HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-10-21; City Council; 3369-2; College-Cannon Assessment District ConsultantCITY OF CARLSBAD -> ^AGENDA DILL NO. DATE; October 21, 1975 DEPARTMENT: City Manager (is) Subj ect: COLLEGE-CANNON ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Consultant Selection Statement of the Matter The City Council has instructed the staff to proceed with requesting proposals for an Environmental Impact Study of the proposed College-Cannon Assessment District. Along with that process, and to develop background information necessary for the EIR consultant, it will be necessary to do sor".e additional preliminary engineering. Some financial information concerning the bonding of the project and the assessments to the property owners \\rill also be desirable before a final decision on proceeding with the project is made. These should be made concurrent with the EIR process, which requires the retention of professionals for those aspects of the preliminary work. Again, as with the EIR consultants, costs should be borne by the property owners. Exhibit 11-14-74 City Manager memo dated 11-14-75 Recommendation See City Manager's memo dated November 14, 1075. Council Action 10-21-75 At the request of the City Manager, a motion was made that this matter be continued to the next regular meeting. . 11-18-75 The City Manager's recommendation was accepted as set forth in memorandum to the City Council dated November 14, 1975. DATE: NOVEMBER 14, 1975 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: PROPOSED COLLEGE-CANNON ASSESSMENT DISTRICT The City Council has instructed the staff to proceed to request proposals for an environmental impact study of the proposed College-Cannon Assessment District. The preparation of the request for proposals raised a number of issues concerning the total process which would be necessary to develop adequate data on which both the City Council and the property owners involved, could make a sound decision as to whether or not the City should proceed with the assessment district. To properly prepare the EIR, it has been determined that some additional engineering would be required. As part of the preliminary work, and prior to requesting the City Council to proceed fully with the district, it is desirable from the property owners' side to have a better estimate of their costs. This would also involve some additional preliminary engineering and a preliminary assessment spread of costs over all the properties involved. In order to determine whether bonds would be saleable for such a project, and to help determine the appropriate legal process, information from both a financial consultant and an assessment district attorney, would also be useful at the EIR preparation stage. It has been estimated that it may cost approximately $60,000.00 to develop this preliminary information, including the EIR. Most of the major property owners involved have indicated that they are willing to accept the financial responsibility for this work if the City is willing to hold the funds on deposit. If this work is to be done there are advantages in having the consultants involved working for the City rather than the property owners. If the project proceeds with the actual formation of the district, it is assumed that these same consultants would be retained by the City to do the work for the district. If that is the case, it would be best that they represent the City from the beginning. November 14, 1975 Page 2 Subject: Proposed College-Cannon Assessment District It is therefore recommended that if the Council wishes to proceed with the preliminary stages of EIR development and related information as described previously in this memo, they should authorize the staff to bring back agreements retaining Rick Engineering, Judson T. Naiman for assess- ment engineering, F. Mackenzie Brown for legal services, and Stone and Youngberg for financial services. Further, the staff should be instructed to develop any necessary agreements with the property owners' representative for the holding and expenditure of property owners' funds for the services described. PAUL D BUSSEY City Manager PDB:ldg