HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-08-19; City Council; 3455; Permission to test boats - Agua Hedionda LagoonCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. ? j+ Initial: Dept.Hd. DATE: August 19, 1975 ^ Atty.\/7£ DEPARTMENT: City Manager ^ C. Mgr. f\ Subject:~'PERMISSION TO TEST BOATS - AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON Statement of the Matter _*- At the Council Meeting of April 16, 1974, permission was given by the Council for boat testing on Agua Hedionda Lagoon on Tuesdays or Wednesdays between the hours of 10:00 A'M and 12:00 Noon for a period of one year to the owners and operators of the Ski Hut and to Litchfield Custom Boats. This permission expired on April 16, 1975 and a request has been received from Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lathrop on behalf of the Ski Hut and Litchfield Boat Builders that approval be given them for testing boats on these same days once again. During the past year we have had only three complaints relative to the noise created in the testing of these boats, which are primarily new craft or modified speed boats. The City of Carlsbad's present ordinance states that no. person shall operate a boat in excess of 45 miles per hour except with a special operations permit issued by the Chief of Police and authorized by the 'City Council (Ordinance 3098, Title 11, Chapter 11.24, Section 11.24.022). Exhibit Letter from Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lathrop dated July 24, 1975. Recommendation If Council concurs, that the requests be granted-with the provision that the Police Department be notified prior to any testing. 8-19-75 Permission was granted to the operators of the Ski Hut and to Litchfield Custom Boats for boat testing on the Agua Hedionda Lagoon on Tuesdays or Wednesdays between the hours of 10:00 A.M. and 12:00 Noon for a period of one year, with the provision that the Police Department be notified prior to any testing. sniiG nun SKI HUI 4145 HARRISON STREET • CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 • (714)729-6270 marine equipment • water skis and accessories • ski charters • sportswear / O n C..A-.JiBtuik~.iL.** A v Ilia INTER-DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO Chief of Police, Roy Kundtz DATE Auq. 17 is 76 A.M. P. M. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE ATTACHED AGENDA BILL GRANTED PERMISSION TO SNUG HARBOR SKI HUT AND LITCHFIELD BROS. TO TEST BOATS ON THE AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOON ON TUESDAYS AND WEDNESDAYS BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 10:00 A.M. AND 12:00 NOON. PERMISSION HAS GRANTED ON APRIL 16, 1974 FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR. THIS IS TO ADVISE YOU THAT AS OF APRIL 16, 1975, THE TESTING OF BOATS ON THE LAGOON BY SNUG HARBOR SKI HUT AND LITCHFILED BROS. WAS NO LONGER PERMISSIBLE. SINCE THAT DATE, THERE HAS BEEN NO REOUEST BY THEM FOR RENEWAL OR AN EXTENSION OF PER- MISSION FOR THAT PURPOSE. Mora REPLY ON THIS SHEET FROM I-OHM 1 1-2<V