HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-05-04; City Council; 3641; LIghting maintenance district reportAGENDA BILL NO. DATE: 3 V 7 / CITY OF CARLSBAD Initial: 4, 1976 DEPARTMENT; Engineering C. _ C. Mgr. J?v Subject: 1976-77&ig8S*'Vti?IMgEc8iSIE:[CT Statement of the Matter Section 18730 of the Lighting Maintenance District Act of 1927 requires that the City Engineer furnish the City Council with an estimate of the expenses for maintenance and operation for each fiscal year. The total estimated cost of maintenance and operation includes 20% for fuel cost adjustment and administration of the districts. Of the total estimated cost, the amount to be assessed to property owners will be reduced accordingly to reflect lighting costs for City owned properties and deposits collected from new developments which have not yet been incorporated into lighting districts. The proposed schedule for 1976-77 Lighting Maintenance District is ate- follows: Item . Report of Estimated Costs Contract with Utility Co. Confirmation of 1976-77 Assesment Roll Transmit Roll to County Tax Collector Exhibit Date May 4, 1976 July 20, 1976 August 3, 1976 August 6, 1976 A. Street Lighting Report of estimated costs. B. Staff Report Recommendation Approve a motion: 1. Accepting the report of estimated costs 2. Directing City Engineer to prepare the 1976-77 Assessment Roll. Council action 5-4-76 The Council accepted the report of estimated costs and directed the City Engineer to prepare the 1976-77 Assessment Roll. CITY OF CARLSBAD Street Lighting Report 1976-77 All the public ways or portions thereof within the City limits will be lighted as shown on the map filed with the Clerk of the City. The lighting systems to be maintained and operated shall include all existing lights within the public rights of way as shown on the map filed with the Clerk. These systems consist of the City-owned ornamental street light system and the utility- owned (SDG&E) system composed of ornamental lights and luminaires mounted on wood power poles. The items of maintenance and operation proposed to be furnished will consist of power, relamping, cleaning of lenses and repair or replacement of damaged circuits, electrical components and poles. The estimated cost of furnishing power and maintenance to the system is shown on attached Exhibit "A".. Many of the lights are presently being installed by developers who have deposited funds to coyer maintenance and operation during the next year. City participation is limited to lighting around City-owned parcels (Civic Center, parks, etc.). Lighting around schools, churches, freeway crossings, traffic signalized intersections and major streets through residential areas will benefit the City as a whole and will be assessed accordingly. The actual assessments to be levied against each parcel will be computed after July 1 when the 1976-77 assessor's roll will be available. TIM FLANAGAN City Engineer TCF/JES/sln i_3 < OEH •O(U §0 1 CQM i i O tJ1 Q -H CO \A CNco vo rH O in rH CN CO vo rH O in rH•co- CN •^ CNvo*3< rH CN CN F- CN VD "* rH CN *3* CN inin VD CN <? CM inm VD CM voin vovo CN CN VOin vovo CN CN C*- ** CO O CNH CO^r •* 00o CN rH -O 3 CO ^m CN o CO CO**in CN VOco rH •Si*r-- rH CN 1 o 1 T 00 r- ^3" CO rH 1 O 1 VDin o ^•^r co CN 1 O 1 00 CO CO VDin CNo, 1 <o- CN rH ^COo voin CO- COco voin CN o <o- ,_) ^coovo in •co- VO CO <TiCN vo r~ o r^ <* CN CN IDco r- co CN in CNi __iH~I r™l rH•co- co inin i r- r- o ro CO VD VD 1 rH rH VD VDto- co F- CMo •^ H rH•co- 00 CN rH O CO r-- VDto- —• o o in oo o CN CN «. h. O rH CN •[-»c\en•t cr> CN rH •10- •-p CQ •H Q 0) Uc(d Q)4j pj •H(dj>] -P_c~] Cri CQ-p CQ O r~r- MH 1 O VDr- Q) CTi -P rH (dg •H -P rrj (U ^0 1 >1 A->•H U CQ -Px: CT1 •HJ <U -P(d •^is* 1 1 1 1 1 o o o o o i I i i i ^ji ^j< vo ^f ooco oo in ** oo in in rH ^r inr-- r~- cri en CN rH voco 1 rH*s*o r- Mk 1 rH CN •CO- CD CO VD VD rH I- ^P CO rH ^f00 r- ^3*co *>. rH VD rH VDin VDin o *3* ^3*w CO CN VOcn rH 00 vo r^ CTi CMin». vo^ji co- . "1h-i f— 1o EH -P (U QJM 4JCQ 0)-P CNCNCOr-CTiOTTCOCOcocovooo^oorHvoco rH rH mo 0)ft EH C7^ C •H4J G 0g CQ G (U rH(d-PCcug G O ooo rfj O0 ooo CQ1cO £ n3oo IS ooo rH rd_p fl(Ug rd C rH O 0oo rH •pc0)grdC O ooo -PCQ 1 COd ndOO 12 Ooo rH rd-PfiQ) grdC O ooo rH fd -Pc0)grd j_i O 0oo rH rd•PC0)g(dfi O ooo r— CTi CNinvo ^T •co- co oo ^<r- vo o CN I- rH 00 CN <TirH r- vo rH in VO in rH•co- in •^ rH O VD ror-<o- -P i-p COd -P CQ O U cu EH O EH EH O EH Q) Cfl-p COoU •H 4JO rd rd -PG CQ(U -H -P C C-H •H grd *&g < CQ H (D O CM •d 0)f >1-p CQ -H •P Uc0) -P g (0DJ O CQH -P <1J X!> tPCD -H X! Co CQ -H-p -p ••H Cd CQ On O -H CU Oa) -HQ -PMQ) (do eu (d >i> -P T3 -H r-r~-r-ooor--oo rH CN CM rH CN O CQ.ffO rd3 J oo ro cr* ^r vo oo r— ^ vo CPiOOCNCNCTirHr-CNCO rH CN in CN EHH CQ Hffi X MEMORANDUM TO: City Manager FROM: Public Works Administrator SUBJECT: Lighting Maintenance District Costs The Lighting Maintenance District Estimate of Costs is comprised of four seperate items. Energy Costs, fuel cost adjustment, maintenance costs and administrative costs. The first and largest (63.2% of total City cost) is the cost of electrical energy. Next comes an item for fuel cost adjustment (6.3% of total City cost) to provide a cushion for increases in the cost of electrical energy during the coming year. Maintenance costs (21.4% of total City costs) covers the expense of repair and replace- ment of lights, poles, electric circuits, etc. Administra- tive costs (9.1% of total City costs.) covers the expense of administering the contract with S.D.G.&E., yearly confirma- tion of the assessment roll and dealing with the County Tax Collector. The increase in total cost is due to two factors. The largest is that energy costs for City owned lights has gone up an average of 28%. The second factor is that there are 59 more street lights this year than last. Since fuel cost adjustment, maintenance and administrative costs are percentages of the basic energy costs, raises are reflected there too. The total cost increase for City owned lights due to increased numbers and increased energy costs is $16,427.43, up 28.7% over last year. S.D.G.&E. lights are handled in a slightly different manner in that the basic rate per light includes the cost of energy and maintenance. To this is added 10% for fuel cost adjust- ment and 10% for Administrative costs. In 1976-77 the average cost per light is estimated to be $104.63 per year for S.D.G.&E. owned lights and $82.98 per year for City owned lights. A full report on the Administrative procedures involved in the establishment of districts, the assessment spread and confirmation of assessment roles will be included with the Agenda Bill on August 3, 1976. Ronald A. Beckman Public Works Administrator RAB/wv