HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-11-18; City Council; 3310-3; Vista Carlsbad sewage transmission systemi r. ' • ^ , ra oij **' CITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. 3310 Suppl. No. 3 Initial: DATE: November 18, 1975 DEPARTMENT: Engineering Subject: VISTA-CARLSBAD SEWAGE TRANSMISSION SYSTEM AND IMPROVEMENT AND ENLARGEMENT OF THE BUENA VISTA AND AGUA HEDIONDA PUMPING STATIONS Statement of the Matter Enlargement of the subject pump stations is currently under design by Brown and Caldwell Consulting Engineers in accordance with Agreement No. VSD-108 approved by the City Council in September, 1975 (agenda bill #3310, supple- ment no. 2). Detailed design investigation by Brown and Caldwell indicates the need for two (2) 225KW gas turbine generators at the Buena Vista pump station as opposed to one (1) turbine generator as outlined in the project report, and one (1) 225KW gas turbine generator at the Agua Hedionda pump station.- The project report also scheduled the installation of gas turbine generators as part of Phase I which was scheduled for construction by 1977. Significant economies can be realized by utilizing gas turbine generators over other alternate sources of power, such as diesel drive (see attached Brown and Caldwell report). Because of the high probability that the gas turbine generator of the size and type required will be unavailable in 1977, the consultant has recommended that this specialized equipment be ordered.now so as to be.available in 1977. Staff concurs in this recommen- dation. The .cost of purchasing three (3) gas turbine generators is approximately '$171,000, and would be shared by Vista Sanitation District and the City based on.ownership. Carlsbad's share is approximately $40,000. Funds are available in the City's Joint Sewer Construction Funds (the accompanying letter from V..S.D. contains an error when they quote our share as being $50,666.). 15% of the cost will be required as initial payment in December with the remainder paid on delivery (but not before July 1, 1976). Specifi- cations are on file in the Engineering Department. It .should be' pointed out that this approval is being requested so as to insure that the gas turbine generators are available and is an important element of.upgrading the reliability of the' pump station. No commitment is being made at this time as to what capacity will be approved at what period in time. - Exhibits A. Vista Sanitation District memorandum dated October 30, 1975 B. Brown and Caldwell letter dated October 28, 1975 Recommendation It is recommended that the City Council move to authorize Vista Sanitation- District to advertise for bids and award a contract for the purchase of three (3) 225KW gas turbine generators in accordance with Section 5 of Agreement No. VSD-108 with the stipulation that the cost to the City of Carlsbad shall not exceed $44,000 (cost estimate plus 10% contingency). AGENDA BILL NO. 3310 - Supplement No. 3 Council action 11-18-75 Authorization was given for Vista Sanitation District to advertise for bids and award a contract for purchase of (3) 225KW gas turbine generators in accordance with Section 5 of Agreement No. VSD-108 with the stipulation that the cost to the City of Carlsbad shall not exceed $44,000. DATE: October 30, 1975 TO: Joseph J. Zapotocky, Manager, Vista Sanitation District RE: Emergency Generating Facilities for the Agua Hedionda and Buena Vista Pumping Stations RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board of Directors of the Vista Sanitation District authorize the clerk to advertise for bids for the purchase of: One (1) 225 KW Gas Turbine-Driven Generation Set for Agua Hedionda Pumping Station Two (2) 225 KW Gas Turbine-Driven Generation Sets for Buena Vista Pumping Station BACKGROUND: • ' The installation of one 225 KW generator unit will satisfy the standby generation requirement at Agua Hedionda through Phase"II of the recom- mended plan. ' ; At the Buena Vista Station, one 225 KW generator unit wis originally thought to be sufficient to satisfy the standby generation requirements for Phase I and Phase II of the project development. However, indepth Study of the power requirement indicates that one 225 KW generator would be sufficient to start one pump with 125 horsepower electric motor, but would be inadequate to start the second pump similarly equiped with a 125 horsepower electric motor. The most cost effective method of supplying these starting load requirements is with the addition of the second 225 KW gas turbine-driven generator. This installation will be sufficient to sustain all standby generating requirements of the Buena Vista Station through Phase II. As part of the contract for the Agua Hedionda facility modifications, the three generator sets would be installed, one at Agua Hedionda and the remaining units at Buena Vista by separate bid items. 7IHCAL- IMPACT: The engineer's estimate for the proposed purchase contract is $164,000. Terms of the purchase would include 15% ($24,600) to be paid to the supplier on December 12, 1975, the remaining 85% ($139,400) on June 30, 1976; and the storage beyond June 30, 1976 at a rate of $50 per month per unit ($150 per month for the three units). Funds are available in the current capital equipment fund for the purchase of this equipment, with the City of Carlsbad and the Vista Sanitation District sharing the cost per Agreement VSD-108 — Vista Sanitation District paying $113,433.33 and the City of Carlsbad paying $50,566.67. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: Positive Number: C 74-161 APPROVED: WAYNE'/ELLIOTT Sanitary Engineer net ATTACHMENTS:1. Letter from Brown and Caldwell 2. Notice Inviting Bids BROWQAND CALDWELL D M I.AIIiWIII I'l I'"". J 1 NOMIiAAIiri PI Vim -CONSULTING ENGINEERS J H rBwU PI v»H I B 1)1 INI Al* PI Vn ii f V HHliI I'l Vil M 0 P NOMIM'.l p| Vn » ) I KTU'KiroN '."i I J L HAMtlOlU) PC O M JONf H. PCI M lovtjnv PC M L wtllll.PC ^October 28, 1975 . Charles B. Oldsen San Diego County Public Works Agency "Department of Sanitation & Flood Control -.-5555 Overland Avenue, Bldg. 2 - <vSan Diego, CA 92133 —^Subject: Agua Hedionda and Buena Vista Pumping Stations : S-396C •.-Standby Generation Facilities , S-396D• ;• Mr. Oldsen: -The purpose of this letter is to recommend that you request the Vista Sanitation Soard acting jointly for the City of Carlsbad and Vista Sanitation District under •-Agreement No. 108 to authorize the advertisement and receipt of bids for the -fspurchase of gas turbine generation sets for the purpose of providing standby tpower at the subject pumping stations. For this purchase, we have attached a scopy of the preliminary specifications. Our recommended specification for the receipt of bids on the equipment, including bidding instructions and general ^conditions, will be furnished for the November 5, 1975 Board meeting,-. ' • . I ; The reasons for our recommendation are contained in our previous correspon- dence dated September 3, October 10 and October 17, 1975. In summary, the '-.gas turbine generator sets proposed for utilization in the project report sub- -•-'-mitted October, 1974, will probably not be available at the time the contracts for the station improvements are advertized for bids. While standby power could be supplied by internal combustion engine driven generators, this alter- 'native would necessitate the additional expense of superstructures, ventilation . equipment and related features. The gas turbine units specified can be furnished as a complete, compact .and lightweight unit with weatherproof enclosure, inlet and discharge silencers and accessories suitable for installation on a concrete slab, or roof as in the case of the Buena Vista facility. There are several additional advantages of the gas turbine over an internal combustion engine, -such as improved motor starting capacity, reduced unit vibration and lower maintenance costs, which we fe-jl make turbine units most cost effective for these facilities. BROWN AND CALDWELL 150 SOUTH ARROYO PARKWAY BIN 83 ARROYO ANNEX PASADENA. CA 91109 (213)577-1020 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING WALNUT CREEK PASADENA EUGENE SEATTLE . l—ir1", ..«.*.. ..H „, „ w* t^ A. i H*t«*.J n». . •*..*,.. >^j«» rftbkui O; Charles B. Oldsen * -2- -.-•"October 28, 1975 . •. render the terms of the proposed purchase specifications, three units would be ^provided by the manufacturer, stored at a monthly fee, and supplied to the District •-•-«r District's contractor when requested. The specifications include a provision -for an extended warranty to insure that the units will be guaranteed for approxi- -isinately one year after installation. As part of the contract for the Agua Hedionda -facility modifications, the three turbine generator sets would be installed, one -at Agua Hedionda and the two remaining units at Buena Vista by separate bid item.. -.iBy so doing, standby power could be made available for the existing Buena Vista : ".^facility while avoiding additional storage charges . -C)ur estimate for the proposed purchase contract is $ 164,000, including' latest vacost adjustments and extended warranty provisions. Terms of the purchase would --•include 15 percent ($ 24,600.00) on December 12, 1975, the remaining 85 percent ^($139,400.00) on June 30, 1976 and storage beyond June 30, 1976 at a rate of .--->$ 50 per month per unit ($ 1 50 per month for the three units) . The equipment war- would be extended from June 30, 1977 to June 30, 1978. -?3Vs-we feel that a resolution of this critical matter is required before we can pro- ceed with our facility design, our staff will be available to discuss the technical economical aspects of this proposal now and at your November 5, 1975 Board very truly, AND CALDWELL ,. G. Hoover i^TTACHMENT: Preliminary Specification cc: Mr. Wayne Elliott, Vista Sanitation District - .' . Mr. Tim Flanagan, City of Carlsbad SrtGHrem JSROWN AND CALDWELL ^50 SOUTH ARROYO PARKWAY PASADENA. CA 91109 (213) 577-1020 CNVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING • WALNUT CREEK PASADENA EUGENE SEATTLE