HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-01-06; City Council; 3542-1; Block Grant Application Project Selection for 1976-7 Community DevelopmentCITY OF CARLSBAD p,G,EKDA B I,LL NO. DATE.: January 6 1976 DEPARTMENT:` planning let 4/5' Initial• Dept. Hd. I City Atty City Mgr. SUBJECT: Proi-%t Selection for 1976-7 Community Development Block Grant Application. Statement of the Matter On December 16, 1975, the Council voted to participate in the County's second year Community Development Block Grant Application. Staff was instructed to solicit Citizen participation and prepare the application. A Citizen's meeting to discuss the Grant Application was held on December 23, 1975. Project suggestions made at this meeting are identified and evaluated in the attached memorandum to the City Manager. Exhibits Exhibit C - Memo to the City !`tanager dated 12-26-75 Exhibit D - Cooperation. Agreement Exhibit E - Assurance forms Recommendation: Authorize the Mayor to sign the Cooperation Agreement betl•,Qen the City of Carlsbad and the County of San Diego for the purpose of making application for 2nd year Housing and Community Development (HCD) grant funds. Authorize the City Manager and City Attorney to sign the assurances form stating that the City will meet all Federal HCD Application reouirements. Select project(s) for 2nd year HCD grant application as recommended in the'attached memorandum tq the City Manager. Council action 1- 6-•76 The Council agreed that CETA funds be used for a Needs Assessment in Human resources and social services; that the funds received from the grant be apportioned 60% towards rehabilitation of the St. Patrick's Church facility, 20% towards improvement of Inner - City pedestrian circulation and 20% towards the improvement of Chase Field. Further, the Mayor was aughorized to execute the Cooperation Agreement between the City and the County, and the City Manager and City Attorney were authorized to sign the assurances form. MEMORANDUM TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: PROJECT FOR 2ND YEAR COMMUMITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANTAPPLICATION The City Council directed Staff, on December 16, 1975, to accomplish the following: 1) To proceed with preparation of an application for Housing and Community Development Block Grant funds in a consortium with San Diego County; 2) To involve citizens and community organizations in evaluation of possible projects; 3) To return to the Council on January 6 with recommendations for project selection. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that several of the projects suggested at the December 23, 1975 Citizens meeting be combined into a comprehensive inner city needs assessment which would address: 11 Human resources and social services 2 Pedestrian access 3) Community services 4) Housing 5) Youth services 6) Park and recreation facilities It is reconiiended that $10-15,000 be requested for consulting services necessary to prepare such a needs assessment. Staff recommends that the remaining portion of the grant (approximately $50-55,000) be applied toward rehabilitation of the St. Patrick's Church facility. CI7IZr Eta PARTICIPATION A meeting was held on December 23, 1975 to elicit citizen suggestions on possible projects to be fundea under the 1976-7 Community Development Block Grant application. Letters were sent to more than 80 persons and organiza- tions notifying them of this meeting and a notice was also published in tl;e Carlsbad Journal. f t .— The meeting was attended by approximately 25 persons. The following suggestions were made on possible projects to be funded with the expected $68,000 in Community Development Block Grant monies: 1) Rehabilitation and refurbishing of St. Patrick's Church for use as a multi -purpose community facility; 2) Funding of eligible Community services (such as senior services, health care, drug abuse, day care, etc.) which might be housed at a multi -purpose community facility such as St. Patrick's Church; 3) Repaving of streets in the beach area west of the railroad, between Washington Street and Garfield; 4) Improvements to pedestrian systems (such as construction of side- walks and removal or obstructions) in the inner city; 5) Preparation of planning studies for: a) Inner city pedestrian circulation; b) Overall inner city circulation•(including pedestrians, bicycles and motor vehicles); 6) Preparation of a human resources plan which would: a) Identify community needs and gaps in existing social and recreational facilities and services; b) Plan for coordination and consolidation of existing services and facilities; c) Propose improvements to social and recreational services and facilities; 7) Improvement of facilities (such as lights and landscaping) at Chase Field. PROJECT SELECTION The projects proposed at the December 23 citizen's meeting all appear to be 1 eligible activities according to the Federal Housing and Community Development Act (HCDA) Guidelines. t Staff recommends that project selection be based on the following criteria: 1) The project provide some tangible benefit to residents of the City; 2) The project meet the HCDA criteria of developing "decent housing and a suitable living environment and expanding economic oppor- tunities principally for persons of low and moderate income -2- 3) The project meet identified community needs and be consistent with City policy; 4) The project goal be achievable within Fiscal Year 1976-77; 5) the project can be satisfactorily accomplished with the grant monies or the grant monies in combination with other available funds. Staff has prepared a chart evaluating the suggested projects based on these criteria. (See Attached) Donald A. Agatep �- DAA/DH/vb -3- 4 STAFF EVALUATION FOR PROJECT SELECTION PROJECT ENCY WITH HCD ACT CONSISTENCY WITH CITY POLICY ROUGH COST ESTIMATE COMMENTS r A human resources plan aid the City in 1) Preparation of ds may be used "to Duncan & Jones "Framework for $10-15,000 Human Resources Plan p a policy -planning- �o Remedial Action" recommends that the City get information would ongoing planning for ent capacity" he City can more rl on the full array of social community services. ively determine services to the people who set objectives needthem and bring those vise programs to services closer to people. lish those object- It adds that the City should play a role in human develop- ment as well as physical development. 2) Rehabilitation of HCD funds may be used for Duncan and Jones "Framework Total cost could run high as tIO0,000. It is unlikely that St. Patrick's Church St. Patrick's Church reconstruction of neighbor for Remedial Action" recom- that the City establish as However, work may be will be available to hood facilities. mends a service center in or near done on an onqoinq basis as funds become the City before the beginninq of 1977. the barrio. available. 3) Construction of HCD funds may be used to Duncan & Jones "Framework for Remedial Action" recommends Curb, gutter & side- walk runs $10 per Studies on downtown pedestrian circulation pedestrian improvement acquire land for construc- tion to construct that pedestrian pathways and I lineal foot. Total may be a pre -requisite in the inner city. and pedestrian malls and walk- bikeways be established to installation expense to this project. ways. link inner city activity centers. The City s Circula- for z mile of side - walk would be rough- tion Element speaks to the ly $50,000. need for improving pedestrian safety and providing an inte- grated circulation system which provides for pedestrian access. i Page 2 PROJECT 4) Improvement of facilities at Chase Field. CONSISTENCY WITH HCD ACT I CONSISTENCY WITH CITY POLICY I ROUGH COST ESTIMATE ; COMMENTS HCD funds may be spent for "parks, playgrounds and other facilities for rec- reational participation." The Parks and Recreation Elements addresses the need to develop facilities for athletics and sports. Chase Field is an important facilit, because it is: 1) Widely used for ,year round activities. 2) Used in conjunction with school facilities. 3) Accessible to many resid- ents. Liahts for two The loss of a third' playing fields 22,00playing field has cur - Play equipment tailed athletic activi & park develop- ties at Chase Field. ment 5,OOL The installation of Landscaping & lights will extend the irrigation 3,000( hours during which the TnTAL 30,000�fields may be used. 5) Preparation of inner city circulation plan HCD funds may be spent for development of a compre- hensive community develop- ment plan providing that such plans are appropriate to needs and objectives. The Circulation Element's F$10-15,000 { goal is to provide a Circula- tion System based on compre- hensive analysis of safety, convenience, attractiveness, costs, social impacts and travel needs of the citizens.i l ! f This studv could supplement the City s Circulation Element and also serve as an adjunct to the pro - posed downtown specif- is plan. 6) Funding of HCD funds may be used for Duncan & Jones' "Framework for Cost varies, depend- These services can be eligible community services aimed at employ- Remedial Action" states that } ing on types & ex- funded only if all services. ment, economic development, the City should work in coop-, tent of services other possible Federal crime prevention, drug eration with other agencies td provided. ! sources have been abuse, education, welfare provide such services as i applied for and den and recreation. health car; nutrition pro- I A human resources plan grams, job training, etc. ! may be a necessary pre I requisite to this pro- ject, so that needs and objectives can be accurately defined. 7) F,epaving streets HCD funds can be used for The Circulation Element states Repaving a 40' wide Gas tax revenues are in beach area reconstruction of streets. that streets should be safe street costs approx- expected to provide and adequate to serve anticir imately $10 per roughly $150,000 for pated volumes of traffic. lineal foot, street repaving in 1976-1977, based on existing trends. A COOI..,:ATION AGItTs'EMENT BETWEEN COUNTY • Or SAN DIEGO AND THE CITY OF FOR A COMtiUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM .'HIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this day of ,, 19 , by and between the County ' of San Diego, a political subdivision of the State of California, hereinafter called "County' and the City of ' t a municipal corporation of the State of California, located 1 in the County of San Diego, hereinafter called "City". W I T N E S S t T 11: a • Recital A. In 1974, the U,S. Congress enacted and the President signed a law entitled, The Housing and CoL►munity Development Act of 1974, herein called the "Act". The said Act is omnibus legislation relating to Federal involvement in a wide range of housing and community development activities and contains eight separate titles. Recital B. Title I of the Act is entitled, Community Development, and consolidates several existing categorical programs for housing and community development into new programs for such housing and development under block financial grants. The primary objectives of Title I are the improvement and development of metropolitan cities and urban counties or communities by providing financial 3-18-75 i; JM:kd -wide plans and programs of public assistance annually for area housing, public services and public works. Recital C. The County of San Diego has heretofore s requested of the Departmentof Housing and Urban Development i that it be qualified as an urban county and thereby become 1 cial entitlements to receive Mousing an eligible for finan i i Community Development Block Grant funds. Pursuant thereto, ' the County has been informed preliminarily, subject to final determination, that'it will qualify as an urban county and be eligible for funds. Recital D. The Housing and -Community Development Block Grant Regulations issued pursuant to the Act (the Regulations) provide that qualified urban counties must submit an applit;:ation to the Department of Housing and Urban Development for funds and that cities and smaller communities within the metropolitan area not qualifying as metropolitan cities may join the County in said application and thereby become a part of a more comprehensive County effort. Rectial R. As the applicant, the County must take the full responsibility and assume all obligations of an applicant under the statute. This includes the analysis of needs, the setting of objectives, the development of community development and housing assistance plans, the one-year community development program, and the assurances or certi- fications. NOW TIfflurORR, in consideration of the mutual promises, recitals and other provisions hereof, the parties agree -as follows: 1. The parties agree to cooperate in undertaking, or assisting in undertaking, essential community development and housing assistance activities, specifically urban renewal and pu'alicly-assisted housing. Z. The City agrees that it shall be included in the application the County shall make to the Department -of Housing and Urban Development for Title I Housing and Community Development Block Grant- funds under the above xecited Act. 3. The City shall prepare or work with the County in the preparation of a detailed project or projects or other activities to be conducted or performed within the City the plan of which shall be included in the aforesaid application. 4. The County agrees to include the City in its application under the Act and to work with the City in the preparation of the detailed project or projects or other activities to be conducted or performed v ithin the City pursuant to the application. 5. The City and the County recognize that the County shall be the governmental entity required.to execute any grant agreement received pursuant to its application and that it I. V13%. shall thereby become legally liable and responsible thereunder rmance of the plan and program. The City for the proper perfo agrees that it shall fully cooperate with the County in all cooperative effort hereunder and that it shall do any and all y things required and appropriate to comply with the provisions of any Grant Agreement received by the County pursuant to ' the Act and its Regulations. 6. The City agrees and does hereby commit itself to undertake, conduct or perform or assist the County in undertaking, conducting or performing the essential, community development and housing assistance activities identified in the plan and program contemplated hereunder pursuant to the Act. 7, All funds received by the County in accordance with its application shall be identified and allocated to g the specific projects or activities set out in the application and such allocated amounts shall be expended exclusively fdr such projects or activities; provided, however, that a different distribution may be made when necessary to comply with Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. -8. The period of performance of this Agreement shall be for the second.program year under the application which will commence on the date of 11UD approval of the County's application and shall run for 12 consecutive months there- ' s after except when modified under the provisions of the e Regulations. It is anticipated thatthe said application will be approved prior to July 1, 1976.• All subsequent periods of performance hereunder shall be agreed to by written modification of this Agreement, fully executed by the parties. 9. The parties agree that a fully executed amendment or amendments to this Agreement shall be entered into as required or necessary to implement a detailed and formulated' plan and program as contemplated hereunder or for the purpose of complying with any grant agreement- received or the regulations issued pursuant to the Act. 10. The Mayor and City Attorney are hereby authorized to execute and submit to the County of San Diego Assurance Form HUD 7015.12 with respect to the community development activities carried out within the boundaries of this City. . It is further understood that the Chair..mu of the Board of ; Supervisors and the County Counsel will rely upon the assurances executed by the Mayor and City Attorney for purposes of executing an Assurance form for submission to HUD. 11. All records of the City respecting this application 'and any projects undertaken pursuant thereto shall be open and available for inspection by auditors assigned by HUD and/or the County on reasonable notice during; the normal business hours of the City. IN WITNESS MEREOF, the parties have caused this Cooperation Agreement to be executed this day of 19- This Agreement is approved COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO as to form and legality - and it is hereby certified By that the Agreement is in accordance with State and local law. ROBERT G. BERM, County Counsel ATTEST: Deputy By BY Approved as to form and THE Cr ry OF legality by By MAYOR Ci,y Attorney ATTEST: By C2.ty C er c F EXHIBIT Assurances 1. It is hereby certified that the City of (hereafter called "the City") is a unit of general government which chooses to enter into a cooperation agreement pursuant to Federal Register Vol. 40 No. 111 dated June 9, 1975, Section 570.3(w) (2) (ii) to undertake or to assist in the undertaking of essential community development and housing assistance activities. It is also certified that the City possesses the legal authority to enter into the cooperation agreement, and to execute the proposed program; that a resolution motion or similar action has been duly adopted or passed as an official act of the applicants' governing body, authorizing the filing of the application, -including all understandings and assurances contained on HUD Form 7015.12 (1i-74) items 2-12, and directing and aesignating the City's chief executive officer as the authorized representative of the applicant to act in connection with the application and to provide such additional information as may be required. Legal Certification: As counsel for the applicant and an attorney - at -law admitted to practice in the State in -which the applicant is located, I certify that the facts and representatives contained in Assurance No. 1 above to be true and in.accordance with State and local law. Signature of City's Counsel AP?29Vc0 1S TO F,,%R%l AND LEC LITY ROBERT G. CUMEY County ccun;-A Nputy eype or Print Name of Date City's Counsel zxkib;f t 00-pt,) Assurances it is hereby certified that the City of (hereafter called the City) shall agree to carry out the community development and housing activities in conformance with the County's procedures. This responsibility shall apply to the planning and implementation of all projects proposed by the City which are included in the County's application pursuant to the City's share of the total funding. The County's procedures which the City must act in accordance with are as follows: _ 2 it will comply with: ' (a) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 83-352) and in accordance with Title VI of that Act, no person, in the United Slates shall, on the ground of race, Colo., or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under -any program or activity for which the Applicant receives Federal financial assistance and will imme- diately take any reasuces necessary to effectuate this agreement. If any real property or structure thereon is provided or improved with the aid of Federal firancial assistance extended to the Appli- cant, this assurance shall obligate the Applicant, or in the case of any transfer of such property, any transferee, for the period during which the real property or structure is used for a purpose for which the Fede:alfinancial assistance is extended or for another purpose involving the provision of. similar services or benefits. (b) Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1969, (P.L. 90-284) as amended, and will adninisto all p:ogra:as and activities relating to housing and community development in a manner to affirmatively further fair housing. (c) Section 109 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 and in conformance with all re- quirements imposed by or pursuant to the Regulations of the Department (24 CFR Part 570.60:) issued pursuant to that Section; and in accordance with that Section, no person in the United States shall on the ground of race, color, national origin or sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the bene- fits of, or be subjected to disc:imination under, any program or activity funded in whole or in part with the community development funds. (d) Executive Order 1106b on equal opportunity ih housing, (e) Sectioa 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1955, as amended requiring that to the greatest extent feasible opportunities for training and employment be giver: lower income residents of the project area and contracts for worl• in connection with the project be awarded to eligible business concerns which are located in, or owned in substantial part by, persons residing in the area of the project. 3. Prior to the submission of its application, the applicant has: (a) Provided citizens with adequate information concerning the amount of funds available for proposed community dove)-, •:rt and housing activities, the range of activities that may be undertaken, and other important program requirements; (b) Held at least two Fublic hearings to obtain the views of citizens on co munity development mad housing needs; and (c) Provided citizens an adequate opportunity to participate in the development of the application and in the develepnent of any revisions, changes, or amendments. 4. The applicant will: (a) Provide fair and :easonnble :elocution pn}:nents and assistance in accordance with Sections ct 203, and 234, of the Unifo,as Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies rcor (P.L. 91-64G) and applicabh: IIUD rec;ulations, to or for families, tadividaals, partnerships, corp- orations or associations displaced as a result of any acquisition or real property assisted under the grogram; J - (b) Provide relocation assistance programs offe::a3 ti:e se.vi,.es described in Section 205 of P.L. 91-646 to st.ch displaced fan! Ites, individuals, part :as::;pG, co:po.aCons or associations in the provided under applicable HUD regulations; (c) Assure that, within a reasonable time prior to misplacement, deceit, safe, and sanitary rep:a=e -ent dwellings will be available to such displaced :_:.;lies and individuals in accotdance wi;h -*ct!oa 205(c)(3) of P.L. 91-646; (d) Inform affected persons of the benefits, policies, and procedures provided for under HUD-es:!at-ons; and (e) Carry out the relocation process in such a manne as to provide displaced persons with uni.`c m and consistent services, and assure that replacement housing will be available in the same range of choices with respect to such housing to all disp:aced persons regardless of race, color, re:ig;on, or national origin. 5. The applicant will: (a) In acquiring real property in connection with t= community development block grant progra.=, be guided to the extent permitted under State Lori, y the real p:opetty acquisition policies se: s_t under Section 301 of the Uniform Relocation Assisla: ce and Real Property Acquisition Policies A_c and the provisions of Section 302 thereof; (b) Pay or reimburse property owners for necessa-, expenses as specified in Sections 303 and 2-04 of the Act; and (a) Inform affected persons of the benefits, policies, and procedures provided for under HUD :eZ-ist;ons: 6. It will give HUD and the Comptroller General throng; an) authorized representative access to aas the right to examine all records, books, papers, or doc:=ants related to the grant. 7. The applicant will comply with the provisions of 1:.t Hatch Act which limit the political activih• of employees, 8. It will comply with the provisions of: Executive 0:'_=r 11296, relating to evaluation of flood ha_a ems, a -id Executive Order 11128, relating to the prevention, ca :trot, and abatement of water pollution . 9. The appl;cant's certifying officer: (a) Consents to assume the status of a responsNe Federal official under the National Env;ron=ertal Policy Act of 1969 insofar as the provisions of such act apply putsuant to this Part; and (b) Is authorized and consents on behalf of the app::caat and himself to accept the jurisdiction ni the Federal courts for the purpose of enforcement a:Iris responsibilities as such an official. 10.^The Community Development Program: [� (a) Gives naximuna feasible priority to activities . ich will benefit low— or moderate —income is .ilies or aid in the prevention or elimination of s!u:ns cr blight; d(b) Contains activities designed to meet other cc- =_ ay development needs having a particular i:gercy which are specifically identified and described * the applicant's community development p:zi sum- mary and community development program. It. It will establish safeguards to prohibit employees f -a using positions for a purpose that is or g;:es the appearance of being motivated by a desire for pri%at= gain for themselves or others, patticulari &.ose with whom they have family, business, or other ties. 12. It will comply with all requirements imposed by HUD concerning special requirements of law, p: gran, requirements, and other administrative requirements approved in accordance Mth Federal Zlonaga=ent Circular 74-7. (Signature of City's Chief Executive Officer) I!R',IOVEO AS TO FNIM AND LEGALITY. FtJE 111' G. EIERREY CM-11y Coi,ns:l , (Type or Print Name of Date City 's Chief Executive Officer)