HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-01-06; City Council; 2207-3; QUITCLAIM DEED FOR REMOVAL OF A PORTION OF THE ACCESS RIGHTS DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD LYING WITHIN LOTS 1 AND 2 OF CT 73-49, UNIT NO. 1* z. .~nitial: (1 2-’<:J’ cj7 C:pARL5; G.”,T) @ ___-I- ___I.. _I__. _I_ dl _- m . Deist. IIci .x ___I 42f$dwd#2- _--- AGYNDA .?3XLJJ NO. _--.- 23) 7.- / - JIAT‘i: mgy 6 1976 --- ‘c? C. Atily, C. Myr. i -&--.---.--. 8. ~~P~\~%?f~i1~~ : c_- Enq i ne er incf__ - - .- .- - Subjec-t: QUITCLAIM DEED FOR REMOVAL OF A PORTION OF THE ACCESS RIGHTS DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF CARLSBAD LYING WITHIN LOTS 1 AND 2 OF CT -_____I_ 73-49, UNIT NO. 1. - _I_- Statern.cnt of .the Matter ---I--- As a requirement prior to finalizationbf proposed minor subdi- vision no. 263, approved June 25, 1975, the owner, CC&F Palomar Airport Business Park has requested the City to quitclaim a por- tion of access rights lying within Lots 1 and 2 of CT 73-49, Unit No. 1, Map No. 8054. (see Exhibit “A“). This is necessary in order to provide access for parcel 2-B of proposed minor sub- division no. 263. axhibit Drawing delineating access rights to be quitclaimed. Recommendation- -- ^___ Adopt a.motion authorizing the Mayor to execute a quitclaim deed for removal of a portion of access rights lying within Lots 1 ani 2 of CT 73-49, Unit No. 1 Council action 1-6-76 The Mayor was authorized to execute a quitclaim deed for re of a portion of acceSs rights lying within Lots Land 2 of CT !3-49, Unit No,: 1. 4 SI- q%Q 6' . 4 ACCE5S RIGHTS EJX5EMENT QUIT CLAIM PLxr RICK ENGINEERING PL ANNNERS -ARU.(ITECTS-CIVIL ENGlNEEf 5620 FRIARS ROAD SAN DI:T.C), TELEP -!WE (714; 2'>1- I ::,U3;INESS PARK I?-# \$est "A" St., SU@~!?&O " Sari Ri&%Q LR.cGAro YA9LZP bity Clerk 7 Noms Slrwl City of Carlsbad Addrss. 1200 Elm Avenue City b Carlsbad, CA 92008 Stots L _1 r 1 MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO hiome CC&F PALOMAR AIRPORT ;,res, BUSINESS PARK Address 110 West "A" St., Suite 1100 7sEo3m: ,,-c/p,?>: . :I V. - , -- 0 ,, . ~ .. ;7 ' .- - , , ' ~, 1.; !4. j E ;{ SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S U I ;33 h?. 1 5235 OAiT BY RGS/kg LEGAL DESCRlPT13N FOR: s/13/7 ACCESS RIGHTS TO BE QTJITCIAIMED CHK'3. ' QUIT CLAIM PLAT i t PLANNERS -ARU-IITECTS-CIVIC UG 56670 FRIARS ROAO SAN 94: TELtP-'34E (Tt4; '-3 Costa Land Coinpan! e A?] 3 OFUED %Ail TO -1 I-..- ~da-na Ci ty Cl e rk S,rf+ Carlsbsd, California 92008 et City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue C?Y c, i I _. _I_.__-_--~.~I--____. ____ hMl1 TAX STAIEMENTS TO 6, Costa Land Company 1 b'L,ra21 Costa Del blar Road 5'. .,:.::I Cay] shad, Cal ifopnia 92008 y+,,-. '. c;? G, .,a*... : 5-3 '1 . - .. . . -. e 1:;:; i': '.> '5 I 3'j ..) r;r; p,, ! ,. l-lll---.-.. SPACE ~soV./2 THIS !..\?dg ~02 F?ZC~;?D~R'S u A. P. rg. ... ~~ . ~ -^--IIF I,> ,',?\.LA (7 7,) -__L --.-. --__._- --_I igncd grantor(s) dcclxc(s): I)CJC[!JT1<:2tLlrlj tI'2IISfCr. ti~X iS $ N I L ( . ) COll~pll~~d Oil fLIl1 ValLlc Of Pl.OpZJ-:S; CC>Il\:?)'cd, 01- ( f ) Ul~~ilCO~p~)J-~lkd ;\rea: (X ) city of -tu 1 s bad , arid FOR fL yii-12ui$si,%: CQ~.~S~~>EX~'?~C)F!, rer&pi of v;:i;eh is hereby ac'mowkdged, the City of Carlsbad, a municipal corporation ) cul~1p~itcd on full value less value of Iicns ;ind ci1cLill?b~-:I~ic~s rcmaining at time of sa!c. a corp(trs,ti,c,yi c,,pilj& under th !:!tiis of ;!;?e ST:'.~ of c a 1 -j fo j-n i a r. p7-i. &e!,y !:?:%!l i > .13, 'I!EP,E:AS ES nrlr D QU I TCL i La Costa Land Company , iin Illij~ois Corporation the f~lloxing rlcserih~d renl property in the Cou3ty c.f San Oiego , State of California: Those open space easements granted to the City of Car1sba.d over 1-0. 183, 186, 189 and 190 0.f Sa.nta Fe Glens ori the subdivision map, Ma; No. 8059, recorded in the Office of the Recorder, San 9iego County Cal i forni a , January 22, 1975 , Fi 1 e Number 75-01 5593. Also, shown for convenience sake on Attachment "A", a.ttac-hed neret and made a part hereof. Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 2!~-O61 -1 7 255-051 -1 4 255-CG2-09 255-064-05 111 Yiiric<s jV1.lcr<;of, said ~:~rpora:ion hx ca~isted its corporate riame and seal to he aflilced hereto arid this Ii 1 eri t i (i ~,e e:;~ li tctI 11 j it.; __ -l.lii_y~:~-. _____ FwM wx a ~id _-._ L kyT;h.rk __._ ..- -.*zl thcrcurito duly autiiorizcd. ,- Jkil::/]: ~~ ..o,:aL.%_!+C32b -~~----~.---~ -.. _____ c) _ .--- __ 'i- h v; L- ;s - 0: LL \ E I- Ll Lk Y r= Ll Ll c 0 ti C sl F L: 5 c c ? - C C b c E C L C c ; L ( f f -! 1 1'