HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-01-20; City Council; 3572; Raising of Worms' CITY' OF CARLSBAD o AGENDA BILL NQ._ DATE.: Initia : January 20, 1976 DEPARTMENT: Planning SUBJECT: RAISING OF WORMS Statemen t of 'the Hatter: Mr. Zuranski, Manager of Carlsbad Worm Farm, has requested that the City provide a means to .permit commercial raising of worms in • residential zones. Presently commercial worm raising is permitted only in the E-A & R-A zones as uses similar to the permitted raising of poultry, rabbits, etc. Commercial worm raising has a similar impact as the raising of other animals, as attested by the complaints the City has received against the existing illegal worm farms. The complaints indicate that the fertilizers used as a worm food is odoriferous and draws flies. Also, non-residential traffic is required to service the farms. Generally, the options are as follows: 1) 2) 3) EXHIBITS: Amend the zone ordinance to prohibit raising of worms in all zones. Do nothing and continue to permit raising of worms in the E-R and R-A zones only. Amend the Zone Ordinance to permit raising of worms in other zones under certain conditions and with a CUP. Letter from Ralph Zuranski dated 1-13-76 Memo to the City Manager from Planning Director dated 1-13-76 RECOMMENDATION: If the City Council wishes to consider the raising of worms in residential zones, staff should be directed to prepare a report outlining the problem and prepare a recommendation. 1-20-76 It was moved that the staff be instructed to. study the problem of raising worms in a residential zone and its relationship to greenhouses on R-T property and report back to the Council with the staff report on home occupations. C" MEMORANDUM January 13, 1975 TO: City Manager FROM: Planning Director SUBJECT: Raising of Worms Mr Ralph Zuranski wrote you a letter dated January 12, 1976, requesting that you "Professionalize" the business of raising worms. I believe what he is asking is that the City provide a means to legally cultivate worms. There is no direct reference to worm raising in the Ordinance. The inter- pretation has been to consider worm raising a form of animal husbandry such as poultry, rabbits, etc. Therefore, the City does not issue building permits for worm raising sheds or issue business licenses for worm raising in any zone except where animal husbandry is permitted. There are, however, people illegally raising worms in residential zones, just like there are people who keep chickens. The building department has received complaints from neighbors of some of these worm raisers and is in the process of requiring compliance. In fact, the City has received at least one complaint against Mr. Zuranski's present illegal operation, which may have prompted his letter to you. In deference to Mr Zuranski's plea to "professionalize" the industry, there are problems with worm raising in residential areas as evidenced by complaints we have received and in nearby cities like San Marcos. The complaintees claim that the fertilizer used to feed the worms is odoriferous and brings flies. In addition, non residential traffic is generated bringing in fertilizer and trucking out worms. Therefore, any action the City takes needs to be researched. The City has three basic options on this matter. One is to prohibit worm raising in all zones. Another is to retain the present regulations of permitting them in E-A & R-A zones and continue to remove illegal worm raisers from residential zones. The final option is to amend the ordinance to permit worm raising. There is a compendium of alternatives to this third option ranging from: 1) Permitting raising of worms by right. 2) Permitting limited worm raising by right 3) Permitting limited worm raising by special permit If the City Council wishes to consider the possibility of permitting the raising of worms, Planning Staff recommends that an Ordinance Amendment be drafted that would permit worm raising with limitations similar to greenhouses. This would permit worm raising on a small scale by right, but require a CUP for larger operations. Donald Agatep cc: Bldg. Dept. January 12, 1976 Mr. Paul Bussey Carlsbad City Council 1200 Elm Street Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Mr. Bussey: I, Ralph Zuranski, general manager of Carlsbad Worm Farm request a public hearing before the City Council for the purpose of attaining a special use permit to raise earth- worms on privately owned property zoned Rl. Originally, we received verbal, over-the-counter approval from the City Planning Department to raise earthworms. No questions were asked regarding size or ultimate purpose. Whether we intended to raise earthworms for personal or commercial use was not questioned by the original City planner who gave us permission to farm earthworms. Since its inception two years ago, our supply of earthworms has expanded incredibly due to the prolific reproduction rate of these miraculous little creatures which convert all organic waste into perfect plant food. Much time and money has been expended trying to raise earthworms scientifically. Now we would like the chance to merchandise earthworms professionally, the way it should be done, through the dissemination of honest information explaining their incredible benefits. Recently, I applied for a building permit to construct green- house structures to shelter our earthworms against the ele- ments. We hired an architect to create plans acceptable to the Planning Department at considerable expense to ourselves. Unexpectedly, calculations by an engineer were demanded by the Building Department> also another unforseen expense. Surprisingly, our request was denied by the Planning Depart- ment. Problems of other worm farms, especially excess flies, offensive odors, and heavy commercial traffic were cited as the potential reasons for denial. We have long been concerned with those elements which would affect our neighbors adversely. Flies, offensive smell, and heavy traffic are definitely objectionable. We have taken all necessary precautions to eliminate these problems. In our two years of existence in Carlsbad, never has a complaint been issued against our farm for excess flies, offesive smell, or commercial traffic. Mr. Paul Bussey Page 2 January 12, 1976 Unfortunately, many new worm breeders receive very little help from the individual or organization which initially starts them in business. Ignorance in the earthworm industry is unbelievable. Many people have been and are currently being ripped off by unscrupulous individuals. Public educa- tion about earthworms is desperately needed. Incredible benefits result from their propagation in every home. If a few simple rules are followed, any potential problems are eliminated. We at Carlsbad Worm Farm intend to professionalize the earthworm industry through the education of those interested through comprehensive lectures, newspaper articles, and tele- vision coverage. We believe intelligent discriminatory legislation, rather than blanket prohibition is necessary. Specific requirements must be set up before a valuable hobby and possible in home profession is forbidden to those who would most benefit. I request permission to clear up the glaring unanswered questions about earthworm raising for fun and profit. Please allow us the chance to earn a living, working for the improvement of the environment and health of all people. Help us professionalize a very disorganized but potentially beneficial industry. Sincerely yours, RALPH ZURANSKI