HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-10-21; City Council; 3496; Request to Rezone Certain Parcels of Land to O-S, O-S (F-P, P-U, P-M , F-P) and RDM to Insure General Plan Zoning Ordnanance Consistency Case No ZC 168CITY OF CARLSBAD Initial: AGENDA BILL NO. JV % ' Dept. Hd. DATE: October 21, 1975 .. .c_.^ l\tty_\ DEPARTMENT: PLANNING City Mgr. SUBJECT: Request to rezone certain parcels of land to 0-S, 0-S(F-P, P-U, P-M P-M(F-P) & RD-M to Insure General Plan/Zoning Ordinance Consistency - Case No. ZC-168 ,<"•* Statement of the. Matter: The Planning Commission after Public Hearing on " September"24, 1975, is recommending approval for rezoning of twenty nine (29) parcels of land to various zone categories in order to assure General Plan/Zoning Ordinance consistency. This is the third zone change in the City's "consistency".rezoning program. Already completed are the Open Space and Flood Plain rezonings. The location of the subject properties and the proposed zones are shown on Exhibits 1 through 13 attached hereto. The Planning Commission is recommending approval for reasons outlined in Planning Commission Resolution no. 1193. EXHIBITS: Memorandum to the City Manager dated 10-10-75 Planning Commission Resolution No. 1193 Planning Department staff report dated 9-24-75 Exhibits 1 through 13 RECOMMENDATION: If the City Council concurs with the findings and recommendations of the Planning Commission as outlined in Planning Commission Resolution No. 1193, it is recommended that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the necessary documents. The Planning Director has suggested in his memo to the City Manager, dated October 10, 1975 under Section C, that there are two parcels which are recommended for P-U but might more appropriately_be zoned P-M. This alternative was not presented to the Planning Commission. If Council concurs that this warrants further consideration, the matter should be referred back to the Planning Commission to consider the alternative mentioned regarding the two parcels noted. Council Action: Oct. 21, 1975 - Item B of Memorandum dated Oct. 10, 1975 regarding 17 parcels of land proposed to be rezoned from M to P-M be referred back to the Planning Com. for further consideration and the comments of the Council be relayed to the Plan. Com. for inclusion in their review. Also that Exhibits 3 and 10 under Item C of the above referenced Memorandum regarding parcels of land owned by CMWD and the State of California Road Maintenance Station be referred back to Plan. Com. for review and comment. It was further moved that Items A aind D and Exhibits 7 and 8 under Item C be referred to the City Attorney for preparation of the documents necessary for approval of the proposed zone changes. MEMORANDUM October 10, 1975 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON ZC-168 There are some sixty parcels of land within the City which are termed inconsistent. Several of these are "density inconsistencies", i.e., current zones allows a higher density than the density permitted by the General Plan. As the various residential zone ordinances are being revised these inconsistencies will be eliminated without need of rezoning. This zone change proposal encompasses 29 different parcels of land which can be grouped into four different categories: (a) Six parcels of land which were not previously rezoned to Open Space (0-S) Zone. (b) Seventeen parcels of land are proposed to be rezoned from Industrial (M) to Planned Industrial (P-M) zones (consistent with City Council policy to "phase out" the use of M zone entirely). (c) Five parcels of land are proposed to be rezoned to Public Utility (P-U) zone: Parcels 211-03-06, 08 (Exhibit 7) and 214-01-08 (Exhibit 8) are owned and developed by the Encina Water Pollution Control District. Parcels 209-05-17 (Exhibit 3) and 211-05-08 (Exhibit 10) are the CMWD and State of California Road Maintenance Station respectively. Due to their location adjacent to land which is now zoned Planned Industrial (P-M) and the similarity between the P-U and P-M zone, P-M zoning can be considered as an alternative "consistent" zone by the City Council leaving only the SDG&E and Encina Water Treatment Plant as pure public utility land use categories requiring a P-U zone. (d) One parcel of land is proposed to be rezoned from Industrial (M) to Residential Density - Multiple (RD-M) since this land is developed with the Solamar Mobile Home Park and the General Plan designates this area as Medium-High Density (10-20 DU/acre) land use. It should be also noted that the Planning Commission upon request of San Diego Gas and Electric Company, continued the public hearing on the rezoning of parcels 206-07-6 (land to the north of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon (Exhibit 1) west of Garfield Street) and parcel 210-01-31, Exhibit 4, (located adjacent and west of Interstate 5 and north of Cannon Road - owned by the Japatul Corporation), to December 10, 1975. to possibly be considered as part of a new Specific Plan which San Diego Gas and Electric may be submitting to the City in the near future. Donald A. Agatep PLANNING DIRECTOR DAA/vb 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO, 1193 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, SETTING FORTH ITS FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS RELATIVE TO REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTIES TO OPEN SPACE (0-S), PUBLIC UTILITY (P-U), PLANNED INDUSTRIAL (P-M) AND RESIDENTIAL DENSITY - MULTIPLE '(RDM) ZONES. CASE NO: ZC-168 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on the 24th day of September, 1975, hold a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider the rezoning of certain properties to 0-S, P-U, P-M and RDM Zones to assure General Plan/Zoning Ordinance consistency; and WHEREAS, the subject Zone Change has complied with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad "Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972"; and WHEREAS, at: said public hearing, after the testimony and arguments, of all persons who desired to be heard, said Commission considered all the factors relating to the Zone Change and found the following facts and reasons to exist: A) This Zone Change is justified because it will implement the Goals and .objectives of the Land Use Element and will provide the mandatory consistency between the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance. B) This Zone Change is in the interest of furtherance of public welfare because the current zoning on the subject properties and corresponding permitted uses are not compatible with surrounding zoning and uses. C) The permitted uses in this proposed reclassifieation will not be detrimental in any way to surrounding properties because it has been determined by prior studies and hearings on the Land Use Element that the land use categories as approved are the highest and best use of these properties and this zone change implements the objectives of the Land Use Plan. WHEREAS, due to the nature of this reclassification, it has been deter- mined that a Declaration of Negative (non-significant) Environmental effect is K5-ranted for the following reasons: 1; Rezoning of these parcels is mandatory under the provisions of Section 65860 of the Government Code which requires General Plan/ Zoning Ordinance consistency. 2) Application of various proposed zones vnll not necessarily change or affect present or proposed land uses in the vicinity of the subject properties or the subject properties. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 3) Additional Environmental Assessments will be necessary at the time proposed development of these properties. WHEREAS, the properties considered under this Zone Change are described by San Diego County Assessor's Book, Page and Parcel number as follows: , w^.-wS^HHSM of PARCEL i 'FROM ZONE: TO ZONE: EXHIBIT 209-04-04(P) M & M(F-P) PM & P-M(F-P) -05 M P-M -09 M P-M -12 M P-M -14 M P-M -16(P) , M P-M -21 M P-M -22 M P-M 209-05-17- R-l-10,000 P-U 210-01-24(P) P-U(F-P O-(F-P) 210-09-16 R-A P-M 210-10-08 M P-M -09 M P-M 211-03-01 M RD-M -0? M RD-M -06 R-l-10,000 P-U -08 R-l-10,000 P-U -25 M P-M -26 M P-M -27 M P-M -28 M P-M 211-04-12(P) M P-M 211-05-08 R-A-10,000 P-U 214-01008 R-l-10,000 P-M 1215-41-13 RD-M 0-S 223-12-33 R-l-7500 0-S -35 R-l-7500 0-S 223-15-50 R-l-7500 0-S 223-16-24 R-l-7500 0-S and are shown on maps marked as Exhibit 1 through 13 inclusive, dated 11111111 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 September 24, 1975, on file in the Planning Department of the City of Carlsbad; . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad as follows: A) That the above recitations are true and correct. I'} That this zone change to apply an F-P Overlay Zone to the underlying zones of the various properties described in this application is recommended for approval . iMS'SED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Planning CommiSi ;n on September 24, 1975, by the following vote, to wit: X A . * i\ X X X xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Commissioners Watson, Dominguez, Packard, Jose, Fikes Larson, L'Heureux None None None E.H. Jose Jr. Chairman ATTEST: Donald A. Agatep, Secretary -3- CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT September 24, 1975 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT REPORT: INCONSISTENCY REZONINGS (ZC-168) APPLICANT: CITY OF CARLSBAD I. REQUEST: The Planning Conmission of the City of Carlsbad has initiated the rezoning of certain parcels of land in order to assure General Plan/ Zoning Ordinance consistency as mandated by Section 64860 of the Govern- ment Code. II. RECOMMENDATION: Zone Change 168 - Staff recommends that these zone changes as shown on Exhibits 1-14 inclusive, dated September 24, 1975, and described by Assessor's Book, Page and Parcel number (Exhibit 1) be approved based on the following justifications: (A) This zone change is justified because it will implement the Goals and objectives of the Land Use Element and will provide the mandatory consistency between the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance. (B) This Zone Change is in the interest of furtherance of public welfare because the current zoning on the subject properties and corresponding permitted uses are not compatible with surrounding zoning and uses. (C) The permitted uses in this proposed reclassification will not be detrimental in any way to surrounding properties because it has been determined by prior studies and hearings on the Land Use Element that the land use categories as approved are the highest and best use for these properties and this zone change implements the objectives of the Land Use Plan. Recorcn ended Conditions Of Approval: None III. BAC:<q^OUND - GENERAL PLAN CONSIDERATIONS: ZC-168 is the third zone change in -~:U process. Already completed is the Open Space rezoning program (ZC-~55, 156). The F-P rezoning (ZC-161, 162, 163) was recommended for approval by the Planning Commission on September 10, 1975, and will be cons~ lered by the City Council in the near future. There are s£f sixty-one areas which are inowsistent. Several of these are density^iconsistencies, i.e., the presW zones allow a higher density than the density ranges shown on the General Plan. As the various residential zones are being revised and amended to conform with the density ranges of the General Plan, these inconsistencies will be deleted without the necessity of rezoning. The current zone change proposal encompasses 31 different areas which can generally be grouped into four different zone categories: (a) Seven parcels of land which were not previously rezoned to Open Space (0-S) Zone.(b) Seventeen parcels of land are proposed to be rezoned from Industrial (M) to Planned Industrial (P-M) Zone. (c) Six parcels of land are proposed to be rezoned to Public Utility (P-U) Zone. (d) One parcel of land is proposed to be rezoned from Industrial (M) to Residential Density - Multiple (RD-M) Zone. (PARCEL) PARCEL 206-07-6 209-04-04 209-04-05 209-04-09 209-04-10(P) 209-04-12 209-04-14 209-04-1 6(P) 209-04-20 209-04-21 209-04-22 209-05-T7 209-01-24(P) 210-01-31 210-09-16 210-10-08 210-10-09 211-03-01 211-03-06 211-03-08 211-03-25 211-03-26 211-03-27 211-03-28 211-OM2(P) 211-05-08 214-01-08 215-41-13 223-12-33 223-12-35 223-15-50 223-16-24 (EXHIBIT) EXHIBIT 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 9 10 8 11 12 12 13 14 GENERAL PLAN EXISTING USE EXISTING USE Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Industrial Bldg. Agriculture Industrial Bldg. CMWD Office Agua Hedionda Lagoon SD6&E Storage Agricultural VacantVacant Mobile Home Park Encina Water Treatment Plant Vacant Office - Ind. Bldg. Industrial Bldq.Industrial Bldg. Vacant State Maint. Stat. Encina Water Plant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant GENERAL PLAN OS PI PI PI PI PI , . PI PI Pi • . PI PI U OS U PI PI PI RMH U U PI PI PI PI PI G U E OS OS OS E EXISTING ZONING EXISTING ZONING P-U P-U (F-P) M & M(F-P)M ' M M M M M M M M R-l-10,000 P.-U (F-P) C-2 R-A M M M R-l -10,000 R-l -10,000 M M M M M R-A-10,000 R-l-10,000 RD-M R-l-7500 R-l-7500 R-l-7500 R-l-7500 PROPOSER ZONING ZONI •fiP-M P-M P-M P-M P-M P-M P-M P-M P-M •P-U 0-S P-U P-M P»M P-K •0SEBm (F-P>» * \F-P) (F-P> RD-M P-U P-U P-M P-M P-M P-M P-M P-U P-U 0-S 0-S 0-S 0-S 0-S -2- . The following seven parcels are proposed to be rezoned to Open Space (0-S) andOpen Space-Flood Plain Zone (O-S(F-P)). 206-07-6 . (Exhibit 1.) - Current Zoning: P-U and P-U (F-P) ' Proposed Zoning: Q-S and 0-S (F-P} .I . • • . . -•;.'. ' ..'.-•.- This land is located on the north side of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, west of the AT&SF Railroad and is owned by S0G&E. The southerly portion of this land Is a relatively steep sloped bank adjacent to the lagoon. A smaller area on the northerly portion of the property 1s level. All of this land 1s vacant and is designated as Open Space on the General Plan. Since the southerly portion recently was recommended for an F-P Overlay Zone» therefore, the proposed 0-S Zone on this portion should be O-S(F-P). 210-01-24(P) (Exhibit 4) - Current Zoning: P-U(F-P) Proposed Zoning: O-S(F-P) This is the actual water surface of the Agua Hedionda lagoon west of the Railroad tracts. It 1s owned by SDG&E and is used for power plant cooling purposes. The lagoon is also used as a marine- biology experimental laboratory where lobsters and shrimp are grown experimentally. This area, although designated as Open Space on the General Plan, was previously omitted from the 0-S rezoning program since the boundaries of the water surface had not been determined. Proposed Open Space Zone boundaries now follow the boundaries of the F-P Zone which were shown as the 100-year flood elevations as defined by the U.S. Corps of Engineers flood plain study for the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. 215-41-13 (Exhibit 11) - Current Zoning; RD-M Proposed Zoning: 0-S This parcel is a part of La Costa Meadows Unit No. 4 and was dedicated as an open space easement. The General Plan designated this land as an Elementary School Site. In order to be consistent with the recent rezoning of Schools and Parks to Open Space, this property should also be rezoned to 0-S. 223-12-33 223-12-35 223-14-30 223-16-24 Exhibit 12 Exhibit 12 Exhibit!! Exhibit 14 -Current Zoning: R-l-7500 Proposed Zoning: 0-S These parcels are part of La Costa Vale Unit No. 1 and are proposed to be developed as a City Park and Elementary School Site. The park area will provide an Open Space corridor between residential developments north or La costa Avenue, residential developments to the east and west of the park arri the future elementary school site south of Levante Street (Exhibit 14). Current zoning is R-l-7500 and these parcels should also be rezoned to Open Space in order to be consistent with the Land Use Element. -3- The majority of the following eighteen parcels of land generally are zoned Industrial. Consistent with City Council Policy which requires that the M Zone be phased out, to be replaced by the Planned Industrial (P-M) zone, these areas are recommended for rezoning to P-M: 209-04-04(P) - (Exhibit 2) - Current Zoning: M(F-P) Proposed Zoning P-M(F-P) 209-04-05 " Current Zoning: M Proposed Zoning: P-M 209-04-09 " " " " " " " 209-04-10(P) " " " " " " " 209-04-12 ' " " " " " " " 209-04-14 " " " " " " " 209-04-16(P) " " " " " " " 209-04-20 " " " " " " " 209-04-21 " " " " " " " 209-04-"22 "n it n ti it n Parcels 20 and 22 are developed with industrial uses (Beckman Instruments Inc. and a small industrial building complex housing several different light industrial uses). The remainder of this land area is generally vacant land. Parcel 21 is used for agricultural purposes. 210-09-16 (Exhibit 5) - Current Zoning: R-A Proposed Zoning: P-M This parcel, located on the southside of Cannon Road, west of Interstate 5 is shown on the General Plan as Planned Industrial. Presently zoned R-A and used as agriculture, it is inconsistent and should be rezoned to P-M (which is compatible with the P-M zoning to the south). 210-10-08 (Exhibit 6) - Current Zoning: M Proposed Zoning: P-M 210-10-09 " " " " " " " 211-03-25 (Exhibit 7) Current Zoning: M Proposed Zoning: P-M 211-03-26 " " " " " " " 211-03-27 " " " " " " "211-03-28 " " n • n .• n H Parcels 8, 9 and 25 of this group are vacant. Parcels 26, 27, and 28 are partially developed with industrial building and this rezoning will therefore have a negligible effect. 211-04-12(P) Exhibit 9) - Current Zoning: M Proposed Zoning: P-M This parcel is a part of larger triangular piece of property (approximately 29 acres) which was rezoned to P-M (ZC-129, McReynolds), and was added to the McFeynolds-property as part of-a- land exchange. It was, however, never zoned P-M and since the entire property now has a dual zone (M and P-M) it is recommended that the M portion (approximately 3 acres) adjacent to Lowder Lane5be rezored to P-M to provide for a consistent land use and development pattern. -4- The following category consists of six parcels of land which are under public or quasi-public ownership and have non Public Utility zones:. 209-05-17 (Exhibit 3) - Current Zoning: R-l-10,000 Proposed Zoning: P-U The land is owned by Carlsbad Municipal Water District and is used for their administrative offices. 210-01-31 (Exhibit 4) - Current Zoning: C-2 Proposed Zoning: P-U This parcel was privately owned and was proposed to be developed commercially. Since it was contiguous to SDG&E land between AT&SF Railroad and Interstate 5, it was purchased by SDG&E and is now a part of their storage area. 211-03-06 (Exhibit 7) - Current Zoning: R-l-10,000 Proposed Zoning: P-U 211-03-08 " " " " " " w 211-05-08 (Exhibit 10)- Current Zoning: R-A-10,000 Proposed Zoning: P-U 214-01-08 (Exhibit 8) - Current Zoning: R-l-10,000 Proposed Zoning: P-U The above four parcels are owned by the City of Carlsbad and contain the Encina Water Pollution Control Plant. Consistent zoning will require e P-U Zone on these properties. Following is the last area of this zone change which is proposed to be rezoned: 211-03-01 (Exhibit 7) - Current Zoning: M Proposed Zoning: RD-M This parcel (approximately 17 acres) is developed as a mobile home park, Since its land use is a residential type development and the General Plan designates medium-high (RMH) density, it it recommended that a RD-M Zone be approved. IV. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT CONSIDERATIONS: Due to the nature of this reelassifi- cation, it has been determined that a Declaration of Negative (non-significant) EjiviroiTiTientajw Effect^ is warranted for Zone Change 168, Reasons for the Negative Declaration are: 1) Rezoning of these parcels is mandatory under the provisions of Section 65860 of the Government Code which requires General Plan/ Zoning Ordinance consistency. 2) Auplication of various proposed zones will not necessarily change or affect present or proposed land uses in the vicinity of the subject properties or the subject properties. 3) Additional Environmental Assessments will be necessary at the time of proposed development of these properties. ATTACHMENTS- Exhibits 1 - 14 MB/vb 9-18-75