HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-12-02; City Council; 3524; MAXTON BROWN PARK - POLE AND ANCHOR EASEMENTS |SDG&E|m CITY OF CARLSBAD . AGENDA BILL NO, DATE: December 2, 1975 Initial Dept. Hd:2@ DEPARTMENT: Enq i neeri nq Subject: MAXTON BROWN PARK - POLE AND ANCHOR EASEMENTS C, Mgr, # - (SDGGE) Statement of the Matter The San Diego Gas G Electric Company wishes to relocate its overhead facilities at State Street and Carlsbad Boulevard to accommodate the construction of McMahans Furniture headquarters office building. SDGGE intends to remove three overhead poles and replace one anchor pole with a new pole. In order to accomplish this project it will be necessary to install a 15' pole anchor on Pole No. P-125921 extending into Maxton Brown Park. The Parks and Recreation Director does not object to the in- stallation of the pole anch.or. SDGGE has also advised Engineering that Pole No. P-125921 which was relocated several years ago due to a knockdown, is presently located on Park property. They are also requesting an easement for the erroneously located pole and overhead wires. - Exhibit 1. SDGGE letter dated October 3, 1975 2. Anchorage ROW document 3. Easement ROW document 4. Sketch of existing and proposed overhead ,lines. Recommendat ions Approve a motion authorizing the Mayor to execute an easement for pole anchor and an easement. for a pole and overhead facilities to SDGGE on behalf of the City. Council Action 12-2-75 A motion was made authorizing the Mayor to execute an easement for pole anchor and an easement for a pole and overhead facilities to SDG&E on behalf of the City of Carlsbad. 4 LE73 P!$&USS SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY P 0 BOX 1831 SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92112 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 (714) 232-4252 October 3, 1975 FILE NO. LND 100 85606-03 RECEIVED OCT- 6 1975 ATTENTION: Mr. Tim Flanagan CITY OF CARLSBAD City Engineer Englwerlng Department Gentlemen: San Diego Gas & Electric Company is currently working on a project to relocate a portion of its overhead electrical distri- bution system in State Street and Carlsbad Boulevard. A title search of the proposed route indicates that we will be installing facilities (one 15-foot anchor) on property owned by the City of Carlsbad. This encroachment is shown in red on attached Survey Drawing R-2003-A, revised, per your request in paragraph three of your letter to me, dated July 31, 1975. You can be assured our overhead facilities will not be in conflict with the city sewer and water easement. However, because of this encroachment, it is necessary to request from you an anchor right of way. The right of way needed is more particularly described in this Company's standard easement form, the original and dupli- cate of which are enclosed. We respectfully request that you review these documents and, if satisfactory, please have them signed and notarized and returned to me at your earliest convenience. of the fully executed document to you after recording. I will return a copy If I may answer any questions regarding this matter, please contact me on extension 1076. Thank you. Right of Way Agent TLK : km Enclosures (20 Mugg AN INVESTOR-OWNED CORPORATION _*-- I TRANSFER TAX NONE SAN DIEGO GAS 8 ELECTRIC COMPANY SIGNATURE ____________________________________: _______________________. . hereinafter called "Grantor," for valuable consideration, grant(s) to Son Diego Gas 8 Electric Company, a corporation, its successors and assigns. hereinafter called "Grantee," an easement and right of way upon, over; under and across the lands hereinafter described, to erect, construct, reconstruct, replace, repair, maintain and use, guy poles and/or anchors together with connecting wires, at such locations and elevations upon. along, under and over the hereinafter dexribed ease- ment and right of way as Grantee may now or hereafter deem convenient and necessary at any time and from time to time to support that certain electric pole line of Grantee located upon or adjacent to said lands, together with the right of ingress thereto and egress therefrom, to and along said easement and right of way over and across the Grantor's land situated in the County of-Sn--)iego State of California, and more particularly described as follows: Lot 19 of Seaside Lands, according to Map thereof No. 1722, filed in the office of the County Recorder of said County of San Diego. .. .. -. . , The said easement and right of way in the aforesaid lands shall be---4-.-()0------- feet in width. being_-2_cQ0_,__-:-feet measured at right ang{es, on each side of the following described center line: '. Commencing at the most Northerly comer of Lot 17 of said Map No. 1722, said comer bears North 34' 33' 00" West from the most Easterly corner thereof; thence North 81' 55' 31" West, 339.36 feet; thence North 68O 27' 35" East, 281.30 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the center line herein described; thence from said TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING North 11' 00' 00" West, 15.00 feet. Assessor' Parcel #155-020-08 .. . _. 2. -.. , -. CORPORATION FORM. i --Crrry.-------*--, -. -- DIANE P. HUBBARO NOTARY PUBLIC - CALIF PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN i SAN DIEGO COUNTY \ ( MY COMMISSION EXPIRES lUNE4, I979 - (SEAL) ............................................. City of Carlsbad, -------------------------------------------------_--_-_---_-_-------- California the Corporation that ex,ecuted the within Instrument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within Instrument. on behalf of the Corporatton therein named. ond acknow- ledged to me that such Corporation executed the within instrument pursuant to Its By-Lows or a Resolution of its Boord of Directors. In Witness Whereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seol the day . and year in this cert:ficate first above written ------ k RECORDING R EQU ESTED-BY San Diego Gas ti E. xtric Co P.0. Box 1831 S%n Diego, CA 92112 AND wnm RECORDED MAIL TO Corporation Grant Deed - r Noms San Diego Gas & Electric Co St,-, P.O. Box 1.831 Address San Diego, CA 92112 D.T.T. S J City 8 Stat' L - SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation xxzap8arrrtlicm organized under the laws of the state of hereby GRANTS to California San Diego Gas and Electric Co. an easement for purpose of maintaining existing overhead electrical facilities existing on 1/1/76 the following described real property in the County of San Diego , State of California: City of Carlsbad Lot 19 of Seaside Lands, according to Map thereof No. 1722, filed in the Office of County Recorder of the County of San Diego, the said easement and right of way in the aforesaid lands shall be 12.00 feet in width, being 6-00 feet measured at right angles, on each side of the following described center line: Commencing at the most northerly corner of Lot 17 of said Map No. 1722, said corner bears North 34°33'00" West from the most easterly corner thereof; thence North 81°55'31" West, 339.36 feet: thence North 68O27' 35" East, 281.30 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the center line herein described; thence from said TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING North 89006'48" East to the southerly line of said Lot 19, being a distance of 30 feet, more or less. ALSO: beginning at said TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING: thence South 68O27'35' West to the southwesterly line of said Lot 19, being a distance of 5 feet, more or less. Assessors Parcel 155-020-08 In VITitness Whereof, said cor oration has caused its corporate name and seal to he affixed hereto and this instru- thereunto duly authorized. Dated : ment to be executed by its hay or l%%&8Wt and City Clerk M&i-y December 3, 1975 t-- STATE OF CALIFORNIA } ss. BY COUNTY OFlm niqn signed, a Notary PLildic in and for said State, personally appeared Robert C. Frazee <, known to me to be the-I!!nr~~~~& and Margaret F. Adams - known to me to be ci t,V c1 erk P63k&M$of the Corporation that executed the within Instrument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within Instrument on behalf of the Corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the within Instru WITKESS my hand and official seal. Signature - @ - on December 3, 1975 before me, the under- DIANE P. HUBBARD nient pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of its boaid of directors. 3 \ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 4, 1979 \ ------e------ \ (This mea fix ofRci.il notarid mil) D&w ?. kbhrd Name (Typed or-Printed) Title Order No. Escrow or Loan No. MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE ACTION 10-8-75 MOPAC 85606-03 THOS. BROS./3-€3 SAN DIEGO GAS OC ELECTRIC COMPANY DATE DV AWD SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA REVISIONS No RELOCATE FAC ILI TIES I [MOVED POLE 20652 5' SE & REMOVED POLE I 2"$537HEw- LOC 1 L CARLSBAD tr I DRAWN BY AA [ XALE 1"=1001 1 DAlC 9-23-75 I REV DRACiNC "3 I___-- I I I 1. SURVEIL0 BY FH RIW OM COORD NO 362-lh59 APPROVfD 8'1 I I I1 oa TO INSTALL DA 1L R-2003-A (-;f=J a;p Q jQ-1 i ;r-J n G ra nZ n e.e.f-j D.T.T. S _____ L >3xxpr&x organized under the laws of the 5i:iie of hereby GitANTS to California Sari Diego Gas and Electric Co. an easemznt for purpose of naintz exis-trincj overhead electrical facilities existing on 1/1/76 the foliowing described real property in tile City of Carlsbad % A = Fh3 2' PI PES LS 2753 7 - 21 55'1) I e - lb 2ib'A 9 23 5il3 -3 3- cnm -- ACT1 ( TiiO5 -_ ~___ -I--- 9:o PAC c5coor -- c3 ___.____ -_ SAN DIEGO GAS f?: ELECTF?IC EEVISIONS ~-~-_ SAN ___ '31EGC7, ____ - CAL1;09\i;t - __ - RELOCATE FLCL!IT, _____-- ______ Cdrlsbad, CIA 92003 AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO *. _._. -. ,, t'>~(liJ. - r Thc undersigned grantor (s) declare (s) : Documer-itary transfer tax is $ NIL . ( ( ( ) Unincorporated area: [ X) City of Carlsbad , and FOR A Y/ALUABtE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, ) CoinpLited on full value oE property con\t:yed, or ) computed on full value less value of liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale. the City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation 4. + c Qu/7-cin/,q OF /9 /=)L/DL/C C/T/L/7-/ES. E/3SrrWENT OuEe r9 PO.&?TfU/u OF t/D 7- za -) sEi9c,e€-s;T €-s7;97-cs uPJ/7-- - NQ- /) me/”> 330s. /Q TT@CHMk R I”- ”“ f&= ~~v*”<$p[~~fi~/J ENG/NEE@/NG GE9X 4’q _. I .. t6. h .' e.- , j k'p? r,,i 21 2 LL i v* v a' --.I-- - SPACE AGOVE THIS LINE FOR REC0;ioER.s USE 2 's OTTr5- -40 &mosi-a-&n (-&~-~~&D~~ &ea 3.iL.t:. k. THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY 1- I !.;x-. F< ,'.;r:;. !.?;:x Amoss, Jr. 4;j:l.o 1;elll7 Drive . . 1 r'.)J. CL ~ ~ 1 Xd, . ' - C'A 92009 I - L- WAIL 1b.X sIA12rlxn TO -rf 4810 Kcll-y Drive Carlsbad, CA 92008, t. *L 3 403 cb. (0.88) FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, The Cit-y of Carlsbad, a mun<ci.?al corporation z~~qmaisx organized under the Iaws of the state of California -. hcrehj. IiEJlISES, RELFYiSES AED QUITCI,AIS[S to - Mar, St. Clair limoss, Jr.. and Helen C. Amoss, husband and wife as joint tenants I I I the follo-.kg described real property ir;. the Zity of Carlsbad Countycf San Diego , State of California: i:- * -- - . - .; -::---e, . -. See Exhibit "A" for legal descripbion. . -- assessor's parcel- nt - - 207-230-19 ~. ._ . . -. - .. i i Y .- . '1 : -1 ..y:.- - - - ....-. - .-,...,-,- 1 i . -: . . .- .-;. .-.-I- y ..-:- --.;. . :-. r .-- .--. -.; .. 1 Also shown f.or convenie~ce sake-on Attachment !'-A", attached hereto L .. and- made a part hereof .-. 3 .. - .. i i B 4 f j . . _. : .' .. .- .- ! - 111 T\'itnt.ss Rliereof, said corporatiox tias caused its corporatc name and seal to he nfiix.red hrrcto o::d this inGI tlierctirito duly authorid. Dated: _-I_ 3 rncrlt to lje cxecuter~ I)? its Mayor ------~TY~<YF!Z and City Clerk &x %'%e -.-$ r i v.1 /2 , /".i~' -17, \ r1 /// ,, t. / '- ,-..- I a?~':- rjr- rir~ri>r?\'~t P 0 R-7- \ 0 " A-1'73a\c3'336" L.= 31.93' C=R= 23.00' C---. /--- --c- ---- - _-I.- PaRT\oiq OF EL CA~~~~NQ AT t.(EL\q DR\vE \'?d c\T' - -_.-,-_- ENG~ i<CER'iiUG ,i I