HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-02-03; City Council; 910-5; Municipal Swimming Pool*- I CITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. 910 Supplement No. 5 Initial: February 3, 1976 Dept.Hd. DATE : C. Atty. DEPARTMENT: City Manager C. Mgr. Subject: MUNICIPAL SWIMMING POOL Statement of the Matter On January 14, 1976 the swimming pool committee met to discuss the matter relative to a municipal swimming pool. The chairman and six members of the committee have made the following recommendations in their report: 1. That the property at Chestnut and Monroe is the best location for the pool. 2. If there is a possibility of obtaining that property, consideration of alternate site locations should be delayed until such a determination is made. 3. That Council direct staff to pursue their effort to purchase the property. The committee also conveyed their appreciation to the Council for their authorization to obtain proposals from pool architects. Exhibit Letter from Pool Committee Chairman dated 1-19-76 Recommendation Work is progressing on the solicitation of proposals from pool architects. If Council concurs with the recommendation of the pool committee, the correspondence may be filed. 2-3-76 It was agreed that a definite proposal be obtained for the site at Chestnut and Monroe within a six months period, and that the report from the Swimming Pool Committee be accepted. 3, C. Schindler 3081 kiighland Urive Carlsbad, Calif, 92008 January 19, 1976 To I fiiayor Robert Frazee and Carlsbad City Council Carlsbad City Xall Carlsbad, California 92008 Gear Sirs: Your swimming pool committee met on January 14th to discuss the progress of our swimming pool. At that meeting, the members in attendance, listed below, arrived at the following conclusions 8 1. The committee thanks the council and coinmends it for setting the wheels in motion to hire a pool architect. 2. The committee feels that the property at Chestnut and Monroe is the best location for the pool, It also felt that so long as there is a possibility of obtaining that property, site location should be delayed until that possibility, either yes or no, ie finally determined. The committee realizes that actionhhas been stalled for some time, but that in the long run the delay is well worth the wait. Respectfully, /'Barney Ychindler , Chairinan blembers in attendance I Gail IJedeese Jim Gerard Jean French dillan Kelly Swede Kremar Judy S\Jewell Barney Schindler cc: Paul Bussey 3357 Monroe Street ,' Carlsbad, California 92008 ' August 26, 1976 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 ATTENTION: Assistant City Xanager Gentlemen : -- -Regarding the recent article in the Blade Tribune concerning a contemplated swimming pool site that would include our property at 3357 Monroe Street, please be advised that the one-acre parcel in question is not for sale. We have lived at that address for'over twenty-five years, , and during that time have s'pent quite a bit'of money, time and,labor improving both the house and grounds. We consider it to be an ideal location and t'he perfect setting where we want to spend the rest of our lives. Property of this size and desirable central location is almost impossible to obtain at the present time. Therefore, to us the value of the property is in excess of one hundred thousand dollars and it is believed that amount can be justified in court. \ Since it will be necessary for you to bring condemnation procedures against us to obtain our home site, it is our suggestion that either of the properties just across the street from the school site - across Monroe to the east or Chestnut to the south - neither site containing residences, would be more feasible to obtain by condemnation if necessary. Both are larger parcels and would be more desirable as locations for your proposed swimmihg pool site. Very sincerely yours, I 1 J I. *, copy to: Blade Tribune Carlsbad Journal 1200 ELM AVENUE CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 Office of the City Manager * September 17, 1976 Ray McNeil 3357 Msnroe Street Carlsbad, California 92008 Your petition relative to the Community Swimming Pool een received and forwarded to the City Council. PAUL D. City Manager TELEPHONE: (714) 729-1181 PDB: ldg cc: City Clerk /’ September 16, 1976 Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council: 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: City Clerk Gentlemen: Enclosed please find a petition signed by 62 residents of the property in the vicinity of the proposed location of the Community Swimming Pool. This petition reflects the strong opposition by those residents most affected by such a proposal. We believe that Monroe is one of the most traffic congested streets in the entire City at least nine months of the year and object to any consideration which would add to that congestion. Sincerely, SWIMMING POOL PETITION We, the undersigned, strongly petition against the localion of a swimming pool on the north side of the High School grounds on Monroe Street and the adjacent privately-owned pro per ty . We consider that a Community Swimming should not be on school property - and that this location is undesirable because of an Pool increased noise factor in a residential neighborhood and the greatly-increased traffic this would cause on bnroe Street. NAME ADRRESS : 1 ... .- .I. c- Page 2 SWI~lING PCOL PETITION