HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-04-20; City Council; 3621; Banstand, Holiday Park,- _- CTTY OF CARLSBAD . . . . . . . . . . DATE:' . . '' . .. .. . . -April .20, .1976 DE.PARTMENT: Parks and Recreation Department Initial : Dept. Hd. L\- City Atty City Mgr. v SUBJECT : BANDSTAND, HOLIDAY PARK ... -- Statement of the Matter, The City in coordination with the City of Carlsbad, Board of Realtors and local contractors to construct said project by July 3, 1976. . $5,000.00 has been budgeted from park funds for materials. The Board of Realtors and the contractors are to construct said project at no cost for labor. The Parks and Recreation Commission has selected a site to be centered in the open space in the northern portion of the park. .. . EXHIBITS: A. Preliminary drawing of Bandstand . RECOMMENDATION: The staff recommends adoption of the preliminary drawing and acceptance of the participation of the Board of Realtors and contractors. ~XJN~CIL ACTION: 4~20~76 The Council adopted the preliminary drawing for the Bandstand and accepted the participation by the Board of Realtors and contractors. z ... ICI CARLSBAD BOARD OF REALTORS 2785-8 ROOSEVELT STREET POST OFFICE BOX 425 0 CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA 92008 PHONE 714-729-4218 REALTOR I. March 10, 1976 Mr. Paul I). Bussey City Manager City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Carlsbad, CA 92008 Dear Mr. Bussey: Foundod 1957 MukiDle Listino Appraisal Service Member of California and National Real Estate Associations * The Carlsbad Board of Realtors will be pleased to undertake the coordination of construction of the proposed bandstand for Holiday Park. It is our understanding that the Parks and Recreation Department will provide the supplies and plar's for constructiijn an2 thzt fuads hs-Jc k2en clloczted for this project. We request, however, that before launching the project the Board be provided with a written definition of our duties and responsibilities along with the responsibilities which will be borne by the City of Carlsbad. We look forward to participating in this worthy project. Sincerely, William E. DeLong President Mr. William E. Delong, President Carlshad Roard of Realtors Post Office Eox 425 Carfsbad, CB !??f?f?$ Dear Nr. aelonp: At its regular rneetinq held April 2". 197C, the Carlsbad City Council approved the preliminary drawing of the proposed handstand to he constructed In flaliday Park. The Caunc41 also accented the offer of participation ?ran the tjonrd of Realtors. !Ire Ed Johnson, Farks and getcreation flirector, will be in contact with you to defSne the duties and responsibilities oP your Raard and the City wit4 regard to this project,, Sincerely, I'tQRA K. SARDibIER Ueguty City Clerk cc: Wr, 3ussIpy Hr. Johnson