HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-04-20; City Council; 3626; Request for certification of EIR-307CITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. Q>fe <*<6 * . Initial:-1 Dept.Hd. DATE: April 20, 1976 fv^ * /\.t*cy • DEPARTMENT; PLANNING '. *C. Mgr. 3v Subject: REQUEST FOR CERTIFICATION OF 'EIR-307 AND APPROVAL OF A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT F'OR THE CIRCULATION AND ' LAND USE ELEMENTS TN THF I A CPSTA ARFfl "(RPA-38) Statement of the Matter Cn The Planning Commission considered certification of EIR-307 in conjunction with the La Costa General Plan Amendment (GP/U38). The Planning Commission unanimously recommended certification of the La Costa EIR, wi.th the understanding that the mitigation measures would appropriately be applied at such time as the La Costa Master Plan is considered. GPA-38 would affect the Land Use Element text and plan and the Circulation Element plan. The Amendment was initiated at the request of La Costa Land Co. to provide for a pending Master Plan Amendment. Staff suggested modifications to the proposal, which the applicant concurred with. The Planning Commission recommendation of approval therefore refers to GPA-38 as modified. The Staff report of April 20-to the City Manager also refers to GPA-38 as modified. EXHIBITS: EIR-307, Exhibit D, 3/24/76 Staff Report GPA-38 & EIR-307) 4/20/76 P.C. Resolution #1227 . RECOMMENDATION: If the City Council concurs with the findings and recommendations of Planning Commission Resolution #1227, the Council should instruct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary documents. Council action • 4-27-76 Following the public•hearing the CounciT certified EIR-307 and instructed the..City Attorney to prepare the documents necessary for approval of a General Plan Amendment for the circulation and land use elements in the La Costa area (GPA-38) CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORT April 20, 1976 TO: FROM: CASE NOS: APPLICANT: REQUEST: CITY MANAGER ' ' PLANNING DEPARTMENT EIR-307; GPA-38 LA COSTA LAND CO. CERTIFICATION OF AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT AND APPROVAL OF A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT (LAND USE AND CIRCULATION ELEMENTS) TO PROVIDE FOR A FUTURE MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT SECTION I: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: A. EIR-307: Staff recommends that the Final EIR-307 (including all comments made at the public hearings) be certified as having met all requirements of the Carlsbad EnvironmentalProtection Ordinance of 1972 and the California Environmental Quality Act. FINDINGS: 1. The draft EIR was properly noticed and reviewed. 2. The comments received from reviewing agencies have been adequately addressed by the Planning Director. 3. The impacts of the project can be adequately mitigated. B. GAP-38: Staff recommends that GPA-38.be approved based on the following findings and subject to the following conditions. FINDINGS: 1. The amendment reflects a more thorough investigation of the land use potential of the area than currently exists. 2. 3. The amendment is consistent with the ottier elements of the General Plan. An environmental impact report has been PreP^?d ^^ Jh« [ro{* J*that adequately identifies the existing conditions and potentla imjacts which can be properly mitigated through the normal develop- ment review process. 4. The amendment is consistent with the surrounding land use proposals. CONDITIONS: 1. This approval is granted for the land described on Exhibit C, dated March 24, 1976. The Land Use and Circulation Elements shall be amended to reflect the applicable items as represented on Exhibit C, unless indicated otherwise herein. 2. On page 31 of the Land Use Element text, under "Special Treatment Area", the following addition shall be made: (f) The proposed Community Core area located in southeast Carlsbad." On page 42 of the Land Use Element text, under "Special Area Guidelines", the following addition shall be made: Treatment "6. A specific plan should be prepared for the proposed Community Core area located in southeast Carlsbad. Particular attention should be given to the possible land uses, their function and need, and their impact on the surrounding area and the rest of the City." The mitigating measures suggested in the environmental impact reports shall be incorporated with later discretionary approvals. SECTION II: BACKGROUND INFORMATION: I. II. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: Subject property is "Real and south ofgenerally located east of El Camino Palomar Airport Road. The 3610-acre area emcompasses all of the undeveloped, "P-C" zoned lands owned by La Costa Land Co. EXISTING ZONING: Subject Property: North: East: South: West: Enclosed: III. EXISTING LAND USE: Subject Property: North: East: SC-uth: P-C P-C County (San Marcos) County (Olivenhain) Mixed City and County Mixed City Zoning Mostly vacant (some abandoned dry farming and marginal grazing) Vacant and agriculture Vacant, agriculture and minimal urban uses Vacant and agriculture -2- III. EXISTING LAND USE (Continued): West: Batiquitos Lagoon, vacant and agriculture IV. PAST HISTORY AND RELATED CASES: The Rancho La Costa Area began developing within San Diego County's jurisdiction in 1965. In 1972, approximately 4909 acres of La Costa properties were annexed to Carlsbad and a Master Development Plan was approved. In 1973, an additional 493 acres (El Camino Glens or Wiegand Property and La Costa Northeast) were annexed. These two areas are not included within any Master Plan approval. Also in 1973, the City ap- proved a Master Plan (and annexation) on 717 acres owned by Marvin Kratter. La Costa purchased this property in 1974 and calls the area La Costa North. The 3610 acres of land that fall under the purview of this request encompass all of the above La Costa properties not presently covered by approved maps. In 1974, the City adopted its present Land Use Element of the General Plan. At that time, both the City and La Costa were aware of certain inconsistencies between the new Land Use Plan and the adopted Master Plans. A Master Plan amendment was encouraged at that time and a coordinated program between La Costa, their consultants and City Staff began. During the course of study, both the landowners and City Staff realized the need to again amend the General Plan, especially the Land Use Element. The need for this amendment was based on many things: trend changes in the housing market, changes in the overall La Costa concept, environmental factors, plan refinement, etc. The proposed amendment represents those findings and desired changes. V. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT INFORMATION: Environmental Impact Report #307 addresses the anticipated impacts of the La Costa General Plan and Master Plan Amendments State law requires that the EIR be certified at the first discretionary action associated with the project. The EIR must address the ultimate impacts of the project; those impacts which cannot be adequately assessed in the early planning stages must be covered in subsequent EIR supplements. The Planning Commission and City Council, therefore, must certify the EIR prior to acting on the General Plan Amendment for La Costa. The certified EIR must then be reconsidered in conjunction with the upcoming hearing on the La Costa Master Plan. It is Staff's opinion that EIR supplements will be necessary for all individual development proposals within the Master Plan area. Mitigation measures have been proposed to adequately lessen the anticipated impacts of the project. Staff believes that these mitigations should appropriately be applied as condi- tions to the Master Plan. -3- VI. GENERAL PLAN INFORMATION: The proposed amendments are consistent with the other elements and the purpose and intent of the General Plan. VII. PUBLIC FACILITIES: Public facilities, such as future schoolsites,have been adequately addressed for this level of approval. An involved discussion of future needs is contained in the EIR and the necessary mitigation measures (i.e., development phasing) will occur during later Master Plan Amendment discussions. VIII. MAJOR PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Is the proposed amendment better than the existing plan? 2. Is the proposed amendment the best possible plan? 3. Is the proposed amendment consistent with City policy and general planning objectives? IX. INCIDENTAL INFORMATION: All affected departments have reviewed and contributed in part to this report. SECTION III; DISCUSSION: The existing General Plan for the La Costa area is basically a composite of previously approved master plans. The proposed changes in the Northeast and Far South areas are relatively consistent with the existing plan but reflect certain refine- ments that evolved from a more thorough investigation than had been done previously. The changes in the La Costa North area are somewhat more involved. Primarily, this is due to La Costa's desire to modify the development concept adopted in the Kratter Master Plan. The community needs (open space corridors, etc.) and environmental constraints have still been considered and incorporated into the plan. Staff feels that the amendment proposal is more appropriate than the existing plan because it is based on a much more thorough study of the areas than had been done previously. Staff also suggests that the proposal is consistent with City policy and the objectives of the total General Plan. Whether or not the proposal is the best possible plan Is difficult to judge. It is possible, and in fact expected, that future amendments will be made in some areas after further study is made. However, the proposal does represent the best planning efforts to date. -4- PLANNING COMMISSION DISCUSSION: The Planning Commission was presented graphics showing the existing General Plan, La Costa's initial request, and Staff's proposal. Staff's proposal made minor modifications to the areas designated open space, and adjusted areas designated for commercial land use. During the public hearing the applicant stated he agreed with Staff's proposal. The Commission approved Staff's proposal. Therefore, only Exhibits A and C from Staff's report to the Commission are attached to this report. ATTACHMENTS: Planning Commission Resolution No. 1227 Letter dated 3/12/76 from Rick Engineering Co. Exhibits A, Existing General Plan Exhibits C, Staff Proposal AM:cpl (4/14/76) 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6n WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on the 24th day of March, 1976, hold a duly-noticed public hearing as prescribed 17 currently exists. B) GPA-38, as modified, is consistent with the other elements of the General Plan. C) An Environmental Impact Report has been prepared and 20 21 25 27 28 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1227 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA,' RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPTION OF GPA-38, AN AMENDMENT TO THE CIRCULATION ELEMENT AND LAND USE ELEMENT TEXT AND PLAN FOR THE LA COSTA AREA, AND GPA-39, AN AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT GOALS AND POLICIES by -|aw to consider amendments to the General Plan, making changes and additions to the Land'Use and Circulation Elements; and WHEREAS, the subject General Plan amendments have complied with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972; and 12 WHEREAS, at said public hearing, and at a subsequent public hearing on the 31st of March, 1976, after'the testimony and 14 arguments of all persons who desired to be heard, said Commission I considered all the factors relating to the General Plan amend-15 ments and found the following facts and reasons to exist: 16 A) GPA-38, as modified, reflects a more thorough investi- gation of the land use potential of the area than certified for GPA-38 that adequately identifies the existing conditions and potential impacts which can be properly mitigated through the normal development review process. D) GPA-38, as modified, is consistent with the surrounding land use proposals. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad as follows: A) That the above recitations are true and correct. B) That the following amendments to the Land Use and Circulation Elements of the General Plan are recom- mended to the City' Council for approval: 3 "4 '5 6 7 R proposed Community Core area located in southeast Carlsbad: Particular attention should be given to the possible land uses, their function and need, and their impact on the surrounding area and the rest of the City." 4) Replace the existing goals of the Land Use Eleme.nt 12 13 14 .16 17 „ 26 27 28 The Land Use and Circulation Elements' Plans be amended to reflect.the applicable items.' a.( represented on Exhibit "C". dated March 24. ' 1) The Land Use and Circulation Elements' Plans shall as represented on Exhibit "C", dated March 24, 1976. 2) On page 31 of the Land Use ElemenJ; text, under "Special Treatment Area", the following addi- tion shall be made: . "(f) The proposed Community Core area located in southeast Carlsbad". • . . 3) On. page 42 of the Land Use Element text, under "Special Treatment Area Guide! ines ", the following addition shall be made: . * t i ''6. A, Specific Plan should be prepared -for the with the following: .(GPA-39-) a) Preserve and enhance the environment, character, and image of the City as a desirable residen- tial, beach, and open space-oriented Community. b) Create a pleasing ar.d ur.lque downtown area , deisgned to attract the tourist and to provide the necessary amenities to the permanent residents of -the area. c) Promote the economic viability of the agricultural and horticultural industries. d) Develop an industrial base of light, pollution- free industries of such magnitude as will provide a reasonable tax base and opportunities for employment of local citizens. e) Generate the development of commercial enter- prises that support locaj industries, population and tourist trade. f) Protect and conserve natural resources, fragile ecological areas, unique natural assets and historically significant features of the Community. g) Provide for an orderly balance of both public and private land uses within convenient and compatible locations throughout the City and ensure that all such uses — their type, amount, amount, design and arrangement —serve to protect and enhance the environment, character and image of the City." 1 2 6 7 . 8 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 h) En.courage development only in those areas which can best support a change in land use without adverse impact. 5) Move the second sentence of existing goal "E" to the policy section as follows: "L. Implementation of this Element shall consider the social, economic and physical impacts on the Community." PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at an adjourned meeting of the Planning Commission held on March 31, 1976, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Watson, Dominguez, Larson, Fikes, Jose, L'Heureux NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN:None . •-•... Stephen M. L'Heureux, Chairman Donal d A . Aga tep , Secretary FMPIMFFPINf f^HMDANV I BANNING CONSULTANTStlNUillN ttnllNU L-UlvlrAINY | AND CIVIL ENGINEERS 3088 PIO PICO DR. • SUITE 202 • CARLSBAD, CA 92008 P.O. BOX 1129 • PHONE • AREA CODE 714 "• 729-4987 March 12, 1976 RECEIVED Mr. Don Agatep City Planning Director MAR 16 1976 City of Carlsbad 1200 Elm Avenue Qjjy QF. CARLSBAD Carlsbad, California 92008 Biannjng Dspaiiment RE: SUMMARY OF MITIGATION MEASURES FOR THE LA COSTA MASTER PLAN ENVIRONMENTAL'IMPACT REPORT Dear Don; We have reviewed the above report and find the entire report acceptable. I would like to take this opportunity to fhank your staff, especially Dana -Ilield for her excellent job of answering the comments of the reviewing agencies that responded to the EIR data. If you have any questions, please call. Sincerely, JRobert C. Ladwig RCLrfm cc: Mr. Paul D. Bussey Ms.. Dana Hield Mr. Irving Roston us )f "planning LA COSTA EXHIBIT' V2L. 5oOTKs 0 \ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Environmental Impact Report (EIR-307) General Plan Amendment (GPA-38) (Circulation and Land Use Elements) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, April 20, 1976, at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California to consider an Environmental Impact Report (EIR-307) and an amendment (GPA-38) to the following elements of the Carlsbad General Plan: 1) Circulation Element - amend the adopted alignment and intersection of Mission Estancia (a future secondary arterial) with Rancho Santa Fe Road. 2) Land Use Element - make additions to the adopted Land Use Element text and amend the adopted land use designations within the undeveloped portions (approx. 3610 acres) of Rancho La Costa. APPLICANT: La Costa Land Company Publish: April 7, 1976 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Environmental Impact Report (EIR-307) General Plan Amendment (GPA-38) (Circulation and Land Use Elements) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, March 24, 1976, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California to consider an Environmental Impact Report (EIR-307) and an amendment (GPA-38) to. the following elements of the Carlsbad General Plan: 1) Circulation Element' - amend the adopted alignment and intersection of Mision Estancia (a future secondary arterial) with Rancho Santa Fe Road. 2) Land Use Element - make additions to the adopted Land Use Element text and amend th'e adopted land use designations within the undeveloped portions; ' (approx. 3610 acres) of Rancho La Costa. Those persons wishing to speak on this proposal are-cordially invit.pH t.n attend the public hearing. If you have a.ny questions 4please call 729-1i81 and ask for the Planning Department. APPLICANT: La Costa Land Company PUBLISH: March 13, 1976 . CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION