HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-09-02; City Council; 3310-2; Vista Carlsbad sewage transmission systemCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. 3310 Suppl, No. J{\ Initial: Dept.Hd. DATE: September 2, 1975 •_ _..E ^—{ . C. Atty. DEPARTMENT: Engineering ' C. Mgr.J\ Subject! VISTA-CARLSBAD SEWAGE TRANSMISSION SYSTEM - IMPROVEMENT AND ENLARGEMENTOF THE BUENA VISTA AND AGUA HEDIONDA PUMPING STATIONS Statement of the Matter On August 19, 1975, City Council authorized the Vista Sanitation District to accept bids for the construction of the Buena Vista force main parallel line, and instructed staff to return with a supplemental agreement setting forth revised percentages of ownership and buy-in costs. The Council had previously accepted the project report and the environ- mental impact report and had authorized Vista to instruct the project engineer to prepare plans and specifications for the upgrading of the Buena Vista pump station and construction of the parallel force main. The attached supplemental agreement sets forth the revised percentages of ownership, authorizes Vista to proceed with the award of bid and construction of the parallel force main, and sets forth conditions for the administration of the construction contract. The agreement also authorizes Vista to proceed with the preparation of plans and specifi- cations for the upgrading and enlargement of the Agua Hedionda pump station and, upon subsequent approval of Vista and Carlsbad,, to proceed with the construction of the Buena Vista and Agua Hedionda pump stations. Money has been budgeted in the 75-76 budget, Fund 16, Sewer Construction. Exhibits 1. Second Supplemental Agreement .2. staff memorandum 3. Resolution No^^yx^, accepting agreement, authorizing Mayor to sign ^^ f r Recommendation It is recommended that the City Council approve Resolution No. accepting and authorizing the Mayor to execute on behalf of the City the second supplemental agreement between Vista Sanitation District and the City of Carlsbad for the enlargement of and addition to those joint facilities known as the Buena Vista pumping station, Buena Vista force main and Agua Hedionda pumping station. Council Action 9-2-75 Resolution No. 3740, accepting agreement and authorizing the Mayor to sin was adoted b title onl. .sign, was adopted by title only. / 7 (v ,,/ />- / t^^' 1 • v AGREEMENT NO. VSD-108 2J| jj SECOND- SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE 3ll VISTA SANITATION DISTRICT AND THE CITY OF i • CARLSBAD FOR THE ENLARGEMENT OF AND ADDITION 4j TO THOSE JOINT FACILITIES KNOWN AS THE BUENA i! VISTA PUMPING STATION, THE BUENA VISTA FORCE 5J| . MAIN AND THE AGUA HEDIONDA PUMPING STATION 6' I!' '7 THIS Second Supplemental Agreement is made and entered into 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 this day of , 1975, by and between the VISTA SANITATION DISTRICT, a county sanitation district of the State of California (hereinafter "Vista"), and the CITY OF CARLSBAD, a municipal corporation of the State of California' (hereinafter "Carlsbad"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, on July 13, 1961, Vista entered into an agreement pursuant to Chapter 5 of Division 7 of Title 1 of the Government Code for the joint exercise of powers and the acquisition, con- ;- - ' struction and operation of facilities for the transmission, treat- 18 ment and disposal of sewage, which facilities shall comprise a 19 single system of sanitation works, hereinafter referred to as the | i 20 j "Joint System"; and i 21 | WHEREAS, it is necessary and desirable to enlarge and addi! 22 ;j to the following existing transmission facilities constructed as 23-part of said Joint System: the Buena Vista Pumping Station 24 (hereinafter "Unit C"), the Buena Vista Force Main (hereinafter 25 "unit D"), and-the Agua Hedionda Pumping Station (hereinafter 26 "unit G"); and 27 , WHEREAS, on June 7, 1973, the parties hereto entered intoi 28 — 1 — V 1 , that certain SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE VISTA SANITATION !' * • 2:DISTRICT AND THE CITY OF CARLSBAD FOR THE ENLARGEMENT OF AND 31] ADDITION TO THOSE JOINT FACILITIES KNOWN AS THE BUENA VISTA 4|PUMPING STATION, THE BUENA VISTA FORCE MAIN AND THE AGUA HEDIONDA 5iPUMPING STATION (hereinafter the "Supplemental Agreement"), pro- i ' * 6;|viding, among other things, for Vista to act as agent of the 7 parties with regard to certain preliminary matters leading toward 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 the improvement and enlargement of said facilities; and WHEREAS, pursuant to said Supplemental Agreement", Brown and Caldwell, Consulting Engineers, have furnished the parties with a PROJECT AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR IMPROVEMENT AND ENLARGEMENT OF THE BUENA VISTA AND.AGUA HEDIONDA PUMPING STATIONS dated October 1974 (hereinafter the "Project Report"); and WHEREAS, pursuant "to previous authorization by the parties,' Brown and Caldwell has also furnished DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF BUENA VISTA; FORCE MAIN-PARALLEL LINE FOR THE VISTA SANITATION DISTRICT, CITY OF CARLSBAD, dated August 1975 (hereinafter "Plans and Specifications"), which said Plans and Specifications have been approved by engineers for the parties hereto and the County of San Diego; and WHEREAS, Vista has, pursuant to authorization in said 22iSupplemental Agreement employed the County of San Diego, Department 23: of Sanitation and Flood Control, to provide consultation during 24 construction, supervision of construction, and consulting services 25 in connection with the application for and administration of grant 26 funds, and in administering and co-ordinating other activities to 27j|6xpedite completion of the project; and 28 / / — 2 — WHEREAS, -it. is necessary to commence a joint project of con- * struction of the Buena Vista Force Main-Parallel Line, an addition to Unit D, as recommended by Brown and Caldwell; and 4 | WHEREAS, it is desirable to provide for the further imple- mentation of the recommendations of Brown and Caldwell in said 6H Project Report by means of subsequent joint projects; 7: • NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto hereby agree as follows: 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Section 1. Report Approval That certain PROJECT AND ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR IMPROVEMENT AND ENLARGEMENT OF THE BUENA VISTA AND AGUA HEDIONDA PUMPING STATIONS, dated October 1974, and all recommendations of the consulting engineers therein are hereby approved. Section 2. Vista Authority Vista is hereby appointed as administrator of the joint pro- ject for construction of the facilities as recommended in said Project Report and is hereby authorized to prepare and file on behalf of the parties appropriate applications and other docu-~ ments for approval of the construction of said facilities and possible grants in aid under state and federal laws and regula- tions, and to be the contracting agent of the parties for con- t • - 21 1! struction of said facilities. In acting as'administrator and 22 agent, Vista shall exercise the powers conferred upon it by this 23 agreement in the manner prescribed for it by all laws and regu- 24 lations, federal, state.and local, which govern it in the exercise 25 of the powers conferred upon it as a county sanitation district 26 by law. 27, The person upon whom is conferred authority to supervise, 28 // - — 3 — 1 ji administer and inspect construction of each phase by the parties • 2 hereto shall have authority to approve necessary change orders 3 up to the aggregate limit of any contingency amount set forth in 4 the Plans and Specifications duly approved by the parties hereto 5!) for each such phase, and in addition thereto, the Manager of li 6!: Vista, with the approval of the Carlsbad City Engineer, may 7j| approve necessary individual change orders of construction con- 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 tracts of $5,000 or less, up to an aggregate of ten per cent (10%) of each such construction contract.. All other change orders must be approved by both Vista and Carlsbad. Vista shall pay construe-j tion contractors pursuant to the terms and conditions of the construction contracts on behalf'of the parties, and Carlsbad shall pay Vista, in the amounts provided by this agreement and su'ch con- tracts, upon d'emand of Vista, at such times as will enable Vista to pay all construction costs as they become due. Vista shall be strictly accountable to the parties hereto for all funds received by it pursuant to this agreement, and shall maintain adequate records of all receipts and disbursements pursuant thereto. Section 3. Buena Vista Force Main-Parallel Line 20 ! Those certain DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION 21 ji OF BUENA VISTA FORCE' MAIN-PARALLEL LINE FOR THE VISTA SANITATION | 221| DISTRICT, CITY OF CARLSBAD, dated August 1975, are hereby approved, 23 and Vista is authorized to advertise for bids thereon, award and 24 enter into a contract in response to the bids received as agent 25 of .and on behalf of the parties hereto to accomplish the construc- 26 tion set forth in said Plans and Specifications. The County of 27jjSan Diego, by and through the Department of Sanitation and Flood 28 - 4 - 1, Control, shall administer the construction contract, provide 3! j construction co-ordination, and shall inspect the construction as i it progresses to ensure completion of the contract in accordance with its terms and this agreement. The costs of the County for 5ij such services shall be paid for by the partie's in the same pro- 6!i portions as they are obligated to pay for the construction pur- 7;'suant to this agreement. 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Section 4. Allocation of Costs, Ownership and Capacity Rights The ownership and capacity rights of each party "in each of the units to be enlarged and improved as set forth in the Project Report after'the completion of the construction phases set forth therein, and each party's share of.the costs of such construction phases, shall be as set forth in Table I of Exhibit 1 attached hereto and made a part 'hereof as if set forth in full. The parties hereto recognize that the actual on-line capacity of the units contemplated by this agreement may vary from time to j time. In the event that such capacities are greater than or less than capacities reflected in Exhibit 1, the change in functional capacity'shall be shared in accordance with the ownership and capacity percentages reflected in Exhibit 1. The parties hereto shall pay to each other for reallocation 22 of ownership and capacity rights as such rights will exist after 23 completion of each of the construction phases contemplated therein, 24 the respective amounts set forth in Table II of Exhibit 1. The 25 amounts provided herein to be paid by the parties shall be trans- 26 ferred by the payor to the other party upon commencement of con- 271 struction of each of the respective construction phases with 28 II" 1 >l respect to which, such payment is applicable. i Section 5. Pumping Station Improvements Vista shall authorize Brown and Caldwell to commence prepara- tion of and furnish construction drawings and specifications for 5JJ Phase I of the Agua Hedionda Pumping Station Construction as setii 6ii forth in the'Project Report. • Upon completion of construction drawings and specifications 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 for each of such subsequent construction phases and approval thereof by both Vista and Carlsbad, Vista is further authorized to advertise for bids, award and enter into construction contracts thereon for each of such subsequent construction phases to accomplish completion of the enlargements and improvements con- templated in the Project Report. Section 6. Revision of Exhibit C Upon completion of each of the construction phases set forth in the Project Report, Exhibit C to the agreement of July 13, 1961, as supplemented and amended, shall be revised to reflect the reallocation of ownership and capacity rights in Units C, D and G as accomplished by such construction phases and 20 | the provisions of Section 4 of this agreement. ii • .i21 i Section 7. Counterparts 221 This agreement may be executed in counterparts, and upon 23 its execution thereof by the parties hereto, each such counter- 24 part shall be deemed to be an original. 25 // ' ' 26 // 27 // 28 // . - 6 - 3i IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each party hereto, pursuant to the% resolution passed and adopted by the respective governing body has caused this Second Supplemental Agreement.to be executed on the day and year first above written. ATTEST: VISTA SANITATION DISTRICT 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 '15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 By JEAN BROOKS, Clerk of the Board FRANK MEYER, Chairman, Board of Directors Approved by Resolution No. adopted , 1975. CITY OF CARLSBAD ATTEST: By Mayor Approved by Resolution No. adopted , 1975. - 7 TABLE I ALLOCATION OF OWNERSHIP AND CAPACITY RIGHTS AND COST SHARING Facility and Phase Completion Buena Vista Force Main PHASE IA Buena Vista Pumping Station PHASE IA Buena Vista Pumping Station PHASE IB Agua .Hedionda . Pumping Station PHASE I VISTA Ownership and Capacity MGD 16.39 5.36 11.00 9.22 % 84.5 84.5 84.5 61.5 Share of Costs % 84.5 N/A - 84.5 61.5 CARLSBAD Ownership and Capacity MGD 3.01 0.98 2.00 5.78 % 15.5 15.5 - 15.5 38.5 Share of Costs % 15.5 N/A 15.5 38.5 TABLE II PAYMENT AND ALLOCATION OF BUY-IN COSTS Facility and Phase Buena Vista Force Main PHASE IA Buena Vista Pumping Station PHASE IB Agua Hedionda Pumping Station. PHASE I Paid by Carlsbad to Vista $12,000 $23,000 » Paid by Vista to Carlsbad $3,000 EXHIBIT 1 MEMORANDUM August 25, 1975 TO: City Manager FROM: Public Works Administrator SUBJECT: Buena Vista pump station and force main & Agua Hedionda pump station On July 13, 1961, the City of Carlsbad entered into an agreement with the Vista Sanitation District for the construction of the joint system. That system includes Unit C, the Buena Vista pump station, Unit D, the Buena Vista force main, and Unit G, the Agua Hedionda pump station. On June 7, 1973, the first supplement to the Vista-Carlsbad agreement was approved. This supplement authorized the preparation of a project report and environmental impact report on the upgrading and enlarge- ment of the Buena Vista and Agua Hedionda pumping stations. A copy of that project report, which includes the environmental impact report, was forwarded to each member of the Council. On January 8, 1975, the Vista Sanitation District approved the environmental impact report, including in the report the comments contained in a memorandum from their Environmental Review Committee (see attached). On March 4, 1975, the City Council approved and accepted the project report and approved the findings of the Vista Sanitation District with regards to the environmental impact report on the proposed project. Council also authorized the preparation of plans and spec- ifications for the upgrading and enlargement of the Buena Vista pump station and the paralleling of the Buena Vista force main, and inst- ructed staff to meet with the staff of the Vista Sanitation District concerning the enlargement of the gravity mains serving the force systems and reassignment of capacity within those gravity lines. On May 2, 1975, the San Diego Coast Regional Commission issued a permit for the upgrading and enlargement of the Buena Vista pump station, the paralleling of the Buena Vista force main, and the upgrading and enlargement of the Agua Hedionda pump station. The need for the upgrading and enlargement of the system was made obvious when the present demands were compared to the capacity of the existing system. The 1970 peak dry weather flow through the Buena Vista pumping station was 4.05 million gallons per day (mgd), while the peak wet weather flow reached 6.4 mgd. The present capacity of the system to meet demand is 4.61 mgd through the pumping station and, should we have a power failure,^ the peak capacity of the station, limited by the capacity of the emergency power generator, is 3.6 mgd. The project report indicated that the demands on the Buena Vista pump station in the future would be: a) 1980, 7.75 mgd peak dry weather flow and 11.5 mgd peak wet weather flow; b) 1990, 11.05 mgd peak City Manager August 25, 1975 Page Two dry weather flow and 16.5 mgd peak wet weather flow. The Agua Hedionda pumping station was faced with a demand of 5.2 mgd peak dry weather flow in 1970, while the peak wet weather flow for that same period was 8.13 mgd. The capacity of that pumping station with all pumps operating (none in stand-by) is 10.4 mgd. The future demand predictions for this pumping station are: a) 1980, 11.37 mgd peak dry weather flow and 16.17 mgd peak wet weather flow; b) 1990, 16.65 mgd peak dry weather flow and 23.91 mgd peak wet weather flow. The project report recognized that, while the capacities of the exist- ing facilities had to be upgraded to meet existing peak wet weather flow demands, future growth trends might vary substantially from those used in making their 1980 and 1990 projections. Therefore, the project as proposed considered the immediate structural modifi- cation and first stage enlargement of the facilities and enlargement of the force main out of the Buena Vista pumping station, but provided for subsequent enlargement by replacement of existing pumps with pumps of larger capacity as the need for capacity created by future growth presented itself. The proposed project provides for the immediate paralleling of the Buena Vista force main, giving an immediate capacity through that line and the Buena Vista pump station of 6.34 mgd. Sub- sequent phases in the Buena Vista pump station would be to modify the facility and install a new, larger pump giving a capacity of 13.0 mgd. The second phase (proposed for 1983) would provide for an enlarged replacement pump and provide a capacity of 16.6 mgd. The third and final phase proposed (projected for the year 1990) would replace the last of the existing pumps with another larger pump, providing a capacity of 19.4 mgd. The proposal for the Agua Hedionda pump station is similarly phased, with the first phase providing a capacity of 15.0 mgd, the second phase, proposed for 1980, giving a capacity of 23.3 mgd, and the third phase, proposed for 1990, giving a capacity of 31.0 mgd. Subject of a future agreement (third supplement?) will be a project currently being discussed by staff of Carlsbad and Vista Sanitation District to enlarge the capacities of the gravity mains serving the force main facilities described in the second supplement. These lines will have to be enlarged at such a time as is necessary to provide the capacity proposed for the various phases of the pump station enlarge- ments. The foregoing has been a brief history of the efforts put forth to date to take those sewerage facilities serving the Vista Sanitation District and that portion of Carlsbad north of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon (see attached map) and upgrade them to provide a greater degree of reliability, meet existing peak demands, and provide for enlargement as the demand created by future growth presents itself. City Manager August 25, 1975 Page Three The second supplement to the Vista-Carlsbad agreement, as attached, authorizes the construction of the Buena Vista force main. It authorizes the design of the Agua Hedionda pumping station, and authorizes construction, after receiving approval of the Carlsbad City Council and Vista Sanitation District Board of Directors, of the upgrading and enlargement of the Buena Vista and Agua Hedionda pumping stations. The agreement also formalizes the capacities and percentage ownerships in the Buena Vista and Agua Hedionda pumping stations and the Buena Vista force main. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the second supplement to the Vista-Carlsbad agreement and authorize the Mayor to sign on behalf of the City. Beckman RAB/dh attach. DATE: January 3, 1975 TO: FROM: Environmental Review Committee SUBJECT: Report of the Environmental Review Committee - Environmental Impact Report for Improvement and Enlargement of the Buena Vista and Agua Hedionda Pumping Stations - E 74-144 __ PURPOSE: , • . . This report contains an analysis and summary of the final EIR submitted for the above referenced case, as veil as a xecommendation from the Environmental Review Conniittee to the Vista Sanitation District as to certification of the report. PROCEDURAL NOTE: The EIR presented here is an integral part of the project report with two addendums. While having the EIR as part of the project report is relatively uncommon, it is permitted and even encouraged by CEQA. The portion of the project report concerned with the environment is indexed in Appendix B of the report. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: A brief description of the project is as follows: The expansion, including sequential removal of existing pumps, and replacement and installation of new pumps in the Agua Hedionda and Buena Vista pump station, and installation and completion of a force main in Jefferson Street located in Carlsbad. (See Figure 10-lA) IMPACTS OF THE PROJECT: A'fter analyzing the report, the Environmental Review Committee feels the project will have the following significant adverse impacts: 1. There will be a permanent increase in electrical power consumption required at both pumping stations, 225 KW under peak load conditions. 2. Gaseous exhaust emissions to the atmosphere from the standby power units at the pumping station site will be permanently increased over existing levels. The increase is due to the larger capacity gas-turbine replacing the reciprocating diesel engine as a standby power source. 3. The added wastewater handling capacity will accommodate future planned population growth. Care should be taken in other areas of planning such as land use and transportation that unsound development of any area does not occur. 4. Temporary increases in emissions of noise and dust and movements of personnel, material, and vehicles in and to the pumping station areas will occur during construction. - 1 - 5. Construction andstallation of equipment, sew<£ and other structures willW —involve temporary transformations in soila and landforms. 6. This project will have a minor growth inducing impact. DISCUSSION: The report discusses impacts 1-5 fairly well. The sixth impact, however, requires discussion. It is clear from the report that the project can be divided into two portions. That which is necessary to correct existing deficiencies in the present system, which if not corrected could result in system failure at times of stress, which in turn would cause discharge into a lagoon. This portion of the expansion is certainly not growth inducing. The remaining expansion is to accommodate expected future growth. If this expansion were to take place at one time, it could be argued that it was a factor in inducing growth. However, it is a phased development which is intended to keep up with any population increase; and it is possible to reduce or cancel any portion of the expansion if a revised population estimate shows a slowing in the growth rate. For these reasons, it is safe to conclude that this project is not of itself growth inducing. This does not mean that sewer expansion generally may not be growth inducing. GENERAL CONCLUSIONS: ' . The Committee feels that any impacts which would occur as a result of this project can be successfully mitigated; and, consequently, the project will not have a sig- nificant effect on the environment. RECOMMENDATION: That prior to acting on the project, the Board of Directors certify the Environmental Impact Report, including Figure 10-lA and Exhibit C, as complete and meeting all local and State requirements with the conclusion that the project will not have a significant effect on the environment. ADOPTED BY THE ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE 73s/ Jack Larimer, ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR \\1 ^ V _^Lir- ^Alt^-^On u^9 \ EXISTING:: 564 FOOT SECTION-V\ ,vBUENA VISTA-, ^^J/ Lx,.- / " " -^ PARALLEL I61) FORCE MAIN; '\^\PUMPING STATIONS\ ) V : \ j i' / w ( r I AJ ^ \\ '?)/'. ——/EXISTING 470 FOOT BRIDGE \ \CROSSIN6'OF- PARALLEL .16", FORCE MAIN ,- '.- \\ : r-•#''•'*<' 'PROPOSED 3000 FOOT SECTION OF PARALLEL 24" FORCE MA IN EXISTING 24" GRAVITY SEWER EXISTING 16" FORCE MAIN s\S '^ / ^rJ> \\ a & 'II iv 'Vs. „ -o x 0s •-< -t -^. ' SpALEINFEET"- 700 '1400 wAiivKxr ztooj^ui j T11S T12 y n ^.kO J >*•••• \- EXISTING 36"\\ GRAVITYiSEWZR V i.t \ROGATION OF PROPOSED PARALLEL BUENA VISTA FORCE MAIN APPENDIX C ADDENDUM TO CHAPTER 8 (Additional statement pertaining to future air quality in Chapter 9 on p. 84, following first paragraph of section headed "Air Quality Considerations".) If provisions of the State Air Implementation Plan are not enacted, however, existing air quality would deteriorate in the future. Without any ameliorating measures, increases in the quantity of air contam- inants emitted to the atmosphere would correspond directly to increases in population. The expansion will not cause any adverse effects to air quality since the expansion is phased to coincide with population growth, rather than to cause the growth, and any portion of the expansion may be reduced or canceled if revised population estimates show a slowing in population growth. December 26, 1974 •.•;.' "CITY .OF,. -, • ; •"• . ' .'_".„. ; •." CARLSBAP 4V,_ ' <*..•' '. COPY ' 'i '* , ,* c.i c-ti.r— *-.., *N W 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 3740 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA APPROVING AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CARLSBAD AND THE VISTA SANI- TATION DISTRICT FOR THE ENLARGEMENT AND ADDITION TO THOSE JOINT FACILITIES KNOWN AS THE BUENA VISTA PUMPING STATION, THE BUENA VISTA FORCE MAIN AND THE AGUA HEDIQNDA PUMPING STATION The City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, does hereby resolve as follows: 1. That that, certain agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the Vista Sanitation District for the enlargement and addition to those joint facilities known as the Buena Vista pumping station the Buena Vista force main and the Agua Hedionda pumping station, a copy of which is attached hereto marked Exhibit A and incorpor- ated herein by reference, is hereby approved. 2. That the Mayor of the City of Carlsbad is hereby authorized and directed to execute said agreement for and on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held on the 2nd day of September f 1975 by tne following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Chase, Lewis, Skotm'cki and Councilwoman Casler. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ATTEST: ROBERT C. FRAZEE, TUeputy City Clerl (SEAL)