HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-01-06; City Council; 910-4; Municipal Swimming Pool LocationCITY OF CARLSBAD , ,AGENDA BILL NC.q/d ,&@b& January -6, 1976 I _I ' DATE: City Manager - DXPARTMENT : Sub j ect : - MUNICIPAL SWIMMING POOL LOCATION Initial: Dept . Hd. C. Atty. C. Mgr. , 1 Statement of the Matter The City Council has budgeted funds to'begin work on the planning of a municipal swimming pool and to purchase land if necessary. Several pool sites have been considered but are no longer available or are available only if the City wishes to exercise its power of eminent domain. Exhibit Report from City Manager dated December 16, 1975 Recommendation If the Elm Avenue and Valley site is to be considered further, the staff should be instructed to contact the property owner to determine if the property will be available for sale and the conditions for such a sale. If the Council wishes to consider other sites they may wish to refer the matter to the original pool committee, or since it has not been operational for some time, form a new committee composed of citizens, a City Council member, a Parks and Recreation Commissioner, and a City staff member. It may also be timely to secure proposals from pool architects. If more than one pool site is considered, the architect's comments can be of value. Council action 1-8-76 The Council agreed to reactivate the Pool Committee for the purpose of considering other pool sites. By motion of the Council the City Manager was authorized to secure proposals from pool architects. - c . ., . DATE: TO: FROM : SUBJECT: DECEMBER 16, i975 CITY COUNCIL City Manager SWIMMING POOL SITE This report will review the history and the current status of the City's search for a suitable site for a swimming pool. Magnolia - Valley Site .- The Magnolia/Valley school site was the recommendation of the Council appointed swimming pool study committee in its report to the City Council in September, 1973. At that time there appeared to be a general understanding with the School District that land would be made available to the City at no cost. On July 1, 1975 however, the City was informed by the School District that by action of the School Board, the site offer was being withdrawn. This action was apparently taken because the land was needed by the District for school facility purposes. This matter was again reviewed with school staff members and it appears there has been no change in the DistrS-st's pnsj.tion. , Chestnut and Monroe Site The southwest corner of Chestnut and Monroe has been under consideration for the pool site during the last year. This site was favored by the School District because of its . proximity to the high school. The Council appointed swimming pool comnittee also reviewed the site and indicated that they found it suitable. As you may recall, the land is owned by The Church of Latter Day Saints and there was an indication that it might be available for purchase by the City. The City has had an appraisal on the land but since that time representatives of the church have indicated that no sale would be considered for the indefinite future. This has been verified by phone during the last week. - Elm and Valley Site The northeast corner of Elm Avenue and Valley, while never formally discussed by the City Council, has been mentioned in recent months as a possible swimming pool site. Consid- eration of this site has occurred both because it is in a less developed area than other sites considered and because a portion of the laEd will be necessary for the Elm Avenue right of way. .+ , c .. Page 2 December 16, 1975 Subject: Swimming Pool Site It is the staff's understanding that although the land was placed on the market, it has now been withdrawn and is no longer for sale. It is possible however, that negotiations could be opened with the property owner. Sewer service to the property and drainage in the area is tied together with the construction of Elm Avenue. A solution to these two problems however, will be necessary to build Elm Avenue whether the City acquires the adjacent property or not. Conclusion To date three sites have been corisidered which had some problem connected with the acquisition of each. The Magnolia/Valley site has been withdrawn from consideration by the School District. The Chestnut/Monroe site is no longer obtainable in the foreseeable.future without the City exercising its right to eminent domain. The Elm Avenue site may also require the City's use of eminent domain. The City Council may wish to consider Elm Avenue further or make further surveys to determine if a suitable site is available. It appears that other suitable sites may not ba available in the general areas we have been considering and it may be necessary to go farther afield in a search. If the Council wishes, the staff can prepare an inventory of possible suitable sites by the next Council meeting, or you may wish the City Council appointed swimming pool com- mittee to express their views. PAUL D. BUSSEY City Manager PDB : ldg