HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-09-16; City Council; 3470; Mail Box Locations in New Subdivisions- `CIVI OF CARLSBAD -AGENDA BILL X.O. DATE: September 16,•1975 DEPARTMENT: Public Works --Engineering' Initial.• bept.Hd. . C. Atty.tF' C. Mgr._- Su 3e`-b'-'ct: - MAIL BOX LOCATIONS ,IN NEW SUBDIVISIONS Statement of the Matter , The U.S. Postal Service.has-recently.proposed a change in postal servicF regulations. The proposed -changes were published in the f,deral Register dated May'27, 10 5. 'the proposed changes require that mailboxes in new areas,be mounted behind the curb or in clusters of not less than three (3). These -requirements are not satisfactory io the City for reasons stated in the attached memo from the City Engineer•to the City Manager dated 9-8-75. Exhibits 1. Excerpt from Federal Register dated May 27, 1975. 2. Letter from City Engineer to Senator John Tunney dated 6-26-75. 3. Memo from City Engineer to City Manager dated 9-8-75. 4,. -Resolution No. YZJl ''t objecting, to new postal regulations affecting mail delivery --in new areas. Recommendation If Council concur§, adopt Resolution No.'Z objecting to new postal regulations affecting delivery in new areas and further, adopt a minute motion approving interim standards for mailbox locations ih new developments. Council action - - 9-16-75 Resolution #3747 was adopted, objecting to new postal regula- tions affecting mail delivery in,new areas. Staff was instructed -to forward copies of the resolution to all proper legis,lat'ive agencies. 0' 2tvi,.+a. it . iAAj 2P, l;r,;., '.19 VI'n I.S", tit tilt I'll A Y.e1tlt a NIAII- .Ii l'1(•!Mphnu n1, lataldul t f,'frls 1. 11.11 li.;nellmily. ill• 111cludlim mWen IIIIM , hiltlatlmt ur dtmtsy ivivife irk "culot-lilur ra.01:4AL COAlatumice.10m )'art a Inb;!bcr of videl cold FeMllttiollt which-uirrfruly dues nut fecelm mnu dt- Comm itax. its t0 CIIUllelllt:+t to tlartleul..r lard s of liner. Conndtrnnnn fee riGbnthtna delnerr " • ACCAL) • WALLACC IL Jallmsn:r. postal elty deliveij "Illch licretntore have evince will be given when she ftdlunli l; re• - Cfdcl, nroadeast lure u. been pilbihlird ouly `� "cemianl htalnic- qua A hope lire met: 11Cen:lse Ile ^'�linpudnum1 of32P0 or morrwllhtn the i rlt Isoc 7S-79TD0 171e6 b-20.7M;OMS mj lions of the 1'ottal :Crvftti.. , area to be screed. or 7t•0 pos♦tult dtuvtncs. ♦ {;foetal 1listructicamt are V.61a1711r coat• ip tnljwpulniton utny easynrenlll•(h•:n the ( /i7 C1'it YAtts G1., S j vented only ttilh doled lint nperalhs ut'o- rencrai census )ropvinunn uewux of dnter- ccdules and uIddchncs In the posal sc- enL bounduy inkrpre L,uons AM drs,,;.n- p)ockct No. 201sll 1dons. they are not usualir 11011- 10 im trans.) S' = ANO MCIAL ItA010 SMIVICCS Clliplcr 1 at the Postal Service Manual, b.''r Nis, pCrccut or the bunab,r.lots to tiro tu 4 f • which is incorporated by rctercnco Ill arra,tr be xreeis lire Improved meth bou;-a Statt``n Transmissions; Autoinali� Iuenl{0' the PC(ItCal RCClgcr lsM 39 �.Fll 111.1), or business IPACta. ;t'I.err A house at bundan,; Cn('ml System; i;xlcllsloa furV to 1 Qo A,, Its yard or rroum.♦ "ter more 1:1'13 olm Catuncnts it or otherr,•Ise published )n the federal lot. Ali laumvolvedare eons.aredemnpletely IlegisterjutllisIllSta»ee,lio%VC%Cr,)ncer- built Up. In 0 r tit tier of nn)mldnuQt of Ym as peratton of vane lerjonal instructions in e. Streets Are paved or othemlee 1A,; roan 81. C3, :7, teas, 01. 03. and 95 {o htstinne part 155 of'the, festal Servica Atnnuat to pennm irnrol of post olr;ce Wileles at .� rules it�ardmr a system for autoulatic nppcats desirable to facilitate a bettor times washout damal;a ur delay. identi0c�u'mn of station imnsullssioms. undcrstwidln;c of the City Delivery re;u- d, Slrottalgns art In plate And home null- l.'&' irmllc Industries)Astoelnhon)atiunsoftile Postal Servictbyeoueerned•tiersdlspla)td.uherenppikable. ();IX) ice tc:,ts a three month extension mcnibenof ilia public as ucllasbypostal ce n. ht•of•wa li ail eta; A elid arcs nd- jaernt.lo roam niut sertrts nee uupro,N ry of tame !Dull 4gust I$,r 1`J"i • :vdhiil - employees, - . -that rnstnnntion and servicing Q., ants Mir m 1lirh 10 i, c cc,". r,Ont$ !rr OIC cnptioacd Tito proposed rtaulafory clinnCCs \voldd not be hazerdons to the public or postAr em. m:atcr C41111clits and Ixpty comments add to 1155.;1 a Iron' memento declaring Wortes. \vcie (Ilia flay 10 anuyJuns 2, 19i5, tb.lt purchase, Installation; maintcttance. (.&ulsfaetory %Rasa CX)st'for u,rncra 1'mpettivt•iy. A *tell replacement of delhcry boxer nro where required. 2 In m iaj: at its r(Gest. TIA stale., not the responsibility of the U.S, Postal sea ins idea ei teat ri ateed iocations.9ro re th..t tiro complex Issuks raised by this Service. -lilts wall terinfnnte nn experl- fluircmenu nro memom to an tmc.cal matt 1 sarocecd+l,C act,utre come time for atudY ml M um ill UORCS Wdye sup)/IICal dcuvcrr service, and must be met betam ie- bcioic d ru,p0m,c caw be made. In par- by ilia Postal Service to InduCts rile Melee• limey is inaucimmed to A conml..ni.r. .,. i, iluuinr• A;IA rcq tu'es;bis adailional limo ties, of the most eosl•elfective learn of est3bllshiaa deltary rervl[e, a cowtination , to study: t it$, delivery. a (Itllicry methods abound be congdmis to a. )low the ugill• of on• olne com• The ieVI%Cd rmiations would delete provide Adequate: service to all rc\;drntly q C and bushless aerutsA lit A eommuhatr •A., mw.ltalsous mill WGaa[elrA Ise Mo proposh), prCMCllt } .55.2. aulhol)zin. li1C Ile;;i011a1 tstabhshments of delittir service en".. hate b, The ttehmem'rtnp^uuully ptoWen`s postmaster General or Ills dc.-ftnaC to Anal approval of tilt ntrlorm posimano: tAi.lan• between ullIAMI proposal tmt City glve dnnl approvals for extellMon of door Geutrnl of his d(a:rncc. ` lent stnnuatds fur u tcrtiln laud nrobde dClt\Cq', RCCCp11y, L111S QISCCCLfOltap' au• .12 r.!ms.on• Imcas,on testis to ntw do. i eyubni,ont' J i thority has rarely been caervired, bocause iilery to Areas not momitil all tie boundaries e )toe: A' lilt mpredalrements inay affecttileti umrMnl, jimmied wvi systems mvolvinC Of Lt1dRCtar1' YCMlrnhlls. ACCOfds,felet Le- of pre10h, drbetry s MA Alt r'Xinery s kl-cct inabile data trans OM0.1, And ChTnLC eonforins to what has ail eases Le- exted. In 1 3.11 with ilia a rho Mama n: pt.ae (; d. 7U0 Ken0e1`e run n,entl0ta. , Celtic 0{1CY;1tltlt: prneUce. 1litid In S8S.11 with lira Cze.ptlon Of yt: a. , e 1 t; 111 pWCA of 11552 ilia revised ref+Ula- Tbus,nc find that tlu`sL7lcmcntsmatic' teens would Add it nm 1155.2 contaimm; 153.2 T)clhcry polle)1 new catabibh• by MA comuLulO it (*it enu%e for It e.clnlied rulas on cuuli0:nent to particu- 11mols mall exlettsions. t C,anl of its rryurst to }\tend the tinge far ulcldlcds of postal delivery ill business .1I In new cstabtashments and extensions, for hlhaC eoLeuncnts in 1`ds prorccdhtt' areas and rehidential housinrl thleludur dclnery terrlCc Ahould br ngorded 1.1 arc.is 1Vhiiu tee aria alfordlor.:aA and other' inotaile/trailer )Iomes)• which presently that meat Ilia eritrrla In sections 13311a lad II tute)r'dcd 1disuns additicmai 111111; little, lira found on:y In regional tintruotioas• 15512, 110301 Scrvlca Nl2nua1, And no'na"d we culls, ciinct them t0)pur.•.110 their Itt"'IdItlon,lheIWAV1155.2would contain will be by molorrrtm carrier to eurr,bie btudics s m4arranne for needed mcclings same a or to central neuters pomts/recepta- n net: { 155.73 to codify mt ndminislra^ cits a ipplemcnitd us follows: expediliou)ty and provide me Commis• live InterprClatiolt of rcgulaN011s as t0 Man wAiIjmcanimGlul comments 21r uwinur •eras, ica i);th And de - Man to nmldcipal ordinnttcco• atgq dt buduulgv a•m dken(e the moaned 3. Accoydhl"ly. it is orde,7d. pursualit Mhlor chmiges art) rondo In Wits and of i, deliterr serlltt to be implemented. L);uv- NtI to}}0.1�1,0.33).andIAG,heCoul• form (for example, lira changes of cryoauonsAre, missimit rules that the tit ic'afor filing "address nunibcr" to "street nwnbcr" A. Vtrucat Iromoeed Afnu (VIM) Pto;,ram. ! canuut'tts In the alative eapt *tied matter proposed for section 1 155.G3). which may Include: 1s (x el'alcd tram May 10, 19754'a Au- Interested persons who wish to do so tfi 1,c boxes. Windows. C usl lr:, 1D75, and reply comments from may suhmitleritten data, Vletcs, or argil- (3) of hbnical Conrepors Junc�t, 1075, to September 2, 1DT, ntcnts cuneeining this proposcd•ehange tote: Tab Is nvnllablo only (or htgh•rtse, it,, Postal Service regulailolis to Amistarit tnultlple•tenont bulldints, and only it « r- h • A �bpted; Afar 73,1975. C1en0ml Counac), Special Projects Dh'1- tam tandttloar tit IAM For detAnl, con- {' 1 Slcascd: afar 20, ID75. $ion, U.S. Igatlal Service. WashlOClon. stilt your postmaster.) D.C. 202G0, At any little b(loic Juac 30, b. Single pomtsltceeptadct/door Motapro- 1raL) s075. Al ter consideration of ill) continents Varied by busmen mam4cment, f •• , .21: Rnfdeutiol rr�usinp, a.t:re:runt Yoe 1 ClIAAws A. IficcrNPOrllAsl, received, the l astnl Service iti11 Urouud- A11 randentinl arm, recept aparlmcut houu s Clifel,SalctyAndSpecial gate the floal regu)a1191Lx through And moms¢/trakr homes, dellmr opuooa p•• Radio Scn'Iccsllureahr amendments to Part<155 of the Postal 'aes 1 \ -I ft DOo.7s•10701 F71td ri•iM-7M; 8:4b nova Scrvlo hi Nlual. Accordingly. MillikIng (1) Arllvery tobnxctlocatcdat thoeurh to 9 volunking' %%,tilt tlle,aurLneO notice re- they can be, satdy And contenknu/ •creed POSTAL SCRViCE guircmtnts of tiro Administrative Pro- by the earner front his erbkle Cedure Act 15 U.S.O. 553 (ill. (ell TC--"MT"Ccmrm-arm y A one or lilac CCA- 39cat Poll Ill pnrdingproposedrille•nnklnr,.the postal tral points w1IDin n reitdcnuM 11011:ttl; dt- _ 1 service p1o1101tt the followhiC tunend• \clopmenc, commuuny, or ma. neyuue- CITY DELIVERY -nlcnts of the 5lanual: mcnw`Ara: ^r / (A) 7aCAl portal rnanngen roust " ova Volivere policy; New rstablishm0nts and In Part 155 of lilt postal Sclvicol,fnn• C,,b), Lxlensionsteal the folloivinC changes are made:ratio molt ho A minimilm of tare..Under the provialolis of 3D CPR 111.3 1. setllohs 155.1 And 155.2 nro rcvlscMIMUM iimiijp of, olio alto (%ties n no }he 1'alnl ticrvlco proposes to M130 its to rend as follows: 110CItAt AtGllite, VOL. 40, No. 101••-7V($DAY, MAY 21t 191S June 26, 1975 The Honorable John V..Tunney' _ _Senate _*Of fice Building - V Wastiington, -0,C. '20510- _ ;attention: Mari Schleuning Subject- Comments .on local impact of recent Postal Service oollcy change Thank you for sending a copy of the rev.lsed Postal Service cl-tv, delivery policy and requesting coma,ents on ,its effects on the City of Cori abad. In response, we a--i;hsslze our opposition to it, espec'lalty as 4t affects delivery to new local residential- developments. As indicated on the attached standard drawing, the City of Carlsbad requires sidewalks contiguous to the street curb, so the street "park!oy" borders private property. Mail boxes set at the curb of residential streets according to 39 CFR 155.2120 ) wi 11 therefore 'ci)nfI lot avi th pedestrian traffic. Boxes set (n groups in the 03 rkway as suggested in 155.212(b) may conflict with uti-tity installations and bikeways,in these parkways ,(State iaw requires bikeways in developments of 200 units or more, and'the Circulation Element of the Car-lsbad General Plan wandates bikeways in_ collector streets or larger.,. Separbte. bikeways in -oversized - parkways is one way.to fulfill'this requirement.) Clusters of mailboxes on private reciprocai easeivnts off of City right of way will conform to City and Postal Service stand- ards, but with unknown vlsual and social effects. Thank you for the opportunity to present our situation. Hopefully, this informiatlon•wi:ll help wiilyh the potential dlsadvantagas of the policy change against a -potential Postal, Service operational gain: Very truly yours, ORIGINAL' SIGNED By TWOThy C, FLANAGAN Tlm Flanagan City EnO nser TCF/DCG%sln cc: City 114r. Planning Dlr. Attach. Std. Owg..A-1 MEMORANDUM September 8e 1975 TO: City Manager a - FROM: City Engineer SUBJECT: !"Mail box locations in hew.Aevelopments The Post Office is refusing -to deliver mail in new developments unless the mail box is; 1. located at curb so they can be safely and conveniently served by the carrier from his vehicle, or 2. erected atone site�(minimum cf three boxes) and located behind sidewalk: This has created a considerable problem in new single family resid- ential developments, since -the cluster concept is unpopular with the residents and the curb location creates a hazard in the public right of way. The postman will not deliver the mail if a car is parked in front of the mailbox. I do not think it would be practical to have our Police Department enforce "no parking" in front of mailboxes. Attached is.a sketch proposing an interim solution to the problem. In the meantime, I am preparing an.agenda bill recommending that the City Council adopt this iilterim'solution and adopt a resolution objecting to the new postal regulations. „ Tim F anagan TCF/JES'/dh attach. cc: Police Dept. PWA 6'TO I'.0' FROM FACE OF - V 3=0�fMi _--. FROM BAC OF SIDEWALK. CONCRETE 4-O'CMIN.) BASE--,, 4'W CMAX) CURB I SIDEWALK .PROFILE MAILBOX MAYBE ,!� R�PROPERTY LINE ,✓ LOCATED ON EITHER\.� Q I SIDE OF DMVEWAY STO 7,► i v ELEVATION NOTES: I. Mailbox must be rural type as accepted by Fost•Offi.ce.__ 2. Mailbox must be located S feet to ? feet from' edge, of driveway. 3. Mailbox(es) should be located between adjacent driveways when distance between driveways is 20 feet or more. 4. Two mailboxes may be installed on property line if property owners agra . S. Bases must be temporary; public improvements mast not be damaged in any way. DATE TEMPORARY MAILBOX SCALE 6 LOCATION STANDAI DWG. CITY ENGNEER ENGINEERING DEPT. CITY OF .CARL:SBAD . MB—I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19' 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 RESOLUTION NO. 3747 A RESOLUTION -OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSB�D,•CALIFORNIA OBJECTING TO NEW POSTAL REGULATIONS AFFECTING MAIL DELIVERY IN NEW AREAS WHEREAS, the U.S. Postal Service is adopting new postal regulations in hopes of improving efficiency; and WHEREAS, the new regulations require that delivery boxes in residential dreas,shail'be,located at the curb so they can safely-and,,conveniently be•served`by the carrier from his vehicle, or shall be erected at one site (a minimum of three mailboxes); and, WHEREAS, the location of delivery boxes at the curb is not practical, since they present a safety hazard to pedestrians by restricting sidewalk width and make enforcement of no parking in front of mailboxes impractical; and WHEREAS, the clustering of delivery boxes is not practical in single family residential developments; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad hereby objects to the•new postal regulations requiring mailboxes to be located at the curb in single family residential areas. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, held the 16th day of September, 1975, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Chase, Lewis, Skotnicki and Councilwoman NOES: None Caster ABSENT: Councilman Frazee V��c & Attest: ROBERT C. F'RAZEE, Mayo 1 R AR T E. ADA14SI City Clerk (seal)