HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-04-06; City Council; 3614; LAND ACQUISITION AND PLANS FOR A FUTURE CHILDREN'S LIBRARY FACILITYr 0 CITY OF CARLSBAD 0 AGENDT, BILL NO. 364' I . Initial: Dept . Hd e DATE : April 6, 1976 - C. Atty. C. Mgr. ff DEPARTMENT: Library Board of Trustees J Sv.5 j ect: LAND ACQUISITION AND PLANS FOR A FUTURE CHILDREN'S LIBRARY FAC - -A Statement of the Matter The January 13, 1975 minutes of the Library Board of Trustees stat "The Board was in full agreement on: 1. First objective should b adoption of a plan to build a children's facility .....'I proceed along these lines, th.e Library Board requests that $40,000 taken from the present library reserve fund for acquisition of lanl and preparation of architectural drawings. A possibility of feder( funding being made available has caused the sense of urgency. Pla. and specs must be drawn up in advance of the request for funds thrc the Library Services Construction Act. In order (LSCA) Exhibit 1. Copy of minutes dated January 13, 1975 2. Sketch of proposed facility Recommendation If the Council wishes to proceed with the acquisition of land and plans for a children's library, authorization should be given to the Library Board to: 1) Review possible library sites and make recommendations to the Council for the acquisition of that land and, 2) solicit proposals from architects for recommendation to tl City Council. The development of preliminary library plans and the acquisition ( additional City property for library purposes are not necessarily tied together and can occur independently of one another. recommendation for the necessary funds to be appropriated will be made concurrent with any future council action approving architeci contracts or land purchase. A Council action 4-6-76 staff recommendation was accepted and the Library Board wa! instructed to review possible library Sites and make recomr to the Council for acquisition of that land, and to SOliCii posals from architects for recommendation to the Council- . . .- Jjinutes - Regular Meeting - January 13, 1975 - The meeting was called to order at 3:OO P.M. by President, Ray Brookhart. Board members in attendance were: Driver and Jayce PrlcClel lan. Children's Librarian, Dan Arnsan and Jane Skotnicki. The minutes of the December meeting were approved. 1. Ray Brookhart met with the Personnel Director to discuss Mrs. Formosa's reclassification. He was told that it was to be processed, however, other projects had priority. Father Driver moved that the Board write a letter to the City Iyanager urging the reclassification be processed as soon as possible and that the salary raise be retroactive to July 1, 1974. This was the date the Board first brought up the matter. unanimously. X 2. Jayce McClellan brought in maps showing designated park and industrial areas in Carlsbad. He reported that a proposed site for a Library would be best placed on a major road. existing Main Library should be expanded first, since, as things are going, it will become overcrowded before long. 3. services. story-tell ing' programs; one hundred and fifty, average, attend the afternoon movies and; at special programs, three hundred and fifty children have been present. problem to the adult areas. He proposed the building of a separate facility on the East end of the existing library parking lot. would increase, from an existing 1,100 sq ft.,to 8,500 sq ft. the Board a preliminary plan for the proposed Children's Library. Mr. Arnsan mentioned two alternatives to increasing the size of the Children':; Library: 1. Building on to patio area of children's section, or 2. Adding on a section adjacent to Mrs. Cole's office. The Board was in full agreement on: 1. First objective should be the adop- tion of a plan to build a Children's facilitv, and 2. The indication of areas for Branch Library locations, with Southeast Carlsbad as first priority. Mr. McClellan will talk to the Planning Director, Mr. Agatep, and invite him to meet with the Board at the February 10th regular meeting. 4. The Librarian reported that, as of last week, nothing had been heard from the architect working on plans for the second mezzanine, however, by February lst, something definite may be forthcoming- Mrs. Cole presented an estimate for additional lighting in the parking lot. Lack of adequate lighting has been blamed for several accidents and vanda- lism. The cost estimate was $2,101.02, with funds available in the reserve. Father Driver moved that the needed lighting be added, in its entirety, as The Board was also given a comparative chart of library salaries throughout San Diego County. the figures. Carlsbad City Library salaries, in all instances, were the lowest of the eight libraries in San Diego County. One clerk's position in the federally funded CETA program has been filled by Marilyn-Farley, rate of 1,000 a month and the need for additional help is urgent. 5. Mr. Brookhart gave a report on his evaluation of the Library Reference Collection. rated very highly, but could be updated. For a town the size of Carlsbad, the collection is more extensive than might be expected. The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 P.M. * Caroline Schindler, Grace Mamaux, Father Also in attendance were Librarian, Georgina Cole Motion was seconded and approved Mr. Brookhart suggested that perhaps the The Children's Librarian presented a report on expanded Childrens He: said that an average of eighty pre-schoolers attend the morning This makes for a very crowded childrens section and adds a noise The square footage He showed specified in the plan. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously. x Peter Ahlstrom, Serra System Coordinator, had prepared The monthly circulation figures have been rising at the He said that as compared to recommended lists, Carlsbad Library Grace '- Mamaux h +;ecretary 2 . ' . * ;; , ' '. Jt4 . $3 * ,.: Gy 5 -:1 0 IO, +A, .. 'e e 4 .. IJ . 'I .9 e, :. r 4 .> .'1 hl ;, 4: .!i B : u 1 )1 e-- '4 I 2 2 1 . .. . ~ 2 __. . ___ -.- --. . . , __ ___.. __ - -- I.*_~. , I ,. . . , . - . . *... . .... .,.- %...* .... '''?'-'' -1 . .' ' . 41 .. . - -7