HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-08-19; City Council; 3449; Request to sewer through a private easement(Price)CITY OF CARLSEAI) <a DP-TE: Auqust 19, 1975 DEPARTNENT: Enq i neeri nu c. Mgr. / Subfcct: REQUEST TO SEWER THROUGH A PRIVATE EASEMENT. J --- (WILLIAM T. PRICE) I Statement o€ the Matter Appl icant was recently granted approval by the Planning Commission for a variance allowing property division at 1355 Forest Avenue. This created a rear lot that, because of the existing terrain, can not be served by a sewer connection to Forest Avenue. Applicant has obtained an easement from the adjacent property owner to connect to the sewer in Las Flores Avenue to the south of his property. Council approval is required to sewer through an easement. Exhibit A. Mr. Price's letter. 6. . Location map. RECOMME.N.DAT I ONS It is recommended that the City Council adopt a motion .granting permission to sewer the rear lot at 1355 Forest Avenue through a private easement to Las Flores Avenue. Council action 8-19-75 Permission was granted to William T. Price to sewer the rear lot at 1355 Forest Avenue through a private easement to Las Flores Avenue. Tim Flannagan City Engineering Dept. City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, California William T. Price 1355 Forest Ave. Carlsbad, Calif. 92008 Subject: Request for permission to use private easement for sewer and water line services. Dear Mr. Flannagan: As discussed with Mr. Ray Mc Neil from your city department it is my hope that it will be possible to bring my sewer and water service lines in from ias Flores Drive over a private easement into the back or southern end of my property. (Please see attached map. ) The primary reason for this request is that the depth of the sewer main on Forest ave. would necessitate my installing a sewer line pump from the building site of my proposed new home. As you are probably aware, not only would this mean a large expense in installation and maintenance, but would also create a potential health hazard in case of any future prolonged power failure that would shut down the sewer pump. I am therefore requesting your permission to extend sewer and water lines over a private easement to Las Flores Drive. The easement is ten (10) feet wide and has been granted to me by the Church of the Nazarene, owners of the easement property. (Assessors Parcel No. 156-110-65). As noted on the attached map the easement would be located at the westernly end of the Church property. The Church has notified me that this end of their property will be a parking lot for their proposed new Church building and that the ten foot easemeht spoken of would be part of their lanscaping and not be covered with asphalt. I would appreciate your earliest consideration to this request. Thankyou. Yours sincpnerly, William T. Price i I. I I -I--- ----- I---- 1 $ -I---------- -- - - I . .. h TEK FOOT SEWER EASEHZIiT OVER RAZAFEKS CHURCH FRO2ERTY TC SERVE PARCEL 2, PARCEL NAF EO. 3597, CAFUSBAD, CALIFGRKIA. That portion of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 31, Tobmshfp 11 South, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Base 2nd Meridian, in the City of Carlsbad, County of' San Diego, State of California, according to United States Government Survey, described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of Tract 5 of Laguna Mesa Tracts, according to Map thereof No. 1719, filed in the Office of the County Recorder of Sari Diego County June 20, 1921, being also a point on the North-South center line of said Section 31; thence zlong said IGorth-South cefiter line North 0°02100" blest 165,OO feet to the Southeasterly corner of land described in deed to William E. Eart, et ux? recorded Kovember 29, 1956 in Book 6362, page 340 of Offichl Records; thence continuing along said Korth- South center line North 0°02100f1 West 165.00 fee, thence parallel with the h'ortherly line of said Tract 5, Morth 89°59800r1 West 539.75 feet to the Northeasterly corner of land described in deed to Paul B. Young et ux, recorded August 15, 1972 as File No. 214222, being the true point of beginning; thence along the Easterly line ._- of said Young's land South 0°02*00" East 125.11 feet to the h'ortherly boundary of Las Flores Drive (60 feet tilde) as described in deed to the Clty of Carlsbad, recorded May 10, 1965 as File No. 83312, being a point on the arc of a 580.00 foot radius curve, concave Southerly, a radial line bears Fiorth 1°05158" East to said point; thence Easterly along the arc of said curve through 8 central angle of 0059q8f1 a distance of 10600 feet; thence h'orth 0 02*0011 West 125.38 feet; thence North 89 5910011 West 10.00 feet to the true point of beginning. Description prepared by: 'E&+ L. S. Ro. 3338 L/ EXHIBIT "A"