HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-01-06; City Council; 3570; Senior Citizen Association Funding Reportr�
AGENDA BILL NO._N 7 � Initial:
DATE: Jani;ary 6, 1976 Dept.Hd.
C. Atty.
DEPARTMENT: City Manager C. Mgr.t:
Subject: -
Statemeiit of the Matter
By letter dated December 10, 1975, Raymond C. Ede, President,
Senior Citizens' Association, outlined the association program
projections for 1976-77 and requested City funds for those
The sum of $25,000.00 has been requested in connection with
the operation of a Senior Center and $15,000.00 is requested
for a nutritional program.
Letter dated December 10, 1975 from Raymond C. Ede
In light of the Council discussion concerning the future use
o2 St. Patrick's Church and the fact that such funding requests
are normally considered during the budget process, the Council
may wish to defer action on this matter. Concern has been
expressed by Mr. Ede however, that some indication of Council
intent vay be necessary so that the association may qualify
for matching funds from other agencies.
Council action
1-8-76 The matter was referred to staff to be included in consideration
of the budget. Further, staff was instructed to submit a letter
to the County of San Diego informing them some funding is taking
place now.
➢ecember l o,. 1975
ToiTire Honorable Mayo. and Council
City of Carlsbad, Calif:rrr,ia
From: Carlsbad Senior Citizens' Rsso.;iation
zuoject: btequeat for �.onsideration of Funding fur the operation of `enior Citizen. i
Programs for the Fiscal Tear 1;76-i917.
Carlsbad Senior .i.tizens' ..ssociatlun has received appxcval of it, preFosai do
,San Diego County Office of -L,aior viti�,,ns' :.ffuirs fcr Project I'V drd under ^itle III if
r i3
the alder American's .fat f(,,r Jne-Time-Gnly Funds _, the know .t of �10,215.oc Lo be used
for two programs begirsni.% Jairuary 1, 1,;6 azd ending Tune _0, 1976.. Final signing of
Contracts and .:lloca*..on of funds, Wiici, v,Ul be orspit`.F°a prior to the end of 105, are
contingent upon at durance that the programs initiated s..idey :he Project wil� be continued ,
after June 30, 1976, Hence tl,v r -quest to four Lonorabl*a bo...y that consideration be given
f • ,j
to budgeti-ng funds, for these programs in the year 1976-1977. .�
The first pro rpm 13 for the acquisition and development )f a new and larger site far
a more nearly complete Denier GitIzen service Center, tv be asZ untie: tre Catholic'Church,
Prop4orty becomes availal le. T.Le need has b..en esta:.lished fo: betta- facilities in one
place for the estimated 3200 Leni,or �Itizen:, of CarlA&,d, rer,re:a^t .b � p or the-0pu7'ar'T~
lion sccn-ding to the rus,21ts of Lhe re4en. vpWciil .:tnsus...om: 1200 of these have alp
reauy regi.3tered with t he venter' and have receive,. cards, and t. ey need a :prop--Ln place, r
witk, room for gremes, activities,c.rafts, blcuat prc ssu.^e ,;cz eni g, tax and finanoiai ad-
vice, referral services, and the soc.,al fellowshil hick :s s,, Imp.;rtant to the sidexly.
Tentative plans ca.11 for the to make use of offi.e, wh:.ch are to be converted f •ot-
garagrs behind t..e Za Jolla Federal �av!xgs and iv.sn on urand A% inue,. but in the Evert
treat there .is insufficient parking .for -uct, office;, other sites are being, considered.
The second., proposal is for a Nutrition rroc ram to be or_.:;rat ed through the City
schools, the Administration of wisica are moat anxivas and -athusirstic to cocperate.
The need fc,r this program has been establisi,ed by tolepho ae call, . personal recuests,
answers to questionnaireu, and a poll of a large �r�u; rcetlig of deniurrlast Arun;,,
A study of similar programs In the "unty indicate,, t, Lt t,-,e meeti ns, toE; th it oz some
50 alderl:y people daily for a v,c ll-balancod :rut mkal sa�'si i s two Basic pee is: A bodiLiy
i; nutribion requ.tror*ent, .cnd the £G lvuship an soeiµl rela' ian6bl s to o .vLte the lone-
liness so o'iten as-sociated with the ,.lder pcoyle. i.t:r an,' 4o-en '1_70in& alone, or as couplesi
usually d(, not tcke the time and eifcrL t, prejore good meu'_.s for V,,_ms6 ves, wt°fir, tho,igh
they rr 7 be financially able, to do so, anJ so mart; of the e derly, is ar those
liv:;ng 'n :senior ,l,nor at 4iardint; and :.h,,st sat, need tc get out of ::.:.ir rk oms and azsoc-�
iata -with others. fhe closing of t:{e lur,a% room at tl,_ I.ayfair floe•'. t Aut �"f the; orpor;,
tunity that rang old people had i ^ ,•, ct and drink a Cap 7f euffee V de ,her. lie meals
will be open to all the %�nlor ,.at:.zans, � 6urdlo:is of the, abil: tv to p,iy, ante there needs
tq�soxze aubsitty t`;.r '�tce few r+:so caIx,l, car resca�sivlr fvr V",e to"l aaoun, of the meal.
Carlsbad SQri-oT -'Ww-ial
rag -
The Carlsbad -Jerior -itizen5l As6ociatior. A;-.zei%--Iy bcliavoo is the
t1lese, nrcgrams, ard ha., concurience and ACCCT't,.ncc .,j I.-Ie nuYi Giy �-Iomraittee en Sunivi
Citiz-11 A%fair,-, inasmuch as t'.- u-cmittee, L> Vice-Pre.-ident,
of the and 1".:- -,.'�st ee, a -umber of bix -4.,mittee, JLO Of
the Associat'jw',
Attached are c.pi&s, of the .r--Tir4-On.Ly ,-roposal 2wids,, rict tL- mquuebt for
budget consideratiun for 1'75;-!I'i','-' -smicr vitizewl !,udget in the amount
§i3, 341.00 wz�s lazed D4rtly on '.!-e possibilit.- if the use of the Nagee Lome after the
first of January, 1976. �ome- t.c !nonth6 Z tLc- sZary fck the �Oordlxator were not used
asthe budgetary !tens did r t b-cor-te avUlatle until Stzrterber 1, 1975.
rincer--17 and Respectfxi-U Submitteclt
President,, -arlsbad ',enior CI#ienO
Z777 Jeffirson 3traet
C;arlsbad, UaWornii 92003
(TO Box 172) Carl:;NAd.
as�DATZD COST OF OPMUNIOiT - July 1, 1976 to June 30, 1974
l - Coor64nator S,3 a,;- -___. --------- --------- ;600.00
Utilities =-------------------- .._.----- 960.00
Office zm:rse 360.00
Gasoline ,R %`leas for Transporting
Senior Citizens ---. -
Oepartmen+al special supplies: Crafts, Arts,
Lamas -------- -.-------- . 350.00
Insurance --=_---_ 350.00
%nt of new k:nnter far) months - to
1, 197:7 -- until Catholic Church
_ p opeimay'becomes ava:lbble 3600.00=
Total operating Costs 14,870.00
Zstimated cost of renovating the
Catholic J3rurch Rectory ----_- 10,1:30.00
MITRIT1011 i'WGcRMI for 12 nonths - July 1,, 19,'6 to June 30, 1.97?
Based on 50 meals per day; ;,chocl t, su?aIy mva7_s a#, a1:21, each, to be served
bY; volunteers at one of 'he elementary schocls.
Cost to the -0it; :
Part-tiiw coordinator; sorb i ith the school, take reservations, issue and. -
ccllect Coal tickets, supervise volunteers for nerving and clea.^in
4 tours per day, 5 days a Meek -_- , ---- �r 5000.,00
Subsidize meals for those unable to pay t.? e fujl price �
(laver m estimated at 60g' per meal -330 akr day,,
�1.50 per creek for the 52 weeks ----- 7800�r1
Transportat on far those unable to reach the
seF;ool ----- -- ----------- -- - --- 250.co �
` 9iocel:.aneous expenses (Tickets; LoU -'ns) 1950.00 �
','otal costs for year 15,000.00 i
Note: Budget for year 1975-U76 was 43,34''_.10, partly on '.-he rossi�:le acquit ?
si.-tion of the Xh&U e Home for a oenior Gen4er on Januar;r 1,, 1976.
Tito sal.ar, of the ; oordinator lid mA teco.T.. a1allible until �eptemb r li 1975
so there is a sum of Y'1596.00 amused fox tti,t item.
Qne-time Iy Propoaal fundb San ie&O IntY O-rfice of 6,snior
ns Affairs -rands avallabla "--.L'ol Older tmerican Is L6
Janua* 4 1976 though June 30, 1976
0 .0 Petation of n-: r Center:
Firat 1',orith Coats - January , 1976
3 foldl-nr, tables 4,46 Pacb 120.00
7efrigerator ---------- — ----------------- 35o.00
Coffee lia3ker --------------- --------- ------- 20.0-D
11t;oned mieo&raDh machi.it.
P-built 3 X rjxv ZQ-,nie,- iocolco
Total ejuiprr�,-.t costs ---- ---- ---------- ------ii 25CQ.00
?znt fcr new abcl larger 400.60,
Bulletins, Paper, portag;-: (1000 cc-)jaz)
other oonoimble :supple: -------5o.ob
Kiltri-tion p rograia:• (50 daiIj hot "a a, 5 days y:�r we�k, estimate cost
of 6o¢ rcr real for tho a urabl- to pay-tull prite
of 4,2j cost) ------ ---------------------6 ooi co
Total costs- morth of January, 12% - — -------------I
tverage costs for --mdinder of pro6rats and rough Junk, 30, 19,76
project, Fbbruary t1.
Rent tv j -,(,r month -------- ------- i 2000.00
BulUtins '�200 per month --------- 100C.00
C s
On Wn-able supplies 1'A15 per mo. 225.00
IrlutrItion val., J 00 per day ---- 324o.00
Total costs %jrojeci.:Feb.- June A 5,00 4645-
lot4 Froi ot Costs: Januavr Tune, 1,9'16 $10,2151,00
a -t"a iy GALhT-334k,-Ilr TJue7U
Lpprovel bl, i,ity k;ouncil. August 1975
Account Yo.
1.1 Salar7 for coo.-dinator (Petually begin Sept.. 1, 1975) Q9,576.00
(�I,96 wt, paid during year,1:9'5-76)
E-0 Utilities and xmn,inication -prise (3 telephones inttalled
in new location; 9"5 per mo. for 2; 1, telephone for 9 zoos)
(BIsed on possioil it., of moving to Kagge Aozne�Jen. !,- 1970 75-00
5A.Gener.1 Mice expense kPaper, office supplies, pri-
V30 per month ---------- 360*00
6-5 Petroleum, products (Gas and a-d mileage for transportation
Of ienior Citizens) 756-op,
6.7 Departmental Special supplies and -xpenzeak'vaafts, garaes) 250.o0
8.5 'Iantal of land and buildings "6 months at p2-' sent site) 180.00
M Zquipment (2 sral-1 office desks) 150.00
9.1 12q#prient (Built—in c6pboard ,for tffice; blvzd 1ressure
and craft sik ies)
'opl 100.00
9.1 Equipment (2 posture chairs for off 1*,•e personnel) ?00.00
9?1 eqUpnent (Bot,k case for books and magaAine& for drop",*i room) 100.00
�P-3, 341 - 00
ac- in th -raoint of �3104.
City has ssumed cost of insur a