HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-08-19; City Council; 3445; Roosevelt Street moratoriumCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. ** __ Initial: Dept.Hd. DATE: August 19, 1975 DEPARTMENT: _ Planning - _ ' C. Mgr Subject: ROOSEVELT STREET MORATORIUM Applicant: City of Carlsbad Statement of the Matter On August 20, 1974 the City Council adopted Ordinance 9403, an urgency ordinance prohibiting commercial development in the Roosevelt Street study area. The Roosevelt Street study area was identified in Exhibit 'A1 of Ordinance 9403. The intent of the urgency ordinance was to create a moratorium on commercial development until such time as the City staff could initiate a downtown study program and specific plan as recommended by the Land Use Element of the General- Plan. Inasmuch as a number of studies are going on in the downtown area, specifically in the area referred to in Ordinance 9403, it is recommended that the City Council allow Ordinance 9403 to lapse. A Resolution of Intention can then be adopted to initiate a change of zone, applying the "Q" Zone to certain properties fronting on Roosevelt Street between Elm and Walnut Avenues. Exhibit Resolution No. [*f // f yfrith Exhibit 1 ..* Memorandum to Ciey- Manager from Planning Director dated July 29, 1975. Staff report on Roosevelt Street study area dated July 29, 1975 including Ordinance 9403 with Exhibit 'A1 attached. Recommendation • If Council concurs, adopt Resolution No. 3718 declaring-Council's intent to initiate a change .of zone, applying the "Q" Zone-to certain properties in the City of Carlsbad and directing the City Manager to set the proposed change of zone for public hearing before the Planning Commission. Council action 8-19-75 The staff was instructed to implement ordinances which would' accomplish the intent of the Land Use Element of the General Plan in this area for Council consideration at the earliest .possible date. • . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 1c 11 12 1: 14 1E XE 1E 2c 21 22 2: 24 2E 26 27 2E RESOLUTION NO 0 3718 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, DECLARING THE INTENTION OF SAID COUNCIL TO INITIATE A CHANGE OF ZONE TO APPLY THE "Q" ZONE TO CERTAIN PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD. WHEREAS, City Ordinance No. 9403, prohibiting commercial levelopment on certain properties fronting on Roosevelt Street letween Elm and Walnut Avenues, as shown in Exhibit A, will expire iugust 20, 1975; and WHEREAS, the application of the "Q" Zone to the subject area till implement the commercial development guidelines of the ;enera1 Plan: and Zone to the subject area e City Council of the City e its intention to initiate a zone :ode amendment ly the "Q" Zone to certain properties fronting :xhibit 1, attached. 3. That the City Manager is directed to set the proposed :hange of zone for public hearing before the Planning Commission. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City louncil held on the day of I 1975, by the following vote, to wit: /// /// r . 8 8 t 1 I i I I < 1( 11 1; 1: 14 1E 1E 17 1E 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 AYES : NOES : ABSENT : ATTEST: MARGARET E. ADAMS, City Clerk (seal) -2- ROBERT C. FRAZEE, Mayor J 1 i J OAK AVE. OTY WATER ;•• OEPT FURNITURE PROCUCTION- SO & SUPPLY STORAGE:. . AREA-.- . . A.», AUTO WRECNMC ' — •— ' '.'• SiCMML. STRA2A INDUSTRIES SFO SFt>STO SFO SFO 5FO{ IMTQ> FWWO3.TRUCK LOT sn>-sro { SFD AUTO RVNT- ING SFO 5TO SFD VL. ACfaOXTURE } SFD I _ V.W.STO STD SFD SFD CHESTNUT AVE. | I I 1 EXHIBIfft'AFt^—i stoO V'.. v;. i SKI ^D S"D SRU SFD SRU '.' ' SFD SRU SRU SFD SFD TFD SFO SFO SFD SFD SFD SFD SFD SPANISH AS££M OF 'GCO TFD SFD t f SFD' 'SRU i t i <5 UNI rs SUhaTS 'iSFD S(t' SRl.1 SRU SFD •4UNITS TTD RAftXJNC. ..... ..fc . i .* •'• r'i.-V-' '' •••.• '. ' • ' * '• SFO A UNITS TFD SFD SfD SFD SFD SFD SFD SRU SRU SRU EXHIBIT 'A' ... MEMORANDUM July 29, 1975 • TO; CITY MANAGER FROM: . PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: STATUS OF URGENCY ORDINANCE #9414 (ROOSEVELT STREET CORRIDOR) Planning staff has prepared a report to the D.R.C. regarding the above ordinance, recommending that the affected area be rezoned from C-2 to C-2-Q (application of the Q-zonej. " The urgency ordinance was adopted last August to allow the City time for creation, of a new zone and/or a Specific Plan for the downtown area which would meet the" needs of the residents and prop- erty owners, and the concerns of the City.- Plans and programs for the downtown are being developed by several groups at this time. It seems desirable to avoid any premature public 'discussion which might arise from the modification of the base zone or land use designation in the area. On the other hand, application of the Q^Zone would ensure City review of any proposed developments for adequate access, landscaping, pub!ic improvements'and compati- bility with the. existing neighborhood and proposed land usessprior to enactment of the downtown plans and programs. I would recommend that the City Council initiate a Resolution of Ijitent to.rezone the area identified in Exhibit 1 attached'to; the staff report daied\July -23,* 1975, from C-2 to C-2-Q. If you have any questions please contact my office at your convenience maid A. Agetep PLANNING DIRECTOR DAA/JC STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS July 29, 1975 DATE RECOMMENDATION PREPARED: July 22, .1975 DRC: ' AUGUST 5, 1975 DATE PLANNING COMMISSION: • OPEN CASE NO: ZC-166 . APPLICANT: CITY INITIATED I. FINDINGS ON GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY: The proposed rezoning is con- sistent with the land use designation.of the general plan and implements guidelines for commercial development stated in the Land Use Element. II. RECOMMENDATION; 'it is recommended that the City Council adopt a Resolution of Intention to initiate a" chancre of zone in _rthe area as shown in Exhibit 1 from C-/2 to C-2-Q. AM/vb EXHIBITS: Exhibit 1 (location map), attached .Exhibit? (Area Zoning), wall exhibit Exhibit 3 (Area Land UseX wall exhibit Exhibit 4 - Ordinance 9403, attached Exhibit 5 - Staff background report, attached EXHIBIT Iof staff reportdated 7-29-75. •"3 i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 " 1.3 14 I 15 J 16 IP 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 EXHIBIT 4 to staff a dated July 29, 1975 ORDINANCE NO. 9403 AN INTERIM ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTED AS AN URGENCY MEASURE PROHIBITING COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE ROOSEVELT STREET- STUDY AREA. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has recommended to the • City Council as part of the General Plan revision a special treat- ment area designated 0/M for the Roosevelt Street Study Area, as shown on the map marked Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein; and WHEREAS, the City at this time does not have an approp- riate zone to implement the provisions of said General Plan desig- nation; and . WHEREAS, it may be necessary in order to assure consis- tency between the applicable zoning in the area and the General Plan to defer including the Planning Commission's recommendation in the General Plan revision until such time as the Planning De- partment has completed a study of the area and has developed ap-. propriate zoning tools to accomplish the objectives called out in the proposed 0/N designation; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that, it is neces- sary in order to protect the public safety, health and welfare to adopt as an urgency measure an interim ordinance prohibiting any. uses which may be in conflict with the contemplated '0/N zoning and General Plan designations; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: SECTION 1; That all commercial development in that area of the City of Carlsbad identified as the Roosevelt Street Study Area, and more particularly described in Exhibit A hereto, is hereby prohibited. . SECTION 2: This ordinance shall be read once and shall 1 3- m I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 take effect immediately. SECTION 3; The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after its adoption'. INTRODUCED AND FIRST READ at a regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the 20th day of August , 1974, and thereafter PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 20th day of August , 1974, by the follow- ing vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Chase, McComas, Lewis and Skotnicki. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. -f° -/C -/T'7//: ROBERT C. FRAZEE, Ma^or ATTEST: " E.;/ADAMS,;City; Clerk \ :«••'. V'>i ".-X/' '(SEAL) 2. INFORMATION ONLY C Exhibit 5 to staff report dated July 29, 1975 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF BACKGROUND REPORT July 29, 1975 TO: DRC FROM: . PLANNING DEPARTMENT . CASE NO: ZC-166 APPLICANT: CITY INITIATED . I REQUEST: Resolution of Intention by the City Council to rezone the property fronting on .Roosevelt Street between Elm Avenue and Walnut Avenue from the existing zoning C-2 to C-2-Q. The specific area of rezoning is shown on Exhibit i . II LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Parcels fronting on Roosevelt Street between Elm Avenue and Walnut Avenue, specif- ically as- shown on the accompanying Exhibit- 1. The area is in the established downtown core, generally composed of residential uses with some commercial uses between Oak and Elm Avenues. III EXISTING ZONING: Subject Property: C-2 North: C-2 ' South: R-P East: R-3 West: M Zoning in the area is shown in Exhibit 2-. IV SURROUNDING LAND USE: Subject Property: Single and multiple-family residential; commercial. North: Commercial South: Single and multiple-family residential. East: Multiple-family residential. West: Manufacturing and commercial. Land use in the area is shown in Exhibit 3 . V PAST HISTORY AND RELATED CASES: During the General Plan Land Use Hearings of 1973-1974, the citizens committee, Planning Commission and City Council were concerned over the treatment of the area known.as the "Roosevelt Commercial Area". The property owners in the area requested that it be designated on the then proposed Land Use Plan as neighborhood commercial and that the existing zoning be changed from C-2 to C-l with the requirement of specific plan approval prior to development; The pro-perty owners expressed concern over the possible adverse impacts of introducing c more multiple family units into the neighborhood and the loss of potential economic gain. The staff, the Commission and the Land Use Committee recommended to Council that this request of the property owners be accepted with the encoura-gement of residents! uses utilized above the ground floor of commercial structures. To accompl i sh'this it was recommended that the area be des.- ignated in the land use element as a combination district "0/N". The Council generally concurred with that recommendation but expressed concern with the timing of the implementation of such a program. Specifically the Council was concerned with whether it would be more practical to maintain the status quo by desig- nating the area as a straight commercial category on the proposed • land use element and then wait for the adoption of a specific plan of the area to implement the property owners request; and whether the area should be designated as "medium-high density" residential and potential commercial uses considered when the specific plan is adopted. This action would require the rezoning of the existing C-2 parcels to-achieve general plan-zoning con- sistency. As an interim solution to this matter, the Council adopted by Ordinance #9403, on August 20, 1974, an urgency measure pro- hibiting- commercial development in the Roosevelt Street Study Area (Exhibit 4, attached). This Ordinance, in effect, created a moratorium on commercial development in the Study Area which expires August 20, 1S75. The proposed rezcning to C-2-Q is recommended as an interim measure for answering some of the concerns of the citizens, the Commission and the Council, ex- pressed a-year ago. VI ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT INFORMATION: At this time no environmental impact information" i s required. An environmental impact assess- ment will be completed upon actual consideration of the proposed rezoning. VII GENERAL PLAN INFORMATION; The area within the proposed rezoning area is designated for CBD use on the adopted land use plan. Application of the Q-zone to the study area will insure that, prior to the adoption of any specific .plan for the downtown any commercial activity taking place in the study area will be reviewed for compliance with the general plan commercial land use guidelines relating to accessibility, provision of bicycle and pedestrian access.ways, adequate landscaping, and site planning harmonious with the character and ultimate land use of the area. VIII MAJOR PLANNING CONSIDERATION; Will application of the Q-zone provide for adequate municipal review of any land uses proposed in the area prior to the adoption of a specific plan and action plan,for the downtown core area? • - DISCUSSION July 29, 1975 CASE NO: ZC-166 APPLICANT: CITY INITIATED After reviewing the concerns expressed during the hearings on the land use element two years ago, and in.view of current activities by both the City and concerned citizens relating to instigating programs in the downtown ar*a, Planning Staff feels that applica- tion of the Q-zone to the existing C-2 zoning in the Roosevelt Street Corridor is a good temporary solution to the area's planning problems. Amending the underlying zone from C-2 to C-l would eliminate only a handful of potentially obnoxious uses from being permitted in the area. On the other hand, such a rezoning of the .underlying zone in the area would perhaps mobilize citizen concern at a tire when it should be channeled towards the programs to be implemented in the downtown area. Application of the Q-zone will allow for public rev-few of the site plans of development proposed in the area, thereby guaranteeing that any uses so proposed are not initiated without some City review of their external relationships to the existing community structure or ultimate land use in the corridor. It should also be noted that, parcel "A" .of Exhibit 1 is being excluded from staff's recommendation. Thi-s parcel was rezoned RDM in 1972 (Council Resolution No. 2081) and public improvements installed at that time; consequently staff sees no point in applying the Q-zone to the parcel at this time. I:n addition to tFLe area, included tn Ordinance. #9403, tfie Council may wtsh to apply the Q-zone to those parcels between Oak and Elm, which front on Roosevelt Street. Application of the Q-zone to these parcels will ensure an appropriate area of transition between the existing intense .commercial uses along Elm Avenue and future uses in the Study Area. •