HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-01-06; City Council; 3528-1; SPECIFIC AREA PLAN AGUA HEDIONDA LAGOONm c .- e . xrw - .OF CARLBAD -- 3523, . S~rr>o'l ement. $1 AGEND4 BI.LL No: I .. D,4TE:. .Jxnuary 6, 1976 ' . ' . PLANFJIW . ' ' . DE.PASTI?ENT:' . ' ' ' Initial : De,pt. Hd City Att City Mgr - ............... .......... .......... .. ................................... - S!J BjECT : pECIFTC .qpiE!] PLAY, ,46U.4 !iEDIO?l3A LA$XI0% ...... .......................... ... .. ................. ... ." 1 3ts;temen't 'o'f .the 'Matter - The City Council directed staff on Decmber 2, apply for available -funds throuqh the Coastal Commission and the !iUD 701 Grani Prcqyam. Mditionall:~, "the City Council gave general .concurrence to the nropc Plan for Agua tledionda Lagoon". Citv staff kas prevared a pronosed work program (attac!ied! for the Specj-fjc p- and has received general concurrence from :the affected nrcnertv owners and the P,ecrional Coast Ccrwission Staff. .. The Staff has also been advised by liegional Coast.Comnissim Staff that the St has :ranted $?5,000 to the City for the purposes of preparing the vlan (a let2 the grant, and a grant contract should be available for- the January 6, 1976 C-i %eti ng ) . Inasmuch as the Staff is currently involved in,a numbc 0-f major nlann5ng y0.j be necessitry to contract a project planner for the period betvieen 2anuar.y 7, 1 lS76 -for the tiurposes o-F preparing the plan. The y-oject. planner \rill serve u direction of the P1annin.r Director, and the anticimted costs will be $150'3 ne The proFosed SFecific Plan will also incorporate SOME holdings along the sout Agua Hedionda Lagoon and the recently identified community park site on SDG3.E .Exhibits: Proposed Work Program - Aqua t-ledionda Lagoon .. ' . - ......... - Re.commendation -That the City "anaqer he authorized to contract the services of a, Project Pla.nr period of ,January 7, l?76 to July 31, 1976 for the. purnoses of preparing the Cr; for Aglta Hedionda Lagoon as butlined -in t5e attached !!or% Prqran. 1-6-76 The City Manager was authorized to contract .the-services of Project Planner.for the. period of. January 7, 1976 to July 31 .. .. City of Carlsbad G.P. Implementation Cooperative effort between: 1) Property Owners 2) City of Carlsbad 3) Coastal Commission al b Open Land Space Use & Conservation c) d) Scenic Highways e) Circulation Geologic Hazards/Sei smi c Safety a) Carlsbad Pol tcies city b Coastal Plan Policies Coastal cl Land Use Intensity P.O./City I) Height Bulk 2) Design Landscapina 1 ) Pedes tri an 2) Auto 3) Bicycle 4) Parking b) Mitigations c) Findings d) AI ternatives PHASE II Statu Report