HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-03-16; City Council; 3513-1; Extension of Moratorium in P-C Zonev-. • CITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BI.LL NO. '^7 DATE: ' •" •'"March 16. 1976 DEPARTMENT:PLANNING DEPARTMENT Initial: Dept. -Hd.. City Atty_ City Mgr._ SUBJECT:EXTENSION OF MORATORIUM IN P-C ZONE _Statement of the Matter On December 2, 1975, the City Council adopted Ordinance 9445 as an urgency measure, prohibiting the processing or approval of Master Plans or Specific Plans for property zoned Planned Community. The Ordinance which expires on April 2, 1976, may be extended for a period up to eight months upon a 4/5 vote of the Council. The memorandum attached to this Agenda Bill contains an additional discussion --of some considerations regarding the extension of•the moratorium. the moratorium as 9445, .the City Council Exhibits : Ordinance No. 9445 Planning Director's Memorandum to City Manager 'lated March 11, 1976 Ordinance No. Jt/^B -Vferg^ Letter from Pacific Scene dated 3-2-76 Letter from La Costa Land Company dated 3-8-76 Recommendation : If the Council wishes to extend presently outlined in City Council Ordinance should introduce for first reading Ordinance If the City Council wishes to consider the attached letters and modify the moratorium, it is recommended . that the moratorium be modified consistent with the recommendations contained in the Planning Director's Memorandum to the City Manager of March 11, 1976, and that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a moratorium ordinance incorporating the recommendations of the Planning Director's Memorandum. COUNCIL ACTION 3/16/76 A motion was made that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the documents necessary to extend -the Moratorium on the acceptance of applications for approval of Planned Community zone with the exception that Specific Plans that have reached 75% completion; that SP meeting all of the requirements of the R-7 zone that are within approved Master Plan would be allowed to proceed and Master Plans that are in the process of revision are to be allowed to 'proceed; said Moratorium to expire on August 1, 1976. MEMORANDUM March 11, 1976 TO: CITY MANAGER FROM: PLANNING DIRECTOR SUBJECT: EXTENSION OF MORATORIUM IN THE P-C (PLANNED COMMUNITY) ZONE Concurrent with the Council's action to impose a moratorim on the processing or approval of Master Plans and Specific Plans in the Planned Community Zone, the Staff had prepared a proposed Planned Unit Development Ordinance, and was in the process of preparing a revised Planned Community Zone. The proposed Planned Unit Development process had been completely staffed, had been favorably reviewed at a Planning Commission Workshop, and received a City Council approval in concept during Council Workshop. The Planned Community Ordinance revision had been staffed to the extent that a conceptualized outline had only been reviewed by the Council. The Council instructed the staff to prepare a draft Ordinance for the proposed Planned Community Zone consistent with the outline. In addition, the Council also encouraged input b'y the citizens of Carlsbad including residents of existing Planned Communities, landowners and developers. The Staff .now has completed the draft Ordinance, has received public input and a summary report has .been prepared for your review and consideration. It appears that the City Council may have several options in directing the Staff to proceed with the Planned Community Ordinance revision and the new Planned Unit development process. If the Council is satisfied- after Staff Report, with the intent and structure of both'Ordinances, the Council may wish to direct the Staff to set both Ordinances to the Planning Commission for public hearing. If additional workshops are necessary, it would be possible for additional information to be presented prior to public hearing at the City Council approximately two months from the end of March. In essence, the Ordinances then would become effective in three to five months. The second option would be to set a workshop on March 30th in order to review the draft of the proposed Ordinances and receive direction from the Council regarding the incorporation of modifications prompted by public input. This option may extend the effective date of any new Ordinances approximately one to two months beyond the preceding alternative. City Manager March 11, 1976 Re: Extension of Moratorium in the P-C Zone Page 2 At this time there are only two projects which may be affected with the continuation of the moratorium on P-C Zones. They are: the Altamira Planned Community development which is approximately 75% complete, and the proposed La Costa Master Plan amendment. The Altamira Master Plan is in the final phase of a proposed five phase development. Any'proposed Specific Plan and Tentative Map will be developed consistent with City of Carlsbad's General Plan and the adopted Master Plan with the exception that density as proposed in the Master Plan of Altamira will be substantially reduced. It is not anticipated that the Altamira Specific Plan and Tentative Map will be inconsistent with any revision to the Planned Community Ordinance nor the proposed Planned Unit Development Ordinance. The La Costa Master Plan on the other hand contemplates a revision which will necessitate a General Plan Amendment. The General Plan Amendment and the Environmental Impact Report must be heard before the Master Plan can be considered. If the revised Planned Community Zone is adopted in its present form, or some modification thereof, the proposed La Costa Master Plan Amendment will have to be further revised to reflect the requirements of the new zone. The problem with the La Costa Master Plan.is that there are two applications in the Planning Department which propose low density single family detached developments. The proposed developments appear to be consistent not only with the existing La Costa . Master Plan, but also would be consistent with the proposed Master Plan requirement of the new Planned Community Zone. Therefore, the two single family detached developments would not be substantially affected by any-new Planned Community Zone or Planned Unit Development process. In fact, La Costa could develop the two projects using standard zoning such as R-l or R-2, however, doing so the City would have to process a zone change by taking subject projects out of the existing Planned Community Zone and placing them in the standard zones. The probable timing in this option, however, would probably not save La Costa any time inasmuch as the Planned Community Zone and the PUD process are largely staffed and ready to be sent to public hearing in the next thirty days or so. RECOMMENDATION: If the Council wishes to extend the moratorium, I would suggest the revised moratorium be considered. The modifi- cation to the exsiting moratorium could allow Specific Plans to be processed in the existing Planned Community Zones City Manager March 11 , 1976 Re: Extension of Moratorium-in the P-C Zone Page 3 where development is at least 75% complete, or where development proposed by Specific Plan involves single family dwellings constructed to R-l standards. It is imperative that in either case Specific Plans must be consistent with the existing General Plan and. the existing La Costa Master Plan. It would also be recommended that applications be allowed to be processed once the proposed PC/PUD Ordinances have had their first reading before the Council so as to avoid further delays that may result from a moratorium. If on the other hand, the Council wishes to extend the moratorium in its present form, the moratorium could be extended as outlined in Ordinance 9445 (attached). If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact my office at your convenience.. Donald A. Agatep Planning Director DAA:mdp Attachments: Ordinance No. 9445 Pacific Scene, Inc. Letter (March 2, 1976) La Costa Land Company Letter (March 8, 1976) *.- i o g toI O• c 8K <( o> ~>0 <du. £ 590 §2 z ™ S oUl Z N <fO K - CQ2 O co O 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 13 14 ORDINANCE NO>»Tf?f45 ' 0 <^> AN INTERIM ORDINANCE OF THE OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA%, ADOPTED AS AN URGENCY MEASURE n ^v>' •titTHE PROCESSING OR APPROVAL OF MASTER PLA&& ""'c, OR SPECIFIC PLANS FOR PROPERTY ZONED PLANNED COMMUNITY (P-C).'•ty V 16 17 '18 .19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 WHEREAS, the Planning Department upon direction by the City Council has undertaken a comprehensive review of the P-C, Planned Community Zone, and is preparing a revision of said zone; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is necessary in order to protect the public safety, health and t welfare to adopt as an urgency measure an interim ordinance prohibiting further processing or approval of Master Plans or Specific Plans for property in the P-C zone to avoid conflict with the contemplated revision to the zone. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad, California, as follows: SECTION 1: That all processing and approval of Specific Plans and Master Plans in that area of the City of Carlsbad zoned P-C, Planned Community, is hereby prohibited. SECTION 2: This ordinance shall be read once and shall take effect immediately. SECTION 3: The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this ordinance and cause it to be published at least once in the Carlsbad Journal within fifteen days after its adoption. O 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 a S? COv; • o • ec 8"s <ssi? stS5 1503 r« ^^ ^» ^* . Ul O £|8D 16til Z e-4 <r U «C "" SM 1 17>. °.• 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ' . .('f •«% ^p«*/ AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of' said City Council held on the 2nd, day of December following vote, to wit: AYES: 1975, by the Councilman Frazee, Lev/is, Skotnicki and Councilwoman Casler NOES: Councilman Chase ABSENT: None £><T 1-,*.^ ^ROBERT C''. FRAZEE, Mayor ATTEST: MARGARET E. ADAMS/ City Clerk / (SEAL) 2. TAWFIQ N. KHOURY PRESIDENT X •0 nc. 2505 CONGRESS STREET, SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92110 PHONE 714-299-5100 March 2, 1976 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 Attention: City Manager Paul D. Bussey Gentlemen: On December 2, 1975, your Council adopted Ordinance 9445 suspend- ing the acceptance and processing of specific plan applications within the P.C. zoned areas of the City until April 2, 1976. Four years ago on January 18, 1972, Pacific Scene, Inc. secured a P.C. zone reclassification and an initial plan approval for 1,120 dwelling units on 112 acres to be divided into four increments. This action followed Council Resolution on January 4, 1972, amending the General Plan and approving a 1,120 dwelling Master Plan. Subsequently Pacific Scene has recorded three final subdivision maps and built a community of 535 homes under authority of Specific Plan 23, 23B and 157 with appropriate ordinances. Since, to our knowledge, there has been no indication that Altamira does not meet the intent of the P.C. ordinance, we request that Unit 4 of Altamira be excluded from any further P.C. restraints, either by specific notation in any ordinance of extension or by opinion that prior approvals constitute sufficient authority for staff to proceed with processing of Unit 4. We have examined the proposed P.C. ordinance revision and concur with your Planning Director that the proposed Unit 4 does net con- flict with the contemplated revision. Sincerely, TNK:f cc: Don Agatep c o 1976^r/rs"^ LRCDStR Mr. Paul D. Bussey City Manager City of Carlsbad Carlsbad, California 92008 Dear Paul: This is to reaffirm my verbal expression of concern regarding the possibility that the City Council will, on March 16, 1976, extend the moratorium on pro- jects being processed in the P-C Zone. As I know you are aware, the La Costa Land Company, in conformance with the provisions of City Code, began the preparation of a new master plan for the entire PC Zone area at La Costa. In the latter part of the 1975 calendar year, we submitted a new master plan to the City. Since that time hundreds of man- hours have gone into the refinement of the master plan. Our organization has made many business decisions based on the orderly pro- cessing of the proposed master plan. Consequently, we are very concerned as to the possibility that an extension of the moratorium on the PC Zone will take place. We are persuaded that there is nothing in our proposed master plan which would be inconsistent with the thinking of the City Council in regard to the future of the PC Zone. Therefore, at least insofar as our project is concerned, we can see no good reason for the continuation of the moratorium. While we will express ourselves before the City Council at the March 16th meeting concerning the possible extension of the moratorium, we feel that you should be made aware of our concerns also. Sincerely, LA COSTA LAND COMPANY Fred J./ Morey Vice President FJM/eem COSTA DEL MAR ROAD • CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92OO8 • AREA CODE 714 • TELEPHONE 729-91II