HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-08-05; City Council; 2144-6; Tract 73-18 Rancho del Pondersoa Final Map[; 3- 7. .(. 5-i . ..- .. 1: (1 ._ _.__.. ___ ---..--- -B __.__ 21 44k : __- - ,A 9.z __l-l.____l ._l_l_-.__.. T.-- .._.I - ,,EnslL!Ee r..l.n.s_ -__ I_ .______-_I.___.- --.---.-. y . - . -.. . -.-- * .-.- L- ~1-ii-Li.z.:~. : ' - ..-- _-_ _..___l__l_...__________._.______-.__lll_l~-~.- " .--.-.-I-. I_^ -I.--. ----.---.-. - .% z, Carlsbad Tract 73-18, Unit No. 2 ( Rancho de 1 Ponderosa ) __ ._I ."_. ~ .-.-,--,., ._-. Eit-~-l.-M-ap -... A.C-~ep&ance .__-__-____ T ___-__ ___ --.-_. ~ .___.__.. -..--._.__-----.-- ~~~~~.!~-'~~,-,~.~~.- of tll2 1'1 <;.I.. -., J- . ..,<,. J. -.___. ._.__II ___I- .. I. Engineering staff has completed checking the final map of Carlsbad Tract 73-18, Unit No. 2 (Rancho del Ponderosa) for cor formance with the State Subdivision Map Act and applicable loc; ordinances of the City of Carlsbad. The final map con.forms substantially with the conditions of thc tentative map approved by the City Council on July 2, Resolution No.. 3449. The tentative map time extension for a period of one year was granted by City Council action on July ' 1975. '11. Portions of lots 54 and 63 designa'ted "portions of lots 51 and 63 reserved for future street, Carlsbad Tract 73-18, Unit I (Rancho del Ponderosa), Map No. 8145 recorded July 15, 1975, LJ~ offered for dedication but was rejected and never accepted by City. Acceptance of this reserved future street is now in order (see Exhibit 'IBI'). This will complete the street design requiremen for Carlsbad Tract 73-18, Unit No. 2 (Rancho del Ponderosa). 1974 by Exhibit A. Final map B. Resolution No. C. Easement plat d7/k Recommendation 1. Adopt a motion approving the final map of Cat-lsbad Tract -7 Unit No. 2 (Rancho del Ponderosa) 2. Approving Resolution No.J7/6 regarding acceptance of th Tract 73-18, Unit No, 2 (Rancho del Ponderosa). portions of lots 54 and 63 reserved for future street of Carls Counci 1 action 8-5-75 Res'olution #3716 was adopted, accep.ting for public street certain previously rejected easements required by Carlsba 73-18, Unit No. 1 (Rancho del Ponderosa) and the final ma approved for Carlsbad -Tract 73-18 Unit NO. 2. .- * a .. j i; i 10;; $;[;,. 3 j.1 () F -1- 1 I '. c I -[ y c 0 i i_ [j r \ 1.1 F C i \ ',,/ I; j ...__ ~...~-. . . ~ i~i 1. ... :<E!"i[) -ip,f,c-[ ./3- ]c;> id^‘!. i.10 -.. -. ~ .--.. -~_~_~ ...._____..__ __ .-..--- ~ __..____.__.. . .. _.__. - _. 51 Ih:- CiCy Co\i-ir,i1 OF he Ci-ty of Cart -: 6 i :,ol'vJc? as fol1o':~;s: i I 7 11 8 1 C.i'~y or Cat-ii-.t:aci, Cotin:;' of Sn!i Dic.90, Sic7t;i or C;?! ifcj!-;j,i.' 9 ~ cLi.~at-!y cii:ici-ii-icci 3:; poi-~ioiii oi 1.0;;s 5Li tii3d G3 fieC;Iq;-!c?~ccj 1. The f01 i~~:;i ii:! de~cribecl \-e:\.\ p~-();!e~.[v 1ri:::i'. I ,. I ,-act 11 s i: c.: c : - -1 -, -LO \ i ic.)!~?. (jr lcjix2 is'{ a'i~i 63 i-esc~-\jc;d for f.Li.tij~-e I* :I I.}~cu.<~o! :;!(I. 8r1-45 . I~~c,oI*(Ic~cI J~ly 1.5, 13-j'; , 9 ;>,l!,Zl, I, 12 ': r-) :_ .-:> , .,\/ i <.)I.!\ -I y r-ej t.;z~ C:C: {JY til? C i ! \' Couric i 1 of ; 1.1~: C; i ,i y of- Cs i- . -.- __..- ~ _____, ___. ~ __-_ i (1 j- plil> 1 i c :; t I-.<:? i D ,. is i~c:; hci- I?<; -;(-I;- plil) I C 1 e !- k 0 r i /-I c C i -I '\' c: f -1 51j,;ci shai 1 c.. 3.6 , C,C;I-L i rir:ci c;o:)\' t~ i of ~bi. iic~-;,)?~j;;ioi-l to b2 i-c .. :.J i_j \ 1) i j] r. 0 ; i 11- E; ~ 2. f s! i k~(a [:cjli i?.E \I ;?E<:!.) i-ds j- r) :I Sa i: '; : ::<j<; Co [ i' 2 tic; t r_; ca I c i >C:!->r Or ;ilc C,:)-),-';~,J ()[' 3.11 ,i i ,> <; r C,;) 1 i [i>,-'l i ;, . ,. ;; i <: !- 1; I, , C~I~ICC, .lii , ,-,:':,,:; .. ir i (, ', I, , . .. .,, . f. '1 ic: L; 5) r i .d I: , p;!- I j ': '., , c I- ! ~ r- ,. . I . -,I. ,' j, ,,-:; , *\I -- - \...-- .e * -_ ------ - .~. .~~ .-... ~-. . -----..... --- .~ -- x_ - ._ -------- - - . , ) PG 1 i 63 \..I k!, I -531 C/, : Ml: P a> -$ &? ._ ..,., L . --I..' =-"..A>. c ..~. ~ -,_ I .. ~ ,- \ I\ ,. . I ~ /' / / i r 1 I I I I '. ~ .- .. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ,. . 0: . 0 .. i., ,," , .,; ,... ..I. 1%- ,/ - cm CIT.S OF CARhS Meetirig of: CITY COUNCIL 1F Date of Meeting: August 5, 1975 Time of Meeting: 7:OO P.M. 1 INVOCATION was given by Mayor Frazee. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE was lead by Cmn. Chase. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: (Approved by one motion) Minutes of the regular meeting of July. 15, 1975 Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of July 17, 1975 were approved as corrected. Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of July 22, 1975 were approved as presented. Minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of July 24, 1975 were approved as presented. [42] PRESENTATION OF RESOLUTION OF APPRECIATION was PAYHENT OF BILLS AND RATIFlCATION OF PAYROLL: for a total of 51,318,?62.51, for the period of July 14, 1975 through July 27, 1975, as certifie CONSENT CALENDAR. [gg] A. Agenda Bill nU2144. The final niap for Rancho Del Ponderosa, CT 73-18, Unit No. 2, was accepte and Resolution No. 3716 was adopted. RESOLUTION NO. _^___ 3716, acceptiRg for public street purposes certain previously rejected easements required by Carlsbad Tract 73-18, Unit No. 1, was adopted. [gg] B. Agenda Si71 f3226-Supplerient -- f2. [si] - - . ._. RESOi7hTTO-G3E3/17, - - - ___ - __ accepting for public street purposes certai ti previously rejcctcd easements required by Carlsbad Tract 73-2 (Santa Fe Glens) was adopted. -_ -- _____.-- --. __ ORDINANCCS - - __ - .- - -. - FOR - - - AI!OPTTO:i ._ _-- - -. : Tlii fol 1 crwi ng ordi nanct !e r ? RiCK ENGINEERING COMPANY K'~~'I~L%Y~% 5620 FRIARS ROAD 9 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92110 TELEPHONE . AREA CODE 714 291-0707 October 20, 1975 Mr. Allen Meacham Assistant Planner Carlsbad , California City of Carlsbad RE: CT-73-18 Dear Mr. Meacham: Enclosed is a map of Rancho Del Ponderosa Unit No. 3, which I have marked up with revised street names. In summary I have changed the following: Arbusto Circle to Arbusto Lane Arbusto Circle to La Majano Court Arbusto Circle to La Brusca Lane Please call if there are any questions. Sincerely, /I;/az*L A- Norman C. Arndt NCA/jm Enclosure d - I, I __-.. :? .- ,; r : rq t':.-, ; . ,-. ,,,. a - 4.d-r t_n * 6 RICK ENGINEERING COMPANY ~'N"D""c'~Lc%%~*~NRTSS 3088 PI0 PIC0 DR. SUITE 202 CARLSBAD, CA 92008 P.O. BOX1129 PHONE AREACODE714 729-4987 October 21, 1975 Honorable City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 RE: ITEM N0.16, AGENDA BILL #3483, APPROVAL OF SPECIFIC PLA AMENDMENT-PONDEROSA HOMES Gentlemen: On behalf of Ponderosa Homes, we hereby request a continuanc on this item to the next regular City of Carlsbad Council meeting. Sincerely, 2 I Lyle F. Gabrielson LFG : rk pt E\VEO - 09.7 1975 I/, L - m- - -. ? 9 TELi (714) 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSSAD, CALIFORNIA 92003 aitk, of CariG?b€ib October 23, 7975 Normm C. Arndt kick Engineering Co. 5620 Friars Road San D-ieyo, CA 92110 This is to confirm the following street name changes for Rancho Lk'! Pondwosa Unit No. 3, per our phone conversation: La Majano Court to El Majano Court La tit-usca Lane to Brusca Lane Mircosa Circle to La Duela Way ASS1 STANT PL.ANNEI? APl/ v b ----- ---~----------.. -.- -.... ~.- ___ _______.._.____--____- I 1 -- ; tj I?,!AME 3Avl CLe 2,s 01 *so - INIT. DATE F JANYCE WEST 11/7/75 Allen: Attached is Exhibit I'D" of the Rancho Del Ponderosa CC&R'S for your review. 5. Scc Di\A j 1. In-~o~mation j 2. File 6. ldritten j 3. Revie;., & Comment 7. Update 1, 8. Handle . .. I 4. Prepare Reply / i I I L b @ /'- - - .T I: K ;I I 13 ZT I ' D ' ' I__ The Association shall only be obligated to maint the slopes of those lots described in the diagran attache( this Exhibit "D" and rnade a part hereof (and such other S- as may be described in any deciaration(s) of annexation, any). Such slope Eaintenance shall include, but shall no be limited to, planting, fertilizing, sprinkling, landsca the installation and repair of pipe and water lines, and other activities as may be necessary or approp,riate to ma said slopes. . P 'I L c c P 1 e EGUITQ UNlON WYGH Sc:-jQQL DfSTWICT 2151 #€%CASTIT, CARDIFF, CALIFOR,BIA 92807 . 714-753-6491 lfay 30, 1974 >fayor %&err C. Prazee CITY O? UUSSAD 12co EL2 Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear I.iaya~ Prazee: The 5ait Die,Y-rito Gaiorn HZ& Schcnol District has been asked to provide. assurance to the Ciq of €arlsbad that SC~OG~ facilities will be available concurrent wii need for seconds+ studcnts frm .a the proposed Ponderosa Homes development. 1hZ'l.u~ of students from homes already approved OF under construction. The dist CUIZXZT~ facility REX~S are sumzxized for the Comeil's inforaatrion on the at?; pag..s. Officials of rhe distx-ic-C have net: recently with representatives of Ponderosa I to disccss ;be -byact 02 the developat 03 drisrrfct facilities. After discus$ with t:?~ 3evc10?er, the school dFszrict II~US~, at this tiza, indicate that no ;?S.SU;T~CP,S cza be providsd to the City of Carlsbad that: school facilities will- 2v2iK.2312 for secondary students from the proposed Ponderosa developerit concu- wiz5 need. Re: Rancho del Ponderosa -- 1 Dis'rrict fzciE,t<es are presently overcrow2ed ad projections indicate a contix - Sincerely, d;j&&&QJmL IJillian A. Berrier S up e r in t end en t bfS noAai3 c= TPUSTZTS Oarrd H. T:ror-i?son, Dou;las ?A. Fou$ust. Jack. P.. Stevens, Oini$ J. Hodriqu?z P: cfi c c n t Vye Q*?siC?nt Clzrk fi i;?., I N &5 7 2 d Ti 0 N VI lltim A. Zr-rrier, SdZl?tll7t%ld4l7! Robert A. Rlorton, A ,: I st 3 n : Su o el an ten c? nn t Jonn J. 00i Buslnass blJn .. :- _. .t. 0 0 +, 2- . '\ SAX DIEGCTTO GNTOX HIGH SCEOOL DISTRICT J : -. il I STTQ5iT CXO'nTa 1967 to 1973 Th2 Sa DisguLto Union High School District has grown fron 2794 students in 1' o 4038 L? 1973 for over a 30 percent -i?'ciease in a six year period. Bond funds wc lot evailajk lurk3 that tki? so the diszrict had to resort to other measures to >rovlde for z'ne large kflux of iiew stcclats w'ng were,generated, largely frm the .onst~~cErx of 1123 chelliag units in t1?2 area. The district is expected to grow : ITS prcat by th2 o?min,o of school in the fall of 1974. In addition to the regu -eqGred progra, Sa Dieguito providzs a coslete .and growing adult school and COI In order t~ ecreation pogza tfrat 5nvolvss over 2,030 area adults each semester. s;cva&re f55.s gxovtb over the years ssv=a;b steps. have been taka. I, Porbbhe BuLldinqs Added - Thz cEsa5ce: first dipped inm irs oTesathg budget in 1969-70 to add five l~~~bl~ clas,-~ool;ls: at San Dieguico E& School. InclU~3i.q these five, the foU.aTa; lorvil.;! buildings h.m~ been add& by leasing, YdfiL obtion to pUcitase, in orii.er tc '.p e-& ago7&h: -bual Rental Ten \ -_ -. Contzact Agree- -> D2.t~ CcxqleZEtd. & Accept-ed by Sclard - nat DaLe-*!*- Kme of Cos PaFent - 3 1/14/70 8/4/69 Er& corp. (S.B.) $25,925 -00. 3/8/11 5 Cksroo3s $181,475 .OO 1/11/ 7 I DsiStd Facilities (O.C./E.W.) 265700.00 - 7 12 Classroerrrs $186,900 .oo IC I 7 O/llj72 6/8/72 I?pafala (0. c ./E ,v o) 15,979 .oo 6 Classrom .$llE,853.00 e 8/2/73 7/11/73 Aurorz (3.R.) 4,792.67 2 CEZ~SSTQOZS $ 33,548.69 The dZszx3ct is now obligaf-ed to zt ztlflrza9. payment of $73,396.67 to cover reas or 25 ?ortzKLz buifdhzs, Tine distPi,ct was also forced to expend noaey for site g rim, equiFc-mtr zz~d ELuzLshiags ad for alteratlms Jccl permanent buildings ~rf-lere p ould not suffice. Tne zdditimal bzilli~g alme mtsunted to : $ 15,801..37 0. 196s Dist~ict burilr: Portable 1972 EqarzsFon of O.C. Shower ad Locker 81,187.16 88,737.62 1973 maision or' E.U. Shcwsr ad Locker $135,726.15 -- - *. -1- .. .. - __-. . -- 0 __ - __ . . - - -- --_r- _L - - e y*xg b&e&Je to hcresse C - -* -- Porrt3ks were not nearly ~DOLI*, ud the district was forced to go on ''swing schedulz, first 2t t3= -kigh s~ool ad fi.wLLy at aLL three regular schools. WS "staggers" t112 school 227 by briigkg strzdats to the school in shifts and is the step befor? cc?lete Zoc3le sessims. Ti2 s~hg schedule permits the district to a builii-.S's c222city by 2??roxLz2tsY Z;J~ to fifteen percent through total utuj Sf speC;=l'zed fadEbL~ dcbg 2-k perids of the. The staggered schedule ex2 iric? 02 2~tr2 CXZT~.C&X ~ctihtf~~ ZLS ~dl 23 creating conditias that lead to 1: qtud-i ~ZZZLZ~~~CZLZL~ b<Ch t5e school izself. :. &d ZS>T~ Passed kbg "i&i.s tke district: or'ficials were atlteapting to meet future facixv n y cca6uc-g a txnmxmiry-Mid.e dj5orE to pass a bond issue to build an additiwnal l~ti&rz~ WTCZ hU LTI. SOVE&~ l.966, b O~O~k~cr 1.964, aa j_m F&ixali")P 1970, ~b~ 3U-t .&fore YS S~SC~C~;SM irr OC~O'~ 02 3971 rzrs pzss bands for reC6ovaticm af e dC$xt- 2t F~D- ~ie95it,5 as 71, 3s ta C~JIISLXUGPT a sccoad high school with a sfxl eyAc mq or' EO0 by Septezibex ol 1974, Tnis secortd high s&~aL is t~r opca Se =c%~ooI,, ~7g.a~ SCXZE of tk O~LIPZ- fkexck~, =~d pu&se stili ancpther site. U~S - ,- 8 . &sis~4ctz BAed erciru. Uesvel-en YI- - IL- - zp-at'e-i-ea before &e passage a2 the successfu% bond issue thzz the. Z~C~~ZCZ e& ~dd c&-tJt-ue to grwa.aE a acrtcGerating rate and that the dis'crict .m-s E;-= me nf Earn:& .ESS~SL?;~CE i2 it vzs to provide adequate sctronl- facili . I~picl2.y e?ac&izgg sbok age p3T&-o Dm-elopers began requestjag the dis~x5~ sme femzrs of asmazs CQ pu'3lj.c agacies fnat adequate school facilities wou: A-Gk-y13bh ccETc-L2~~e eth ~E needs nf rkir dcxdogmenk, something which the disci m~-d nac p~~,~~tee airkczz a bimiizg c&tzzz~t fr531 the developer ta the. distr3,c &yaTA.z..l assis tzncc D - 1x1 or&r tr~s hzvc n m~Euz-sl methd of dezikhg wii-h all de-velopers, Sa Biegw'-tst . palky ix >Lxy af 1972, ?%is pslLcr,y -;is based GQ rfic histo-fi.cal record of other t S I.TU a OC~ OV~ Dee& 25 dEEF&rd ~TDYI G~T>W~B~CB. The &str~ic.t: took StaCe e: -or i-%e predic*zd nudxzr of seevoic2-q sm2mt': .froa housbg develapnz?n.ts ad app1j.t L~t~d- COS= of' prdd~~g po-rc&le ad pem-~mt Sac-ilLities at that tin?. The disr =ste awd cie di_reczr. costs GZ prn~5&?~~ ex portsblc clzss~omr~ an dfLstr5ct propcrq I as:dcr to 2rc~Ldz t3.p. s&~olL fac5Xeks ~~,ccessary ccnei~rrrent at% th~ need, ehesc -gze &?>Lid 5,z cw,weoa mi.& t5E 22- i d assisu~~ce €ran each deveicpps L~S p: +p-- ,'-crw~ J--' houyi:~g edts ~ii-hin the Sa E.eg~6.1ra b5rn:dan"kes. The Eazrd auth~n-ized dr^&:-krrat&3a %a cr_4-txEE ix.m a s-q&3G aS;-rEf >nt: f0-j~~ LO provide fI;IIacii?J- assist; -Id oifered c',eYdA3~cn =k pl3Fsed Grkx EiI.Fin the lGt7.21 Circm~tafICCS, the oppom -&JJ. 2s e&~ COS&S of cr~i-sf~hg ~~Z-ZZXE?~~ faextks Over a prGlc)=ged period 08 I gpczr hefore TAE Board to ~LSCES.S .ZIE?IZ.ZL~VCS- AS COS~S FOSC .1~ld. rlceds ~E.xzc~Fc~, .32~& m-?Letd-y rexked j-ts p3.ic-y w h~c 02 x373, prop-idkg for nore fldbifity ea~2ilg t;-* indi~+d ~mel~~ers D XDSZ d&eSo-;llers recogxized.' the close relation.7 ctmen. ~2 qwllity of the area ad 5% s&mh x~ci willingly entered iaro agreemen .rmide zssisttnce, - -2- , .. -. 0- . - ). *: P' . LU, LJIL, ac ;J.:,A- a2v2 oeez Lor arouats 0th thtn the $350 per unit donat that was sugges will prevest the develo7er fro= ever coqleting his plans. The district receives finacid zssisrtnce only if building penits are taken out - so far the total as: to the ZFstrict eounts to'$48.280.00 That nmey has all been deposited in the d Sp~tcial 3es2r~s Xccou=rt ad can only bi nsed for buildings 0; orher capital outh~ ~U~~OSSS. Tie momy collected so far will be budgeted in the 1974-75 budgat 2s p: pa overcl S800,OOrS; spsndag progrim for buildings, equipment: a4 supplies that i nec;.,ssa~ to cSiJ?litz the construction projects currently underway. None of this hzs zvz gaze &to &? district's operstiag budget. rhe prev'ioks policy, Yay of t !a e agrePnents will produce no e- ~COE -~- since circu; r mm hTDS Thz .d2Ttih of portabLes, expasion and renovat:icm of existing facilitles ar am hi& schcrol. has 5ac'~;eased br~Ll6bg cqzcity ts approximately 4700 far the. fall t.'a;l.oUs;la+- is a+ertecf to -teach z.p?roxizxitELy 4400 wkich will protilde, at the most year's respite from "&e sw2ng sch~dd-e at: som locations. Since dl. dist-dcc seni rdn at Spa TSiegxdeo ~ext fall, that czzi~us wfU, br. over its rated capxity and ~ortt5ncs OJ. sxxing schedde, The gzpcxarls tPleE is anticripaced for the 1975-76 school dl dzxst surely resuZCb in placing both hi,& schools OR a swing scheduh ae the f that yezr, 1 SUE2iRY - ,.: . * ,: .- x. ~n sma~~~ -&E scbnol dj-serict-is -dag every effort to provide school- facL o'r: a stcderz- vir0 reside, witlbjl; its'bo-adar-ies, Elowever, the continued growth I cr~ pade i-t i..rrrjera'clive trkrak tlce clistrict seek financial- assistace from other sou31 cia to prowids tiae necessary sc.hnol facilities concurrent wiLh need., The Bo;.rd. 1 0 fiiE &-q2]-np>.js 2s!&g bt-hc shze h &e cost of providing such facilit5.cs sine tr~e S&OO~ r'Pdities zre 2 1egi"hte Cmc2rn of ners residents 2nd a disthct, at R sd-15~ a hm. ;1-Lk resirlei1ts bo*& n,zv 2nd established are acutel-y avare of tht OR,~:DU~LCZ a5 157s wblic school to the c;uli~y of the area. Arieqxate facilities rereqxTsit2 to my echm-irional progrm frm vocationd to college prep. ~QZ costs of lad zd constraction have gsrre up appreciably since costs of prl :a&ities yere firsr est%zztecl in 1972,- Conversely, the district: nov has more acl 3.gt~r2s ;-rea 2~ octside cons-dtiug fim cn the predricixd nunber of studelnts that w: ;caerate", :rea ne3 housLrlg de~2J.opmts. 3Zii.Ze this nuxber: is gmerzlly lGmr tha ,arz estm.te used in 1572, f3ie sirrgle f&ly 3me still produces by fzr the Eaq~ ,E&CH of sc31ow:i. zge ch~J...'ren to the seemck-ry district. The. Board is grcscntly rc iai:h tl~g r?-~rzb~zt of regshr day stxdcncs eqected fro:^. different housjxg types and i -CS~ o? 2rwid.kg tem~otzq school facilities to house. the increase. In the meant: iism:ssions have b2en held wl-itfi reyresentzti-vyes of Poncksosa homzs who plan sone 4.1 .ingle: z~LL~~ 'nmes in rhe northem pat of'=i21@ district. Eowevcr, the San Dieguii: ig5 Sc5ool D-strict =mot zt: this ti= provide to the City of 'Czrlsbad. any assura hat secCCz2q SCkO?. i-zcilities tK!J be zvailzble CorncurPent with need for student ted. fr5= chc pro?~sed yozderosa r;'e\7eloppnt. Cm the contrary, based on cmrznt prc I: a~~zzzs ;hzc th3r2 vi11 no2 be adecmte sc'r?.ool facilities available in thar &e chools ss~ikz tkis dsvelopcint, Saa DFeguito "nigh School and Gak Crest Junior Hig re currz.ntly cvzrcrowded ad operat7Lg on swizg schedules, as discussed above = Es -. C. -* .. .. .. .- ..-.. ._. .I -3.- . .I 'S .e. -- - - 7100 3xxx e .. .. ;;?A C~;{S-j~yC-pO)~ * .?I ?fin< n~ cf Faci I i -tj 2s 1-L is th? gcz7 uf the Sar, CZISQ-~~O Unian High School District Board of TTG:S~D~; is prwidz 52 !IS< possible lezrning ei-ivironz2nt For a11 of tt. sTtti?fits !;.ha 1-i~ !.::thin ~22 b2t;ridaris of the Sm Dieguito Unicn Hjch Scho~f SS.istr.ict. 1 cn l3str-i ct's c??xitjr to provide sufficient instruct si;'zcz is bzjq thrzzt:ned by t?~ zpproval and construction of many new r2sid2ntizf &v:?cpiznts :ii Zhia 'th? di<-lric"is boundaries, . f;'spzfr;?fy tk %strict pztmns and resistemd voters ~.iS:fl continuE ta su ax schxl dis"oic% -L;?rcqh ik zut;-m-Sz?tion of borrds fir t!~:! cotlstxct of pcnz=r;3nTL sci?30l fzc-i 2 <ti 2.5, i?o:.i~vs.r rapi d growth vii thin the ~i stri c-t: rquiE ~ltsrnativ~ sol~tssns to the! sc5001, housing problems on an -inter bzsis. Egr-:ccj this p~tp?cci, ~EZ~SK-Z,P~ elassr~om along with otkp soflrtil enill 5s ~it-i~iz?d to th? axi~m a:ts,;~i the 'District has ih2 finane-ial rzsau-ceS tb. Gsvat.c.2 to this ezd in o&r lo avoid the requiraent to 0136' oido:!3le 5Gs-i3ns- Tk Ab%ijStPstiCn and Board of 7ruste.s vi11 expla 12sal~y avzi'2c.,isle ~V'P~US tq' SX~IFE sgch furrds and/or financial ass-istzncl to proyii. X? S~ZC? r,&d -LO ~sint~.~r; a quality educational procrzm, In this r?Sard, bxzusz a hish qgzljty educational program benef-its not c 5 ty! * cbil 3 r\ L t~ 256 t52 c.zxdaity but ZSSO. b~ns:fits 1 and developers and bui-fder: by fzzilitalins thz- szlz of t+il- i:=;;..~5, it shall he th:: policy of the Eo; tr,t iKcisd2 FmFzrty d~~~lc~~~s and bLiild2rs within the class of pzrssns 1 v:hm I- t > nx,:ci 21 mS otkr cmitri bu-iioi?s :.ri 11 It will bz ZE policy cf tk 3sir.d of T~ustees, within the legal limits e its discretjm, to extznd cms2r2tis4n to dme'lopers and builders ~fio assi th2 3istrict in th? task of providing interim ineasure:, to rr;aintain the hi qu.lity cf thn edi~catfsmf ~x=;Pz! az5 suck cooperztion shall be in ths s t.13 spcific yyidsi-in~s ca 132 estzbifskd in eva1us;ting the rnaasure of zssjs%nc? s3serred by Ti!? 6?:l~?cqs.r cr brrilder, but. all. reasonable ?actor .. -I -* -9 .~ -. - -. .* -- : - - .r be vi gorsusly soli citlh-d- .. , -r -EESL:E 2s ik? &ssjstz~cz prz~idsd by ti?e developer. . 5i;s;r-ji-j bz L2:.* L-.S i n-59 ;ICC~S~~, i ncl udi ~,i, but cot res'iri der? to, ths CoI IO -?;?I. zntieipted Sz~ct oi th5 dwtl opE..eljt on school enrollm-it; -its burdzn on th2- 62*:e1c?2r 2s in2icated by the record, if any, of .. Y. ., SGCC~SS cr iz:ilure 0 x5 d~?j~i0;3r in moving his product at present pr?-c_j 12../27s, Z!lG 02-3- .C. cs rcu7st2zc?s ; L Lo thz i21;e]o~2rts rquZst.fcr cco7eratioi-i froin t1-12 District; . .' -.-. L- - . *. -133 L~z:~g of ti?., f~rnis~?~s- of-ti.,? assistance to th? District relztt' - - 1 t',? czirtzi nty of Jikz ~ss~:T-~z:c~ that. the promi sed assistance kif 1 bz f in fzct, forthccxing; .-,',~;pfh~r t I' the zssili-ancz of zss-istzfice .frcm ifie dmelop2.r to this distri 0.: ti;? SC?.?;C~ E~SUTZ 2s givzn by $72 .J:ve?oper to other school distric