HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-02-03; City Council; 2193-1; Street Name'. I -- - ' CITY 'OF CARLSBAD #, AGENDA BILL NO. 21 73-w ...... DATE:' *' Februarv 3,' '1976 D E.P A RT M E NT : pi a -a " ......... ..................... InitSal: Dept. Hd. City Atty City Mgr. J SU BJ ECT : Street Names ..... ....................... ..~ .............. Statement of the Matter: The City Council adopted a street naming policy on The Planning Commission adopted a separate . June 18, 1974 (Council Policy #20). street naming program on November 27, 1973 (Commission Policy No. 11). program was never adopted by Council. This The Fire, Police and Engineering Departments have brought to the Planning Department's attention several conflicting street names, and have suggested that these names be changed to alleviate the conflicts. require the incorporation of the Planning Commission's street naming program in Council Policy #20. Changing these names will Planning Staff has set up an administrative process for assigning street names, implementing the existing Council Policy #20. In setting up this process staff has found that there are insufficient topographical street names for the topo- graphical characteristics area. A of Policy #20 be redesignated for names of cities. Staff therefore recommends that area 2 of Exhibit Planning staff has additionally drafted a work program for solving existing street name conflicts. by staff. This work program is based on the revised Policy 520 recommended EXHIBITS: : ~ -~ -. Draft Work Program on Correcting Conflicting Street Names City Council Policy No. 20, dated 6-18-J4 Planning Commission Policy No. 11, adopted 11-27-73 Draft amended Policy No. 20 dated 1-23-76 RECOMMENDATION If Council concurs with the recommended amendments to Council Policy No. 20, refer to staff for preparation of the written policy. Council action 2-3-76 At the request of the City Manager the matter was continued to the regular meeting of February 17, 1976. DRAFT WORK PROGRAM ON CORRECTING CONFLICTING STREET NAMES The Fire and Police Departments have expressed concern to the City Manager over the number of streets in the City which conflict with one another. These conflicts take many forms: - Streets that are logically one street, but which have been given - Streets with identical names but different designations (Tanager Lane- - Streets with names that sound very similar (Sevilla - Seville). two names (example-Olive Drive as an extension of Pi0 Pico). Tanager Street - Tanager Way). Program Staff has already received recommendations from the Pol ice and Fire Depart- ments on conflict situations which need to be resolved. Staff recommends that one of these street name conflicts be heard each Planning Commission meeting until all are resolved. by the Council at each of its meetings. Because the Planning Commission agendas currently have few public hearing items, this would be a good time to initiate the process. This would result in one such change being heard These situations exist in uninhabited neighborhoods, old, established neigh- borhoods, a1on.g long streets and along short streets. Staff recommends that the street namexhanges recommended by the Fire and Police Departments be handled in the following order: Uninhabited neighborhoods with short or long streets Short streets in existing neighborhoods Long streets in existing neighborhoods By ro eeding in this manner it will be possible to correct th e situations ini ially where few residents will be affected. This will also ensure that these changes are not held up by the greater public discussion which might be expected in the existing neighborhood situations. AM/vb Spccific SuSJect: STREET NAl4ING POLICY -I_--.- --__ -___ Cancc I I at i on Da?e: -- -_---__- PIJRPOSE: naming for, subdivisions and developments in the City of Carlsbad. . -----I POLICY: To establish a policy to insure a uniform-system of street Ut'lii01:e appxcval is given .'to subdivision maps or developments ... ' . the City of Carlsbad requires that-: (1) All EXO~OS~C~ street names shall conform to the c Gcx?gr-?phi..-.r71. Are2 Classif icat?-on Map (Exhihit A) of this policy. .. (2) All proposed street names shall conform to the Authorized Street Naming List (Exhibit B) ~f this policy. All. proponents of Tentative Maps or Developments shall. sulmit a list of proposed street names for staff rcview and approval so as to avoid conflicting reasonable street names. (3) .. .. .. b .. 6) Birds 7) Spanish Names .. b .. m. .I I. I -I EXHIBIT "B" Policy #20 .I ,- LI ? '. *. 1 .I , a, Pi 0 r;l h 0 Pi 0 -Q 0 r k -P< (fl -r c k h -b 0 3 .. . - 6 -I4 's: u W n a, E %i 0 L s U . d .. M / : I t hp ri?ay- o?:dcr.. the lcssce, occupant. 0% owner to obtain rind propar]-y place such r,l~mSer within ten (10) days. The posting of a notice upsri the entrznce door of such Suiising shail rnret -the recjziremcnt of this resolution for legal service of such notice or order, It shci3.1 be the duty of the owner of said building to coxply rqith said order. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the arl.sbad Cj-ty Planning Commission on the 27th da17 of NovenSer, 1973, by the fol.I.owi.ng vote, to wit: AYIl!; : Comi:i:;sioners Casler, IJrench, Forman, Palmateer and Li t: tl. E' NOES: None AES3:NT: Ccmnissioners Dorninguez and Jose Chairman Pro-Tempore Secretary \ , .. C.- - e- DRAFT AMENDMENT TO COUNCIL POLICY #20 BACKGROUND: another. personnel in emergency situation. Office, and to visitors of Carlsbad. Several existing street names in the City conflict with one These conflicts inhibit the prompt dispatching of public safety They also are confusing to the Post The City Council has therefore determined that it is in the public interest to amend Council Policy #20 on street names to provide a procedure for changing existing street names. It has further determined that to avoid the creation of future street name conflicts, it is necessary to amend portions of Council Policy #20 dealing with the assignment of new street names. Policy: City Council Policy #20 shall be amended as follows: 1 ) The topographical characteristics designation of Area 2 of Exhi bit A (Geographical Area Classification Map) shall be changed to Names of Cities. 2) Section 3 of the policy shall be amended to read: "All proponents of tentative maps of developments may choose street names from the street name lists on file in the Planning Department for all private or public streets proposed. These names shall be included in the Final Subdivision Map submitted to the Engineering Department. If the proponent finds an insufficient number of names to his liking on the list, he may submit names to the Planning Department for review and approval. In all cases the names submitted shall be consistent with this policy. 3) Section 4 of the policy shall be added as follows: "The changing of street names may be initiated by any of the fcl 1 owing : - a letter from a private individual or body; - Resolution of Intention of the Planning Commission - Resolution of Intention of the City Council In all cases it shall be the duty of the Planning Department to prepare a report discussing the justification for such a change, recommending a replacement name and discussing any effects of the change on other streets in the City. The Secretary of the Planning Commission shall place the matter on the first convenient Planning Commission Agenda, and shall submit the report of the Planning Department at that time. The Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing. shall be noticed to all property owners on the street proposed for change by mail 10 days prior to the hearing, or by the posting of a notice along the street at 300 foot intervals, 10 days prior to the hearing. The Post Office and County Recorder shall also be sent written notice of the proposed change. Said public hearing Upon receiving testimony at the public hearing the Planning Commission shall submit its recommendation on the proposed change to the Council by Resolution. Upon receipt of the Commission's Resolution, the City Clerk shall enter the matter on the next convenient Council Agenda. The Council shall hold a public hearing. Said hearing shall be noticed in the manner outlined above. Upon receiving testimony at the public hearing the Council shall announce its decision on the proposed street name change by Resolution, including the date upon which said change will become effective. This decision shall be final. shall sent written notice of the change to the Post Office and County Recorder. Sixty days prior to the effective date of the change the City Clerk AM/vb - 2-