HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-04-20; City Council; 3627; Request for approval of an amendmentCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO. *3 £ J[ 7 DATE: Ari1 20> 1976 DEPARTMENT ; PLANNING Subject: REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT GOALS AND POLICIES Statement of the Matter GPA-39 was initiated by the City Council when. Counci Iman Skotnicki suggested changes to the Land Use Element goals during that Element's hearings in October 1974. The Planning Commission, in its regularly scheduled meeting of March 24, 1976, recommended that the proposed Land Use Goal changes as suggested by the Citizens' Goals Committee be incorporated into the Land Use Element. EXHIBITS: Staff Report (GPA-39) dtd. 3/24/76 PC Resolution #1227 RECOMMENDATION: If the City Council concurs with the findings and recommendations of Planning Commission Resolution #1227, the Council should instruct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary documents. Counci1-action 4-27-76 Following the putflic hearing the City Attorney was' instructed to prepare the documents necessary for approval of an amendment to the Land Use El-ement Goals and policies. -* 1 2 3 4 5 y»6 7 -8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 .16 17 18 19 20. 21 22 23 24 25 rj/*26 . • 27 28 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1227 RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPTION OF GPA-38, AN AMENDMENT TO THE CIRCULATION ELEMENT AND LAND USE ELEMENT TEXT AND PLAN FOR THE LA COSTA AREA, AND GPA-39, AN AMENDMENT TO THE LAND USE ELEMENT GOALS AND POLICIES - WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did on the 24th day of March, 1976, hold a duly-noticed public hearing as prescribed by law to consider amendments to the General Plan, making chan and additions to the Land Use and Circulation Elements; and WHEREAS, the subject General Plan amendments have complie with the requirements of the City of Carlsbad Environmental Protection Ordinance of 1972; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, and at a subsequent pub! hearing on the 31st of March, 1976, after'the testimony and arguments of all persons who desired to be heard, said Commiss considered all the factors relating to the General Plan amend- ments and found the following facts and reasons to exist: A) GPA-38, as modified, reflects a more thorough investi gation of the land use potential of the area than currently exi sts . B) GPA-38, as modified, is consistent with the other elements of the General Plan. C) An Environmental Impact Report has been prepared and certified for GPA-38 that adequately identifies the existing conditions and potential impacts which can be properly mitigated through the normal development review process . : . > D) GPA-38, as modified, is consistent with the surroundi land use proposals. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad as follows: A) That the above recitations are true and correct. B) That the following amendments to the Land Use and Circulation Elements of the General Plan are recom- mended to the City' Council for approval: ges d ic ion - -. ng 3 4 "6; A, Specif ic Plan should be prepared -for the proposed Community Core area located in southeast Carlsbad. Particular attention should be given to the possible land uses, their function and need, and their impact on the surrounding area and the rest of the City." 4) Replace the existing goals of the Land Use Element 12 13 14 .16 17 ^ 0. £5 26 27 28 1) The Land Use and Circulation -Elements ' Plans shall be amended to reflect .the .aool icable items." as represented on Exhibit "C", dated March 24, 1976. 2) On page 31 of the Land Use Elemenj; text, under "Special Treatment Area", the following addi- tion shall be made:. "(f) The proposed Community Core area located in .southeast Carlsbad". •' . , 3) On. page 42 of the Land Use Element text, under "Special Treatment Area Guide! i nes" ,. the following addition shall be made: with the following: .(GPA-39) .a) Preserve and enhance the environment, character, and image of the City as a desirable residen- tial, beach, and open space-oriented Community. b) Create a plc-asing and unique downtown area deisgned to attract the tourist and to provide the necessary amenities to the permanent residents of the area. c) Promote the economic viability of the agricultural and horticultural industries. d) Develop an industrial base of light, pollution- free industries of such magnitude as will provide a reasonable tax base and opportunities for employment of local citizens. e) Generate the development of commercial enter- prises that support locaj industries, population and tourist trade. f) Protect and conserve natural resources, fr.agile ecological areas, unique natural assets and historically significant features of the Community. g) Provide for an orderly balance of both public and private land uses within convenient and compatible locations throughout the City and ensure that all such uses — their type, amount, amount, design and arrangement —serve to protect and enhance the environment, character and image of the City. ' -2- 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 h) Encourage development only in those areas which can best support a change in land use without adverse impact. 5) Move the second sentence of existing goal "E" to the policy section as follows: "L. Implementation of this Element shall consider the social, economic and physical impacts on' the Community." PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED at an adjourned meeting of the Planning Commission held on March 31, 1976, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Commissioners Watson, Dominguez, Larson, Fikes, Jose, L'Heureux NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN:None12 13 14 Donald A. Agatep, Secretary15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Stephen M. L'Heureux, Chairman -3- MEMORANDUM . i* March 24, 1976 TO: PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: GPA-39 - LAND USE ELEMENT GOALS t BACKGROUND: During the Land U^se^Elenient hearings in 1974, Councilman Skotnicki proposed alternative wording to the Goals Statement contained witli'in the Land Use Element. The City Council at that time decided to adopt the goals contained within the Element and instruc- ted Staff to return CounciIman Skotnicki ' s report to the Citizens' Committee on Goals and to the Planning Commission for review and report. •. On November 26, 1975, the Planning Commission received Staff's analysis and the Goals Committee recommendation on this matter. After a lengthy discussion regarding how well the exis.ting Land Use Element and goals have worked to date, the Planning Commission, by minute motion, ratified the goals statement as already adopted in the Element. The minute motion also stated that, if the City Council wished to amend those goals, a report back to the Planning Commission would not be necessary. The minute motion, along with their formal action, was forwarded to the City Council for consideration. However, because the matter was not formally processed (i.e. public notice and formal resolution), it was determined that the matter was not properly before the City Council. The Council instructed Staff that at the next General Plan Amendment hearing date that this matter be brought again formally before the Planning Commission. RECOMMENDATION: . If the Planning Commission still desires to make the same recommendation as before, .instruct staff to prepare the necessary documents. If the Commission wishes to amend its previous recommendation, instruct Staff to prepare the necessary documents' that incorporate said changes. NOTE: These documents will be returned to the Commission when they can be incorporated with.a General Plan Amendment. ATTACHMENTS: All previous information is attached for your convenience. MZ:mdp -2- • MEMORANDUM . - ' December 10, 1975 . • . TO: CITY COUNCIL ' • FROM: PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBJECT: REPORT ON LAND USE ELEMENT GOALS i During t'he. Council hearings on the'Land Use Element, Councilman Skotnicki submitted a memo suggesting .alternative goal statements to those contained in. the proposed draft of the Element.. A decision was made to ^dopt those goals proposed by the Goals Committee and Planning Commission to avoid delay. However, staff v/as instructed to forward the prooosed alternative goal state- ments suggested by Councilman Sko'tnicki to the Planning Commission for comment and recommendation, with input from the Goals Committee, and returned to the City Council as soon as possible. Staff prepared the attached memorandum dated November 14, 1975, for considera-. tion by the Goals Committee. The Committee met on November 20, 1975 to con- s.ider'this matter. After review of Councilman Skotnicki's proposed goal state- ments for the Land Use Element, they offered the following suggestions: 1) Utilizing Councilman Skotnicki's goals and existing goal "B", replace tha existing goals of the Land Use Element on Page 6 wilii uhe follow- ing: "A.... . Preserve and enchance the environment, character, and image of the City-as a desirable residential, beach, and open space oriented community. • . B;. Create a pleasing and unique downtown area designed to'attract the tourist and to provide the necessary amenities to the permanent residents of the area. C. Promote the economic viability of the agricultural and horticul- tural industries. . • ' D. Develop an industrial base of light, pollution free''industries of such magnitude as will provide a reasonable tax base and opportunities for employment of local citizens. E. Generate the development of commercial enterprises that support local industries, population and tourist trade. F. Protect and conserve natural resources, fragile ecological areas, unique natural assets and historically significant features of • • the community. G. Provide for an orderly balance of both public and private land uses within convenient and compatible locations throughout the City and ensure that all such uses -- their type, amount, design and arrangement -- serve to protect and enhance the environment, character and image of the City. H. Encourage development only in those areas which can best support • a change in land use without adverse impact."• 2) Move the second sentence of existing goal "E" to the policy section as follows: *, "L. Implementation of this Element shall consider the social, economic and physical impacts on the community." On November 26, 1975, the Planning Commission received Staff's analysis and the Goals Committee recommendation. After a lengthy discussion regarding how well the existing Land Use Element and goals have worked to d?te, the Planning Commission ratified the goals statement as already adopted in the Element. Hov/ever, a minute motion was approved stating that, if the City Council wishes to amend those goals, a report back to the Planning Commission would not be necessary. MZrmdp Attachment ' . MEMORANDUMi * m• '' ' • • •*• • •-November 14, 1975 • TO: . ft GOALS COMMITTEE : . FROM:. PLANNING DEPARTMENT . SUBJECT-: SUGGESTED REVISIONS TO THE ADOPTED LAND USE ELEMENT GOALS " " 'i "•During the' City Council hearings on the revised Land Use Element, Council- man Skotnicki suggested several alternative goal statements tc those in the draft Element that were proposed by the Goals Committee and the Plannina Commission. To avoid additional delav jn the adootion of the Element, the Council adooted those aoals contained in the draft. However, staff was instructed to forward the suggested goal statements to the Planning Commission for comment- and recommendation, with input from the Goals Committee, and returned to the Council as soon as possible. Staff has prepared the following analysis of each of Councilman Skotnicki's proposed goal statements: I.- Councilman Skotnicki's proposed goals A and G (see attached) represent, in more precise language, the intent of goal A in the adopted Element: A. Provide for an orderly balance of both public and. private land • uses within convenient and compatible locations throughout the City and to ensure that all such uses — their type, amount, design and arrangement—serve to protect and enhance the envir- onment and the character .and image of the community as a desir- able beach and open space oriented urban area. If the Committee is of the opinion that Mr. Skotnicki's goals are clear in their intent, the staff would recommend that the following be inserted in place of the.existing goal statement A: . ."Preserve and enhance the environment, character, and image of the City as a desirable residential, beach, and open space oriented community." . . ' and, . "Provide for an orderly balance of both public and private land uses within convenient and compatible locations throughout the City and ensure that all such uses -- their type, amount:, design and arrangement—serve to protect and enhance the environment, character and image of the City." .II.- Councilman Skotnicki's Goals Statement B is not covered as either a goal or a policy in the adopted Land Use Element. However, develop- mental guidelines for Commercial Land Uses already cover the intent of Mr. Skotnicki's Goals Statement. Additionally, one of the ma.ior recommendations of the Land Use Element is that the City should develop ft Specific Plan for the downtown as a special treatment area. The Staff v/ould recommend that Councilman Skotnicki's Goals Statement Can be included as a goal if the City of Carlsbad wishes to emphas'ize that a priority planning project should be'the revitalization, dcvelop.- ment and redevelopment of the Inner-City. However, the staff is of the opinion that is is not necessary. ' III. Councilman Skotnicki's Goal Statements D, E and F should more appro- priately be considered as Land Use Element Policies as- opposed to . goal statements. Although a number of the industrial and economical concerns are covered i.n other sections of the Land Use Element, items D, E and F could be included as policy statements. The existing policy statements discuss some aspects of Commercial and Industrial Land Use. Councilman Skotnicki's alternatives offer additional definition of Commercial and Industrial intent. IV. Item £ under Councilman Skotnicki's Goals discusses agricultural and horticultural activities. These land uses are already part of Open Space and Conservation Documents. However, it v/ould be logical to en- sure consistency from one Element to another by including Agricultural consideration in the Land Use Element. Therefore, the staff would recommend that item C be added as a.Pol icy Statement in the adopted Land Use Element. • • • ATTACHMENTS: Hemo from Councilman Skotnicki dated 9-30-74 Adopted Goals and Policies of Land Use Element MZ/vb DATE: SEPTEMBER 30, 1974 '. TO: ' MAYOI 'RAZEE • ' . ' COUNCILMAN CHASE ' ' COUNCILMAN MC CO:iAS .. . ..COUNCILMAN LEWIS ' FROM: Councilman Skotriicki . ' SUBJECT: DRAFT LAND USE ELEMENT » \Please consider the following as a possible replacement ' for the goals statement in the draft Land Use Element. Some of the goals are my own; some merely a rewording of those in the draft. You will recognize 'th:it I have tried to be more definitive-. and to keep the language simple. I interpret the term "goals" as a brier state- ment of a long term end to be achieved. The goals we choose should be goals that are recognizably those that apply to our City. Otherwise, they are of little value. To that end: II. Goals . ' ' "• ' A. Preserve and enhance the environment, character, and image of the city as a desirable residentially, beach, and open, space oriented area. • B. Create a pleasing and unique downtown area designed to attract the tourist and to provide the necessary amenities to the permanent residents of the area. C. Promote the economic viability of the agricultural and horticultural industries. D. Develop an industrial base of light, pollution free industries and of such magnitude as will provide a reasonable tax base and opportunities for employment of local citizens. E._ Generate the development of commercial enterprises .to support local industries, the local population and the tourist trade. F. Protect and conserve natural resources, 'fragile ecological areas, unique natural assets and historically . significant features. G. Provide for nn orderly balance of both public and private land uses within convenient and compatible: location:; throughout the city and to ensure that all such ui;on -- thoir type, amount, design and arrangement -- servo to pi:otoct and enhance the environment and the character and imago. oC the: city. • . - GOALS:(from Land Use EJ lent) A, Provide for an orderly balance of both public and private land uses Within convenient and compatible locations throughout the City and . to ensure that all such uses — their type, amount, design and arrange- ment — serve to protect and enhance the environment and the character and image of the community as a desirable beach and open space oriented urban area. • . B. Encourage development only in those areas which can best support a change in land use without adverse impact. ... a C. Preserve and maintain the visual and physical.character of all quality residential, commercic1 and industrial areas throughout the community and promote the upgrading and improvement of older or deteriorated areas so as to insure adequate levels of health and safety and ' strengthen the local economic environment and visual quality of the community. D, Develop land use policies which will identify, protect and conserve natural resources, fragile ecological areas,, unique natural assets and historically significant features. £. Strive to'make the objectives of the Land Use Element available to the greatest number of citizens possible. Implementation should consider the social, economic end physical impacts on the Community. 'POLICIES ' . {from Land Use Element) A. Permit the development of land only after adequate provision for ' services such as transportation, water, sewerage, utilities and public facilities. 8. Arrange land uses so that they preserve community .identity and are orderly, functionally efficient, healthful, convenient to the public and aesthetically pleasing. C. Discourage strip commercial development. D. Locate major conrjnercial and industrial centers in areas which are easily accessible to major transportation facilities. E. Encourage planned industrial parks as the preferred method of accommodating industrial uses. F. Consider those zone requests for local commercial land use within the areas designated for residential use, on-ly upon approval of a site . development plan and determination of .the following: 1. The adequacy and appropriateness of the proposal itself and impact on surrounding land uses. 2. Consistency vrith the guidelines contained in the General Plan. 3. Detailed site locations established through the specific planning process; and 4. Conflicts between the Land Use Plan and Zoning shall be resolved by the Planning Commission. G. Develop programs which would correlate rate of growth with service capabilities of the City. H. Consider proposals for medium-rise structuresrup to and including six stories, only upon the determination of the following: 1. The public" will receive substantial benefit from such an action, i.e., increased open space, floodplain preservation, slope protection, etc.; 2. There will be no substantial detrimental impact on the adjoining properties; and, 3. The approval of a.site development plan. I.. Specific Plans should be utilized to implement tho intent oT this Element in regard to Urban Land Reserves, Non-Residential Reserves . ' and Special Treatment Areas. 0. Develop and retain open space in all categories of land use. K. Encourage the types of commercial and industrial activities v/hich V/ill supply the City vn'th.a broad economic base, provi'de for the social need and reflect all environmental constraints. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING General Plan Amendment (GPA-39) (Land Use Element) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Carlsbad will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, April 20, 1976, at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California to consider amending the goal and policy statements of the adopted Land Use Element of the Carlsbad General Plan. APPLICANT: City of Carlsbad Publish: April 7, 1976 CARLSBAD CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING General Plan Amendment (GPA-39) (Land Use Element) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the City of Carlsbad will hold a Public Hearing on Wednesday, March 24, 1976, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California to consider amending the goal and policy statements of the adopted Land Use Element of the Carlsbad General Plan. Those persons wishing to cpeak on this proposal are cordially invited to attend the public hearing. If you have any questions, please call 729-1181 and ask for the Planning Department. APPLICANT: City of Carlsbad PUBLISH: . March 13, 1976 CITY OF CARLSBAD PLANNING COMMISSION