to be z.?ded to the San Diego County Code; and , ' WHEREAS, Section 4 of said ordinance added Section 62.666 to the San . Diego.County Code, which section provides for dog license fees and animal regulation servick fees to be set by resolution of the Board of.Supervisors; . . .' . . c _ f& _., . _- : . ..WHEREAS, by resolution'of November 13, 1973 (49),. a fee schedule for * . such dog licensing and animal regulation services was adopted by .this Board;. and: - . . . . . - . : . . . WHEREAS, the Special Public Services Agency has recommended a new : . . ..* \ list of fees for dog licensing and-animal regulation services as approp*riate . to achieve. the-Board of Supervisors' .. -directive of having revenue.s sufficient . . . to meet the major cost of animal regulation services; NOW THEREFORE '. . . . : . . - BE IT RESOLVED as follows: -' 'Dog license fees' and animal regulation services fees shall be changed ,and in effect as of July 1, 1975 as follows: . . . . \ s . . . . . . . . 9 * 4 . .* ,. *’ . . . ‘. . * ,*. . . . , . , , l , ’ I . . : ,FEES FOR 1. Bog License Fees 1 year . *if- . Males $8~ $ 6.00 Spayed Females* $Z$@ $ 6.00 Unspayed Females, /$&?$12.00 *Includes females with non-surgical means of sterilization approved by the.County Veterinariali; including but. not limited to intravaginal -devices, subcutaneous implants;injection. Dog license fees shall bdnon-refundable. . .; 2. :Tliie (4 Bog Licenses without Fee . - . - . following classes of dogs shall be licensed without fee: . Seeing-eye dogs and dogs which have served with the armed forces of the United States of America during any period of actual hostilities must be licensed end 1. . owners shall . . . c '(b); Bogs used on -. . . - * . (?I * . : I - .’ . . : - e . , - . * . . ” DGG LICENSING . ' . . 1' l/2 'ye&s ' -2 years -2 l/2 years .' $ 8.00 ~$10.00 $12.00 .* $ 8.00 : : $lO.Od $12.00 ',, .' $ 16.qo $20.00 $24.00 . ' . . licensed and owners shall vaccinated under the provisions of the County Code, but their be exempt from the license fee. '... farms for the primary purpose of herding livestock must be vaccinated under the provisions of the County Code, but their -* be exempt from the licerse fee. To qualify for the exemption in this subsection, the owner must furnish an affidavit or declaration under penalty of perjury on blanks furnished by the Tax Collector or the County Veterinarian that his dog is necessary for herding livestock and is used primarily for that purpose. . ' ,. * Bogs'used by any governmentalagency for the purpose of law‘enforcement must be licensed and vaccinated under the provisions of the County Code, . but their owners shall be exempt from the license fee. ' . . . . : : : ,.. ': Dogs kept on federal Indian trust or restricted land within the boundaries . of the County must be licensed and vaccinated under the provisions of the ,' --County Code, but their owners shall be exempt from the license fee. To qualify for the exemption in this subsection, the owner must furnish an affidavit or declaration under penalty of perjury on blanks furnished by the Tax Collector or the County Veterinarian that he resides and keeps his dog upon federal Indian trust or restricted land, . . . 3. One-time License Fee Exemption for Spaved..F&male Dogs . 3 : (a). Female dogs that have been spayed must be liccnscd and vaccinated under the provisions of the County Code; provided, however, the owner of any .’ 1 *, 5 .I . . . * . 4”‘. . .; -. ,. * ._ . * . ’ : L I -- ; * .* . * . . - . ’ c . . t . - . . . . .; . . such dog may receive a one-time only exemption from the license fee. Such one-timc.cxcmption shall not exceed a two-year licensing period; however, the o\mer may elect'to claim the exemption for a shorter -licensing period. In no case trill's refund-be made of a license fee " already paid. .: . - .* ‘(b) The owner:of any female dog not licensed at the time of spaying may secure such exemption upon application for a license and payment of any.-applicable late licensing fee. Such owner may elect to claim the fee exemption for the remainder of the then current licensing period or to defer his claim for exemption unt-il,the next subsequent licensing period in order to have the opportunity to benefit from a full fee .' ' * exemption. : (c) To qualify for the exemption in this section, the following conditions must be met: .' " - t ‘(1) The dog must have been spayed on or.after January 18, 1972. (2) A seiaratk application for exemption shall be'made for--each dog . on the form provided by the County Tax Collector or the County Veterinarian, and an exemption granted for one dog may not be . carried over or transferred to another dog. . .* . . . . - (3). The owner applying for an exemption shall furnish proof of spaying in a form and manner accep'table to-the County Veterinarian. ,_ . . .. . . . . (4) The r&i&s vaccination..for 'an eligible dog must be valid for the .' entire licensing period for-which the exemption is claimed. . . 4. Late Fee.. . . . . $2.00 If application &.not made within specified time. . (No charge when the Tax Collector or County Veterinarian has determined the lateness was the result of delay in the administrative process). . . . '_ . ,5.: Transfer Fee. $1.00 + ." . , 6. Replacement Fee. $1.00 . _. . . . . . . . # : FEES FOR ANI&'REGULATION SERVICES -\ 1; Board Fee. qclJlmv--- : / ,@- $2.00 per day for dog, cat, and up to 5 fowl . . . $S.OQ per-day for sheep, goat, pig, calf,"cquine, bovine, and exotic : animals . . . . . * . . '. . * : . . : . .‘., .- ’ . . . . .’ . . . . . r -3- . *. .* . .e . . a. . . ’ . , 1 &* & : a-* . . . . " .2. 'Redemption of Xmnoundcd Animals. . . . . . * . : - $ Lb0 i ,cat’o, and fowl ; . -. .. ’ ... . - goats, .pigs, and exotic animals , s&o0 . * - horses’ (all- equine) and bovines . " $10.00 - ‘additional charge during hours Shelter Office is closed, 1 : applicable only when officer is available * Redemption fee for a mother covers a!1 nursing offspring. * . ', 3, Veterinary Fees, $5.00 minimum chgrge for treatment of impounded . animals I . 4. Rabies Vaccination Fee. $2.00 per-dog .' 5. Relinquishment Fees (Disposal Fee Included). $10.00 each for pickup of small animals. in the field at owner's request .Lf.uplicensed; ;. :_ . . . . . . .$'5.00 each kf'licensed . . '$ 5.00 each for acceptance of small animals from non-contract cities relinquished by their owner at the shelter 6.. Disposal Fee for Zuthanized Animals. * . . . : ; $. ..sd each for euthanized animal bodies made available for scientific; medical or teaching-purposes, subject to the prior approval of the County Veterinarian,,and'when in the . . . opinion of the County Veterinarian such purposes serve . . the public interest; . . 7. ,’ 6. Whether or not an animal regulation services fee is applicable shali be determined by the County Veterinarian. . . &&al regulaticn services fees kor redemption of impounded animals, I relinquishment, adoption, disposal, and veterinary.treatment not . specified above shall be determined by the County Veterinarian, in his best judgment to approximate actual costs. . : \ . . . . . ’ . . L - -; . .’ . . . . . "4ti * -.I . * * . . s -. . . PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of S;pervisprs of the County of *'.. . San Diego, this 8th day of April * 1975 by the following vote: . . : AYES: Supervisors Walsh, Brown, Conde, and Taylor . . NOES: SupervisprS Bates . . . 'ABSENT: ,Supervisors None - - L . . . . . :. . . . ‘. :. . . . : STPTE OF &IFORNIA .) . County of San Diego )' "* _' .- . I, PORTER 6. CREMNS, C1e.rk of the Board of Supervisprs of -the County of San Diego, State of California, her'eby certify that I have coupared the foregoing-cop,y with the original resolution passed and adopted by.safd Board, at a regulay meeting .thereof> at the time and by the vote therein stated ,.which originai resolution is'now on '-.fiIf.e in rni office; that the same contains a 'full, trbe and correct transcript therefrom.' -. and of the whole thereof. . _- . . -'kiiness my hand and the seal of iaid Board of Supervisors; this 8th day of April, 1975 . PORTER D.\ CREMANS . . . mw) . Clerk of the.Board of Supervisors ** . .' _" . By Irene Cuss e. - .' Deputy . . . .* ,. . - e - . . .’ . , , .- . . a. ‘. ‘. ‘. : -. ‘. ** *. ‘, . -. ‘I * . ‘. .I . . a