HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-07-15; City Council; 3428; Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway lease-.- i fYr, /I CITY OF CARLSBAD L", AGENDA BILL NO, 4.5/af DATE : July 15, 1975 DEPARTMENT : City Manager Initial: Dept . Hd .p@ C. Mgr, Subject: ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY LEASE RENEWAL OF STORM DRAIN LEASE . Statement of the Matter The City is being requested to renew the storm drain lease which runs from Oak Avenue to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. The rental for this property is $1.00 per'year, however, the company does not insist upon the actual payment but requires acknowledgment that we are still holding the premises. Exhibit .. Lessee Copy 'A' of the 1ease.form Recommendation If Council concurs, authorize the Mayor to sign the required lease and forward letter of acknowledgment to.the Atchison, , ,Topeka.and Santa Fe Railway Company Council action 7-17-75 Authorization was given for the Mayor to sign the required lease, and the staff instructed to forward letter of acknowledg- ment to A.T. & S.F. R. .\ Citv of Cirlsbad. 1200 Elm Avenue. Carlsbed. California 92008 hsrerrftcr c&d the Conircctor. .. \~~ESSETH: Thtrt the Contractor for and in consideration of the covenants, conditions, agreements, and stipulations of the State hereinafter expressed, does hereby agee to furnish to the State services and materials. as follows: (Sat forth scmks to be ra!&rcd by Contractor, cmunt to be paid Contrcccor, tine for psrfonrmm at completion, cnd attach plans and specifiationr, if UWJ.) $ $ UNEhCUMi3ERED BALANCE ITEM CHAPTER Furrrish all labor, matwial and equipnsnt to provide water and sewer .service for Carlsbsd State Eeazh, Carlsbad, Californie. ‘ -, STATUTES FISCAL YMiZ of Carlsbad Boulevard in accordance with working drawings provided to the Contractor and on file at the Office 02 Architecture and Construction, 1500 ---___ _L AMOUNT OF THIS ESTIMATE ADJ. iNCREASlNG ENCUM- SBRANCE ADJ. DECqMSlNC ENCLIM- (Continued on Page NO. 2) - 5th Street, Sacrmezto, Calii’=’s,l-?ia. The provisions on the reverse side hereof constitute a part of this agreement. _- APPRCPRIATIDN FUND FUNCTION LINE ITEM ALLOTMENT IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this agreement has been executed by the parties hereto, upon the date first above written. I hcreby ccrtify upon my otm personal knowledge :hot budgeted funds T-B.A- No. urc oraihhk jor the period cnd puqyose of the erptxdtture Hatted ahme. STATE OF CALIFORNIA B.R. NO. CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF ACCOUNTING OFFICER - CONTRACTOR [IF OTHER THAN AW IWJIVIDUAL. STATE WHETHER A CORZORATiaN. CZPAZ’r’i~?Z;Z:T OF GENZRAL SERVICES PARTNERSHIP. ETC. b DATE -- OFFICS OF AHCHITECTURE 8: CONSTAUCTION Citv of Czyis‘oad BY (AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE) BY (AUTHORiZCD SIGNATURE) SIGNATURE OF OFFiCER SIGNING ON BEUALF OF THE AGENCY b. b b TlTLP TITLE . : 8 State Architect ADDRESS (CCXTINUED ON - SHEETS. EACH BSARING N4ME OF CONTTACTOQ) DATE Contractor agrees to retain ownership of facilities and maintain same, and will supply only such water at srich pressures as may be available at any . time through the normal operation of its system. A written notice authorizing the work to proceed will be given the Contractor by the State Construction Superviso~, Mr. E. E. GSngrich, lO7 South Broadway, Los iingeles, Californiz. ~ .. The Praposal Fom and Provisions of tt?e Fair 9plo;rllent Przctlces are a2tzrP.e The work of this Agreement shall be completed within fifteen (15) workinp: .* - dags arter authorlzatlon is glven to proceed. Upon completion of the work of this Agreement, and upon approvzl of invoices submitted in trislicate by Contractor, State agrees to Contractor its actual costs established bj Contractor's stzndard accounting procedurz in accordance with the followlrg: 1 #+w-". . Sewer connect ion fee $3,470.00 lump sum Line charge for connection of water 12,888.11 2-inch water meter installation 655.60 1 500.00 Deposit for water services Total amount to be paid under this agreement shall not exceed the sum of eighteen thousand five hundred thirteen and 71/100 ($18,513.71). m