HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-03-09; City Council; 3413-2; Request for Space in St. Patrick's Churchc I& \ e- CITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. 43413 c DATE: March 9, 1976 DEPARTMENT : Citv Manuer Initial: Dept . Hd. C. Mgr. 1 Subject: Request for Space in St. Patrick's Church for a Senior Ce(nter Statement of the Matter The Committee on Senior Citizens Affairs has been'studying the need for additional space for a Senior Cente'r to help meet the needs of the seniors in Carlsbad. The results of their study and recommendations for space in the St. Patrick's Church property are included in Exhibits 0 and C. Exhibit 1. Letter of transmittal - Exhibit A . 2. Committee Report Leter - Exhibit B 3. Drawing of Rectory with Suggested Use - Exhibit C. Recommendation Prior to a final decision on this matter, the Council may wish to request that the Parks and Recreation Commission study and recommend on the possible uses of St. Patrick's Church property in addition to Senior Citizen activities. Counci 1 action 3-9-76 A motion was made that this matter be returned to the Parks and Recreation Commission for a report on space allocation and that the request for space by the Committee on Senior Citizens Affairs be included in their consideration. February 3, 1976 Mayor Robert C. Frazee and Members of the City Council Attention: City Manager Recently, I appointed a Committee with Mr. L.J. Huking as Chairman. The purpose of the Committee was to make a study and to recommend the space that will be needed for the services now being offered to senior citizens and the services needed, that because of lack of space we are not able to give at the present time. The study has been completed and respectfully we are submitting here-with the Committee's report for the City Council's and your consideration. Sincerely yours, Manuel M. Castorena, Chairman Committee on Senior Citizens Affairs Exhibit A -, January 12, 1976 Manuel M. Castorena, Chairman Committee on Senior Citizens Affairs Carlsbad, Ca 92008 Dear Sir: The purchase of the St. Patrick's property on Harding Street is recognized as being an astute action by those responsible for it, each of whom is to be commended for foresight and an adequate understanding of need. The needs, being numerous and more or less obvious, your Service Subcommittee deems it advisable to formally submit its recom- mendations to you herewith regard'ing the ultimate use of a por- tion of the area as soon as it can be made available. An inspec- tion of the property several weeks ago by this Subcommittee, disclosed the fact that much of the present Rectory, consisting of 2800 square feet more or less, would be ideally suited to the present and medium long range requirements of Carlsbad's senior citizens. Existing partitions within the structure are such that they can be used substantially as is to provide space for various senior activities as referred to in the following paragraphs. Costs of renovation are thus minimized although no actual estimates have been prepared. One of the most serious needs for early fulfillment is that of a Nu'trition Center where noontime high nutrition value meals can be served to seniors, by volunteers'for the most part, at lowest pos- sible cost. It is estimated that between 50 and 100 seniors would avail themselves of this service initially, on a five day per we.ek basis, later expanding to possibly 150. Further plans for the future envision inauguration of a Meals On Wheels program to ac- comodate those who may not be able to come to the Nutrition Center because of physical limitations, Use of the existing Recreation Hall for this purpose would be limited to perhaps three midday hours, leaving late afternoon and evening hours for special sched- uling of other civic or social affairs. The Recreation Hall, con- sisting of approximately 1800 square feet, is already equipped with a kitchen reasonably suited for the above use. Here again, the cost of adaptation to these needs would be minimal as compared with any of the alternatives. Returning then to space allocation within the present Rectory, an estimate of.various needs has been tentatively considered with the following results, and with the determination to utilize existing Interior partitions and similar structures to the fullest possible extent, but without unduly limiting program purposes. 4 2 SUGGESTED ROOM USE APPROX I MATE SPACE Entrance Lobby Office Information and Referral Service Blood Pressure Screening Main Lounge Rest Rooms Kitchenette & Snack Area Referral and Counseling (Social Security, Legal, Welfare etc) Arts and Crafts (South side of bldg) Arts and Crafts (NE corner of bldg) Lounge Hallways, corridors Probable future needs TOTAL 80 sq. ft. 300 100 300 400 250 220 120 300 300 150 2,520 280 TOTAL AREA OF RECTORY 2,800 sq. ft. Each of the above listings represents approximate existing areas within the present building. The outdoor areas, while not planned specifically at this time, oppenr idcally suited fcr passive sports such as horseshoes, shuf- fleboard, gardening, and for a sun and/or shade patio. Assuming this space can be made available, it is obvious that much can be accomplished, working in close'collaboration with the Parks and Recreation Department and other City offices, to stimulate renewed interest among seniors, and perhaps provide them with a new and vigorous purpose in life--something that is next to im- possible in the present facilities. Being fully cognizant of your support of ongoing programs to develop new interests, particularly among seniors, you are urged to seek early and specific approval for (1) Partial daytime use of the Recreation Hall for a Nutrition Program, and (2) Authorization for further planning to utilize the Rectory along lines as described . above. Senior Citizens Service Subcommittee Exhibit B " I ?I r bj ;F' ! I // !