HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-12-16; City Council; 3543; Request for Community ID and Private Sign. * Initial : Dept. lid. City Atty \]FA City Mgr. ACiā‚¬NUCi BI.LL NO. I 6.3543 I --- December 16, 1975 DATE: - DE P/'ikTME NT : YLluuuL. SUBJECT: Request for Community Identification and Private Directional Signs Statement -- of the Matter In the recent past, 'there has been a concern about the Sign Ordinance in that the current ordinance does not adequate- ly provide for community identification (i.e., La Costa, Calavera Hills, Carillo Ranch, Palomar Airport Industrial Park, etc.) or directional signs (i.e., Palomar Air Park, Regional Shopping Center, Car Country, etc.). The staff is in receipt of a letter from the La Costa Land Company which requests the City to include approved community identification and private directional signs as signs exempted by: "Sec. 21.41.060(3). Directional, warning or information sign authorized by federal, state or municipal authority." CSee memorandum of December 1, 1975 to City Manager for recommendation) A companion program has been initiated by the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce with assistance from local builders and real estate brokers to develop a community sign program which would provide for private and public direc- tional signs. Action on the La Costa request would be consistent with the Chamber efforts. Exhibits Memorandum to City Manager from Planning Director dated Dec. 1, 1975. Recornwendat ion If-the Council concurs generally with the proposal presented by La Costa, they may wish to approve the sign program for a period not to exceed 6 months under the conditions spelled out by the Planning Director in his report. Since no specific authority now exists for such a program, authorization would have to be under Section 21.41.060 (3) referenced above, and if the Council proceeds, they should indicate the sign program is approved under that section. ,' Council action 12-16-75 The Council accepted the concept presented by La Costa for Community Identification and Private Directional signs and staff was instructed to meet with representatives from La Costa to work out a two year maximum program; further, staff was instructed to prepare the necessary documents for the Council's review. -- 1 .I -. MEMORANDUM December 1 , 1975 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: LA COSTA REQUEST FOR A COMMUNITY IDENTIFICATION AND PRIVATE DIRECTIONAL SIGNS The La Costa Land Company's request for a Community Identification and Directional Sign program (attached) is not clearly provided for in our current sign Ordinance. The proposed draft Sign Ordinance does provide for Community Identi- fication and Private Directional Siqns when approved as part of an overall Master Plan (i.e., La Costa, Calavera Hills, etc.) approved by the City of Carlsbad. Our current ordinance, however, does provide for Identification or Directional Signs when approved by federal, state or municipal authority. The Planning Department has reviewed the proposed La Costa Sign Program and we feel that the City Council may wish, as a policy matter, to define Identification and Directional Signs if they are designed in the community interest. A review of the proposed La Costa Program and its relation to the above section leads to the followinq conclusions (ref. attached Sian Program Outline): 1) The Signs should clearly be directional or identification oriented. Commercial or sales sloqans should not be per- mitted except as approved by the City Council. 2) Signs should direct people to areas within La Costa, but not identif~y individual subdivisions, i .e. South View Communities, La Costa Far South, La Costa North, etc. - . -. .. 3) Signs directinq traffic to individual subdivisions could be prescribed by policy at least with specific criteria and standards (i.e., one sign at a qiven inter- section showing directions to a number of subdivisions). It is suggested that an informative siqn proqram be designed similar to the program being developed by the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce. 4) Siqns located within subdivision boundaries are permitted by right, but are limited in size by existinq ordinance (R-1, P-C = 2 sq. ft., R-3 and up 20 sq. ft.), therefore, on-site signs outlined in the La Costa request which identify a subdivision must be consistent with our ordinance. It may be desirable to approve a trial sign program that would permit community direction and identification signs for a period of six months or until the proposed sign ordinance is adonted, whichever occurs first, then a Master Plan for signs would be aoproved as pro- vided for in the revised ordinance. If the council elects to provide for identification and direction signs, the program should be developed with the following thoughts in mind: 1) A siqn at each major entrance to the community at Rancho La Costa. 2) Area identification siqns at the entrances to each major area, i.e., monument siqns announcing La Costa Vale, La Costa Point, etc. .* . . 3) Signs in each subdivision as permitted by the current sign ordinance. The City of Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce is currently developing a program that will provide for direction signs strategically located in the public right-of-way and are designed with several small arms attached to a single pole. Each arm would point to a project/subdivision within Carlsbad, i.e. Tamarack East, Lorna Laguna, La Costa, etc. It may be desirable for La Costa and the Chamber of Commerce to develop their direction sign program so that they may both be in concert with one another and not conflict. It is recommended that the City Council accept those portions of the La Costa Sign Program as identified in this memo for a period of six months. DA.4:mdp Attachment September 30, 1974 Mr . Paul D . Bussey City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 .. Subject: Private Directional and Community Identification Signs Dear Mr. Bussey: As you are aware from our prior conversations, the lack of adequate directional and community identification signs at La Costa has created a condition of con- fusion among persons trying to reach certain portions of the La Costa develop- ment. It would appear that such confusion is not unique to La Costa , but would be common in any new large development in an area of theretofore sparse popu- lation. As a practical matter, such confusion leads to a real hazard to motorists as they both approach the development and then try to find their way within the development itself. Generally, such persons are not paying attention to other traffic but are looking for directional or street signs in order to reach their destination. This is particularly true when a person is , for the first time, trying to reach a new destination. Needless to say, the number of such persons is quite large in a new development. A prime example of this problem is the main entrance to La Costa. The natural tendency of motorists trying to reach the main complex at La Costa is to continue to drive on La Costa Avenue across El Camino Real. As they drive past the condominium development and into the new subdivi- sions , it becomes obvious to them that they have been misdirected. With the completion of La Costa through to Rancho Santa Fe Road, I am sure many of these people will drive clear through without ever finding their destination. To prevent this confusion, the logical remedy would be to erect a large directional sign at the intersection of La Costa Avenue and El Camino Real, directing the motorists down El Camino Real to the main entrance of La Costa. However, such a sign , though admittedly desirable, would not be allowed under the existing Carlsbad City Ordinance, as such a sign would be an "off premise sign". To remedy this situation, I have had our Counsel, John V. Stanley, draft proposed revisions to the Zoning Ordinance to allow such signs within an area which is subject to a master development plan. Mr. Stanley has drafted his provisions in such a manner as to allow the vehicle of the master development plan to govern the location , size , content and other particulars of such signs. In such develop- ment plans the City would review and approve such signs in the same manner as other elements of a master development-plan are reviewed and approved. COSTA DEL MAR ROAD 0 CARLSBAD. CALIFORNIA 92008 AREA CODE 714 . TELEPHONE 729-91 1 t (C ont inu ed) Mr. Paul D . Bussey, City Manager, City of Carlsbad , Carlsbad, California Page -2- September 30, 1974 To implement these changes, we would first propose to exempt such signs from the sign provisions of Chapter 21.40 by adding an additional provision as paragraph (8) to Section 21.40.060 as follows: "(8) Private directional and community identification signs within the boundaries of a master development plan authorized and approved in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 2 1.38. We would then propose-that Chapter 2 1.38 pertaining to the P-C Zone be amended by adding an additional provision to Section 2 1.38.040 as paragraph (14) as follows: "(14) The location , dimensions , content , materials, and provisions for maintenance of all directional and community identification signs within the development. I' We would also amend Section 2 1.38.05O(a) by adding an additional provision as paragraph (4) as follows: I' (4) Sign permits for private directional and community identification signs as allowed pursuant to Sections 2 1.38.040 (14) or 2 1.38.070. 'I These additions would allow the filing of a sign program as part of or as an amendment to the master development plan. The City would control the size, location and content of the signs through the planning process involved in the approval of the master develop- ment plan. To provide for such signs in existing developments, we would recommend a new Section 2 1.38.07 0 as follows: "2 1 .38.07 0 Private Directional and Community Identification Siqns: A. For the property within the boundaries of approved Master Development Plan, the owner or developer may file for approval a plan for the erection and maintenance of private directional and community development signs to be located within the boundaries of the Master Development Plan. The sign plan shall include the location, dimensions , content, materials and provisions for maintenance of such signs within the development. B. The procedure for applying for approval of such sign plans and for appeal- ing from a decision of the planning commission on such an application shall be the same as that for a conditional use permit under Chapter 21.50 and 21.54." (Continued) Mr. Paul D. Bussey, City Manager, City of Carlsbad, Carlsbad, California 92008 Page -3- September 30, 1974 I believe you will find these revisions will adequately protect the interests of the City and will eliminate the problems previously mentioned to our satisfaction. I am sure that you and the City Attorney will have comments and perhaps changes to these proposals because of matters of which we are not aware. In any event, we would like to discuss these revisions with you at your earliest convenience in order that they or similar revisions might be submitted to the City Council for consideration. Please advise me of a time convenient to you in which we can meet and discuss this matter. Sincerely, LA COSTA LAND COMPANY F JM/eem cc: City Attorney Planning Director L ~ .. . .. ... ,. __ . .. . . . .." . . ,_ I -fl Rancho La Costa On-Site Development I,D. Is I A-Villa La Costa B -Tres Verdes C-Elarbella D-Sabrina Greens E-Orleans East - F-E ldorado G-E1 Caledon SRGRC 8-75 H-La Costa Fairdays I-Costa Verde J -F a i rv i ew K-Xavarra Gardens L-2500 Navarra 3I-h Costa Vista N-J-crez Court .e G-SoIf 'View Villas c P-Gibkalter Villas Q-Go1 f Crest R-Lada de Lorna S-Casitas de la Costa T-Meadow Villas U-Casa del Rey V-S eavi ew W-La Costa Village X-Colina de La Costa Y-La Costa del Sol ' 2-La Costa Pacific aa-Arroya Villas bb-GolE View Terrace cc-Casa Grande dd-Na jorca West ee-La Costa View - .. i .! I SCHEDULE A Rancho La Costa IDENTIFICATION SIGfiS SRGRC [Rev. 33 2 sizes of equestrian marks: (A) for larger units (approx. 36" diameter) Key Mark - - NO copy Quantity Size 4 12 x4' (A) lA [property perimeter signs with same copy 1B to be located at Rancho Santa Fe Road (two locations), El Camino Real (two locations)] RANCHO LA COSTA . CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA h 1 . SCHEDULE B Quantity 1 2 Rancho La Costa IDENTIFICATION SIGNS: 2 sizes of equestrian marks: for larger units (approx. 36" diameter) for smaller units (approx. 18" diameter) (Rider #1) (Rider #2) Key NO 2A - 2B 2c 2D 2E 2F 2G 2H 21 25 2K SRGRC [Rev. 31 copy RANCHO LA COSTA CARLSBAD , CALIFORNIA Rancho La Costa Home Information Center RANCHO LA COSTA HOME INFORMATION CENTER +PARKING & HOME INFORMATION CENTER e SOUTH VIEW COMMUNITIES PARKING 9 HOME INFORMATION CENTER RANCHO LA COSTA HOME DISPLAY & INFORMATION CENTER OPEN DAILY 9:OO AM 'til DUSK It. HOME INFORMATION CENTER HOME INFORMATION CENTER (ahead to La Costa Avenue) RANCHO LA COSTA Greens & SOUTH FIVE Residential Communities RANCHO LA COSTA SOUTH FIVE Residential Communities RANCHO LA COSTA SOUTH FIVE COMMUNITIES 4 Costa Verde La Costa Fairways Fairview Navarra Gardens 2500 Navarra Sabrina Greens Orleans East El Caledon ' f Eldorado ' Quantity c 1 1 1 1 1 Size 8Ix4' - 8lx4' 4'x11 81x41 8lx2' B1x2' B'x4' 8'x2l 8lx2l 8lx4' 4'x11 (A) 2L RANCHO LA COSTA SOUTH FIVE COMMUNITIES (A) 2M RANCHO LA COSTA SOUTH ONE & TWO none 2N & SOUTH FIVE (A) 20 RANCHO LA COSTA SOUTH FIVE (Rider) + La Costa Vista Jerez Court Golf View Villas Gibralter Villas , Golf Crest Lada de Loma (B 1 2P RANCHO LA COSTA VALE ONE $ Rancho Santa Fe Road (B) 24 RANCHO LA COSTA VALLEY COMMUNITIES (A) 2R .RANCHO LA COSTA VALLEY FIVE Residential Communities---) (B 1 2s HOME INFORMATION CENTER (B 1 2T RANCHO LA COSTA HOME INFORMATION CENTER (A) 2u RANCHO LA COSTA VALLEY COMMUNITIES+ MEADOWS IT\ (Rider #1) La Costa Village Casa del Rey S eaview Colina de la Costa La Costa Del Sol La Costa Pacific (Rider #2) Arroya Villas + Golf View Terrace Casa Grande Majorca West La Costa View none 2v HOME INFORMATION CENTER -. v ! c Key QuantiTy Size - Mark - No. copy 1 8'x4' (A) 2w RANCHO LA COSTA VALLEY COMMUNITIES (Rider #1) +'La Costa Village Casa del Rey S eaview La Costa Del Sol La Costa Pacific . Colina de la Casa (Rider #2) e Arroya Villas Golf View Terrace Casa Grande Majorca West La Costa View 1 4'xl' none 2X f. VALLEY COMMUNITIES 1 8'xlt6" none 2Y HOME INFORMATION CENTER (EL CAMINO REAL) ALL SIGN HEIGHTS VARY BY TERRAIN & VISIBILITY. SIGNS SHALL BE POSITIONED "LOW-PROFILE" (APPROX. 18" TO 24" ABOVE GROUND) WHEREVER PRACTICAL; INTERSECTIONS, UTILITY BOXES, DRIVEWAYS, STREET SIGNS, OR LANDSCAPE. ALL SIGNS TO BE POSITIONED TO NOT OBSTRUCT OR INTERFERE WITH TRAFFIC,