HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-02-17; City Council; 2193-2; Proposed Amendment to City Council PolicyInitial : Dept. Hd. City Atty City Mgr. AGENDA BI.LL NO. DATE: Februarv 17, 3976 DE PA RTME NT : PLAN N I NG SU 6J ECT: PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO CITY COUNCIL POLICY No. 20 (STREET NAMES) Statement'of the Matter - ~h new streets in the City on J ever, City Council Policy No new street names- Staff is street naming policy to inc? e City Cou une 18, 19 . 20 only recommendi ude provis ncil adopt 74 (Counci addresses ng that th ions for: .e 1 t e dap Pol i he pr City olicy cy No. ocess Counc a) Redesignate Area No. 2 of Exhibit A to Policy No. . 20 from topographic names to names of citjes. b) A hearing provision'to change existing street names which are conflicting'and/or confusing. for naming for assigning il amend their 20). HOW- c) To provide a uniform house numbering program. The staff is recommending the City Council amend their street naming policy because a number of City departments including fire and police, have pointed out that with conflicting street names, effective and staff has also noted that names of streets which can be assigned to Area No. 2, Topographic Characteristics, shall not be sufficient in terms of number to be effective. Therefore, to meet the above discrepan- cies, staff has recommended the proposed change. t safe dispatch of emergency vehicles ,may become difficult. Additionally, Staff has reviewed the City's house numbering program and is suggesting provisions for house numbering be also included in the City Council street naming pol icy. Staff therefore recommends that Council adopt an amended Policy NO. 20 which includes a process for changing existing street names and redesig- nat.ing Area No. 2 of Exhibit A of Policy No. 20 for names and cities. Planning staff has additionally drafted a work program for solving exist- ing street name conflicts. Policy No. 20 recommended by staff. Exhibits: City Council Policy No. 20, dated 6/18/74 Exhibit A, Geographical Area Classification %lap, of Policy No. LO Exhibit B, Authorized Street Naming List,' of Policy No. 20 Draft Amended Policy No. 20, dated 2,/3/76 Draft Work Program on Correcting Conflicting Street Names This work program is based on the revised - Recommendation: If the City Council concurs, it is recommended that the staff be instructed to prepare the necessary Council policy. If the City Council concurs with staff's proposed work program for ~01~- ing existing street name conflicts, it is recommended that Council in- struct the City Manager to begin carrying out the work program. , Agenda Bill No. 2193 - Supplement #2 February 17, 1976 Counci 1 action 2-17-76 The staff was instructed to prepare the necessary Council Policy as recommended in the Draft Policy with the addition of private streets, and the City Manager was instructed to begin carrying out the work program. -9 I -. CITY OF CARL: 1 yf e. - COUNC I L POL I CY STATEMENT Date I ssued : 3-2-76 Effect i ve Date: .3-2-76 Cancellation Date: Genera i Subject: Street Names 'Spec j f i c Subject: Street Naminq Policy."'- - Supersedes ep8-g. SSue copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department Heads, Press, File 3ACKGROUND: Due to the number of streets existinq and Dlanned in the City of Carlsbad, the 3t.y Council has determined that it is in the Dublic interest to adopt a policy for naminq ind numberinq new public and private streets and chanqina the names of existinq streets, iccording to authority qiven in Section 34091.1 of the Government Code. )UR POS E : I) To establish a policy ensurinq a uniform system for naminq and numberina new Dubl.ic and private streets in subdivisions and developments in the Citv of Carlsbad. ?) To establish a policy ensuring a uniform system for chanqing existinq street names in the City of Carlsbad. )OLICY: I) !) All proposed street names (public and private streets) shall conform to the Authorized All. proposed new public and private street names shall conform to the Geoqraphical Area Classification flap (Exhibit A) of this Policy. Street Desiqnation List (Exhibit B) of this Policv.' . 3) All proposed building numbers shall conform to the qeneral system for numberina buildinqs provided in this policy. 'ROCEDURES: I) All proponents of tentative maps of developments shall choose s.treet names from the street name lists on file in the Plarrnincr Department for all nrivate and Dub'lic streets proposed. These names shall be included in the Final Subdivision Yap submitted to the Enqineering Department. If the proponent finds an insufficient number of names to his likinq on the list, he ma.y submit names to the Planninq Denartment for review and approval. the names submitted shall be consistent with this.nolicy. The chanqing of street names may be initiated by anv of the followinq: In all cases, !) -A letter from a nrivate individual or body -Resolution of Intention of the Planninq Conrmission -Resolution of Intention of the City Council In all cases, it shall be the duty of the Plannina Department to DreDare a report dis- cussincr the justification for such a chanae, recommendina a rePlacement name and .d - ,- CITY OF CARL! 1 - Pol ICY No. 20 (uaqe 2) Date I ssued: 3-2-76 Effective Date: 3-2-76 . Cancellation Date: Supersedes N0.20 issued 6-18-74 copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department Heads, Press, File . 'ROCEDURES (Continued) : discussinq any effects of the chanqe on other streets in the Cit.y. ?he Secretary of the Planninq Commission shall place the matter on the first convenient Planning Commission Aqenda, and shall submit the report of*the Plannina nePartment at that time. The Planninq Commission shall hold a public hearinq. noticed to all property owners on the street proposed for chanqe by mail 10 days trior to the hearinq, 'or by the posting of a notice along the street at 3r)O foot intervals, lr) days Prior to the hearing. The Post Office and County Recorder shall also be sent written notice of the Drouosed chanqe. lhon receint of the Commission's Pesolution, the Citv Clerk shall enter the matter on the next convenient Council 8genda. hearinq shall be noticed in the manner outlined above. Upon receiving testimony at the public hearinq the Council shall announce its decision on the Pronosed street name chanqe by qesolution, includinq the date unon which said chanqe will become effective. This decision shall be final. Sixty days nrior to the effective date of the chanqe the City Clerk shall send written notice OF the chanqe to the Post Office and County Recorder. Said public hearina shall be The Council shall hold a nublic hearinq. Said 3) A qeneral system for numberinq buildinqs in the Citv of Carlsbad is hereby established as follows: a) On all streets runninq in a aenerally east and west direction, numbers shall start b) On all streets runnins in a senerally north and south direction, numbers shall with 1r)r) at the ocean and increase easter1.y. start with 23" at the northern border and increase in a southerly direction. c) Even house numbers shall be located on the east and north side of the street and odd numbers shall be located on the south and west side. I) -All the numbers shall be assiqned by the Buildinq qenartment who shall determine the nronw number in.each case with maps to be maintained on file in the office of the Oirector of Suildinq. .-. 5) Refore anv nermit'shall be issued for buildinq construction or use, the annlicant for such permit shall obtain from trle Director of Suildina or his renresentative, the proper house number for the Dr0Dert.y for which such permit is desired. -- Policy .No. Date Issued: 3-2-76 Effect i ve Date: 3-2-76 Cancellation Date: - COUNC 1 L POL I CY STATEMENT Genera I Subject: Street Names copies to: City Council, City Manager, City Attorney, Department Heads, Press, File PRnCEDURES (Con ti nued) : I 6) House numbers as so allotted shall be Placed on buildinqs over the Principal entrance, or on some other consnicuous Dlace on the front of the buildincr on the DroPerty where the numbers may be easily seen from the street, and all such numbers shall be at least three (3) inches in heiqht on contrastinq colors. It shall be the duty of the lessee, oscuPant, or owner of any existinq buildinq to obtain the nroper house number from the Buildinq DeDartment and to-alace this number on said buildinq within thirt,y (30) davs after this resolution shall take effect; and it shall be the dutv of the owner of any new buildinq to place the number assiqned by said department on said buildinq on or before the day final insnection is made by the City Buildina Denartment remesentative. 7) 8) If the Director of Building or his representative shall find an%v buildinq unon which the proper number has not been Dronerly Placed as required by this Resolution, he - mayorder the lessee, occupant or owner to obtain and properly place such number within ten (10) days. .meet the reauirements of this resolution for leqal service of such notice or order. It shall be the dut.y of the owner of said building to comply with said order. The nostinq of a notice upon the entrance door of such buildinq shall .-. 9 w cn e (D c+ zn 2 5 a 3 5 P, 0 m Ll cn 0. P 0 -'- 00 33 -. .* .. nn om OF Yrt eF (Do uu Om -0) W 2 a 0 cj X r Y &- 3 E 8