HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-11-18; City Council; 3515; FAU Funding-Projects Proposed for SubmittalCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL, NO. Initial: Dept.Hd.^ DATE: November 18, 1475,. C. Atty.-IM DEPARTMENT: Public Works C. Mgr. ect: FAU FUNDING - PROJECTS PROPOSED FOR SUBMITTAL Statement of the Matter The Thoroughfare Advisory Committee has established as a deadline for submittal of candidate projects for FAU funding..December 1, 1975. City Zouncil has stated that they wish to t-eview projects proposed for submittal prior to their formal submittal for consideration. Attaqhed are a staff report, project summary sheet and project submittal sheots for each of the projects proposed by staff for Council consideration. Exhibit 1. staff report Recommendation It is recommended that City Council approve the list of projects and authorize their submittal for consideration of PAU funding. Council action 11-18-75 The Council approved the list of projects with the exception of Item #5, and requested it be replaced with "Extension and Improvement of Tamarack Avenue. c�� 1 MEMORe` ux November 7, ioi5- TO: City 'Manager FROM: •Public i7orks 1`aministrator. SUBJECT: FAU funds - project submittals The City .Council has indicated that,they'wi-sh-to reZiew the projects sub�tted..on behalf of -the -City .for cdnsi;lerati6n in granting TAUfun s. Attached is a summary sheet aad individual project sheets for those projects that staff req,ests the douncil io consider. All projects except Palomar -Airport Poad are no�edlis requesting FAU funds for fiscal year 76-77• T'.As would allow us time_to make provision in 3 our annual budget fox those ptojects-whi h `rate high enough on the County -wide priority project list to adain funding status. It should be noted that, as of this date, the Federal Government has not passed the- 1975 Ifighway Act. Therefore, FAU funds are not at all certain. ZE has hegira,&nticipated'byState and County personnel, based on conveisation*w'th Walshington-sources, that, should the Highway Act be passed,,�uids allocate3 to the San Diego region may be as high as $9,000,000. Apoi6kimately one-third of these funds will in all probability go to_CalTrans°.for their projects. The remaining would •be .aveilabie 'as -a- -source, of funds for the County Transit Districts and £ox locally submitted,txansit and highway projects. The fgllowing is, a grief;description of each -of the proposed projects: 1 - Elm,Avenue, valley to El Camino Real -'This project would -provide for the constxuctiom of a four lane roadway facility with provision to accommodate bike lanes, coustructf.on of sidewalk and installation of street lights. This project, in conjunction with a presenily- funded City project, would -complete the Elm Avenue link between Carlsbad Blvd. on the west -and~ El Camino 'Real on the east. 2 - Palomar Airport Road - This project consists of widening and re- aligning the existing two lane road to four lanes from Paseo del Norte to the east City limits. This>fir`s-•.phasC, would not include sidewalks, curbs or parking lanes. These improvements would-Ee constructed as Adjacent property develops. The purgose of this project is to increase the capacity and safety of this roadway.and to provide adequate struc- tural strength to handle the truck txaffid in our gs;owing.industrial _ 3 - Agua Hedionda Creek bridge - This structure, built -by the State in 1R34, ,has experienced 6i9nif-icaat weathering due primag ly to wave action in the inlet to�the cooling lz�gocn used by San Diego Gas and Electric. Close inspection by CalTians personnel reveals signifarant City Manar3er November 7, 39y3 Page Two, _ deterlo,i t16h of the, reinforcing_�steei and they recommend replacement of the structure in the ,immediate future. The project, 's proposed, would provide for widening of.the bridge to accommodate two lanes of traffic in each dixectioh,,bicycle and pedestrian lanes, and modifica- tion of its shape tcL minimize future deterioration from wave action. The approach ,ianes to the bridge would ba modified to accommbdate its increased width,and any change in elevation whichmay bra necessary. A - Caristad`blvd. }dike lanes - The -purpose of.'this project would be to mctend-tile Coun`zy bike ,route frorrc, the stuth City limits north, connecting with a presently -designated bike route in the City of Oceanside. The project would consist -of prodding narked bicycle lanes, utilizing pavement marking and ilgns, along most of the route. Some areas would require some relocation,of curbs to provide sufficient pavement width. There also exists the possibil-ty that the bicycle route from Tamarack north along the State beach could be constructed at the bottom of the bluffs, rather' than on the roadway. Provision for this bicycle lane is contained in the Agua Hedionda bridge project listed above. 5 - Carlsbad Park and Ride :. This facility is proposed to Le located on vacant land west of the railroad tracks between CheetnLt and Walnut Avenues and would serve -as a multiple purpose parking facility. The site could accommodate bus and taxi loading, passenger car pick-up and drop off in coniunction with busses and carpools; provide recrea- tional parking for the beach area one block to the west; and as the southerly terminus and parking area for transportation facilities linking the'downtowri Carlsbad area with the Plaza. A possible future use, might be as a loading area for a passenger, rail facility. This particular site was selected because the property is currently vacant, s in close proximity to the beach'and the railroad, and is not too far distant from the dozntowa arcs: RECOMMENDATION r It is recommended that City Council approve _he,above-listed projects and authorize their submission for consideration of FAU .funding. # Ronald A. Beckman RAB/dh attach. f ` " k CITY of CARLSBA6 Proposed FAU Projects Pzoject Limits Project Typa Estimated Costs -Constr. Engr. R/W Other , Elm Avenuee Valle, to ECR Reg. Highway Fac. $ 862,800 $136,800 $144,000 $89,400 Palomar Airport Rd. I-5 to Linda Lane 2,580,000 240,000- - 480,000 - 0 - ua Hedionda Cr. ridge Old Hwy 101_ _ _ " "85600.0 .100,000 100,000 - 0 - Carlsbad Blvd. Batiquitos to bike lanes Buena Vista " It 100,000 50,000 30,000 20,000 Carlsbad Park & Ride Carlsbad Term a T,:.As Fac. 220,000 80,000 340,000 160,000 Elm Ave. Palomar Airport Rd. A.H. Creek bridge Blvd. bike lanes Park and Ride TOTAL FATU $1,224,000 $764,400 3,300,000, 2,737,020 1,050,000 870,870 200;000 166;000 , 600,000 530,830 0 FAU rimm Tmf ATTM SIirGT LTC of Project Local Project_ Transit Project Re gional llinhway Xacility Traffic Signal Roiling Stock Freeway -Expressway Project Road Improvement Terminal and Transfer X Arterial Street ~- Facility Other ([fridge, Other (Bridge-Intercharle, Erosion Control, etc.) Route Construction etc_) Other Submitted by City of Carlsbad Date October 15, 1975 Agency Name of person fo contact regarding project Ron Beckman _ Phone 729-1181 Name and.brief description of project and project limits: Elm Avenue - Valley Street to E1 Camino Real - construct a four lane, 68'.wide roadway on 84' wide right of way with one traffic signal at E1 Camino Real. Purpose of project: construct a conner-ting link of this major street Total estimated project cost:"$ 1,224,000 Request $ 764 4on FAU funds in F.X. ; 1976-77 Estimated Project Cost Data Total Preliminary Engineering $78 000 Eligible sequesreo •royal For FAU FAU Funds__ Other Funds •; 0 _ _ 0.--, $ 78,000 Right -of -Way 144,000 - 0 - - 0 - 144,000 Utility Relocation _ 0 _ _ 0 _ _ 0 - - 0 - Construction Engineering 58,800 53,800 48,780 10,020 Construction 862,800 862,800 715,620 147,1.80 Other * , 80;400 - 0 - - 0 - 80,400 TOTALS 1,224,000 921,600 764,400 459,600 +� Explanation of other costs: street lights, sewer Sources of non-rAu funds: Gas Tax;' sewer fund " • FAU PRwrCT TNCORNATTON sirr :T --fi-,ype of Project Local Project- Transit.Projeet Re�ionaT Highway racility Traffic Signal RoLting Stock Freeway -Expressway Project Road Improvement Terminal and Transfer X Arterial Street Facility Other (Bridge, '-- Other (Bridge -Interchange, Erosion Control, etc.) Route Construction etc.) Other Submitted by County_- City of Carlsbad Date October 15, 1975 Agency -- Name of person to contact regarding project._ Frank Mulligan Phone 565-5173 Name and brief description of project and project limits- Palomar Airnort Road - Interstate 5 to Ranchc Santa Fe Road - widen from two lanes to four lanes and install one traffic signal length• City - 3.3 miles: County Purpose of project: to 1iicrease capacity. Total estimated project cost:••$ 3,300,000' Request $ 2,737,020 FAU funds in F.Y. 1977-78 Estimated Project Cost Data Total Preliminary Engineering $120,000 Eligible For'TAU $120,000 " xequesrea FAU Funds -- $99,528 a•ora.L Other Funds $20,472 Right -of -(day 480;000 480,000 398,112 81,888 Utility Relocation 180,000 180,000 149,292 30,708 Construction Engineering, 120,000 120,000 99,528 20,472 Construction 2,400,000 2,400,000 1,990,560 409,440 Other* _ -0- -0- -0- -0- TOTALS 3,300,000 3000,000 2,737,020 562,980_ * Explanation of other costs: Sources of non-rAU funds: _ City -County = $562,980 (17.,068) .`1 ' 6U PROJr.CT TNrMHATTON SIM Type of Pk2jec� j Local Project Trfinsit Project Regional )ti;hway Facility Traffic Signal _ Rolling.Stock __ f'xeeway-Expressway Project r Road rinprovement Terminal and Transfer Arterial Street Facility �. Other (Bridge, ,_ Other (Bridge -Interchange, Erosion Control, etc.) Route Construction etc.) .� Otbbr Submitted by City of Carlsbad Date October 15, 1975 Agency,- - Name of person to contact regarding project" Ron Beckman Phone 729-1181 Name and brief description of project and project limits: Replace bridge over Agua Hedionda Creek over old Highway 101 Grade of bridge to be_raised necessitating the construction of new approaches. Purpose of project: to replace a badly -deteriorated two-lane bridge with ,a new four -lane structure Total estimated project cost:'$ 1,050,0b0 Request $ 870,870 FAU funds in F.Y. '1976-77 Estimated Project Cost Data Eligible Requested Total Total For FAU. FAU Funds- Other Funds preliminary Engineering $75,000 $75,000 $62,205 $12,795 Right -of -Way .100,000 100,000 82,940 17,060 Utility Relocation 100,000 100,000 82,940 17,060 Construction Engineering 25,000 25,000 20,735 4,265 Construction 75C,000 750,000 622,050 127,950 Other*. -0- - 0 - - 0- -0- TOTALS 1,050,000 1,050,000 870,870 179,130 * Explanation of other costs: __ Sources of non-FAU funds: City -County Thoroughfare = $179,i30 (17.062)� FAU PRanCT mrohmATTON SHEET Type of Project Local Project Transit Project Re ionaj Ui hway Facility Traffic Signal Rolling Stock ' Freeway -Expressway Project X goq� Improvement Terminal and Transfer X Arterial Street (bl a anes) pacitity : Other (Bridge, Other (Bridge -Interchange, Erosion Control, etc.) Route Construction etc.) Other Submitted by City of Carlsbad Date October S. 1975 Agency. _< Name of Pelson t6 contact regarding project Kent Wtritson Phone 729-1181 Name and brief description of project and project limits: to construct, stripe and sign bike lanes on both sides of entire length of Carlsbad Blvd. (approximately 6 miles). Will require new curb, yutter, sidewalk and pavement on east side bf Carlsbad.Blvd.' between Pine Ave. and Tamarack Ave.- Purpose of project: to provide coastal bike route from north City Limits in south City limits Total estimated project cost:' $ 200,000 Request $-166,000 FAU funds in M. 1976-77 Estimated Project Cost Data Eligible Requested Total Total Preliminary Engineering $20,000 Per FAU_ FA'u Funds urner ruuu5 $20,000 $16,600 $ 3,406 Right -of -Way 30,000 30,000 24',900 51100 Utility Relocation - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - Construction Engineering 30,000 30,000 - 24,900 5,100 Construction 100,000 100,000 83,000 17,000 Other * 20,000 20,000 16,600 3,400_ TOTALS 200,000 200,000 166,000 34,000 * Explanation of other costs: signing, stri ing, reconstruction beneath underpasses Sources of non-FAu funds: Local Transportation Pund T,ocal Project Traffic Signal Road Improvement Other (Bridge, Erosion Control, etc.) PAU PROJECT 7NMINATT6N sUEE'1' y � v Type of Project Transit Project Rolling Stock ' X Terminal and.Transfer Facility. Route Construction Regional Highway Facility Freeway -Expressway Project _ Arterial Street Other (Bridge -Interchange, etc.) _ Other Submitted by City of Carlsbad Date October 15, 1975 Agency Name of per%on to contact regarding project` Ron Beckman Phone 729-1181 lame and brief description of project and project limits: Park & Ride facility - the design will include area for (1) train loading, (2)' bus_& taxi loading, (3) passenger car pick up and drop off, (4) short term parking, and (5) long term parking. Construction includes paved parking, 13ghting, landscaping, estreennc `ooms, ing an rama as. Purpose of project: to establish a modal -transfer facility withip n City of Carlsbad (motor vehicle to rail, bus and car pool transit) Total estimated project cost:$ 800,000' Request $ 530,830 FAU funds in F.Y. ' 1976-77 I= Estimated Prgiect Cost Data, Eligible . Requested Total Total For FAU Preliminary Engineering $_40,000 $46,000, FAU Funds utner rungs $33,180 $ 6,820 Right -of -Way (land) 340;000 340,000 282,000 58,000 Utility Relocation 20,000 20,000 16,590 3,410 Construction Engineering 40,000 40,003 33,180 6,820 Construction 200,000 200,,000 165,880 34,120 Other * _ 160,000 - 0 - - 0 - 160,000 TOTALS 800,00) 640,000 530,830. 269,170 * Explanation of other costs: drainage and access road - Sources of nun-FAU funds: City General Fund