HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-04-20; City Council; 3634; 1976-77 Budget for Senior Citizens Centerc • • oCITY OF CARLSBAD AGENDA BILL NO . ^/ _ ' ' 'initial: • Dept.Hd. DATE: AprM280t1976 - - ___ DEPARTMENT; City Manager _ _ . • • C. Mgr.R Subject: . 1976-77 Budget for Senior' Citizens Center' Statement of the Matter . • On June 5, 1974, Council adopted Resolution No. 3440 establishing the Committee on Senior Citizens Affairs. In addition to advising the Cou/icil on all ma t ters pert i nent to Senior Citizens, the Commi'ttee is charged with the estab- lishment, maintenance and operation of the Senior Citizens Information Center. Council appropriated $14,000 from Rev-enue Sharing funds for .the operation of the Center during fiscal year 1975-76. The proposed operational budget for the Center during fiscal year 1976-77, is presented for consideration by the Council. Exhibit 1; Letter of Transmittal - Exhibit A 2. Letter from Ray Ede,. President Carlsbad Senior Citize.ns Association - Exhibit B .3. Proposed Budget for Sen'ior Center 1976-77 Ex-hibit C - Recommendat i on The 1976-77 Budget for the Senior Citizens Center be referred to Staff for consideration in the preliminary budget.' Council action ..-.-• 4^27-76 The 1976-77 Budget for the Senior Citizens Center was referred to Staff for consideration in the preliminary budget. March 31, 1976 Robert C. Frazee, Mayor Ci ty of Carlsbad Dea r Mr. Mayor: A proposed budget for the operation of the Senior Citizens Information Center is herewith submitted by the Committee on Senior Citizens Affairs. The Committee on Senior Citizens Affairs held a joint meeting with the Board of Directors of the Carlsbad Senior Citizens Association to discuss the budget for fiscal year 1976-77. The Board of Directors requested the Committee on Senior Citizens Affairs to consider funding the operation of the Center for next year and to omit a request for funding the Nutrition Program. The prepared budget reflects this consideration. Respectfully submitted, 3. Manuel Castorena Exhibit A c Incorporated in the State of California, June 25, 1975 Corporate number 738726 A Non-Profit Corporation CARLSBAD SENIOR CITIZEN's'ASSOCIATION 2945 Harding Street March 1 1976 Carlsbad, California 92008 Phone (714) 729-0484 To: The City Council, City of Carlsbad Through the Adrisory Committee for Staler Citisen Affairs Subject* Delation of Hmtritien Program f rom consideration for B«dg«t for tk« y»ar 1976-1977 Th« Carlsbad Senior Citisens' Association is eadeaToriag to find Mams of funding tbe eontin«atien of tae Senior Citiiens1 Mntrition program now in effect *t the Boeaa Vista Elementary School for the fiscal year 1976- 1977. We feel that ve would lather confine oarselres to asking the Adrisory Comittee to eoasider only toe actual operating costs of the Senior Cititen referral, Information and Service Center fer this next year, and we shall go on operating the hot lunch program for Seniors with funds which we hope to obtain elsewhere taaffcfroa the City of Carls- bad. Sincerely, President, Carlsbad Senior Cititens1 Association Exhibit B DO NOT ERASE TYPED INFORMATION CITY OF CARLSBAD DETAILED BUDGET REQUESTS FISCAL YEAR 1976-77 FUND: GENERAL 1-H4 DEPARTMENT: SR. CITI7FMq SUBMITTED BY: PAGE OF A/C NO. 0) 2210 2220 2450 2350 2530 2550 2650 2670 2870 3900 ACCOUNT NAME C2) UTILITY EXPENSE COMM." EXPENSE PROF. SERVICES RENT OF LAND OR BLDG POSTAGE MISC. OFFICE SUPPLIE PETROL PROD. SPECIAL SUPPLIES INSURANCE TOTAL M & 0 EQUIPMENT . TOTAL EQUIPMENT GRAND TOTAL ! i PRIOR Y£AR EXPEN. C3) 5 . 5 ADOF'TED BUDGET 1975-76 C4) - 0 - 975 9,226 180 . - 0 - 360 750 250 350 12,091 1,250 1,250 13,341 CURRENT YEAR EXPEND. ACTUAL (7 MO.) C5) 183 3,990 846 21 6 61 345 5,452 - 0 - - 0 - 5,452 EST. (5 .MO.) (6) 792 A, 570 - 339 744 189 5 6,639 1,250 1,250 7,889 EST. (12 MO.) (7) 975 8,560 846 360 750 250 350 12,091 1,250 1,250 13,341 BUDGET REQUEST (8) 975 9,576 4,000 360 750 100 400 16, 161 -0- -0- 16, 161 CITY MGR. RECOMMEND C9) COUNCIL APPFtf»|ES o FORM 2 FUND: GENERAL CITY OF CARLSBAD ANNUAL BUDGET FISCAL YEA* 1976-77 SUMMARY DEPARTMENT; SR. CITIZENS SUBMITTED BY: PAGE or- PERSONNEL SERVICES MATERIAL, SUPPLY, SERVICES CAPITAL 'OUTLAY TOTAL BUDGET APPROVED BUDGET 1-975-76 . 12,091 1,250 13,3*fl • -AS' OF • JAN. 31 '76 5,452 - 0 - 5,^52 EST. EXPEND. .1975-76 12,091 1,250 13,341 • ' DEPARTMENT REQUEST 1*976-77 16,161 -0- 16,161 CITY MANAGER RECOMMENDS 1976-77 COUNCIL APPROVAL 1975-77 DEPARTMENT OBJECTIVES The Carlsbad Senior Citizens Information Center operates for the benefit of Carlsbad senior citizens. This budget includes contracting for the' maintenance and operation of the Center. In addition to providing for the services of a coordinator, the budget provides funds for the operation of an information and referral service, social and recreational' activities and related ancillary programs. • . FUND: 1-134 CITY OF CARLSBAD OPERATING EXPENSE JUSTIFICATION FISCAL YEAR 1976-77 DEPARTMENT: Sr. C i tizens SUBMITTED BY: PAGE OF - A/C NO.ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET REQUEST EXPLANATION OF BUDGET REQUEST 2210 2350 2450 2550 2650 2670 2870 Commun i cat i ons Rental of Buildings Professional Services Misc. Off i ce Supp1 i es Petroleum Spec i a 1 Supplies Insurance Premiums TOTAL 975.00 4,000.00 9,576.00 360.00 750.00 100.00 400.00 $16,161.00 Installation of 3 phones and monthly charges Yea r1y rental Coodinator of Senior Citizens Activities General Office Supplies Mileage for transportation of Senior Citizens Miscellaneous supplies for programs Liability, "Workman's Compensation" FORM