HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-04-20; City Council; 3624; Classification Plan Juvenile Diversion OfficerCITY OF•CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. Initial: Initial: Dept.Hd. DATE: April 20, 1976 C. Atty.• DEPARTMENT: PERSONNEL • C. Mgr. Subject: PROPOSED CHANGE TO CITY S CLASSIFICATION PLAN (Juvenile Diversion Officer) Statement of the Natter The city's grant for the Juvenile Diversion Program ended on July 1, 191 5; The city at that time assumed -salary payments of the two individuals employed as Youth•Resources,Cdunseldrs under the grant. One of the counselors subsequently resigned. A review of the program and the city's needs relevant to the program has been con- ducted. The recomiendation contained in thi,:, Agenda.Bill are the results of that.review. Two recommendations are made. 1. It•is recommended that the Juvenile Diversion Program be continued. 2. It is recommended that the grant employee classification of Youth.Resources Counselor be deleted from•the Classifi- cation Plan and the classifications of JUVENILE DIVERSION OFFICER (Female) and-JUVEN.ILE,DIVERSION OFFICIPR (Male) be added. Accordingly., this Agenda Bill with attached resolution' and position 'descriptions is submitted to the City Council. The present budge for the Carlsbad Police Department does not, contain these positions. Exhibit 1. Position descriptions,. JUVENILE DIVERSION'OFFICEB (Female) p D JUVENILE DIVERSION OFFICER (Male). .2. RESOLUTION No., • �00 3. Methor'andum to City Manager dated ?larch 22, 1976. Recommendation IE the Council concurs, your action is to adopt Resolution No. 34? 7- (See.next page for Council action) ;r 1 Agenda Bill #3624 -2- April 20, 1976 Council action 4-20-76 The staff requested this matter continued. 4-27-76 Resolution 93887 was adopted,, amending classification and Salary Range Schedule. i CITY OF CARLSBAD JUVENILE DIVERSION OFFICER (Female) Definition This is an entry level specialist class in the police series with duties involving investigation, supervision and counseling of juvenile offenders or neglected juveniles and related work as required. This work is performed under general supervision. Examples 1. Performs special and technical inquiries into the of Duties problems, antecedants, character, family history, social and physical environment of minors referred to the department. 2. Makes referrals to appropriate agencies for juvenile rehabilitation and assistance. 3. Performs individual, group and family counseling on both a preliminary and continuing basis. 4. Works closely with all agencies providing juvenile and family services. 5. Acts as a witness in court. 6. Acts as an advisor to department personnel in the area of juvenile counseling. EMployment Any combination of experience and training equivalent Standards to graduation fromicollege and possession Qf a BASIC POST CEXn!FICATE issued by the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training. Possession of a valid Vehicle Driver License as issued by the State of California, Division of Motor Vehicles. March, 1976 b I CITY OF CARLSBAD JUVENILE DIVERSION OFFICER (Male) Definition This is an entry level specialist cz s in the police series with duties involving investigation, supervision and counseling of juvenile offenders or neglected juveniles and related work as required. This work is performed under general supervision. Examples 1. Performs special and technical inquiries into the of Duties problems, antecedants, character, family history, social and physical environment of minors referred to the department. 2. Makes referrals to appropriate agencies for juvenile rehabilitation and assistance. 3. Performs individual, group and family counseling on both a preliminary and continuing basis. 4. Works closely with all agencies providing juvenile and family services. S. Acts as a ;witness in court. 6. Arts as an advisor to department personnel in the area of juvenile counseling. Employment Any combination of experience and training equivalent Standards to graduation from college and possession of a BASIC POST CERTIFICATE issued by the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training. Possession of a valid Vehicle Driver License as issued by the State of California, Division of•,Motor Vehicles. March, 1,976 6 CITY Or CARLSBAL Personnel Department MEMORANDUM DATE . March 2.1, 1976 TO The City Manager FROM The personnel Director SUBJECT: JUVENILE DIVERSION PROGRAM The city began the Juvenile Diversion Program as part of a CCCJ Gr,Ant in July of 1973. At that tine two grant employees were hired. The positions were shown as 'Grant Employees', YOUTH RESOURCES COUNSELOR, Salary Range 37 in the City of Carlsbad Classification and Salary Range Plan. Two counselors continued to work under the grant until July 1, 1975. At that time the grant was cancelled by the State of California. Subsequent to the cancellation of the grant one of the counselors, Margaret BLILEY, resigned in a desire to relocate to the East coast. The remaining counselor, Don METCALF, stayed on and his salary was picked up by the city and paid from the General Fund. There are two basic decisions facing the city that pertain to the Juvenile Diversion Program. The first decision is whether or not it is desirable to continue the program, as such. The second decision, if it is desirable to continue the program, is how the program shall, be manned. The following recommendation is based upon the assumption that it is desirable for the City of Carlsbad to continue the Juvenile Diversion Program. The balance of this memorandum is devoted to a discussion concerning the manning of the program. 1. The first question arising is, should the personnel be sworn or unsworn personnel? The program to date has been manned by unsworn personnel who have served principally as counselors. They have had to coordinate very closely with the swo i personnel in the Police Department when it came to the conduc of investiga- tions, necessitating arrest or other action commensurate with the Lowers of a sworn officer. The counselors were active in the field of investigations as related to juvenile offenders, but essentially their work had to be over -viewed and in some cases redone by sworn personnel. The obvious advantage of being unsworn personnel is their ability to step out of the role as a police officer and, perhaps in some ways, enhance communications with youthful offenders. The advantages to having the personnel as sworn police officers are obvious in that they are fully integrated into the Police Department -A 2 -_ and that they do not require the services of sworn personnel in various phases of investigation or in the process of arrest or apprehension. A third possible consideration is that one counselor be sworn and one unsworn, whereas the sworn officer deals essentially with investigation and all those functions that are directly related to those of a sworn peace officer, the unsworn person deals primarily with the actual counseling of juvenile offenders. In discussing this point with the two experienced counselors, their recommendation, given independently, was for one sworn and one unsworn. Most of the cities locally utilize sworn personnel in juvenile diversion programs. 2. The next principal consideration would be whether or not there should be a differentiation made as to the gender of the juvenile diversion personnel. The primary contention is that personnel, properly trained, are capable of dealing with both male and female juveniles. This may not be completely accepted in the community, particularly for dealing with very young, minor females or in cases dealintg with specific crimes against females. This point was discussed with the two experienced counselors and they were of the opinion that, logically, either gender could perform the function but that it would serve the organization to have one of each gender available in the department. 3. The third primary consideration -in the manning of the juvenile diversion program is whether or not recruiting should be oriented toward people with backgrounds in the behavioral sciences, counseling and psychology or whether we should attempt to recruit an entry level police officer., training within the department to the specifics of juvenile diversion. Operationally, from the Police Chief's point of view, he would prefer to have juvenile diversion officers who are entry level personnel who can be trained using his philosophies and his policies as they relate to this specific community; one of -the consi(lerations being that once you start recruiting people with behavioral science back- grounds, with essentially high educational entry level require- ments they become dissatisfied with the relatively basic juvenile diversion program. The complexity of the program, the complexity of the organization has a tendency to increase rapidly. In summary the recommendations on all three of these categories are that, (i) two positions be designated as sworn personnel, (ii) one designation be JUVENILE DIVERSION OFFICER (Male) and another JUVENILE DIVERSION OFFICER (Female), (iii) that they be entry level positions requiring minimal requirements for entry, training to be conducted via the department so that the program ill accoindate local policies and local community situations. PIETI br- P/vs IV DATE: APRIL 23, 1976 TO: CITY COUNCIL FROM: City Manager SUBJECT: CLASSIFICATION - JUVENILE DIVERSION OFFICERS The attached copies of the classifications for Juvenile Diversion officers (male, female) are amendments to the one in your agenda packet. The changes 'are in the employment standards. j A verbal report will be given. E T PAUL D. BUSSEY City Manager } PDB:ldg Att. 'aJ 'CITY OF CARLSBAD JUVENILE DIVERSION .OFFICER (Male) Definition This is an entry level specialist class in the police series with duties involving investigation, supervision and counseling of J uvenile offenders or neglected juveniles and related work as required. This work is performed under general supervision. Exam les 1. Performs special and technical inquiries into the of Duties problems, antecedants, character, family history, social and physical environment of minors referred to the department. 2. Makes referrals to appropriate agencies for juvenile rehabiiititi.on and assistance. 3. Performs individual, group and family counseling on both a preliminary and continuing basis. 4. Works closely wit)i all agencies providing juvenile • and family services. S. Acts as a witness in court. } 6. Acts as an advisor to -department personnel in the j area of juvenile counseling. Employment Any combination of experience and training equivalent to t Standards graduation from college with a bachelors degree in Police Science, Criminal Justice, Public Administration or behavorial science study determined to be appropriate by the Personnel Officer. Possession of a valid Vehicle Driver License as issued by the State of California, Division of Motor Vehicles. March{ 1976 CITY OF CARLSBAD JUVENILE DIVERSION OFFICER (Female) Definition This is an entry level specialist class in the police series with duties involving investigation, supervision and counseling of juvenile offenders or neglected juveniles and related work as required. This work is performed under general supervision. Examples 1. Performs special and technical inquiries into the of Duties problems, antecedents, character, family history, social and physical environment of minors referred to the department. 2. Makes referrals to appropriate agencies for juvenile rehabilitation and assistance. 3. Performs individual, group and family counseling on both a preliminary and continuing basis. 4. Works closely with all agencies providing juvenile and family services. 5. Acts as a witness in court. 6. Acts as an advisor to department personnel in the area of juvenile counseling. 7. May be required to conduct or assist in body search of females. ` Employment Any combination of experience and training equivalent to Standards graduation from college with a bachelors degree in Police Science, Criminal Justice, Public Administration or behavioral science study determined to be appropriate by the Personnel Officer. Possession of a valid Vehicle j Driver License as issued by the State of California, j Division of Motor Vehicles. ti March, 1976 RESOLUTION NO. 3887 2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, A14ENDING 3 RESOLUTION N0.3700 BY AMENDMENT OF THE CLASSIFICATION AND SALARY RANGE SCHEDULE 4 TO DELETE THE POSITION OF YOUTH RESOURCES COUNSELOR, SALARY RANGE 37, AND TO ADD 5 THE POSITIONS OF JUVENILE DIVERSION OFFICER (FEMALE) AND JUVENILE DIVERSION 6-1 OFFICER (MALE), AT SALARY RANGE,36. 7 WHEREAS, the City Manager recommends and the City Council 8 concurs that the Classification and Salary Range Schedule be 9 amended by the deletion of the position of Youth Resources 10 Counselor, at Salary Range 37, and by the addition of the 11 positions of Juvenile Diversion Officer•(Female),andJuvenile 12 Diversion officer (Male), at Salary Range 36; 13 N06V, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the 14 City of Carlsbad as follows: 5 15 1. That the above facts are true and correct. c - z 16 2. That the City Council authorizes and directs the oo-ZQ o m s 17 amendment of the City s Classification and Salary Ran ga Schedule 4. ' W V W z a 18 by the deletion of the position of Youth Resources Counselor., ZOW O ^ N > a 19 Salary Range 37, and the addition of the positionp of Juvenile 20 Diversion Officer (Female) and Juvenile Diversion Officer (Male), 21 at Salary Range 36, as described in the attached position descrip- 22 tion. 23 24 21 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 r 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 °a 14 15 76 a 16 Z WA p4 17 Y. W V ,~Zuza 1E vm^m >� ¢ < 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2E an adjourned PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at/ regular meeting of the Carlsbad City Council held on the27th day of April , 1976, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Frazee, Lewis, Packard, Skotnicki and Councilwoman Casler NOES: None ABSENT: None ROBERT C. FRAZEE,�MOr ATTEST: L GA T E: ADAM , City Clerk (SEAL 2.