HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-02-03; City Council; 3299-2; Tentative Map Extension- Spinnaker Hill1 * AGENDA BILL XO.-nt NO-, ;z * CITY OF CARLSBAD Initial: Dep t a Hd & Februarv 3. 1976 C. Atty.’\,/- DATE : DEPARTMENT: Enqineerinq C. Mgr. 2 - .L_ Subject: TENTATIVE MAP EXTENSION OF CARLSBAD TRACT 73-39(A) SPINNAKER HILL APPLICANT: STANDARD PACIFIC Statement of the Matter On March 4, 1975, the City Council approved the tentative map of Carlsbad Tract 73-39(A) by Resolution No. 3604. The subdivider requested that the subject tentative map be extended for a perioi of one year to March 4, 1977. The City Engineer advises that the Engineering, Planning, Buildi and Fire Departments (and Carlsbad Municipal Water District) hav reviewed the request. Having received no objection, it is recom mended that the City Council approve the extension of the tentat map subject to the execution and/or fulfillment of all the condi of Resolution No. 3604 and Resolution No.SgLf/ . Exhibit A. Letter requesting extension C. D. Location map B. Resolution No. 3604 Resolution No. 4 f// / ’ Recommendation Adopt Resolution No. 3q/// , approving an extension of the tenta tive map CT 73-39(A) - Spinnaker Hill Counci 1 action 2-3-76 Resolution #3841 was adopted, approving an extension- of map for Carlsbad Tract 73-39(A). II) 0 JrnUXJ~ 7, 1976 IJayor Xchsrt C. Frazzt md I;’ei?ioara of the City Comcil CITY OF CA‘EU;SBAD 1200 rn Awe Cmlsbad, CA 92008 Attention: Ws. 2krgse’e Ah-m, City Clorh SuSject,: Carlsbad Pact 73-39 A S,DinKl&ar Bill GentleIEn : On ~sch 4, 1975, the city. Council ?assea ~,~so?~uticm lio. 350a as,oro-~n the coz&Ltions for the a’ao:,? reTzrenced project, %e project 23s been delay2d du.s to t‘ae Coastal Codssion. CooseqX2xtPJr, we rzqxsst 3 cm ys3,r extznsion OZ tkz s-?~ro-~-d 02 tie as?. -the mp within thme t~ ITi-re zozt’as. YE. 114 1’22 in tiie itr~owt 01 $13 $12 aticisa-Le ::*ccc~S~kion for th? sa? extensiora is e3clou..d., Y2r-y truly ‘f3ulr3, STYTDLU ?ACIT;?C: OP SA?? 1319C3 R3sD”rt M. Allu PreSi&& m44/ dh &clos1_rre cc: Tlmtlily 7laIa;J7-n, City F-?@.nes /-, Cora3-d A. Agctq, City 21zzcizz Director 3ob T,ait.nig, Rick Ezgiazerizg Co. Dor23J-d 3. Apes, Sr. EGEIVI JAN-- 9 ifi71; cily QF CARLSE Eng\\nSring Deparr‘ 2 1 e * RESOLUTION NO. 3604 2 3 4 5 A RESOLUTION OF THE CTTY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS TENTATIVE NAP (CT 73-39 [A] ) TO ALLOW A 307-LOT SUBDIVISION OVER 92.8 ACRES ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF LAGOON LANE BETWEEN POINSETTIA LANE AND THE BATIQUITOS LAGOON. APPLICANT : RANCHO LA COSTA PARTNERSHIP 6/ 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 D 14 %m -I 8 15 e% 2 Ou. ~~2Qz ;z 16 4-> 20 0: '1O d Gb?: .,zs u 17 '' w s d lzzq 18 : 2d $ 19 z > 20 iK m v) u - 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 WHEREAS, on January 28, 1975, the Carlsbad City Pla Commission adopted Resolution No. 1132 recommending to the Council that Tentative Map (CT 73-39[A]) be conditionally a and WKEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, February 18, 1975, considered the recommendation of the PIE Commission; and WHEREAS, an Environmental Impact Report was certifj complete for a previously issued entitlement for this projc and the Planning Director has found the mne change to be : prior compliance with the City of Carlsbad Environmental P: tion Ordinance of 1972: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council the City of Carlsbad as follows: A. That the above recitations are true and correc B. That Tentative Map (CT 73-39[A]) is hereby app subject to all applicable requirements of the Carlsbad Mun Code and to the satisfaction of the following conditions: 1- The final map shall be submitted for appro within one year from the final action by the City on the Tentative Subdivision Map. The final map s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 -I G 15 OLU5 ou’)= 16 7 i5= ‘V -I b? L;. ?a ->w* :YE$ 18 25 g ,c r: 19 <a >* 20 t 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 0 Eg ri5 g 7 u :ks 0 0 0 in substantial conformance with the tentative subdiT map known as Exhibit A, dated December 27, 1974. 2. The development of the property described hc shall be subject to the restrictions and limitation; forth herein which are in addition to all the requi! limitations and restrictions of all municipal ordin; and state and federal. statutes now in force, or whic hereafter may be in force for the purpose of prese: the residential characteristics of adjacent propert 3. All public improvements shall be made in CGI with the City of Carlsbad Engineering Design Criter. Standard Plans, the Subdivision Ordinance and other standards, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer without cost to the City of Carlsbad, and free of a liens and encumbrances. Improvement plans for wate sewer systems shall meet the requirements of the rei tive service districts. 4. All land and/or easements required by this I nance shall be granted to the City of Carlsbad with1 cost to the City and free of all liens and encumbra No easements shall be recorded prior to approval of final map unless approved by the City Engineer. 5. All utilities, including provisions for cab shall be placed underground and/or shall be complet concealed from view. 6. Ornamental street lighting shall be provide as required by Municipal Code. The developer shall a bond and/or cash in the amount necessary to energ said street lights for an 18-month Feriod after con tion to permit the incorporation of the subdivisio a maintenance district. This shall be done prior t approval of final map. 7. The improvement plans shall include a repor a geological investigation and a complete grading p the entire site when required by the City Engineer. report and plan shall be prepared by Civil Engineer licensed by the State of California and experienced erosion control. Said Engineers shall certify that have investigated the site and prepared data with f consideration of the consequences to the included a neighboring properties and conform to the standards the Geological Safety Element of the General Plan. 8. In order to provide for reasonable fire pro tion during the construction period, the subdivider 2. i I I1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 0 e maintain passable vehicular access to all buildings adequate fire hydrants with required fire flows,and stand pipes shall be installed prior to framing cons tion (. 9. Park-in-lieu fees shall be granted to the Ci concurrent with City Council approval of the final n A 25% reduction in the in-lieu fees will be allowed the following dedications and improvements: (a) The applicant shall offer to dedicate : fee title Lot 81 to the City concurrent with City Cc approval of the final map. (b) The applicant shall offer to dedicate title to the City the slope areas within lots 52-60 120-122 concurrent with City Council approval of thc map. Prior to the City's acceptance of the dedicat applicant shall install a fully automated sprinkler and landscaping in a manner acceptable to the Parks Recreation Director. (c) A detailed landscape and irrigation pl the 30-foot greenbelt shown on the Lagoon Lane stre1 13 C 14 4 Em -1 z 15 $2 0 E (-jLLWQ 16 ao=* Z>$ gL<E >-I 17 u * $5 F-> ;SEW$ 18 ~z-m GO 5 >$ a 19 >- 9 6 20 I-2 I 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 section shall be submitted to the Parks and Recreat Director for approval. This landscaping and irriga shall be installed according to the phasing for Lag Lane prior to occupancy of the respective units. 10. Developer shall provide an erosion control gram for all manufactured slopes with a slope ratic than 3:l and a height more than 5 feet to the satis tion of the City Engineer and in accord with City c 11. Street names for the proposed subdivision not acceptable as proposed. The applicant shall pr alternate street names for Hibiscus Court and Camil Circle and shall affix street designations in accor the City's adopted street-naming policy. 12. The sanitary sewer system shall be design€ conformance with the City of Carlsbad standards to satisfaction of the City Engineer. 13. The specific drainage plan shown on the tc map is not approved. Cross-gutters will not be pel at the intersection of: Daisy and Rose, Daisy and ( Daisy and Iris, Orchid and Primrose. A revised dr; plan shall be submitted to the City Engineer prior final map consideration. 3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 0 14 a =:m -J S: 15 ClI.2 g 70 LuQ zz;~ 16 z>90 2k- 4% "3 -t 17 u:. Sa +>u0 2. UZNQ w 8 0% 18 zo u) 19 'c;; 9 >" t- v 20 21 22 23 24 0= co k-1 25 26 27 28 0 0 14. Slopes shall be 2:l maximum or as approved the City Engineer. 15. Alignment of Wisteria Circle in the vicini Lots 96 and 148 is not acceptable, A revised align shall be submitted to the City Engineer prior to fi map consideration. 16. No final map will be approved until provis are made to extend the offsite sewer to connect to existing Ponto sewer and to construct the necessary ing system; that is until plans are approved and ea ments and bonds are received. 17. Necessary offsite sewer and full-width Lag Lane improvements along Unit 1 frontage shall be cc ed and their corresponding easements dedicated as a tion of approval of Unit 1. The entire length of I Lane right-of-way within the subdivision boundaries be dedicated with Unit 1. 18. The remaining full-width Lagoon Lane imprc shall be constructed as a condition of Unit 2. 19. A paved temporary turn-around shall be prc at any unit boundary where eight or more lots front street extension created by that unit, 20. Dedication of Lagoon Lane shall include a of direct access rights from lots shown on the fin2 as abutting thereon. Dedication of Daisy Avenue sk include a waiver of direct access rights from Lots 51 and 52 shown on the final map as abutting therec C. That said Tentative Map, together with the pro\ for its design and improvement and subject to the above cor is consistent with all applicable general and specific plar the City of Carlsbad. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting ( Carlsbad City Council held on the 4th day of March by the following vote, to wit: --* --- 4. Ir .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 n 14 y e:: O 15 16 sa $5 ul L NE &$ du. Is: I * 54 -tuv ;I$$ ze v, ’+ 2 19 u -1 17 -“,86 18 <a 2 i, 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 u a a AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Chase and Lewis, and Coun NOES: Councilman Skotnicki ABSENT :N 0 ne woman Casler ATTEST: Lp4&ff&.$ 2?@ &L97v,<7 MARGARET E. ADAPIS,- City Clerk J (SEAL) 5. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 113 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2.2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 RESOLUTION NO. 3841 I A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING AN EXTENSION OF TENTATIVE MAP (CT 73-39(A)) FOR A 307 LOT SINGLE FAMILY DEVELOPMENT LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF LAGOON LANE BETWEEN POINSETTIA LANE AND THE BATIQUITO LAGOON. APPLICANT: STANDARD PACIFIC WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, on 4th day of March, 1975, adopted Resolution No. 3604, approvi with conditions tentative map CT 73-39(A); and WHEREAS, the subdivider has requested a one-year exte of such map from March 4, 1976 to March 4, 1977; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined to extend su NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of i ' City of Carlsbad as follows: A. That the above recitations are true and correct. B. That tentative map CT 73-39(A) is hereby extended ject to the execution and/or fulfillment of all the conditio Resolution No. 3604. C. That said tentative map extension together with t provisions for its design and improvement, is consistent wit applicable general and specific plans of the City of Carlsba PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of Carlsbad City Council held on the 3rd day of L February, 79; by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Chase, Lewis and Councilwon NOES: Councilman Skotnicki ABSENT: None Casler .TU $1 hsa$d c A% ROBERT C. FRAZEE, May& \-r ATTEST : 5d - ity Clerk 1 1 (seal) Exhi1 I I . *. >.? i 0 0 t ! I / I t I ./ I ! I 1' I 1 F?X#Srnf4 Lh! , NO SCALE