HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-12-16; City Council; 3546; Bristol Cove Siltation ProblemCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA-BILL NO. _5^'-V^ '. 'initial: • Dept.Hd. DEPARTMENT; Public Works _ • _ _ . C. Mgr. Subject: BRISTOL COVE SILTATION PROBLEM Statement of the Matter .x .The Bristol Cove Property Owner's Association has requested that a study be made into the possibility of relieving a silting problem in their channel at Bristol Cove. The attached report gives a brief background of the problem and discusses the proposal of the property owners. Exhibits. 1. letter from Bristol .Cove Property Owner's Association dated November 4', 1975 ' 2. staff report Recommendation If Council wishes to aid the property owners in determining the proper solution to their problem, it should be understood that the City accepts no liability for the present situation, and that our partici- - pation is only in an attempt to assist in determining solutions to an apparent neighborhood problem. As an alternative to studying this matter in staff, the Council may wish to retain an outside consultant. Funds for such a study could be budgeted in next year's budget, or if the Council wished to proceed immediately, they could be made available through Federal Revenue Sharing Fund Reserve's. If the Council wishes to have' the City conduct the requested study, directions should be given to staff to proceed. Council action - - . 12-16-75 The staff recommendation was accepted for staff to proceed with a study to aid the property owners in determining the proper solution to the problem, with the stipulation that it is understood that the City accept no liability for the presents ituat ion. BRISTOL COVE PROPE HERS' ASSOCIATION November 14, 1975 City Council City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, Calif. Dear Council Members» As you know we have a bad silting problem in our channel at Bristol Cove. It has become increasingly difficult as the areas above us have been developed; what with roofs, streets, driveways, etc. causing a much greater flow into pipes emptying out onto bare ground. This has resulted in huge chasms being washed out and down on us filling the whole Horth end of the channel. Last year it cost $13,000 to remove it. Even this amount is a pittance compared to what it will be as Bristol Cove develops and we have no way to get the machinery in and no place to put the silt as it is taken out. In^recent meeting with the City Manager, the Director of Public Works, the Director of Parks and Recreation, Mr. Roche from Janss Corporation, a nd members of Bristol Cove Property Owners Association Board of Directors, it was suggested that a study be made of the possibilities of improving the situation. I am hereby requesting $hat this matter be taken up in Council as soon as possible. Respectfully yours, Barton ffeislink President BWL/df 1975 BRISTOL COVE 4585 COVE DRIVE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92OO8 (714) 729-5222 MEMORANDUM November 24, 1975 TO: City Manager FROM: Public Works Administrator SUBJECT: Bristol Cove Siltation Problem The Bristol Cove Property Owners' Association has requested that the City investigate the sources of a silting problem they have at the north end of the Cove and recommend a solution to the problem. Channel siltation has required the property owners to dredge the channel a number of times during the last several years. This should not be unexpected since the lagoon is a natural drain- age basin for a number of natural drainage areas and Bristol Cove was apparently developed without full consideration to the problems associated with this drainage. A previous private engineering report, paid for by the Bristol Cove Property Owners' Association, recommended the construction of desilting basins along the upstream channel. The homeowners' association apparently didn't concur in this approach and no remedial work was done. There are several tributaries to this storm drain channel, the largest of which carries drainage from the Tamarack East development. Recent construction of this unit of the subdivision included installation of storm drains and paving. This, in conjunction with lot development, should remove what appeared to be a major source of siltation. The remaining tributaries, Hillside Drive, James Drive extension and a paved channel east of Park Drive, join the main flow in an open ditch southerly of the end of the Tamarack East storm drain. It is in this section that most of the erosion has occurred which, combined with the other now-controlled source, resulted in much of the siltation in the Cove. The proposal by the Bristol Cove Property Owners' Association is to have the Engineering Department staff study the advisability of installing a permanent storm drain system and its effect on eliminating the siltation problem. The permanent system would include approximately 1050 feet of 60" diameter line from Adams to Hillside (the major erosion area) and approximately 1500 feet of a smaller line extending up the extension of James Drive from Hillside to the existing end of street (an area of no significant recent erosion). A rough estimate of the staff time required to design the project is 240 manhours for the Adams-Hillside section and an additional 200 man- hours for the Hillside-James Drive section. A feasibility study, such as requested by the property owners, would take about 40 manhours and should result in a recommendation as to the effectiveness of the storm drain extension in resolving the problem. City Manager November 24, 1975 Page Two Council, if it considers the request and directs staff to conduct the study, should also indicate its relative priority in relation- ship to other staff work currently undertaken. Ronald A. Beckman RAB/dh